Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stuck, but safe...

So earlier today I was joking about how amusing it would be if a bunch of people couldn't make it to the 2 hour Christmas vs. Wartburg rehearsal tonight, just to spite the fact that they had rehearsal on Sunday night, at the very end of break... And I end up being one of those people who couldn't make it because of the ice! :-( I feel like I jinxed myself. :-P It took me 45 minutes to turn around and make it back home, which would have normally taken me 10. In 2 miles of interstate I saw 8 cars in the ditch and we were crawling along at about 30 mph. Not good...

So yeah... So I'm sitting at home... Feeling guilty because I missed rehearsal, even though I didn't really want to be there in the first place.

I got to have lunch with my friend Bre today! We went out for Chinese and it was really good! It was also good to catch up. :-) We usually manage to see each other once or twice a year. We did a lot of things together when we were little, and it's nice that we're still friends. :-)

Yesterday I hung out with Jessica... I helped her decorate her Christmas tree and then we went an saw Twilight, for the second time for both of us. I don't know if it was better because of the second time, better because I was seeing it with my best friend, or better because Luke had just visited the day before... Maybe it was a combination of all three, but Jessica and I definitely enjoyed ourselves and had fun cuddling and squealing over the awesomeness that is Edward Cullen.*

After that I dropped Jessica off at her brother's hockey game and I went and saw Bolt which was pretty good as well. I enjoyed it, the whole movie was very quotable. Not as good as Monsters Inc. but as a movie made solely by Disney, I'd say they did a pretty good job. I'll admit it. I teared up at a couple parts... I'm a sucker for animal movies. I love the hamster, Rhino. He was the best!

I've been listening to my iTunes on shuffle for the past hour and it's been very keen to play many of the romatical-type songs I have... Right now it's playing "Someone is Waiting" from Company.

Okay, I need to get to bed. I need to get up early to check school cancellations and road conditions.

*I would like to point out that I have come to the realization that love for a fictional character is really not the same as being in love with someone in real life. This may read as a "duh" but for the longest time fictional characters were all I really had. Yes. I have a sad life. But it's better now.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Out of my League

I love this song.... Rachel V., do you remember freshman year, laying in bed at night listening to this song? (Along with Hushabye Mountain and Hurry! It's Lovely Up Here!)

:-) *warm fuzzies*

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey time!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope it was an enjoyable holiday for all!

I spent a large part of last night making dinner rolls. I ended up doubling the recipe after reading "makes 12 buns." But later I reread what it said and that bit was for if you were using the recipe for hamburger buns. The recipe for rolls made 2 1/2 dozen... I doubled it and made enough dough for potentially 5 dozen rolls... Haha! This is very typical of me baking, so it wasn't a crisis or anything, just funny. I also was covered in flour, which was accentuated by the black sweatshirt I was wearing. I made the rolls a little bit bigger than the recipe suggested. And then I forgot them in the oven for a little too long and they got a littttttle bit brown on top, but NOT burnt.

This morning I watched the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade with Stephen and Philomena, then watched a little of the dog show. The shi-tzu was my favorite... Because it didn't want to walk after the judge examined it. It just alternated between sitting and lying down and refused to run. It was cute. :-)

After that I took a nap while my sibs watched Miracle on 34th Street on TV. Around 4pm we had dinner, all the traditional stuff: turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy, green bean cassarole (which isn't my favorite, but it was there,) jello and dinner rolls. It was great! My parents did a great just making the food, like the mashed pototes and the turkey. Philomena made the jello and that was nice too. :-)

After dinner we played Catch-phrase for a couple rounds. (Mousse Pen? Try gel... haha!) Then Matthew, Daniel, Philomena and I played cribbage. I love that game! It was a lot of fun, with some pretty good hands.

After that I went over to Jessica's and watched Survivor, then 11th Hour. (Which I had never seen before, it was pretty cool!) I ate some of their Thanksgiving leftovers (like we didn't have any here... haha!) We watched a little more random TV before Jessica admitted that she was super tired. (Well, she had stated that earlier in the evening, but this time she actually went to bed and I left.)

Now Mary's watching Doctor Who and I'm blogging and talking online.

Tomorrow Jessica is going with me to brave the Black Friday sales. I want to buy a new pair of jeans... Maybe a new dress suit if I can find something good on sale.

ALSO, tomorrow Luke is coming to visit again and I am super excited. (For real. If you couldn't tell from the previous post.) Nothing too spectacular planned, but that's okay. :-) We'll play it by ear. :-) Eating Thanksgiving leftovers will probably be happening at one point in time. So will Doctor Who watching. I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

South Pacific

I'm as corny as Kansas in August,
I'm as normal as blueberry pie.
No more a smart little girl with no heart,
I have found me a wonderful guy!

I'm as corny as Kansas in August,

High as a flag on the Fourth of July!
If you'll excuse an expression I use,
I'm in love, I'm in love,
I'm in love, I'm in love,
I'm in love with a wonderful guy!

Sometimes Rogers and Hammerstein say it best... :-) It's been in my head all day. For real.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A quick blip...

