Thursday, June 29, 2006

Woooooo! SUPERMAN!

Okay, so I just got back from seeing Superman Returns with Isaac, his brother and his dad. IT WAS AMAZING! Okay, so I'm totally a newbie at the whole "Superman" world... I used to watch the TV show, but that was it. I've read the Spiderman and Batman Darkhorse Comic Encyclopedias but not Superman... I should get on that... But anyway, I thought the movie was spectacular, spectacular! It was really hard, but I didn't go all "fangirly" in front of Isaac, because I know he doesn't like that.... But Brandon Routh, who is from Des Moines, Iowa... Is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good looking..... *swoons* Not even joking.... He is definately eye candy!

Now I wanna rent the previous ones.... lol.... YAY Superman! :-D

I had my factory interview this morning. They said they'd call me if there was an opening by 12 pm tomorrow. So I guess we'll see... It was definately awkward being the only female in the group of 30 guys... And there were more group interviews after my session.

.....Superman........mmmmmm...... :-)

Today, after finding someone to cover part of my shift at Perkins so I can go to the interview, they call me this morning and say I don't need to come into work at all because they're overstaffed. No big deal, so I call Jessica and she's babysitting and Julia and Jill are at work, os I call Bethany and leave a message. She calls back and asks if I want to go out on the lake with her in her boat.

Duh. Of course I do! :-)

So Bethany, her younger brother Casey and I went out on their boat. It was really really fun!They're teaching me to water-ski. I almost have it, and I can almost stand, so I just need some more time. :-)

Here's a tip to everyone.... Don't eat sloppy joes in bed. Ever. They are aptly named, and no matter how careful you are, you will spill some, somewhere. And then you will have orange sloppy joe spots on your bed sheets. So just reisist, and don't do it.

Ug. I am so tired.... I have more to blog, but I NEED to go to bed... And to put aloe on my sunburn...


To add a new dose of much-needed hilarirty to my life, when I was coming home from working at the Farm I was driving down.... 8th street? I don't know... anyways, I was driving along and all of the sudden I look and there is this kid, standing on this decorative stone wall in front of our local pet shop. (The wall was just behind the sidewalk and was fairly close the road.) Now, what is so funny about a kid standing on a decorative stone wall you may ask? Well, this kid was wearing a Spiderman costume and was pretending to squirt passing cars with his "web." And I'm pretty sure he wasn't advertising for the pet shop. It was pretty
random, and silly. Haha :-D

Work last night was looooooong... and around 5 am I got so tired... I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle of sleepiness. They let me off a little early so I could make it home without driving off the road or something... I feel asleep instantly my head hit the pillow. Good think I get my alarm first! I woke up at 11:25 and called Furleigh's to see if they needed me to come in, and they did, so I got up aaaaaand got ready and went to work. Which was pretty uneventful. Strawberry season is pretty much done, so I don't need to go back again on Friday. *sigh* Maybe I'll do it again next year.

I found someone to help cover my shift at Perkins tomorrow so I can go to the interview for the Factory! Yay! :-)

Municipal Band is almost done too... *shoot* Note to self: CALL MR. BENZING ABOUT BORROWING THE CRAPPY PICCOLO FOR THE 4TH OF JULY BAND CONCERT!

Bleh... off to bed! I have an interview tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Burt's Bees = amazing

I forgot to mention that Margie and I made two resolutions for the next school year...

1. To be eachothers partner in Ballroom Dancing Club, and go to as many meetings as possible.

2. To hang out with eachother more often, because we're both cool and awesome!


I bought Burt's Bees Chapstick the other day... FINALLY! :-D I love Burt's Bees products... Especially their peppermint chapstick. I hadn't bought any since October and I ran out around January, and my parents had gotten me the honey kind for Christmas... Which I didn't like, but was using because I was desparate... Until I forgot it in my pocket, then washed and dried it... Then I used it again... Because I got REALLY desparate... And I finally finished that... And now I'm back to pepperminty-goodness!

