Friday, December 30, 2005

"You can recognize a lady by her elegant air, but a genuine princess is exceedingly rare.."

"My heart cannot be trusted, I give you fair warning..."

Yeah, I don't know what to think right now, other than be thankful I have suddenly gained a very good friend. I'm glad we both agree to work and develop a friendship first, before anything else. Other options are still very open, I just don't want to rush into something without some form of foundation...

Today Drew had auditions for the new summer movie, "Faron: the Prophecy". It was fun, and great to see everyone again! We were all making jokes that reference other moves, like STAR WARS, The Matrix, and Lord of the Rings.... LOL! Oh, good times... :-) Even if I don't get a big role, I hope I can be involved in someway. The storyline sounds great and very solid, Drew did a good job. Laura, if you read this, we should do something. I miss your company. Last summer was so much fun! Oh, and Mike makes me laugh a lot! :-D

Also, I'm slightly annoyed with John H. but that's no surprise. *eye roll* He's been on MSN at like 1 am, asking me to come over and "hang out." I've asked him why and stuff, and it's the whole "I miss your comanpy" type junk. Well, he was at Faron auditions for a while today, and I didn't even get a hello. I know he sometimes acts that way in public, but it's retarded. I guess he has to be "cool," in a way that is totally NOT! I had barely walked into the room when Laura came over with a hello and a hug. While she showed me the forms I needed to fill out, Drew and Hannah said hello. A minute after that, while I was sitting and filling out the audition form, Isaac came over and said hello. So if John can't even manage a quick "Hi" and perhaps acknowledge my presence, he's not worth the time investment as my friend. It may sound cruel to some, and others might say that it was about time, but it doesn't matter. I feel like I have thrown up my hands, and there is nothing else I can do. I have never met anyone before who acts that way with no appearant reason. It's so immature. :-P

So enough of that...

Two days ago, Jessica and I went ice skating. Ooooh, it was great fun! I'm not very good... I fell down a lot... lol, but Kelvin and Scott came too. It was nice to see them :-D Then we went to Wal-mart and goofed around. I got a sweet STAR WARS t-shirt, and a cool belt. Then we went to JC Pennys and I got a jean jacket too. Later Jess and I watched "The Brothers Grimm" and had fun being creeped out. I love that movie! I think Jess and I are gonna hang out on New Years Eve, make avocado fetta salsa, watch "Kingdom of Heaven" and toast with sparkling apple cider at 12 am. YAY! :-D

Nothing much else that I feel like typeing right now... *HUGS*

"Oh, how I need someone to watch over me..."-Gershwin

Sunday, December 25, 2005

"God bless us everyone!"

"Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world.

Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him.

He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle, ever afterwards; and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!"
-C. Dickens

Yes, that is our Scrooge, (Chris) and Tiny Tim (Caleb). Don't they look great? :-) This picture makes me smile!

So I spent most of the afternoon on Facebook, wishing people a Happy Christmas, then I practiced piano a little, then I read the FoxTrot comic book. It made me laugh! I love FoxTrot! :-D

Matthew basically won the game of RISK they had going, and Stephen watched VeggieTales Lord of the Beans 3 times in a row. I think it just got left on... And evidentially the DVD just repeats after awhile. I got tired, so I took a nap on the couch about halfway through the 1st repeat. It was a nice nap. :-)

Dinner was good! Ham, potatoes, dinner rolls, the standard. I had seconds, and I a very content!

You know what makes me really happy? All warm and fuzzy inside? When people think about me. I obviously don't mean in a negative way. But things like when friends call me up, or talk on AOL and are like, "Hey, we should do something together." Sitting in a movie theatre, surrounded by friends... Remembering, inside, the fun and compantionship of the summer. Or when a friend has something bothering them and want a person to talk to, or discuss problems with :-) What also give me lots of warm happy feelings is random text messages and comments in my blog. I got a text from a friend today that White Christmas was on TV, and another message the other day quoteing a joke we had both enjoyed. I know I am very much a dork, but these things really make my day! :-)

I have amazing friends! It's utterly true... Thank-you from the bottom of my heart! :-)

"It's in the singing of a street-corner choir,
it's going home and getting warm by the fire!
It's true, wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas!

A cup of kindness that we share with another,
A sweet reuion with a friend or a brother!
In all the places you find love, it feels like Christmas!

It is the season of the heart
A special time of caring
The ways of love made clear
It is the season of the sprit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year!"

A part of childhood we'll always remember,
It is the summer of the soul in December!
Yes, when you do your best for love it feels like Christmas!"

Gosh, I miss Wartburg...

Happy Christmas!

"For unto us a Child is born. Unto us, a Son is given... And He shall be called: Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace!"

Okay, so I did't get the soundtrack to The Chronicles of Narnia. I will just have to buy it I guess, BUT I did get some other cool things:

A vacuum! Weird you might think, yes. But actually very very handy for cleaning messy college dorms. It a small Dirt Devil "PowerSTICK". I'm actually pretty excited! This will help a lot in trying to keep our rug clean! Thanks mom and dad!

My mom's parents gave me 3 AWESOME John Williams CDs! :-D The Best of John Williams and the Boston Pops and 12 of the 15 tracks were performed at the concert I saw in Chicago! YAY! And 2 disk set John Williams Greatest Hits 1969-1999

An ironing board! YAY! No more ironing on a towel on the floor! :-)

-Orange nail polish
-An orange "stress ball"
-Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm
-Like, 2 pounds of chocolate covered peanuts from my dad*
-Wartburg address labels*
-An indoor/outdoor thermometer
-A cool wreath ornament from Daniel*
-A sweet Christmas tree ornament from Philomena*
-An ice cream cone made to look like a christmas tree, from Matthew*
-A link for my Italian Charm bracelet
-Chocolates, and an insulated lunch box from my Uncle Greg, Aunt Val and family.

Mary gave the family some comic books:

Orlando Bloom has ruined everything! -FoxTrot
The Farside, Gallery 5
ATTACK of the Deranged Mutant Killer Moster SNOW GOONS -Calvin and Hobbs

What else... Daniel got some Bionicles, and Harry Potter and the Scorcerer's Stone DVD. Matthew got the game "Risk" (I want to learn how to play) some super jigsaw puzzles and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Mary got the soundtrack to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a M*A*S*H 4077 t-shirt. Philomena got some Polly Pockets, and a bullentin board, and VeggieTales Lord of the Beans DVD. Stephen got a sled, a bunch of additions to our Magnatex set and some matchbox cars and coresponding racetracks.

We all got chocolate, and homemade pretzels, and Daniel, Matthew and Philomena got a day-to-day calender with a different paper airplane for each day.

Mom got a some fancy soap dispensers for the bathrooms and some new kitchen things. Dad got a CD (from me...haha).

Overall, it was a good Christmas. :-)

We just finished watching Lord of the Beans, and all the special features. Daniel is playing with the Magnatex, with Stephen messing it up. Matthew is reading the instrunctions to RISK, Mary is doing something on the computer that involves listening to her new CD, and mom and dad are starting to fix the big family dinner. *I* am sitting here, listening to the Superman Theme on my John Williams CD, eating chocolate, and doing Facebook-type things, and AOL-ing.

(*homemade gift... always sweet and nice!) :-)

*happy sigh*

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Gingerbread pictures

Ok, ao here are the pictures Jessica and I took when we made cookies together on Monday... With comments provided by yours truely... :-D

This is me trying to mix the dough... It was hard! The hand mixer made the bowl move around a lot.

After the dough was all mixed, we discovered that it had to "chill." We thought that it might cool faster if we set it outside, in the snow... After all, it was about 12 degrees Farenhiet out... (It didn't work... We had to put it in the fridge.)

No, that really is cookie dough... We were getting ready to roll the dough, (later that night) and both Jess and I agreed that it looked like... Poop. Soooo, like the mature college students that we are, we modified it, and took a picture. :-D

Jess cut out a gingerbread man, and now she is trying to move him to the baking stone without damaging his already finger-printed body.

And as you can see, it didn't work. Poor, poor decapitated
gingerbread man... Jessica, aka Dr. Frankenstein had her work
cut out for her... (haha!)

Here is a look at some of our other cookies. As you can see,
we did not limit ourselves to just Christmas cookies cutters,
but utilized the Hallowe'en ones as well! We are so rescourceful!

With the rest of the dough we made "free style" cookies. The
Four snowmen, and die are mine, and the castle is Jessica's.

Okay, I don't know if you can tell, but the icing was
really really HARD to squeeze out. And then sometimes
it wouldn't stick to the cookie... :-P There was lots of grunting
and hand massaging...

This is Jessica eating her "psycadelic gingerbread bear". As you
can tell, we had lots of fun with the icing, depsite the fact it was
hard to squeeze out. Yeah... We basically decided that Jess's bear
was what you would see if you were on drugs.

A picture of ALL the gingerbread cookies!!! :-D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Family is fun!

Okay, so evidentially getting up before 11 am means Sarah has to take a nap because she gets tired... I don't know why... I got around 7 hours of sleep... :-P

Yep, so I took a nap today... I crashed on the couch around 1:30. I didn't think I could fall asleep, but I figured I could lay there with my eyes closes, warm under a bkanket. I was wrong. I slept. I slept in spurts. But it didn't matter.

