Saturday, August 27, 2011

Today at school, during lunch...

Kindergartener: Ms. S-- why are you pretty?
Me: I don't know... Why are YOU pretty?
K: Well, it's school picture day! I wanted to look beautiful!
Me: Well, it's school picture day for the teachers too! And that's why I look pretty.
K: Oooooooooh. Okay.

Also, I wanted to ask, "Wait. You mean I'm not pretty all the time?" but I knew that sort of question was a little over this student's head. When I relayed this exchange to Dan he laughed and said, "No, that would be the sort of question you ask ME."

Sometimes, kindergarteners are adorable. :-) The student was basically asking me why I was wearing makeup.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

On a poor choice of shoes...

Choosing to wear the pair of shoes that always give you blisters is like going back to an old, failed relationship. You fall into the trap of thinking "Well. Maybe this time will be different." But it turns out, it's not. In the end, they still both rub you the wrong way and you get hurt.

I promise there's no simile to my actual life here. I honestly just wore a really cute pair of shoes to school today and ended up using about 20 bandaids (they kept falling off!) throughout the day to try ease the blistering. My heels are raw. I ended up lining the back and inside of my shoes with masking tape to survive the rest of the day. :-P

BUT this saying just came to my brain and I had to share it. Sometimes I feel clever.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

On being mostly German...

Me: Hey, Dan, want a gummi bear?
Dan: Sure! Hey, these are good!
Me: I know. It's the Haribo kind. They're the best.
Dan: It's true. Those Germans sure know how to make the good stuff.
Me: I know! Look at me!
Dan: *laughs* Well-played. I love you.
Me: I love you too.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011