I had the rest of my Culver's ice cream for breakfast today. It was good, but slightly odd tasting, since it had melted and re-frozen. Oh well. It's ice cream... For breakfast! Ha!

Iowa Workforce Development called me today. There's an interview for a factory job on Thursday, right in the middle of my shift at Perkins... But my job at Furleigh Farms is almost done, so I need another job... And this would pay about $10.25/hr... And I could do 3rd shift, work 40 hours a week and work at Perkins on the side... If I get hired, and if I can find someone to cover my shift at Perkins. *crosses fingers* $400 a week would be amazing! :-)

Well, I'm off to meet a friend for coffee! I work at Perkins tonight, the 10-6am shift. lol... Whoopee!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh, life...

The wedding last night was fun... Although TONS of Wartburg people got drunk. I'm not saying I'm surprised, I'm just stating it. The fact that the bar had free beer didn't help either. Margie and I had Shirly Temples, (for the first time, I might add) and they were tasty! Margie, Kelsie and I all danced and had a good time! I learned how to dance the "Electric slide" and Margie taught a drunk man how to do the Macarena. It was pretty amusing! :-)

Oh, and I don't like wearing mascara. It's the biggest pain in the world to remove. My eyelashes are rather long, but they've been lightened by the sun, so they're lighter on the end... phooey. :-P

Heehee, so this summer I've gotten tired of my lily white skin so I've been putting on sunless tanner just to take the edge off my blinding skin, lol.... I actually don't think it looks too bad! Carina complimented me on it when Margie and I ate at Culver's today. I don't really look "orange-ish" with the exception of the palm of my hands... I guess I didn't wash them well enough because now I have rather orange-tinted hands... It doesn't really bother me, it's just amusing.

Ug... I worked at Perkins tonight. It was fine until 9 pm rolled around and I was supposed to get off. I had to clean some stuff and I ended up not finishing until 11 pm. Not cool.... I started this post before I left, and coming back to it, I was feeling rather nasty, but typing and listening to my iTunes has helped a lot... Music is amazing... Although I still want a hug or something...

Since it's getting close to the 4th of July the municipal band has been playing a lot of patriotic music... I love it! :-D We play "Dixieland Polka" which is a sweet variant on the famous Dixie melody, this piece called "Fugue on Yankee Doodle" which is interesting, "American Patrol" and of course the great standard "Stars and Stripes Forever." I love that piece too! YAY PICCOLO PART! I also really really like this medley that we play. It has all the songs of the Armed Forces in it... Army: The Caissons Song, Navy: Anchors Aweigh, Air Force: Off We Go into the Wild Blue Yonder, Marines: The Marines' Hymn... It's amazing... It really is... and then while we play everyone who has served our country stand up to be recognized during whichever song plays. It is so cool. It's beyond words! It makes me feel so proud. :-)

...That's all I have for now... I'm hungry, so I'm going to find something to eat, then go to bed. Night!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Stuff from me...

"Oh, Percy Grainger.... I have a very serious love/hate relationship with you." -Me during municipal band rehearsal.

Okay, so that quote's just me being weird. For the people who don't know who Percy Granger is, he was an English composer, born in 1882. He is very very famous for his arrangements of folk songs from the British Isles. His music can either be ridiculously easy, or INSANELY hard. There's really no "in between." But it's all absolutely beautiful! We're playing a piece by him called "Shepherds Hey!" and it's a pretty happy dance tune. But, it's hard. Oh, well!

Jessica and I went shopping this morning! I bought a new outfit for the wedding I'm going to tomorrow with Margie! I like the outfit, but... Gosh, I wish I had nice slender legs.

Yesterday I was trying to get Jessica to eat some cookies with me and this is how the conversation went:

Jess: I can't eat the cookies. I've been doing good! I'm eating healthy!
Me: So? Now you need to reward yourself. Eat the cookies!
Jess: No!
Me: Yes!
Jess: I won't. You heard Jake... I'm a heifer.
Me: You're not a heifer... We've been working out!
Jess: No, I'm still a heifer
Me: Nuh-uh! You are not... You don't even moo!
Jess: *laughs/snorts* ......muuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooooooohhhhh...
Me: *laughs* That's not a "moo!" that's a cat meowing in bass!