I was awoken however, around 2:45 by my youngest brother, Stephen. He poked me in the head a couple times, and when I groggily opened my eyes he said: "Sarah, I need to check if you're hungry." I was like, "Wha-? Okay..." So he had me move the blanket, and he leans over and listens to my stomach. After about 10 seconds, he stands, and looks at me, stating: "Nope, you're not hungry." and then he walked away. I promptly fell back asleep.

LOL! I don't know what led to this... Like, he obviously understands that when you are hungry, your stomach makes noise, but still does not grasp the complex concept this does not happen EVERY time you are hungry, nor does it deal with the degree of hungry-ness. But, I still think he's pretty smart... :-)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Archival fun!

Because I'm slightly bored, but want to post something, it's time to dig back in the bowels of this Webblog with 7-18-05!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sarah = sleepy

Ok, the staying up late and sleeping in late has got to stop. I need to get myself to bed earlier... I think I will be able to get more done that way....

Um... Finishing the gingerbread post... The icing was really hard to squeeze out... Stupid Cake Mate tubes... So there was lots of grunting and complaining involved... And then sometimes the icing wouldn't stick to the cookies, so we would eat it... Then we got tired of cleaning out the previous icing before chaning the icing tip (there were 4 tips and 6 colors of icing) so we started mixing colors... It got pretty wild! :-D Oh, what fun, what fun....

Mom and Dad went Christmas shopping today! Yay!

Ok, to bed! TALLY-HO!


Oh, today was fun! Jess and I were set to meet at Cabin Coffee for... coffee... haha... at 11:30 am.

Sooo... I woke up at 8:30, and reset my alarm for 9:30... Woke up at 9:30 and turned off the alarm completely, and fell back asleep... Woke at 10:45, when my sister came in to get dressed, thought "Oh, I'll just doze until 11..."


I woke up at 11:20 am, and rolled out of bed, (thinking "Oh crap!) as I dialed Jessica's cell, to tell her that I would be late. I FINALLY got a hold of her, then put myself together, and I was able to make it to Cabin Coffee by 11:50.

Ahhh, Cabin Coffee, how I love thee! I had a Chi Tea (as usual) with peppermint flavor added (something new!) along with a blueberry scone, and Jessica had her norm of turtle mocha yummyness! :-D

Then we went to Fareway because we did not have any eggs, icing or molasses to carry out our plan of making gingerbread! We purchased the aformentioned items, and went to her house and looked over the recipe. This led to a discussion of what "soda" actually is. I thought it was like soda water... You know, that gross fizzy stuff, like alka skeltzer, but not medicine. She thought it was just baking soda. I disagreed because the recipe also called for baking powder. However, after googling "definition of 'soda'" we just decided that it really was baking soda, and commenced to make the cookie dough.

And then I had a discussion with Jessica about how to properly measure flour, and then later she added the molasses to the wrong bowl. *sigh* What am I going to do with her? ;-) It all went good though. I blended all the stuff with the hand mixer. And made a mess. Then we wanted to roll it out and start making cookies, but we discovered that it was too soft. Which, according to the recipe, ment it needed to chill. (We also discovered that it looked like poop. Not that it looked bad, meaning unedible. It just looked like poop. Probably because it was lumpy and brown. But it smelled good.)

So ANYWAY setting it out in the snow for 15 minutes was not enough time, so we put it in the fridge. Then Jessica had to go babysit, and I tagged along for a while... Then I went home and got ready for work.

Then I went to work at the gift shop. Fun huh? :-)

Then, I came home.... And went back to Jessica's, and we decided that the dough looked WAY too much like poop to go unoticed, so we rolled it into a turd-like pile, and took a picture. :-D (We are soooooo 5th graders...haha!)

Then we rolled out the dough, and cut out gingerbread bears... One for each member of our families... Then we did two giant gingerbread men, one for each. Then, with the rest of the dough we made gingerbread bells, trees, and stars... Then we wanted to use the other cookie cutters, so we made a gingerbread bat and a witch, a pumpkin and a cat.

Annnnd, it's late, so I'm gonna finish later...

Saturday, December 17, 2005

What I want for Christmas...



What a way to show some school spirit, eh?

We wantssss it.... My precioussssss... Yessss.... Such pretty orangienesssss....

Home again, Home again...

I passed all my classes!!!! WOOHOOOOO! An no C's!!! WHAT a relief!!!! *happy sigh* Ok... seven more semesters to go...

I came home late Thursday afternoon, and for the past two days I have been sleeping in untl 12:45-1 pm. It's nice to have that luxury, but a lot of the day light part of the day is gone...

I'm so stir-crazy now that I'm home... I go from having friends that are 3 floors away, to friends that are 5 HOURS away... AHHH! It makes it hard to organize inpromtu movie nights... I just wanna go DO something...grrrr....

...Maybe I'll look into making gingerbread cookies. That sounds like it could be fun... I've never made gingerbread before...

Ok, so I had this weird dream last night that I was on a treasure hunt with a bunch of my friends. Unfortunately we couldn't figure out the rhyme, so we Googled it, and got it figured out... Hmmm... Think I use Google a lot? I believe I do...

I should run to Wal-Mart and get my film developed too...

Monday, December 12, 2005


Flute jury was the worst thing in my life. I played horribly. They said to me: You don't practice NEARLY enough to be a music major... How can you teach if you can't play your own instrument?

And there was no one to help prep me for my jury. It was just me. Me running my scales. Me reviewing my solo and my etudes. Me sitting there. Me waiting. Me feeling sick. Me trying to remember to breathe.

Reality is harsh... High school spoiled me.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christmas Carol

Ok, so it's been forever since I last posted... Finals will do that to you...

Thursday was opening night for the Christmas Carol. It went pretty well, however the crowd was SO small! Like 25 people I think. There were a couple dropped lines but it was a good show. The most hilarious thing that happened was when Cratchet comes in "late" the day after Christmas. Rob (Bob Cratchet) comes in carrying a pile of books, sees Scrooge pretending to be his old self, and drops them. Well, for some reason, Rob had trouble gathering the fallen books was he pretended to be flustered. He got them on the desk and about four of the books fell off again (a couple actually losing their covers) and he ducked down to pick them up and his scarf got caught on the corner of the desk. So as Rob is trying to gather the books, he's trying not to strangle himself... WOW! It was the funniest thing to watch EVER! The small crowd was laughing, and the cast, backstage, is trying SO HARD not to laugh out loud... It was a riot!!!

There's more but I have to go. It's the closing show tonight. :-(

This whole thing was so fun!!! :-D

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Poptarts and Mountian Dew makes for a delicious breakfast!

Happy St. Nicholas day!

Friday, December 02, 2005


Quote of the day:

"Look at me. I am covered in fun. You are not."

-Me after playing in the snow with Kristen. Julia, Rachel, and everyone else didn't want to play in the snow. :-P

Kristen and I made 3 snow angels each, tracked a giant "W", make hopping tracks in the snow, and did the bunny hop dance in the snow.
I just took a 2 hour nap and I feel amazing!

Now I'm off to dinner and then I will practice my flute...

Followed by work from 8 to 11-ish.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005



I'm sorry, I had to throw out your awesome pumpkin... It suddenly exploded into mold... It looked kind of like sour cream...

Yeah, it was gross...

But, it was cool while it lasted. Thank-you!


Brief blog

Ok, more John Williams is coming, I promise, but I have to get to bed, but I want to briefly blog...

Tonight for Christmas Carol, they were setting up lights and stuff. I really didn't want to go... However, the e-mail I recieved made it seem slightly mandatory... I have a million OTHER things that I have to do... But I was thinking... You know, what a good way to help out with the show? Here's a chance to learn and be involved in other aspects of the theatre... Everyone else also has lots of things to do, so my excuse really doesn't hold a candle comparing it to other people, so why not go for a while...

So I went... I was one of five people who showed up... Marshall, Matt, Mattie, Sarah, and Me.... How weird is that???? lol... It ended up being an absolute blast! I'm really glad I went! I got to learn how to set up lights, and I hung out on the catwalk in the Lyceum and had tons of fun! It was good company all around... On the catwalk at least. :-)

Afterwards, Marshall bought us ice cream from the Den, to express his gratitude. I had a mint chocolate-chip ice cream cookie. It was yummy! :-)

Oh, I have failed to mention, we have snow!!! :-D It's awesome! I love it! Yay!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

When math is fun...

If x = y, and y = mx + b then:

x = Vomit

y = Gross

m = Drinking

Which results in: Gross = Drinking(Vomit) + b

b = Bad


Gross = Drinking(Vomit) + Bad

This is what we established in my Intermediate Composition class today when we debated on whether or not the drinking age should be lowered from 21 to 18.

Monday, November 28, 2005

An Experience of a Lifetime!

Wow... The concert was amazing... That's all I can think to describe it... AMAZING! It was such an experience to be there, to see John Williams live, and actually feel the music, and watch him conduct... To sit in Symphony Hall in Chicago, amid young and old, seeing the lights, listening to a professional orchestra... Just recalling the memory sends shivers up my spine... *happy sigh* I went with Melanie, Megan, Scott, Mihori, Chelsea, and Melanie's friend Trina.


Here is a low down on the concert, with a link to a midi recording of each piece, so maybe you can get some idea of the music... I regret that a midi recording is all I have to offer... >:-( It does the music of John Williams a very great injustice...

