Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Diary...

Today I took my boyfriend to the Iowa State Fair. He had never been before and we both had a really good time.

We went to see Mallory Lewis perform (daughter of the late, very great Sheri Lewis) with Lampchop and Hush-Puppy. The best part was went Mallory picked Dan to come up on stage and dance with her and Lampchop during a song.

Afterwords Dan bought me (and one for himself) a Lampchop doll and we had them autographed. <3 And then Mallory Lewis found out that Dan writes music and said for him to find her on Facebook to help her write some songs for her act. And she was serious.

We also saw the butter cow, the animals and ate lots of delicious fair food.

And then we didn't die on the drive home.

It was a good day. A very good day. A wonderful send-off to the summer in fact!


P.S. Dan beat me in the game of Cows and Dead People: 5 to 2. Next time I will win.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Tie your shoesies and chase your bluesies away..."

Who's gushing and giggly?

That would be me.

"Everything happens for a reason." And I see things now that I didn't see before... I like this new reason to be in the area.

State Fair this year is going to be awesome!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Blog Every Day in August... Wait, what?

Okay, so I totally failed at the initial blogging something each day during the month of August... In fact, I have not blogged for almost a month, which in itself is also pretty lame. I'm sorry. I did recently change the template for my blog, so if you read this on something like GoogleReader, be sure to check it out!

Joseph came and went... It was so much fun! I really believe that our cast made magic every night on stage... Everyone worked hard and the audience response was wonderful! Rachel V. I've been infected with the theatre bug! I am sad that the show is over, but I am really thankful that I got to be a part of it. I made a lot of new friends! I can't wait for next year!

I've seen Inception twice. Once with a bunch of people from Joseph, and the second time with my friend Dan. I caught a lot the second time. I don't want to post spoilers here... So I won't. But it's good. Really, good. So go and enjoy an intellectual movie!

I'm at Tripoli again this year. I applied for about 30 jobs and had 7 interviews, but no dice. I'm too young. At least I have a job, I'm not complaining right now. I wanted to earlier last month, but I refrained. I started putting my classroom back together today, and I have a better idea of how I want it set up and structured. We'll see where this year goes.

It's kind of hot and humid here in Sumner. Watson is feelin' it. I'm feelin' it. I'm missing the A/C of home.

Yesterday I was a baking fiend and I made my very first fruit pie. Dan was coming over for dinner and a movie and I knew his favorite pie was cherry. So in the sweltering heat of my house I made a cherry pie. Using Bing Cherries, no less! It turned out really good, and it was suuuuuper tasty! Dan said it was the best cherry pie he had ever had, but I don't think he was being very objective.... :-)

Dan is coming over again on Wednesday. He has to go back to his apartment in Iowa City to work on some music he's composing for the production of Sleepy Hollow that is happening at the Oster Regent Theatre in Cedar Falls. Also, this coming Sunday we are going to the Iowa State Fair together! Dan has never been, so I'm excited to show him the fair. I really can't wait for the delicious fair food! Like a deep-fried Snickers bar! Plus, Mallory Lewis (Sherri Lewis's daughter) will be performing at the fair with Lambchop. Dan and I are totally going to that show and I can't wait! :-)

I have this last week of freedom before I have to be at in-service on August 16th. I am going to miss staying up late to watch Craig Ferguson every weeknight and sleeping in till 9am.

Oh! And today's date, when written in the American abbreviated way is in numerical order... 8-9-10. I only noticed that because I had to pay some bills this afternoon.

So there's a bit of an update... How was that? :-)

"I’m a find, I’m a catch And a very gifted bowler!"

...Now I know, he’ll appear,
Cause there are rules and there are strictures,
I believe the storybooks I read by candlelight,
My white knight, my knight and his steed,
Will look just like these pictures!
It won’t be long now, I guarantee!...

I haven't been happy and giggly like this for long time. :-)