Ooooh Jessica... We have the best times together!

It's late... I'm off to find a snack and to go to bed!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

My day...

I ended up working from 8 am to about 5 pm at Perkins, when I was scheduled to get off at 1:30. The manager asked if I could stay til 4, which wasn't a big deal. So I did. With the tips I made, Mom and I figured that today, in addition to my hourly pay I made about $11/hr today. Sweet! :-D

Wow, it was crazy... I'm still getting a hold of everything... And I didn't mess up TOOO bad... Nothing insane or stupid. It was mostly just timing and me not having enough hands or individual selves... lol...

A word of advice: Think really hard before you stiff your server. In case you are unsure of what this means, it means not leaving a tip. Now I'm not saying you have to tip the full amount or anything, but leaving something is far better then nothing. I had 3 tables stiff me today. I'm not mad, it's just annoying. Very annoying. Servers get paid far under minimum wage because they are expected to make up for it in tips. I think at least 2 tables stiffed me because their food took absolutely for-freaking-ever. And there was nothing I could do about that... Perkins has these new wraps, and we were also training a new cook and the wrap orders just seemed to take ages and ages! There was nothing I could do about the food. But one table got kind of... ticked off. They were all like "We've been waiting for a long time for our food. We are in a hurry." So I finally bring them their food and I check on them from time to time and get them new drinks and clear their plates when they're done and all that stuff... But what I couldn't understand was that they sat there for about another 45-60 minutes AFTER they had finished their food... I mean, they claimed they had been waiting an hour already for their food and then they sat there for forever after they were all done... :-P Whatever.

I don't know why the other table stiffed me. *eye roll* One of the kids at the table spilled their water while I was taking their order and it went EVERYWHERE, so I just moved them to a different booth, so it would be easier to clean up... It was a hassle. Again... Whatever.

I did have one table that was amazing though! :-) 4 people from Arkansas, old enough to be my grandparents. They were the nicest people I've met in a long time! One guy at the table talked just like the character "Mater" played by Larry the Cable Guy in the movie "CARS." And it's not because of his accent, it was the pitch of his voice too. It was great! I went to take their drink order, and I apologized for the wait and "Mater" looked at me and said: "Wehll shooot! That's okay! Wer used ta waitin', en ef we git a purtty young waitress like yew, eet's worth the et!" *blush* I took care of their order and kept up with the stuff they needed, it was pretty easy table compared to others, but really.... That table was great! :-D They left me the biggest tip of the day too. By far. TOTALLY disproportianate to their bill. $13! I can't remember ever leaving a waiter that much money! The money doesn't matter as much though from that table. They were just awesome and nice! :-)

So that was pretty much my day... Jessica came over tonight and we watched The Light in the Piazza... Or what we could of it... We discovered that the lights had gone out while I recorded it, so we missed like, 45 minuntes in the 1st act--- i.e. all the good love songs! :-( *is really really sad and upset/angry*

Oh well... I figure something out on how to fix it... For now, bed time! Night!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Plodding Along...

I actually made some tips at Perkins today! Hoorah! I almost averaged working $7/hr. Now I can buy some gas for the car. The next time I work is Tuesday... 10 pm to 6 am... And it's just me and the cook... Oh boy.... It should be interesting...

AND I ran 1.5 miles tonight with Jessica! The farthest yet! *is proud of herself* Afterwards I went back to Jessica's house and ate some key lime pie... Which is pretty much one of my favorite pies!!! :-D

I got sunburnt yesterday working at the farm.... I forgot to put sunscreen on my neck and ears. They were kind of hurting last night. I have noticed that I've started to freckle, which hasn't happened for about 9 years. (No joke.) I guess I just haven't been outside as much since I was little... Even when I was at camp there were lots of times I was indoors or in the shade. So that's kind of a nice surprise. :-) It's more on my arms, but if I look close I can see some freckles on my nose and cheek bones.