Chicago Symphony Orchestra John Williams, conductor


The Cowboys Overture
This piece just blew me away... The Wartburg Wind Ensemble played it last year, so I had heard a small part of it when I had sat in on rehearsal... I love how his music can convey such a strong feeling of power. When it started, it brought tears to my eyes and I could not stop grinning! The trombones and upper voices were the big feature in this piece, and the syncopation was catchy! :-) It sounds dorky, (and it is) but while listening to this piece, my mind, on total over-excited mode was like: "Wow!!! COWBOYS ARE COOL! I want to be a cowboy!!! Then I could ride around on a horse all day, listening to cool music like this!!!! Where's my sunset?! Yee-haw!!!"

Excerpts from Close Encounters of the Third Kind
I haven't seen this movie, but the music was creepy! John Williams gave the downbeat, and for about 5 seconds, there was no sound... Then you felt it... Then, if you listened REALLY hard, you could begin to hear the faint sound of the strings... And it built and built and BUILT until BOOM! The string basses, and low brass completed the crescendo. It was a more abstract piece, but still absolutely brilliant. :-D

Two pieces from War of the Worlds
-Escape from the City
(I couldn't find midi music to the pieces performed...) John Williams told the audience that while Close Encounters of a Third Kind depicts the arrival of friendly aliens, War of the Worlds, based on H. G. Wells 'science-fiction story, is about the arrival of unfriendly aliens. This music was loud and ominous right from the start. I had seen this movie over the summer with Jessica; however, I am not as familiar with this score... The music still creeped me out, though! I'm not a fan of 'medical' type gore, and there was lots of that in this movie. It featured a lot of low-voiced instruments. It was one of those pieces that you listen to and think: "Wow.... POWER!!!"

A Tribute to Three Legendary Composers:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
I've never been a big fan of the Star Trek series. It just didn't appeal to me... I like the impossibility of STAR WARS as opposed to "what might happen". However, the music was adventurous sounding... Like: "Here we go! We are plowing through the endless voids of space, boldly going where no man has gone before! Go Enterprise!" It's a good high brass, upper strings piece.

Raksin, arr. Morley
This is supposedly one of the most beautiful love songs ever written, and I agree... It was a smooth, touching piece... It makes you think of candlelight dinners and chocolate... Mmmm... :-) Watching John Williams conduct this was also touching. Seeing the gestures and facial expressions he used to convey how he wanted the orchestra to sound was really great... Wow.... *sigh*

Theme from The Magnificent Seven
ANOTHER COWBOY SONG!!! YEE-HAW!!!! :-D I loved it!!!! I remember watching bits and pieces of this movie with my brother Matthew, and asking him a million times what was happening and who was who, and doing what.... (I just asked Rachel if Charleton Heston or Cary Grant was in this movie... The answer is no... That was Big Country... It's Yul Brenner who is in this one...) I love listening to the syncopation! It implies stagecoaches, dust, gold mining, cattle rustlin', and cactus... This is another piece during which I could not stop smiling... HOWEVER! I'm still waiting for my horse and sunset.... lol....

Conquest from Captain from Castile
arr. Williams
It was really neat! It was a Spanish-themed, so it was VERY heavy on high brass, and high strings. Amazing snare drum part... Go percussion! It's very articulate, with such a great style... Plus it's a march, so it had a steady beat, and a good drive. It was almost a Spanish cowboy piece... :-)


-Okay, so it's actually 12:20 am and I'm really tired... I'll have to finish later... *sigh*

Friday, November 25, 2005




Date and Time

Saturday, November 26, 2005
Event, 8:00 pm


Chicago Symphony Orchestra
John Williams, conductor


The Cowboys Overture

Excerpts from Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Two pieces from War of the Worlds

A Tribute to Three Legendary Composers:

Star Trek The Motion Picture

Raksin, arr. Morley

Theme from The Magnificent Seven

Conquest from Captain from Castile

arr. Williams
Tribute to the Film Composer

The Sea Hawk

Out to Sea and Shark Cage Fugue from Jaws

Three Pieces from Harry Potter

Three Pieces from Star Wars

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Addicitve Silly Fun...

I haven't done these for a really long time!

You Are The Stuffing

You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together.
People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why.

You Are Cream Pie

You're the perfect combo of simplicity and divinity
Those who like you life for understated pleasures

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to: Jessica, Julia, Jill, Kristen, Rachel, Nicole, Becky, Mom, Dad, Mary, Matthew S., Daniel, Philomena, Stephen, all my aunts and uncles, their families, both sets of grandparents, and everyone else!

Happy Holidays! You guys rock, and make me smile! :-)

Now I just have to get through finals...

ANYWAY, we have a slight probelem.... Our oven is broken! A neighbor has graciously allowed us the use of theirs, so we are now running back and forth across the street as my mom bakes and cooks for the big meal of the day... How crazy is that?

My siblings are watching the Macy's Parade... Evidentially, Mr. Potatoehead just went by.

Oh! And there is still snow here! LOL... It's mostly in the ditches, but it's there!

It's sunny! I'm glad, as poor Charlie the English Ivy Plant is starting to waste away back in the dorm... The sun will do him good.

I'm hungry! I can't wait for the turkey and gravy! YUM! :-D

Harry Potter number 3!

Hey!!! I went and saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire again! For the THIRD time! :-D WOOHOO!

I went with my sis: Mary, and my friends Jessica, and Kristen, and Kristen's boyfriend came too. It was absolutely lots of fun seeing it again, but for some reason the surround sound wasn't working at the Lake Theatre, so it was only coming from the front... I went back and told them... but I guess they couldn't fix it... so that kind of stunk...

Then Jess came back here and we chilled on the compy for a while... Watching silly flash cartoons... (BANANA PHONE!) Talking with some friends on AOL, and eating popcorn.

Geez, it's still windy... brrrrr....

It's late, so I'm gonna toddle off to bed.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Home at last!

1. Run (i.e. walk) to the bank, and cash my paycheck check!
2. Clean the room (vacuum, sweep etc.) sweep-check, vacuum-not yet
3. Wash the dishes ... um, nope...
4. Pack for home/Pack for the John Williams concert check!
5. Take out trash check!
6. Throw out that stupid pumpkin regrettably check...
7. Find the Christmas lights, to get ready to put up, when I return from break not yet...
8. Make my bed... If I feel like it... Wow... THAT was wishful thinking!
9. Nap maybe? um, maybe not...

I also turned the heat as low as it could go, and closed the vent, watered Charlie the English Ivy Plant, turned off my printer, turned off Rachel's computer and printer, turned off the fans, and threw out the pizza box.

I rode home with Julia and Jill! It was so much fun! It was really windy... Wow... really windy! I hope everyone else made it home okay. Hopefully I'll hear from them sometime over break.. Jill, Julia and I all sang along to the radio! Kind of badly but we didn't care... Julia danced with a peanutbutter sandwich on her head, which sounds really odd... But very funny! And we invented some new dance moves.... Admittedly, we were getting some strange looks from people who were driving past... hahaha!

Got home.. Discovered Mom made my favorite veggie dip! I have now finished almost the entire bowl, PLUS lots of broccoli... My digestive tract is gonna be so clean! lol...

Jess is coming over!!! YAY!


My last class is over! I am officially on Thanksgiving break!

I need to:

1. Run (i.e. walk) to the bank, and cash my paycheck
2. Clean the room (vacuum, sweep etc.)
3. Wash the dishes
4. Pack for home/Pack for the John Williams concert
5. Take out trash
6. Throw out that stupid pumpkin
7. Find the Christmas lights, to get ready to put up, when I return from break
8. Make my bed... If I feel like it...
9. Nap maybe?

TV watching and joyous dancing to music is also in order!

I am excited to go home to visit! :-D

Monday, November 21, 2005


Scrooge:[shouting] And therefore! I am going to put a raisin your salary!

Rest of cast: Raisin? HAAAAAA!

Me: It's like trail mix!

It's supposed to be: And Therefore! I am going to put a raise in your salary!

Bob C.:[improvising excuses for being late, after Scrooge's reform] I... Some boys... A-attacked m-me... with sn-snow... MY SHOES WERE ON FIRE! ...I'm sorry... I-it won't happen again...

Dr. Earl: I liked the first part... However, scratch the shoes bit...

Ooooh, fun times fun times!

I love my parents! They rock!

Catch me...

Friday, October 21, 2005

"... Sarah, I need a girl like to you fall for me..."

-What makes you think I haven't already?

I seem to fall too quick and too fast...

Now I'm falling and there's no one to catch me as I reach the bottom...

I may shatter into a million pieces...

It makes me sad, jealous, and lonely seeing the mannerisms I enjoy, directed at other people and not me...

Rerverting to the pining I experienced this summer seems like a nice option.... At least that wit didn't sting... I never fell asleep with tears in my eyes as a result of those feelings.

"He laughs at my dreams, but I dream about his laughter..."

I know I am loved... But there are times it's not enough... It hurts to be specific

I'm wishing...

I miss the way it was...

Studied today... kind of a lot...

Went to handbell concert.... rocked...

Worked today... way too much...

Now I'm sleepy...

To do list:

Go out of my way to show people how much they mean to me...
Learn Christmas Carol lines
Study for my religion exam
Try to ace my piano seminar
Work on my Foundations of American Ed presentation

So many warm memories.... Why do I feel so meloncholy?

The people who I want to need me, don't seem to....

Jess, I wish you were here... I need a shoulder to cry on....

