Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This is my celebration face...

Okay so I went to take the Praxis today. Margie was kind enough to be able to give me a ride so I was able to make it to the UNI campus. Like most things in my life it was an adventure...

I started off by being dropped off at the wrong building (Which was my fault. I wanted the old "East Gym" building, and I was at the West Gym.) I wandered around the area for a minute before standing still, trying to read my map and calling the building for directions. Then God went "Here Sarah, this person will take you where you need to go. Hurry up and get to your test!" And then this older lady walked up to me and asked me if I was lost. And I said YES! (And said "Thank-you God!" in my head.) I showed her on my little map where I needed to be and she said that her office was very near to the building I needed to get to and that she would walk me there. So she took me to the East Gym, and led me to the office where I needed to check in, right on time. I thanked her profusely and she went on her way.

Best thing to happen ever. I would have had no clue what way to go!

So I took the PRAXIS (which is basically a teacher competency exam. I need it to get into some of my upper level classes.) Standard brain-draining computerized test. Made it within the times on all the sections and got done at 4 instead of 4:30 like I was thinking! w00t!

The test was over reading, mathematics and writing. I was really glad mom helped me study and review the math because it helped a lot!

I don't know my total score, or my score for the writing section, because the essay has to be graded by hand.


I do know my reading and math scores!

A score of 170 will allow you to pass the test and I scored 178 on my reading and 175 on my math!




I kind of scraped by, but STILL!


*happy dance*

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me and wished me good luck! It helped!

One more cause of stress to check off the list! w00t!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Back at the 'Burg

Just a quick note to say that I'm back at Wartburg! I'm moved in to my room, I'm just not fully unpacked. Or... almost at all.... But I'm getting there! It took a while to figure out how to change the setting on my computer to register back to the internet here, but I've obviously gotten it to work. Yay!

I'm off to my first day of ITS training!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Getting ready to move back.

I have been packing almost all day... Packing like a crazy woman....

So a quick update:

I have a watercolor painting on a scroll from Jessica, that she bought me when she was in Mongolia.

I have a new futon.

I have a free microwave.

My flute only cost $275 to get serviced instead of the $800 I was budgeting for it. I will get it back by Monday!

I got to go to Cabin Coffee with Jessica this morning. (She ended up not moving in yesterday, so she had time to recover from China.)

I have lots and lots of stuff.

I hate packing.

I have thrown away/shredded lots of papers.

I am bringing less books this year and no CDs.

I think I'm bringing less stuff than last year anyway.

I am taking the PRAXIS on Wednesday at UNI, and I need a ride...

Have I mentioned that I hate packing?

Will I be ready to leave for school tomorrow? The jury is still out on that....

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Phone call...

I got a phone call from JESSICA! AHHHHHHHHHH! :-D :-D :-D She's stuck in Seattle, so that kind of sucks... She has to spend the night there. She missed her flight to Denver. She said she'll get back home-home around 5 pm tomorrow at the earliest, which works for me since I have a Chiropractor appointment at 5:15. Then I'm having dinner with her!


Sunday, August 19, 2007


I got a postcard in the mail from Jessica yesterday. It made me really happy. And it made me miss her a lot. She gets back to Des Moines Tuesday night at 10 pm, so I will get to see her Wednesday and Thursday. She goes back to school on Friday. I go back on Sunday.

There's more on my mind, but I don't have time to sit and figure out how to word it. I need to shower and go to bed.


Sunday, August 12, 2007


1. Surprise, surprise. I have pink eye again. In BOTH of my eyes. But my right is worse then my left. The left is the gunky one, and the right is the light-sensitive one. I'm so glad my eyes have both symptoms individually covered. For what it's worth, they ARE better then they were this morning.

2. I went futon shopping with my mom this afternoon! It looks like I'll be buying one from Shopko for a total of about $150.00. Good sturdy wire frame, and 6" spring mattress. And the frame has those bar things on the front to keep the mattress from sliding down. Score!