I've had so many run-ins with spiders lately! Not cool. :-P Yesterday, there was one in the box of strawberries I picked, then I almost inhaled one while smelling a weird looking wild flower, then there was a giant one on the clothes pin I was using at the municple band concert. Bleh!

I've starting reading "The Dark is Rising" Series by Susan Cooper. The first book being "Over Sea, Under Stone." They are one of my favorite books! I haven't had a chance to read them again since I first read them in 1999. (I only remember the year because that was when we remodeled our house, and I remember reading the series while hammering and various other construction noises were going on.) I highly recommend them! The whole series revolves around the Arthurian ledgends. "Over Sea, Under Stone" is about the Holy Grail and takes place in Cornwall. I love the strong "good vs. evil" undertone throughout the book. And I'm particular to British authors anyway... Haha.

I have some musings brewwing around in my head... but they aren't ready to be typed out yet.... So that's all for now. Night!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Artichokes and Onions...

Today Scott, Jessica and I were watching the new Pink Panther movie with Steve Martin, and one of the lines he said in the movie was: "Women are like artichokes... There are many layers you have to go through before you get to the heart." And we were laughing about that, and I look at Jessica and ask her if she's an artichoke, and she looks as Scott, who is still chuckling. Scott playfully agrees and turns to me, and says "Sarah, you're like an onion..." thinking more along the lines of the movie Shrek, but my rapier wit jumps in and I blurt out: "Yeah, because I make boys cry."

Now, I honestly am not aware of actually making any boy cry. (Aside from my brothers... when we were little... I feel I must be honest...) Although there is a slight nagging feeling that somehow someshere I might have, but I can't think of anytime, so right now I must conclude that it was unintentional... It's a big "round robin"...

Anyway, I'm not mad at Scott or anything for the comment, it just that my quick wit which often stems from not taking the time to think before I speak, and probably at the prodding of my subconscious (darn you Freud!) seems to constantly find ways to remind me that I'm still single.


Well, I have to be at the Farm at 7 am tomorrow, so I'm off to bed...

"This is wanting something, this is reaching for it,
This is wishing that a moment would arrive.
This is taking chances, this is almost touching, what the beauty is.
I don’t understand a word they’re saying,
I’m as different here as different can be.
But the beauty is I still meet people like me."
~The Light in the Piazza

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hey I'm back!

Wow... Sorry about the lapse in posting... I've been so busy lately!

I started at Perkins on Sunday and I started at the Farm on Monday. I love both, although they each are hard for different reasons. The Farm, because it's a lot of working bent/hunched over, in the hot sun, and Perkins you're on you feet the whole time, and there are lots and lots to remember... And not just "what dish goes to which person" or "who ordered what drink" is all the different possible sides and substitutions... It's crazy!

Slight tangent: Right now, I really enjoy working at Perkins! My coworkers are nice and I love the variety of customers. :-) Tomorrow I get 3 tables to myself, so I actually might get to earn some tips! And, Perkins has by far the best breaks ever! You get a half hour and you can just order off the menu! :-) WAAAY better then Kohl's or Movie Gallery, or even Fareway! Fareway, obviously as a grocery store, had food, but not all the cooking facilities to accomodate hungry workers... Kohl's gave you a half hour. :-P and our Kolh's is on the edge of town, and not near ANYTHING except possibly The World's Slowest Subway. So that was pointless. Movie Gallery really didn't even give you lunch breaks. Yes. Perkins breaks are awesome! Especially since I get a great discount when I work. :-)

24 days until Pirates of the Caribbean II!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! :-D :-D :-D

Hmmm... what else... I saw CARS, and on Friday Jessica and I watched Cool Runnings, and on Saturday Jessica, Scott and I watched Kicking and Screaming. (Which was okay...Not *as* funny as I'd hoped...) and on Sunday Jessica, Scott, Suzie and 2 of Jessica's Drake friends who came to visit and I watched Firewall. And this afternoon I watched the Tony Awards, which mom had taped for me. So awesome! I was really proud of myself! I actually knew a lot of the actors! :-) I texted Rachel back and forth as I watched it, it was pretty fun. Some of the stuff they're doing with the revival of Sweeney Todd looks delightfully creepy! :-)

Hmmm.... I'm really tired... and I don't feel like I have much else to say... So that's it for now!