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Harry Potter take 2

I saw HARRY POTTER again, for the second time! It was grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! ALthough, I think there is some voice-overs going on.... Hmmm... future viewing will have to determine this....

Oh! And I would so TOTALLY date Neville! Awwwww!!!! This movie just absolutely endeared my heart to him.... Ooooooh! :-D

Friday, November 18, 2005










:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

I CAN'T WAIT TO GO SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



My socks match today.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Overwhelmed, and in need of some cheer...

"What I'd give to return
To the life that I knew lately
But I know now I can't
All my problems going by..."

I need to work on my jelousy... I thought I had gotten it under control...

Gah... I have a lot of stuff to do... :-P

And today, at 2 pm, I discovered that my socks don't match.

But if I can get through tomorrow, maybe things will look better... At least I have Harry Potter to look forward to....

You definately don't get enough hugs at college....


Wow... It's really drafty at my desk beside the window.... And it's really hard to type with gloves on... LOL!

Random: The oboe part in the song "If I Can't Love Her" from the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast is absolutely beautiful! :-D

The snow is really pretty, but for some reason the shock of the cold feels out of place... Am I the only one who thinks that time is flying by? It really seems like it was just yesterday that they had the slip 'n' slide out in the complex. Wow.

Mmmm... You know what would be really good right now? Chocolate croissants... um... Pain au chocolate, I think they're called? With the French accent ticks.... um... yeah...

WOOHOO! Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens on Friday! I can't wait!

AND THEN YOU KNOW WHAT!? THE WEEK AFTER THIS IS JOHN WILLIAMS!!!!! What an experience that will be! :-D AND I get to go to Chicago... Hopefully I won't be sick this time... LOL!

Today, in drum class I learned how to play a swing beat and a rock beat on the drum set. It's was pretty cool! However, it takes a lot of coordination... A lot of which I don't have... Hahaha!

I am excited to go home briefly for Thanksgiving. I miss my family! Quizzing Stephen about Thomas the Tank Engine, (I swear that kid knows EVERYTHING about Sneaking up behind Matthew and giving him hugs... Singing Phantom of the Opera (very badly, I might add) with Mary while doing the dishes... Having tickle fights and wrestling with Daniel... And just the overall sweetness from my littlest sister Philomena. *warm fuzzies*

And of course I miss Mom and Dad too! I miss Mom's cooking (but not the meatloaf...) and her hugs... You don't get a lot of hugs at college I noticed... And I miss watching CSI with Dad and hearing him whistle and sing all over the house... lol! You can always tell where he is... :-)

Heck, I miss my dog too! Even though she smells and is in dire need of a

Even though I miss home, I absolutely love it here at Wartburg. I really think I made the right choice... :-) It feels like home here too... :-) I'll miss it a lot over Christmas break...

However, I will not miss the stupidly slow internet connection... :-P

I'm hungry... and sleepy... Maybe I should go to bed now...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Why do I procrastinate so???

The question now is: do I sleep for 2 hours then go to class, or just stay up???

I hate papers... I hate the fact that I put it off so much...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Yay! As I type it is snowing like a really snowy place... um... yeah... YAY FOR SNOW! :-D It's also really windy... BOO TO WIND! I duct taped one of our windows in our dorm to help stop the draft.

And I broke a door in the FAC... Ooops... lol...

Play practice tonight was fun! Except that my scene has lots of heavy props... Thank-you wonderful narrators who set up the Cratchit house! :-D You rock!

So, Rachel and I haven't really talked to Matt since Saturday afternoon, and Matt really hasn't talked to us... I truely think this whole thing is just getting silly... I can't speak for Rachel, but I miss him! Walking to the FAC by myself to get Rachel for dinner is so not fun... I don't think I've been taking him for granted but holy smokes, I notice when he's gone! Boston Legal just isn't the same without his his wit and humor. Even the popcorn didn't taste as good because he wasn't here to share it.

I see all these funny things, and aquire all these silly stories... It sucks that he's not here to share them with Rachel and I... *is put out*

Why can't we three all just apologize in one big group and be a trio again?????

Humility... IT'S A VITURE! Let's be Christians and practice it... Please?


Monday, November 14, 2005

"Alone in the Universe"

I'm not good at relaying messages... It's hard when you have two people talking at once... What did I do? How can I fix it?

"How long must this go on?
This cruel trick of fate
I simply made one careless, wrong descision


Is there no one?
Who can show me
How to win the world's forgiveness?"

I miss his company... I've learned to treasure any friendship, and his means the world to me...


Saturday, November 12, 2005

"Swish-swish, click-click, swish-swish-swish..."

*sits on edge of seat* Do you want to know the coolest thing???? About the Artist series they have coming next year??????

Oh. My. Gosh.



*faints and dies*

I CANNOT BELIEVE MY LUCK!!!!! They will be doing the show: "The Complete Works of God, Abridged" and not "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abrigded" but THAT IS OKAY!!!! *screams* I can't wait!!! :-D I am in shock!!!! According to "Uncle" Hans, (very awesome guy, who works in the theatre department) they will be coming September 26th 2006!!!! WOHOO!!!! :-D

ANNNNND! "Uncle" Hans will be starting a group to learn stage combat! How cool is that???? I'm gonna join, I think it would be awesome fun! He found two cheap practice foils in the theatre clostet and gave Matt and Rachel a hour lesson... I am very very jelous... But they did look cool! So we'll see how that unfolds... :-)

Is this not the coolest college ever???!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Play's the thing...

For the record of those who would understand, the following post does not pertain to the times I was in Missoula Children's Theatre.

So play practice was interesting...

I don't know what to think... I feel so self conscious... It's not that I'm excluded from the troupe, or anything... I actually feel very accepted... I don't know.... I guess it's just a new thing for me to go to play rehersal and actually have friends there... People who will talk and joke with me... specifically talking to *me*... I don't have to dig some form of conversation out of people, like highschool.

I must admit, it's really really nice!

Compared to the total unfunness that was my highschool play exerpience, being in the Christmas Carol is akin to the sun bursting out of the clouds and this voice, Monty Python-esque, shouting from the heavens, saying: "SARAH! LOOK! THEATRE CAN BE FUN!!!!"

It's weird!

And this brings it back to the awkward, self consciousness... *People I know, and are friends with, are watching me* So as I'm trying to say my lines I'm thinking: "Am I doing this right? Is this okay...? I bet some of the cast is watching me...*gulp*" and then I stumble accross some lines and move upstage instead of down etc. And then I blush and laugh and... Does this constitute as stage fright? It could be a form, I guess... But I've never had this problem before.

And the fact that there are some nice looking guys in the cast doesn't help either.

LOL... I'm asking myself: "Am I good enough for this?" and I think I am... I just need to learn my lines and commit to my character...

It is only my 3rd rehearsal after all...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


The cool thing I discovered today about playing the snare drum... Or at least PRACTICING the snare drum is that once you learn the sticking pattern you can practice with your eyes closed and doze as your hands go on auto-pilot.

Now I realize that this may not be the most effective way of learning this instrument. But. Yeah. My eyes were having trouble staying open!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Just something quick...

So lately I've been having bouts of verbal dyslexia... And I want to blog about them before I forget them... Because they're funny!

Last Sunday, Rachel, Matt and I were watching "Most Haunted Live!" and I ment to say "ominous" but for somereason it came out "omnibus"... HAHA!

1: Menacing; threatening: ominous black clouds; ominous rumblings of discontent.
2: Of or being an omen, especially an evil one.

1: A long motor vehicle for passengers; a bus.
2: A printed anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjects.

Um, yeah... Big difference... :-)

And then the other day my Aunt sent me some Toblerone chocolate. (Which I absolutely LOVE!!!) However I called it, "Toh-ber-lone" instead of "Toh-bler-rone". Matt and Rachel looked at me very confused like... And yeah... LOL!

Finally, today at lunch, we were talking about ice cream, and one of the girls at the table (her name escapes me at the moment) mentioned that the "scoop yourself" ice cream was the "pink, vanilla, and brown kind" and I was like: "What? Napoleon?" and Jill and Matt, (who were also at the table) look at me... and I repeat it: "Napoleon! You know! The 'pink, vanilla and brown' kind!" then Jill looks at me some more and replies: "You mean Neopolitan?"

1: French general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821)
2: a rectangular piece of pastry with thin flaky layers and filled with custard cream.
3: a card game similar to whist; usually played for stakes.

1: a resident of Naples.

1: Ice cream in brick form, with layers of different colors and flavors.

Yes. That one.

In other news, the band concert tonight was amazing! I can't wait for my mom and siblings to come hear it. It's too bad that my dad can't come... :'( I miss everyone a lot...

I can touch my toe... It feels weird.

I just got done watching Disney's "Hercules" with Matt. It was great fun! :-) Matt rocks my swashbuckling socks!

Okay, I'm going to bed.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Bonfire Night

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot,
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
'Twas his intent
To blow up the King and the Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below,
Poor old England to overthrow:
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
Hip hip hoorah!

Okay, so I know Guy Fawkes was a Catholic, and mad that England broke off from the church, but that doesn't make it right to try to blow up people.... But anyway, it's an interesting holiday.

Yay for history!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Hey! Today I'm wearing the stripey black and green socks with the skull and crossbones on them today! Yay for birthday presents from Mary!

The Wartburg internet is really slow... How frustrating...