3. I saw STARDUST today with my friend Jill, who a.) I haven't seen all summer and b.) just got her wisdom teeth out Thursday. We both enjoyed the movie completely despite the fact that her face was still a little swollen and I'm in my glasses for reasons stated in #1. Stardust = total awesome-ness! I LOVED IT! Go see it! :-D

4. I still haven't had time to read the new Stephanie Meyer novel, Eclipse despite the fact that I bought it last Tuesday. :-(

5. Still looking for a car.

6. I have two weeks left at work and yesterday was my last Saturday! No more having to get up at 4:45 am to have enough time to drive to work! YEAH! :-D

7. I bought an awesome floor lamp for the dorm. It has 5 adjustable lights. But I might take it back... Target's ad had a similar light, with 60 watt bulbs (instead of 25) on sale for $10 as opposed to the $20 I just paid for this one.

8. I bought a Pirates of the Caribbean wall clock! Pictured blow:

Yes it is made of plastic. Yes it cost only $10.99. But I don't care. I think it flippin' rocks! :-D

9. I went to my first ever rodeo last night. I was kind of dubious about it at first, but it ended up being really fun! April, a coworker invited me along with her and we had a good time!

10. I need to call Leah about room furnishings... Mostly about who's bringing the TV and if she got a new microwave.

11. I am going to the Iowa State Fair on Saturday! A time to eat lots of delicious greasy food! I'm looking forward to the Porkchop-on-a-stick, Dippin' Dots and perhaps a deep-fried Oreo or Snickers.

12. I just spent 2 hours writing up my birthday/Christmas list for my grandparents... I hope I sent it to the right email address. (Two hours because I was distracted by many other things.)

13. I miss my flute, which is at the flute doctor. The long over-due check-up/overhaul is scheduled for the 23rd. If it costs less than $500, I will be very happy. But I doubt it.

14. I AM BEING DRIVEN INSANE BY COUNTRY MUSIC! I hate it with every fiber of my being! I have to listen to it for 9 hours a day, 5 days a week! AHHHHHHHHHH! I am so tired of the radio in general. I am starting to wish for a talk radio station... At least that would be something different to listen to each day.

15. That is all for now.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Sunday, August 05, 2007

A post for the closing of the weekend...

Hello! I'm still here!

Nothing too interesting...

I'm moving back to Wartburg on August 26th, even though classes don't start until the 5th of September. Why? Because of training for ITS. We get to help all the 1st years connect to Wartburg's internet system for the 1st time. Whoo? I will be the only one in my room for about a week. Other ITS people will be there, so I will probably hang out with Ted and Jesse or something, but my room will be sad and empty for a while... :-(

I finished reading Treasure Island! Yay! I love that book! So cool! I am also in the middle of "Beauty" by Robin McKinley and Stephanie Meyer's new book in the Twilight series comes out on TUESDAY! :-D YES!

Also on my reading list are "Marley and Me" because the audio version we have is abridged, and the pile of books I bought from B. Daltons at the beginning of the summer, which includes a book called "Vampyrates." I've read the first 3 chapters and so far it's pretty cool! :-)

Check out this awesome video blog: Brotherhood 2.0. It's one of the more hilarious things I've come across... This video and this video are also very very awesome! The project is explained here.

I saw Hairspray this afternoon with Scott. It was a very cute movie! I loved it! It would be fun to see it on stage... I know it's coming to our local community college, so I might have to look into buying a ticket...

I also saw a preview for the movie: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. Which looks equally AWESOME, and super cute! I want to seeeeeee ittttttt! :-D I also saw a preview for The Golden Compass... which looks good too. I might have to try and read that series again... This Friday, Stardust comes out and I DEFINITELY want to see that one! w00t!

You know what's really sad? I've only done, like 4 things with other people since Jessica left on July 10th. I hung out with Mike once. Kind of met up with him again at the Harry Potter book release. Went and visited Rachel V. for the weekend. And now saw a movie with Scott. My life is lame. I miss Jessica. (Who gets back on the 21st!!!!!!! AHHH!)

I am very much ready to be done with work. It's not even the getting up at 5:45 each day. Actually, I don't mind that... It's not as worse as I thought it would be... I'm just tired of the actual work. I could NOT do this job for the rest of my life. My last day is the 24th. Thank goodness!

Well, I'm off to bed. As usual. Exciting blog post? Ha. Not really, but it's something to read.