Saturday, June 10, 2006





Friday, June 09, 2006


Ok, this movie is pretty much amazing. It's about a minute long, by an animation studio in France...


Fact: it is possible to toast marshmallows in the toaster oven, hovever, while deliciously gooey, they lack the smokey flavor they get when you really cook them. It's just not the same.

Oh, and this didn't happen, but if you ever DO put marshmallows in a toaster oven make sure you watch them, so they don't burn and fill up the oven and the room with smoke. Trust me, it's not the same smoke as burning wood... This would be the marshmallow on fire/burning bread crumbs-type of smoke. Not good.

It's definately cooled off today. It's cloudy and basically dreary... Jessica and I are going to watch a movie. We haven't decided what yet. Last night we went and saw RV. It was hilarious! We both loved it! Kristen Chenowith is really awesome, as is Robuin Williams, when he's not being crude. I think we're going to see Pixar's "Cars" sometime soon as well!

The Kraft thing at Kelly Services was soooo inefficient... They told me to come early so they could start at 8:30 on the dot and we didn't start until 8:40... Then they had us fill out tons and tons and tons of paperwork, for the Kelly application, then you sit there and wait for everyone else to finish... Then when everyone's done, you wait some more.... Then you wait while they breifly interview each person. (Yesterday there were 6 people, counting Isaac and I.) And then when that was done you waited some more, then they came and we had to watch 2 movies. And the whole morning was like that.... BLEH! We didn't get done til like 12:20 pm. And to top if off, Isaac and I both got parking tickets for being parked over the time limit in the 2 hour parking zone. *eye roll*

Then I quickly drove through McDonalds and went to my interveiw at the farm and that was awesome! I decided to take that job over Kraft. The Farm will pay me $8/hr while Kraft was $7. And during strawberry season I could work 7 hours a day, for 2-3 weeks. After that I won't work *as* often, but by then I should know what I'm doing at Perkins and be able to make some good money there. Wooohooooo!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Wow... I'm just posting to say that I just woke up from a nightmare where Julia C., Amanda N., (all Wartburg people) and I were rooming together in the suite in the Mannors that's supposedly "haunted." Well it was definately haunted in my dream...

The dream involved window blinds freaking out, brooms floating around by themselves, closet doors moving alone... and the impending feeling that something really really really bad and scary was going to happen. It sounds dumb, but the dream really was scary... Especially since, in the dream we didn't realize we'd gotten the "haunted" suite until we had moved in and were getting ready for bed the first night.

Okay I need to get ready for stuff...

A job! At last!

I really need to get to bed, but I jumped on because I wanted to say that I have finally gotten a job...

At Perkins... Not what I was shooting for, but absolutely better then nothing. And it is NOT Mcdonalds... Which is where my mom suggested I apply.... Ug. :- P Anyway, everyone I've told has informed me that I should make good money in tips, so that's heartening at least.

I also have an interveiw tomorrow at 1 pm at a local farm that sells produce. We'll see if I get that job... and then we'll see if I can juggle the two of them...

ALSO at 8:30 am I have a "workshop" tomorrow at Kelly services for our local Kraft plant. It's to fill out applications and stuff. Isaac is going too.

And I'm still doing municiple band.

I went swimming today at 6 pm with Jessica and Scott. It was kind of cold. And I can't throw a football to save my life... lol...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Midnight musings...


Sometimes I wonder if my life would be easier if I wasn't such a hopeless romantic.

And then that leads me to think, would I have the same friends if I wasn't a hopeless romantic?