Tonight I'm gonna go to the candlelight dinner with Matt, and eat fast and then go to percussion class... hmmm... it should be interesting... I suck at rolls, and sticking still feels weird... so who knows how it's gonna go? :-P

Tonight is the $1 movie night at the Palace! YAY! I want to go see The Corpes Bride... I hope I can get someone to go with me... The movies start at 11:30, but I don't have class until 1pm on Thursday, so it's all good.

I was just thinking that I should go buy some milk sometime so I can start drinking the chi tea I got for my birthday, and eat some of the Kix I

You know, the candy Smarties are really good....

The papers are coming! The papers are coming! I have a mandatory re-write for the paper in english that I just turned in, due Tuesday, and a paper due in religion NEXT Friday... So I will be working on those this week... :-P

OH! Last night Matt, Rachel and I watched Boston Legal. It was cool! ANNNND, Rachel and I had a tickle fight again... lol... Matt joined in briefly, and got me when my back was turned.... Or at least when I didn't expect it... lol!

Well... That's about it... For now at least... I just felt like posting some random stuff that I was thinking... I'm off to practice for my flute lesson.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Hallowe'en!

Toe update:

Tuesday, around 9:30 am I went to health services on campus and the nurse looked at it, and said I should have it looked at by the doctor. *sigh* Okay, so I call Julia because I want her to come with, for moral support. And then I try to scrounge up a ride... Rachel was in the shower, and wouldn't be out in time for my appointment, Julia couldn't get a hold of Jill, and I couldn't get ahold of Matt. (I found out later that he was sleeping... lol) Soooo I called Erik, and wake him up, and he agrees to take me to the health center.

Sooooo we get there.... after I hobble out to D Lot... And we get to the clinic, and I fill out paperwork, and MORE paper work... Just paperwork out the wazoo!

Then I wait, and before I can figure out what's on Nick Jr. the nurse calls for me. And I go back.... and she weighs me... (No "freshman 15" yet! YES!!!!) Then in the examining room, she takes my temperature and pulse... (Quoi??? Yes... I'm alive... and my toe has not been festering to the point where it would cause a fever...) And then I wait again. And the doctor comes in, and he's like "Sooo, I hear you have an ingrown toenail..." and I'm like: "Uhhhh, I have no toenail..." So he takes off the band-aid and looks at my toe, and guess what...

He suggested that it would probably be in my best interest to have it removed. (um... what's left of the nail in my toe... just incase there was any confusion... I DID NOT have my toe amputated...)


So after much not funness, I decided, okay... let's just get it over with...

However, the worst part is, I had to get shots in my TOE to get it removed... :-( So I called the nurse at health services and she came and helped me get through it...

Wow... It hurt a lot... And I'm not exaggerating! I survived my vaccinations this summer, but this! :'( Since they had to numb my toe, they actually had to FIND the nerve they were going to numb.... THREE TIMES!

Yes. I had to get three shots. In my toe. AHHHH!!!!!

When the shots were done, after lots of crying, I had to wait for my toe to numb. When it did the doctor pulled the nail out... And it didn't hurt but I saw later that there was lots of blood on the towel thing... gross....

Yeah, so now my big left toe has NO nail on it.... It was really really tender for like, the WHOLE week... Today was the first day I wore close-toed shoes for work, and I was fine! YAY!

Okay, so TONIGHT, since it was Hallowe'en they had this Monster Ball in the Mensa, and you could wear costumtes. I work my Rebecca dress, and Matt wore 5 different colored masks and changed them whenever he was depicting a different mood. It was really funny! Rachel joined us, and then dashed off, because she thought she had a rehearsal with her accompianst. (It ended up that the rehearsal is tomorrow.)

And then, after dinner Matt had his "suppilmentary instruction" and I went and worked on my paper... And I got it done!!!! YAY! A DAY before it's due!!! I think this is a record. I then took it to Pathways, (the reading/writing/speaking lab) and went over it and they helped me straighten out some stuff. It wasn't too bad... I'm interested to see what I'll get on this paper. *sings the praises of Pathways*

This morning was the most awake I think I have EVER been in my 7:45 am religion class. It was awesome! I wish I had more time to sleep!

I practiced my flute today, and my piano lesson kinda stunk. I need to practice my percussion....

THANKS FOR THE CARD MOM! I LOVE YOU!!! And the stamps rock my swashbuckling socks! :-D I love the Muppets!

Work was long and boring... but they had mintchocolate chip ice cream which is my FAVORITE so I bought some after work.

Mmmm... What else? I don't know...

I had a fabulous time at Sam's! She was really busy, getting ready for her school play and all, but it was better then not seeing her at all.

Oh, tonight, while watching Most Haunted Live! Rachel and I had a tickle fight. It was really fun, and we got kinda wild, which prompted Matt to duck out of our way... (And he's kinda ticklish too... haha)

Well, how's that for a random update? I tired... So I'm off to crash in my lumpy-pokey mattress.


Thursday, October 27, 2005


Hey, I'm posting from Sam's computer and I am having a blast! :-D A shout-out to Ali, who reads this sometimes! :-) Your senior pictures are so awesome!

Mr. Newport made chili and we're having it for dinner! Yum!!!

Hey, Rachel!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!! *hugs* I miss Matt too, but he doesn't read


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Ok, so Rachel and I were goofing off, and I accidentially kicked the pumpkin that was in our room....

And now I have no toenail on my big toe.... Like, at first, it just kinda hurt, and I was hopping around, and then I looked down, and I wasl like... Hey... My toenail... It's... HANGING OFF! And I was like "Oh. My. Gosh. Guys! Look at my TOE!" And Matt and Kaitlin, who were just about to leave, stop, and their mouths drop. My toenail was hanging there... at a weird angle... And there was lots of blood... And Matt first aided me. He is my hero, although we did have to bring him back from several other first aid tangents... aaaannnnnd I don't know what to think other then I will now be wearing sandals for a quite a while...


And it hurts... But I'm not crying... Is this wrong?

Tomorrow is gonna suck...

I need a hug.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The odd duck

Rachel, Matt and I went and ate at the Olive Garden tonight. It was good! I ordered ravioli, and Matt and Rachel ordered the chicken alfredo. They both looked at me like I was the "odd duck"... I guess I kinda was, but I wanted ravioli gosh-darn-it, and I wasn't about to conform. I've almost always the one who does something "different"... I think it comes from being the oldest of 6... I ALWAYS had someone copying me... ALWAYS! So I often find myself doing things that differ then the majority of the group. i.e. ravioli

Also another thing that bothers me... Being ignorant. Not other people, although that does bother me as well... Me... Being clueless... And everyone around me looking at me like I should have a clue... :-(

*rant rant rant*

I'm from a small town. Like 10,000 I think. Nothing very "culturally diverse"... I'll admit it, I am very very very uneducated when it comes to how one should act in a big city... I've never been to any expensive/fancy restaurants, I don't have connections to get invited to fancy parties, and I don't have clothes for every occasion. I am a small town girl. And you know what? It shows. And it sucks.

The first time I went to a "big city" was when I went to London, and Paris... And that was with a group... I was with people who were similar to me, who were from my culture... I really didn't have to interact with anyone else.

It never occurred to me that there was more then one way to tip your waitress... Like, I knew about writing a check over and saying keep the extra, or charging extra on a credit card for a tip... But I always thought that if you left a cash tip, you left it on the table. Well, Rachel wrote a check over, and Matt and I were paying in cash. The waitress came back and took the money, and Rachel told her to keep the extra and Matt told her how much change he wanted back, and then they looked at me...

[cricket chirp]

The waitress smiled took our money, and left to rang it up. In tandem, Matt and Rachel turn to look at me. I state that I was gonna leave the tip on the table... like usual??? And they were like "uhhhh, no."

Things like this make me feel inadequate... Not good enough. Ignorant.... yeah...

Matt pointed out that by leaving the tip on the table the bus-boy would probably get it, and not the waitress. Well, now that I know this, it makes sense.... But..... Yeah. I felt stupid.


Matt and Rachel get to do all these cool things... They've gone to touring Broadway shows.... They've been to Chicago... A lot. Matt's experience in Europe really doesn't hold a candle to mine... He worked with a senator in Illinois... They both scored freakishly higher then me on the ACTs. They both come from high schools with good theater departments, and once again, have the money to participate in those sorts of things.

And they have better study habits then I do. They have pointed this out to me. Maybe I never learned proper study habits... They both can churn out papers like play-doh in those spaghetti things... and I sit there... and I check my e-mail.... and I AOL... and do EVERYTHING else but write the paper... And frankly, it's because I don't know what to write! I sit there and in my head I'm like: "uhhhhhh...." GAH! WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M NOT SMART ENOUGH FOR COLLEGE??? Why can't I major in something like, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings??? I know about THOSE things....

And I want to learn a different language. NOT LATIN. NOOO LATIN!!!! LATIN = NO ONE ELSE WHO SPEAKS IT! You can't go to a foriegn country to speak latin. I very much agree with the poem:

Latin is a language,
As dead as can be,
First it killed the Romans,
And now it's killing me!

Maybe I could take summer classes or something for a foreign language...

AND, another constant frustration in my life is that BOTH Matt and Rachel get to keep their rooms at home EXACTLY as they left it. What do I get? A room with my little sister, or the living room couch. What fun. NOT! (And I'm sure Matt and Rachel are tired of me ranting about it, but frankly it still sucks.)

I'm not mad at Rachel or Matt about anything... They've had different experiences then I have... I just wish I could have had them too....

Maybe someday I will be able to eat at the Rainforest Cafe... Maybe someday I will be able to see Wicked, and Spamalot, and Phantom of the Opera... MAYBE SOMEDAY I WILL HAVE A CAR!

They are both the coolest friends I could as for... I love them so much, and I pine for them when they are not with me... I love them to bits! I just get frustrated with myself, and my situation.

I want to feel smart!!! GAH!

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Has anyone watched "Most Haunted" on the Travel Channel? It is the funniest thing ever!!! It's about this crew of British people who go and explore "haunted places" throughout England. What makes it funny is the fact that the girls in the crew are so wimpy that they scream a lot.

[Background]: The usual crew are standing around a table in this big old house in Nottinghamshire (I think that's where was...) The house has been abandoned for quite some time, and the 3rd floor is inaccessible due to a severe fire 7 years ago. Derek, (with the help of Sam) has identified 3 ghostly beings: William, Elizabeth, Isobel/Isabel/Isabella, and the ghostly residue from a eight-year-old child. According to Derek/Sam *eye roll* William gouged the eyes out of the 8 year old boy, and then killed him, and later killed Elizabeth by violently stabbing her.... Ho-kay, so!

Yvette: If there's a spirit 'ere, please talk to us. Please? Please, make a noise or som'thing. We won't 'urt you... Elizabeth, are you 'ere? If you are, please move the table or som'thing. Please?

[something evidentially moves in the room, but is inaudible to the camera]

Guy 1 & Yvette: *gasp* Wha' was that?

Yvette: Elizabeth? Is that you? Please do it again. Move the table, or make a noise. Please? Please Elizabeth...

Guest psychic: Oh, goodness... She's righ' by me... I can feel 'er. She's grabbin' meh arms...[takes slow asthmatic breath] She's...{*rasp*]

Person on the right of Guest psychic: Are you alrigh'?

Guest psychic: Got... To... fight... her... off...... Get. Out...

Everyone else: .....!

Guest psychic takes another asthmatic breath, shudders then comes back.

Person on the right side of Guest psychic: Are you okay?

Guest psychic: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay...

Yvette: Alrigh''... Elizabeth, if you can 'ear my voice, could you move the table please?

Derek: I feel... William is strong... He's pushing Elizabeth out.... Don't be afraid Elizabeth... He
can't hurt you, darling. Not if you aren't afraid. Come here Elizabeth... It's alrigh'...

Derek goes slightly limp, while still muttering to "Elizabeth." Suddenly he straightens.

Derek:[in a quiet voice, similar to when you try to talk while inhaling] ::He's here.... Wi.... William... Wi... He's here, he's here...::

Yvette: Elizabeth?

Derek: ::Yeh... Ye... Yess...::

Everyone else: ...*gulp*...

Yvette: Elizabeth, please get out of Derek's body and stay with us. Stay with us, please, but get out of Derek's body.

Derek jerks then stretches... He blinks.

Guy 1: Are you alright?

Derek: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. She's a good soul... She's good.

Yvette: Okay... Elizabeth? Are you still 'ere?

[metaphorical cricket chirp]

Yvette:...uh... William? Are you 'ere? Could you move the table please?

[more silence]

Yvette: William? Please? Move the table... You were obviously a very strong man... Could you
move the table please? Or are you too much of a coward?


Yvette, Guest psychic, Guy 1, Guys on Left and Right of physic: Beeeeeeep!!!!!! Wha- Beeeeeep!!!!!!! Oh! Beeeeeep!!! Holy-Beepbeepbeep!!!

Everyone else: Ah!!!! Beep! sh-Beeeeeep!!!! F-Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Derek: [Takes deep rasping breath. Bends over, slightly hunched, looks around through squinted eyes. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pursed.] ::C-c-coward... Me?! Eh, coward? Whaaat are you doing here? Get out!::

Everyone: Beep? AH! BEEEEEP!

Derek: [pointing around the room] ::You! And you! Why are you hereeeee...::

Derek begins to limp around. Guy 1 follows him.

Guy 1: William? Is that you?

Derek: [raaaaaaasp] ::Yesssssss... Where is Li-... Liz-ehhh... Eh-lizehhhhh.... I'll ki..... What are
youuu doing here... It's my house, I have eh right to be here.....::

(Yvette in background: Oh, my goodness! Beeeeep!)

Guy 1: William, you are in the body of Derek...

Derek: *growl* ::Whyyy are you here??? Eh-liz-eh....beth...::

Guy 1: William! William, listen... You are in the body of my good friend Derek... Please don't hurt him. William...

Derek: ::Ehhhhhrrrrggggh..... [points to Yvette] Get that woman away from me!::

Guy 1: William, do you know that you are dead?

Derek: ::Ehhrrgghh... What is this tom-foolery? Ehhhhggggghhh...::

Guy 1: Yes. You are dead. Don't you know?

Derek: ::I live on! Ehhrrrgggggghhh... I live on!!!!!::

Guy 1: Derek... Come back Derek! Leave him William... GO!

Derek: ::Errgghh::

Guy 1 holds Derek to stop him from stomping around, and Derek breathes out a slow raspy noise, twitches, and then stretches. His face smoothes out, and he looks crosseyed and disoriented.

Guy 1: Derek? Are you alrigh'?

Derek: Yeah... Let's get out of here.


Friday, October 21, 2005

Catch me...

"... Sarah, I need a girl like to you fall for me..."

What makes you think I haven't already?

Thursday, October 20, 2005



A loud shout out to Matt, and Andrea, both of whom have thier 19th birthdays today! :-) (however, they do not know eachother... just for clarification) I wish them the utmost happiness! Yay for good friends!

I'm so lucky!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's the Great Pumpkin!

College Paper Count: 6 this week.... *dies*

I was tired after lunch today, so I went and tried to study my English. (Logical huh?) But I couldn't focus, so I decided a quick nap would be more beneficial. So I crawled into my loft and fell asleep. At 2:30, Matt knocked on the door, as he often does, and I sleepily told him to come in and tried to sit up.... And I totally clocked my head on the ceiling. Matt walked in looking all worried and concerned because it was a pretty loud bonk.

So the count now is:

Sarah: 0
Ceiling: 6
Loft: 15
Rachel's loft: 1
Matt's Car: 1

How about those statistics, huh? I swear I'm gonna give myself a concussion before this school year is through.

Speaking of Matt and Rachel, where the heck are they? I came back from play practice and they were gone... Neither of them are answering their phones.... How frustrating.

Today Matt and I carved pumpkins. Which was the reason he stopped in, to ask if I wanted to run to Wal-Mart with him. When we came back, all pumpkin laden, Rachel came back from class with a bad headache so SHE took a nap. Matt and I went behind Knights Village and carved pumpkins. He told me the most amazing stories about his trip to Paris... LOL, it was great! All in all, it was a blast sitting there, covered in pumpkin goop, and just joking and stuff. :-)

Then we went and ate dinner because we were absolutely starving after such hard work of trying not to saw our fingers off. THEN we scoped the campus for ubercool places to stash our pumpkins. Matt even figured out how to light them! He bought some of those solar powered lights that you stick in your lawn, and just left out the stake. It lights up the pumpkins very well!

My pumpkin looks evil and grumpy. Matt's is wearing chem goggles and has a pointy toothed smile. Matt is going to carve a pumpkin in the likeness of our college president, Jack Ohle... And all pumpkins shall now be called: Jack Ohle'anterns!!!! Hoo-rah!

Play practice was interesting... We didn't have any props or sets yet, so I kept walking through was was going to be the table.

I'm listening to my high school senior band CD... Gosh, I love "The Mooche"!

Well, I'm going to get working on another blasted paper... Is it fall break yet???????????????

Monday, October 17, 2005

"The trick is not minding the pain...."

Lawrence of Arabia is an OUTRAGEOUSLY long movie!

Cool... but OUTRAGEOUSLY long...

I want to the see the bone structure of a camel... that would be interesting...

Oh, and my weekend sucked, in case anyone was wondering.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I hate workstudy. I loathe it with every fiber of my being. With every sinew, nerve, chromosome, and atom in my body I hate it... I curse it, and wish it to dark deep nasty places. Particularly places that are hot and blistery.


I freaking work at 9 am and serve at 11:30 am, and have another event at 3:30, and serve at 6. I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!! $#^^&*&^%#$!~$%!!!#$%^&**(&^%$#%$!!!!

I miss the reniassance faire, and parade, WHICH I HAVE THE BEST COSTUME FOR!!!!!!!!!! FURTHERMORE I miss the fa-reaking FOOTBALL GAME!

I am ab-so-looot-leee fuming!

Life sucks. Maybe I just won't go to work.


So there!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Does the Snoopy dance!


*dies of glee*


*throws confetti and other large objects*

Oh, and Happy Columbus Day!


"You know, I don't care HOW many papers we have due... We are going to see these guys!"

-Matt, in response to watching the video tape of the Flying Karamazov Brothers

Wow, it's nice to be back!

...And it's really sad to thinking of going to bed at 2 am as "early"...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Home once more...

First of all, HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY STEPHEN! YAY! *hugs*

Okay, so I'm home for the weekend, and it's a little weird, but it's nice to be here for a while. Waiting for Outfly at Wartburg has induced some cabin fever-like symptoms, so a change of scene is nice.