And, would I (from what it seems like now,) still be (through no apparent fault of my own) what I like to call "perpetually single?"

Because sometimes it sucks being single and... Well, alone.

I feel that it's hard to explain that I'm not mad or jealous of my friends and their relationships. I am so happy for them, and I love being together with them. (And Jess if you're reading this, I've never felt like a 3rd wheel, so don't freak out.) It's not awkward. I revel and feed off their joy, silliness and contribute my own touch of humor.

I'm just impatient for my turn.

I feel left out, and for those of you who know me, or have heard me talk about this... One of the quickest ways to tick me off is to purposely exclude me.

I'll be 20 in September and the longest I've dated was a month, and that relationship was totally unfair to the guy who asked me out. I *knew* I was leaving for college....


I suppose if I wasn't a hopeless romantic, my morals would be different as well.

And that thought just makes me sick. If there's one point I'm really proud of, it's my stubbornness when it comes to my personal morals.


So I guess this late night rambling has brought me to the conclusion that being a hopeless romantic is an inescapable piece of my character... I wouldn't be the person that I am now if I wasn't a hopeless romantic...

...I just have to deal with these bouts of melancholy and keep reminding God that I'm still waiting for my proverbial "Prince Charming."

Remember *this* post? I think this poem will forever exemplify my feelings...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

This summer...

Besides getting a job for the summer I would like to:

1. Learn how to make homemade rootbeer
2. Teach Jessica to stage-swordfight so I can have someone to practice with
3. Eat as much Avocado Fetta Salsa with Jessica as humanly possible
4. Make scotcheroos :-)
5. Go see Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest as much as possible
6. Keep in contact with all my awesome friends
7. Practice my flute a lot to get ready for band auditions
8. Practice piano
9. Marathon as many as possible pirate-related movies with Jessica
10. Work on the 5K running plan with Jessica
11. Hang out with Jill
12. Go camping with Jessica for the weekend
13. Survive municiple band
14. Write to my friends and my sister at camp
15. Participate in the summer movie
16. Get coffee with Mike as much as possible

I'll probably add more as the summer goes along. :-)

Friday, June 02, 2006


Okay, so it looks like the summer job is out. >:-( Mom made me call the staffing agency like, 3 times today, even though i didn't want to and they couldn't give me a straight answer to what the flip is going on... So it looks like I am REALLY back to square one. *facepalm* This job did seem too good to be true... GAH! *incert Sarah's not-happy-face here*

Annnnnnd my youngest brother has left plastic frogs in my bed.... *eye roll* :-P


I went over to Jessica's for dinner. It was pretty much amazing! :-D There was... AVOCADO FETTA SALSA! *dies* It really is amazing.... *siiiigh* There was other stuff too, but that was the best. After dinner, Scott, Jessica, Jess's brother Jake and I watched TLC and "What Not to Wear, Worst Dressed Family" because Jessica is pretty much obsessed with that show... :-) Then we played Apples to Apples for about 2 and a half hours. When we stopped, Jake ended up winning with 35, and I was second with 26.

Funny quote from the night:

Me, watching Scott wrestle with Jake, and noticing his muscular arms: Ooooooo! Scott, you have some nice guns!
Scott: Thanks! I prefer to call them cannons.

LOL... just funny stuff....

But not the part about no summer job.

Stupid staffing people/company....


Ummm... I biked around the lake again today. It was nice... a little bit of a headwind coming back, but I survived.... I also unpacked a bit... I threw out a lotta stuff.... haha...

Blah, what else.... Not much....

I'm going to bed!


Okay, so remember the post a week ago about a summer job? Well, now it looks like I might not HAVE that summer job. The company I would be working for hired a staffing agency to screen workers, but now it sounds like they filled the positions with workers they aquired through an entirely different staffing agency. I must say this ticks me off.... Because it appears I'm back at square one. Bleh.

On a far more happier note, Jessica and I went swimming today. :-) The lake water was cold at first, but was nice after you forced yourself in. We floated around on blow-up raft-things for about an hour and a half. It was fun!