So I'm setting here at the dinning room table, eating popcorn, drinking grape kool-ade and listening to The Scarlet Pimpernell soundtrack. I edited some of my english paper and watched the TV show Numb3rs, and now I'm ready to go to bed. Oh, and I took a shower, but that's boring.

My goodness it's cold... Yay for cold! Cold means blankets! Hooray! :-)

Although I'm home, I miss Rachel, Matt, Julia, and Jill... My goodness, talk about a "transfer of affection." They have become a different branch of my family, and it weird knowing that I'm here and they're not... Does that make sense? I don't know...

I seriously almost hit a deer driving Mary and Matthew home from the homecoming game... The stupid thing was just standing in the middle of the road... Grrrrr... Luckily I saw it in time, and hit the brakes. It ran into the ditch.... I don't like deer....

Well, I know it's early compared to other nights, but I'm going to bed. Night all!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

*happy sigh*

It's the little things that happen when Matt, Rachel and I are together that make me all happy inside, in a warm, fuzzy sort of way! :-)

*is a dork*

Wednesday, October 05, 2005



And it is annoying...


Not having A/C stinks... Really truely!

Ug. It's hot. It's sticky. And our dorm is a like a steambath, minus the steam. :-P

Tomorrow night is dollar movie night at the Palace! :-D I think Matt, Rachel and I are going to go. Probably to "Just Like Heaven." Matt seems like the kinda guy who could go to a chick flick. Unfortunately, tomorrow is also my mallet methods class... Four mallets suck. It's hard. BUT another good aspect about tomorrow is the candlelight dinner. It's something the college puts on, to provide an "alternate dining experience." We're excited, (well, at least Matt and I are) because we want an excuse to dress up.

If Outfly was tomorrow, it would rock my swashbuckling socks... Everyone kinda has cabin fever, and a random day off of classes would be nice!

Ummmm... I got four hours of sleep last night... Not fun. But I took a nap, so it was a little better.

Matt and I walked to Movies America and rented 2 movies to watch, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and From Hell. (Which is about Jack the Ripper.. Matt wanted it, but we haven't gotten halfway yet...) It was a nice walk, and we had fun talking and joking, and singing... Random fun! :-) We also stopped at Fareway where I discovered pizza rolls on sale for .99 YAY! I bought the 2 boxes of sausage, and a box of granola bars.

Grrr... And stupid people are shouting "Outfly" everywhere. Go to bed!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

4 things about me...

1) Tell us something about yourself, something small and odd and uniquely you.
I have a genetic eye mutation--my eyes have less pigment in my iris then most people

2) Tell us a lie about yourself that's also small and odd and uniquely you.
I can yodel and drink a glass of water at the same time

3) Tell us something you've never done but that you'd like to do.
Lash together a raft, and paddle to New Zealand

4) Now the same again, only this time make something utterly, flamboyantly impossible.
Perform with Riverdance on Broadway

Monday, October 03, 2005

Happiness is:

A roll of quarters for laundry...

Friends who compliment you on your memory of their friends "back home"...

Nice english professors...

Friends who explain obvious movie plots that you missed...


Happiness is NOT college papers...

Nor is it drunk people who run outside your window and shout: "OUUUUT FLLLLYYYYY" at 3 am...

Friday, September 30, 2005

Negative sponges...

"You know how people say that to learn, you have to be like a sponge... Soak it all in... Well, I don't think I'm like a sponge... I think I'm more like a rock.... The information pings off me... And I just sit there..."

-me, last night at 1:30 freaking-AM trying to study for my American Education test...

What is the opposite of a sponge????

Our whiteboard outside our door reads:
Rachel & Sarah's Room

Negative sponges live here...
We are rocks!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Yo, Ho! Many Happy Returns... Arrrr!

Piratical Birthdays "ARRR" the Best! P-)

What is it like to be 19...

For the record, I DID STUDY TONIGHT


*warm fuzzies* Matt, Rachel, and I (while studying... so there...) watched TV until midnight, then which Erik stopped over, as well as Holly (my RA) and they all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! IN HARMONY! Oh, it was beauteous! Then I opened all SEVEN cards from each member of my family... I had been waiting... haha... (Thanks Mom and Dad... Mary: yours made me laugh a lot, Matthew: how does Stephen know about Hawaii? Thanks for the AWESOME pictures Daniel and Philomena, :-D and Stephen, what in the world is a squishy cake???) AND the package, which contained BIRTHDAY CEREAL! YAY! Kix rocks my swashbuckling socks!!!!

My Grandparents on my Mom's side also gave me this cool clock thing... It's one of those with the 'wand' that waves back a forth, and makes a lightboard appear in mid-air. Matt spent 20 minutes programming it to read (in addition to the date, time, and day of the week) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH! MATT IS COOL! and ALL HAIL DAME RACHEL!

And my Dad's parents sent me money! THANK-YOUUU! YAYAYAY!

AND Jessica left me a happy happy happy note on AOL.... She is amazing... I loooooove her!

AAAAND Andrea left me a note on FACEBOOK.... So did Holly! :-D :-D

OH! MY! GOSH! AND LINDA (my friend from New Zealand) SENT ME AN E-BIRTHDAY CARD! *DIES*

And Matt likes my uber-fuzzy fleece throw blanket type thing...

ANNND I fell asleep (between studying) watching the end of Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame... Matt and Rachel were laughing at me. :-P

AAAAAAAAAANNDDDDD Matt, Rachel and I might go bowling soon for my birthday. :-D

AND, and final AAAAND, as a birthday present to me, I am going to bed! Night!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

A room full of sleepyheads...

*smiles quietly* As I'm typing this, Matt is sleeping on our futon, and Rachel is sleeping in her loft. The movie Funny Face starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire is playing on TV, and I'm here, quietly blogging. It's nice to have friends who can all just snooze together. I would be snoozing too, if it weren't for the fact that I have lots of things I should be doing, like studying. (bleh)... I enjoy the fact that Matt is over a lot, and feels comfortable with our company to sleep on our futon... If that makes any sense... Anyway, I am content. My friends are my family.

Last night Rachel, Matt and I went and saw Casablanca. Dr. Earl showed it in the small auditorium, and there were other people there besides us... just for clarification... haha... It was cool, and amazing, and fantastic... Movies today just can't achieve that type of class found in Casablanca... The lighting... Oh. My. Gosh. The lighting was absolutely amazing... I can't get over it... Nor can I adequately describe it... They glowed and their eyes sparkled... Wow... Just. Wow....

After the movie finished, we came back to our dorm and Matt and Rachel gave me my own personal performance from Sound of Music. Rachel played Elsa, the Baroness, and Matt played Max, both at different schools. And in the *Broadway* show the only song they sing is together, so they acted it out for me in our dorm. :-D Oh, it was glorious! Then they did various other numbers from the show... Oh, it just rocked my swashbuckling socks!!!!

Ok, so that's all I should give myself time for.... I should study or something.

...They're still sleeping...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Random Road trips

Rachel, Matt and I went to Waterloo yesterday. It was great fun! Matt bought a lab coat, and then we went to Barnes and Noble, and Hobby Lobby, where we got some mattboard for Matt's posters.

I ate at Starbucks for the very firsts time! It was expensive, but really good! I had a strawberries and cream frappechino. :-D

For dinner we ate at Steak 'n Shake. It was really good too!!!! I had a BLT, it was delicious!

Then we came back and chilled. It was great, amazing fun!

I think we're going to go bowling next Thursday, for my birthday! :-)

Friday, September 23, 2005


A thought: Why do I always think that people don't want to be around me? I don't know where I'm going with this... But why do I think this way? Rachel and Matt do things with me. Julia laughs and hangs out with me. Sam and I get along famously. And Jessica... Woo! We get along great! But still, I hang out with people, and I'm like... "Do they really want to hang out with me??? Or are they just being nice, because I'm with someone else in the group?"

Stoooooopid high school experience... Being excluded for practically 4 years... Now when people actually include me, I get all confused-like....

Random weirdness: Rachel and a couple other girls on my floor had a lively discussion of the color of my hair... Is it blonde, or is it red... The odd part is, I was not a part of this discussion...

Well, I'm helping Rachel with her music theory, then I'm off to bed! Tomorrow Matt, Rachel and I are road tripping for some stuff! Yay!

THEN ballroom dancing! Hooray! :-D

Monday, September 19, 2005


What's your pirate name?

First of all happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arr...

And that is about the happiest thing that is going on right now....

I just bombed my first test, and pretty much flunked a paper in the same class. Life sucks and I don't know what else to say other then I feel really crappy and mad and stupid and want to know WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING HERE?

I did have breakfast with Julia, and Matt said hi afterwards... That is a happy thought...

~Mad Mary Flint

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Not sleepy...

Yay for staying up until the ungodly hour of 3 am with good friends! Matt and Rachel, you absolutely rock my swashbuckling socks!

Hoorah for watching 100 top movie quotes on Bravo, and huzzah for watching parts of Beauty and the Beast.! The BIGGEST hooray for the stories that followed, plus the singing and laughter... :-)

...And all that jazz!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Of Plays and Pizza...


I play Mrs. Cratchet! :-D

And Matt and Rachel made it too!!! YAY! :-D

*is excited beyond belief*

So I have a cold, and it is not fun. My nose is stuffed up, and I cannot breathe very well... :-P Yesterday my throat was really sore.