Then after we came back and showered, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner... Since I had a gift certificate that I hadn't used yet. It was great fun, even though we couldn't eat all of the pizza and cheese-breadsticks we ordered...

ANNNND then we went running... Because we felt like we had to justify all the pizza we ate... So we ran a mile as a part of our 5k training plan... Oh man. I am so out of shape.... :-P I made it 3/4th of the way... which is better then the beginning of May, when I made it once around the track at a jog in PE... (Granted I had just had my wisdom teeth out...) Running is not fun for me, but, by golly I am going to do this! *determined face* It really helps that Jessica and I are doing this together... Misery loves company. ;-)

After that I watched CSI with Jessica's dad while Jessica bummed on the computer, and Jessica's mom and brother made puppy chow. Then, while watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Jessica and I ate a lot of puppy chow. Probably defeating the fact that we had done some exercizing... haha, oh well! :-P

Three days in a row spent with Jessica! LIFE IS GOOD!

I do miss school people though.... :-( Emily, Dani, Rachel, Amanda, Erik, Margie, Bryan, Jon, and John, Brett, ArmyChris, Lourey, Courtney, Leah.... Even Jill and Julia, even though they live in my area.... It's not the same!

Today my sister left to work at our local Girl Scout Camp. I am really proud of her! :-) I really hope she has a great time! I worked there a couple years ago, and it really taught me a lot about hard work, dedication and true friends. I will have to keep up my writing... because I know how much a big deal mail is at camp. :-)

Okay, have I stated how much I am excited for the new Pirates of Caribbean movie???? Yeah... It's pretty much ridiculous how excited I am for this movie... It's like a constant screaming/squealing excitement that I usually have to contain otherwise people might actually realize that I shouldn't be allowed out in society... ;-)

Um yeah... Like that totally made sense... haha...

Tomorrow I need to unpack boxes.... *groan* What a pain... But they are in the way. Which is also a pain. Hmm... Two pains... I don't think it will become "chronic" until Mom does something to make it so... like.... not letting me do anything with Jessica until I deal with those boxes... Which she could very well do... Bleh. Again.

Okay, since Mom said I have to get up around 8 am and figure out this job not-fun-stuff.... I guess I should go to bed... Sooo... that's all for now...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Yay summer!

Okay, so today began exactly like yesterday... With Jessica calling me on my cell and waking me up... Heehee, I didn't mind.

So I biked to her house around 1 pm and we finished watching the movie Hook, because I had never seen it before... Then we watched Legends of the Hidden Temple on the oldschool Nickleodeon channel. Then we picked up her brother from the golf course and then took him to work... Then Jessica, her mother and I all biked around the lake, which is aboue 15 miles. It was the perfect day for biking too. :-) Warm and sunny, and not too windy.

When we came back and had supper, and Jessica was talking about her friend who is allergic to a lot of things, like milk, gluten and whey... And then we were talking about my potential trip to Japan, and how I've never eaten sushi, and how Jessica likes it... and then she was thinking if her aforementioned friend could eat sushi, and she said:

"Hmmm... let's think now... She can eat fish... and there's seaweed... which I don't think has anything like gluten or whey in it... So she can eat that... And rice......... which is made out of.... rice..."

And I stopped her there and we both laughed a lot.

Jessica and I are going to do something again tomorrow, after she gets back from babysitting.

Oh summer... how I love thee... :-)

Jessica also showed me pictures from her service trip to St. Louis and these are some pics of us that we did to finish up the camera...

This is Jessica and I... Back in March. I'm wearing my blue fuzzy slippers because Jessica's floor is always cold in the winter time.

This is Scott, who is Jessica's boyfriend, Jessica and me!

Okay this picture makes me laugh a lot.... It's a picture of me... With Jessica's (very steady) boyfriend, and I'm wearing my Wartburg theatre shirt that says "Are You a Player?" hahaha.... (FYI the Wartburg's theatre troupe is called "Wartburg Players")

Oh good times, good times.... And more to come! :-D