Tonight Rachel, Matt and I ordered pizza and watched The Court Jester. It was great fun! We ordered pizza because food service at the Menza evidentially stops at 6 pm. Stooooopid.... :-P

Last night Lourey, Josh, Rachel, Matt, and I all went and saw the movie Red Eye. It was okay... I obviously had seen it before, but the company was excellent!

College is great fun... But not the homework part... The food is good, I like being responsible for myself, but the school workload is cruel and insane.

And a pox on Movies America for not having A Muppet Christmas Carol.

Friday, September 16, 2005



My Mom rocks! She makes good food, and I miss it!

*throws confetti*


Monday, September 12, 2005


Matt was also awesome and amazing in the fact that he fixed our broken closet door! THANK-YOU!

Woo-hoo... Studying...

Wow... Crazy day...

I got up and went to church... Stupid liberal church... But it made me really homesick... Seeing all the families there with kids... I miss rough-housing with my siblings... :-(

When I got back, Rachel called me, and told me to come to lunch. On my way, I met up with Matt, who was looking very dapper in his Sunday best. :-) Yay for people who go to church! I met up with Rachel in front of the bookstore, and we went and joined the lunch line. As we stood trying to find the back of the line for the drink machines, Matt and Julia found us, and told us to hold 2 seats for them. Julia ended up sitting with someone else... But Matt joined us, and it was great fun!

We talked about musicals, missed cues, and biased casting etc... I accidentally tipped over my FULL glass of water while gesturing along with a story.... Smooth, huh? It was embarrassing, but funny.

After lunch, I tried to help Matt with a word program on his computer... It took 2 hours to figure out that it didn't work. Poor Matt. He came over to our dorm a couple consecutive times... That's a lot of stairs... :-( A while later, he stopped back in, and compared obituaries with Rachel, which they had to write for a class.

Matt is a deity. His obituary said so! Rock on!!! ;-)

This time, when Matt came over, I was frustrated with various things, (like my stooped fridge!) and wished poxes on them. Matt humored me with making grand hand gestures, thus "poxing" the various items I named. It cheered me up a great deal. :-D

I also ran to the library for an article to review for my American Ed class, which I have just finished.

Gosh, I have more I want to type, but I'm beat. Night!

Oh, and Band Camp Bonding ROCKED MY FACE OFF!

Sunday, September 11, 2005



Happy happy happy Birthday, and many many many more to come!!!!

Redheads for ever!!!!


Friday, September 09, 2005

College Update


Wow... That totally made my life... Now I can bring them home for my family when I visit.

Yesterday was the Involvement Fair here at Wartburg, and I signed up the the Wartburg Players, the Ballroom Dancing Club, and Catholic Knights. The Wartburg Players are doing A Christmas Carol this winter. Rachel and I are excited, except that there are really no female parts, so we're gonna shoot for

OH! OH! OH! OH! Guess who I might go see in concert over Thanksgiving break?????? JOHN WILLIAMS!!!!!! Oh! My! Gosh! He's directing the Chicago Symphony Orchestra... Some music ed students here want to go, because let's face it: John Williams is utterly amazing! :-D

Stoooopid College e-mail is not working.

Classes are intense... Lot's of reading... holy smokes... I guess I shouldn't complain since I have millions of papers to write before the fall term is over. But none due right now! So mom, if you're reading this, don't freak out!

I still don't like the book Frankenstien. And reading the essays at the end was not a requirement. HAH! :-P

Rachel, our new friend Matt, and I all watched The Swordsmen last night. It was great fun. It seemed to really amuse Rachel and Yes it was corny, but it was fun. Yay, home movies!

I think the crush I've had for about 3 years is starting to get replaced... College is a good thing! Further information as I feel the need to express it publicly.

Band Bonding Camp this weekend!!!! Which I am TOTALLY excited about! YEAH! Symphonic band is gonna so totally ROCK as well! I think I am in heaven with all these theater and music geeks.... I looooove it!

My intermediate comp. professor is amazing... She made a reference to A Wrinkle in Time, and I was the ONLY one who caught it! It was great! She's pretty young, and she graduated from Princeton... wow...

Well, I'm going to practice my mallet methods.... And then eat....

Thursday, September 08, 2005

... And Good Company

Thank-you my friend,
For sharing with me,
Your love and your warmth,
I’m grateful you see.
They bloom and they grow,
On someone in time,
For the best things in life,
Are born in the mind,
And I’ve been made warm,
For friendship is mine.

-Ahhh, camp songs…. *sigh*

Jason: Wow. I don't know how to express what I want to say... I had so much fun spending time with you... Getting to know you... We've had some good laughs, and lots of warm, contented, "enjoying each other's company" moments. You make me laugh, and your random surprise visits at work were the best!

Do you remember when we went to the sea wall, on your birthday, and those stupid kids were in the roped-off construction zone, and threw those traffic cones into the lake? And I didn't know the phone number for the PD non-emergency, so I called my Dad! Oh, that night was the funniest EVER! :-D

Dispatcher: (talking to me on my cell) Can you see who did it?
Me: Yes. It's the one in the water that did it.
Dispatcher: Alright. Hold one moment please... (heard over phone AND police radio) IT'S THE ONE THAT'S IN THE WATER THAT DID IT.

-Oh, my gosh, we about died... It was SO funny!!!

And talking on AOL until 3 am... Good times! :-)

I hope to catch up with you and the gang when I come home and visit... I will miss you!
Laura: I am so glad to have met you! Your strong will, and sense of humor are prominent traits, and you have the makings of a strong leader... Stronger then you are now. :-)

It was nice to discover we had more in common then just mutual friends, and The Swordsmen. Although I wish I had known some things earlier... Maybe that would have helped me, with some of the choices I made.

You are definitely invited to come visit me at college! In fact, I demand it! lol... (I know Julia would enjoy it too...) I will be sure to let you know when there are choir events going on!

Do you remember when we danced in the pouring rain, at Elias's house, and FORDED the creek 2 times, as if we were on the Oregon Trail? Then going to Be-Bops after filming, and I didn't know where to park? And the three second delay on the van's horn? *whack* ......... "HONNNK!" hahaha!

I hope to get to know you better, as time progresses... You are an outstanding person, and I will stay in touch... I adore your blog, and there's always AOL! Have fun with your senior year!

Julia: I love laughing with you! I value our friendship so very much, and you are one of the few people I can tell ANYTHING too! You help me get through so much! We will have fun in college, I know. Remember that I’m always here for you too! :-) We should do a dorm sleepover, over a weekend, or something…haha!

Do you remember when we first met at CIT Camp? Wow… How our friendship has grown! And working on staff together… You are an amazing woman! I admire you so much! Your optimism and perseverance are brilliant qualities, and they are ALWAYS catching! :-D

Remember that one time we went to the maze, and then went dancing at the Surf? And I tried to teach you how to play poker with popcorn, and we eventually gave up, and danced?

AND MAKING COOKIES!!!! Oh, my gosh!!!! *dies laughing*

“My mom and her sister… Oh, wait. I forgot the funny part…” – you

Me: (referring to “well done cookies”) They’re a little burnt…
Mom: So you sugared the waxed paper???

You: What’s a carburetor?
Me: It’s part of a car.
You: I know that! CAR-burator!

And remember seeing Harry Potter together, WAY back when? Wow, it’s been a long time… and worth every minute…

Here’s to a bright future!

Sam N.: You are another amazing woman who I can tell ANYTHING too! Your struggles are my struggles, and your joys are mine as well. I love the precious time we get to spend together, though it is never enough…. Your friendship is a beacon of light in my dark, confused life, and I appreciate all the times you’ve listened to my rants and ravings.

I also demand that you come, and visit me at college. We will have fun! LOTS of fun! You will meet my awesome roommate, Rachel, and visit Julia and Jill! :-)

I am so glad we got to know each other on our Europe trip… My life would be so incredibly different if we had just remained “just two people, who randomly talked, then drifted apart after the trip.” Yay, Switzerland! :-D

Do you remember eating half of that GIANT ho-ho bar? And the “Mosse” singing Duke of Earl with ALL THE VOICE PARTS! Eric sleeping on your shoulder, and drooling…… And that walk we went on in Seefeld, Austria? And you talked about being a ‘thespian’ and I thought it was like ‘lesbian’? (LOL) And we sat on a stone wall and just talked…. And Mark came, and chatted… *sigh* THEN you running off to the hotel, for the bathroom, in the rain, and me getting lost and trying to break into the wrong hotel…. Boy, was it hot on the way back from Venice… :-P

Fact: Orange Fanta, Provolone Cheese, Marshmallows, Maraschino Cherries, and Chocolate Pudding taste good when eaten at one sitting. :-D

You’re still not going to be able to get me on a roller coster! :-P I miss you, Oh Great and Glorious Sam!
Breanna: You are such a sweet, lovable person! I love hearing from you, and catching up on everything! We go way back, and I’m glad we’ve stayed in some contact with each other!

You are so passionate about your faith and very considerate of others… I think that is just amazing! May God bless you and keep you! Best of luck in college! *hugs*

Thank-you all…. I don’t know what else to say… Each one of you has touched my life in some way, and helped me become who I am now. I hope to continue the great friendships I’ve been blessed with for many years to come!!!!!