I just had breakfast at 10:00 at night. A warm cinnamon roll and a glass of orange juice. :-) Yum!

It's really quiet in the apartment with no one here... Which seem like an obvious "duh" comment, but it's a little more lonely than I imagined. I just finished listening to my Across the Sky CD and now my iTunes has moved on to Across the Universe, which is fine. I like the Beatles. I'm here through part of Wednesday, so I just have to survive through that long. The week should go fast. Tomorrow night is the first home basketball game, so the pep band will be playing and Tuesday night is the 5-6th grade band/chorus concert. Wednesday the school day ends around 2pm.

So last Tuesday my car got a flat tire. I had ran over a screw and it was slowly deflating. I got the tire repaired and changed and the mechanic commented that my car was really noisy. So they looked at it and realized that the alternator was coming apart. Lovely, no? So I had to get that in and get it fixed. It ended up being the water pump that was coming loose, not the alternator, but they are so close to each other that you can't tell one from the other without taking some of it apart. So that FINALLY got fixed. ($200+ later...) And now my car will hopefully work with no more problems. *knocks on wood*

I saw Twilight today with my mom and it was good. I enjoyed it. I mean, yeah, the books are better, they are always going to be better.... But what the movie did show was pretty awesome! :-D

Okay, Mondays are my early days, so I need to get to bed. I've been in the best mood all weekend, which is really nice. :-) I'm going to work hard to let that carry through the week.

Is it Thanksgiving weekend yet? :-)

Quick before bed...

Life is just better when you discover that someone you have liked for a long time likes you back. :-)

It's nice to think about being in love again.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"It's the lamest place in the world...

...But it just got a little bit better!"

Monday, November 17, 2008

Video from the Tour de Nerdfighting stop in Ames, Iowa

So here is one of the videos I took while seeing Hank and John Green in Ames, Ia. This is Hank singing Book Eight, which is one of my favorite songs! (As you can tell, by my singing along... It's not toooooooo bad, I promise.... Or at least I hope...) The quality isn't the best because I only have my little digital camera. I might upload it to YouTube and then reload it here... But later.

You can watch the original video here. I loooooove it!!!! :-D

Red Rover



Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nerdfighters in Ames!

So Rachel D., Nathan and I went to Ames today to see John and Hank Green. It was so made of awesome, we could hardly stand it... But we did! I have some videos to post, but for now, you'll have to do with a picture. I'm exhausted and need to go to bed. I have to be at school by 6:30 am. That means I have to leave by 5:50. Gross...

Anyway! Here's the best picture from the trip! Really... There are no words... It was so JOKES!

From L to R: Hank Green, me, Nathan, Rachel D., and John Green


Saturday, November 15, 2008

My blog. My code.




Life lessons....

I am slowly being taught that speaking what I truly think is no longer acceptable.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What? Me again?

Two posts within two days? Oh man, oh man.... What is the world coming to?

This weekend I am going to Ames with Rachel D. and some friends to see the Vlog Brothers! John and Hank Green are stopping in Iowa on their Tour de Nerdfighting . Who's excited??? ME! ME! PICK ME! Mary can't go, because she has theatre stuff. :-( (Don't worry, there'll be pictures and stuff.)

What else is new? Um... It was mostly sunny this morning, but started to rain this afternoon, and it finally stopped. It was really depressing. I don't know what I would prefer right now... Snow or rain. Probably snow... Rain in November is sad. Yesterday it was super foggy in the morning. I just hope this weekend is nice. :-)

Rachel D. had her junior recital last night and it was faaaabulous! I was really proud of her! :-) (I was also nervous for her, but she did great, like I knew she would.) She now can breathe and chill and not stress out about her recital. It's over! :-D You survived!

Oh, also. About the election. I'm really glad this guy didn't win. What a crazy man..... Anyway, Nov. 4th was kind of a blah day. Everyone was happy except me. :-P (And Rachel V. We commiserated together.) I'm just glad it's over.

Ok, enough of that.

I don't know about anyone else reading this blog, but I'm tired. Not just physically tired, but mentally tired. I just want to sit and do nothing. I miss being able to sit and just watch a movie. I mean I don't have a lot of stuff to do, or a lot of stuff going on. Academic-wise, I have nothing to complain about. But the time and effort I put into the day takes up a lot of my energy. I drink lots of Mountain Dew. It's not MORE busy or stressful than anyone else's. It's just different.

I miss exercising. I can't believe I'm typing this. I have a lot of nervous energy that I feel needs to go somewhere.... But do I have time? Do I have energy? I don't know... I probably do, but if I have time to go exercise, I probably have time to practice my flute.... But practicing my flute takes a lot of time and mental energy... Blaaaaaaaarghhh.....

Gah! I have this piece of hair that is too short to tuck behind my ear.... I love my new haircut, but sometimes it's annoying. I should find a bobby pin.

The Twilight movie is next weekend.... The 21st I think. I'm really exciiiiiited! :-D I really hope the movie doesn't suck. I haven't decided if I should go see it by myself sometime that week and then seen it again with Jessica over Thanksgiving, or find someone on campus to see it with me or what. I AM going to go see this movie. And it will be the epitome of fangirly, joyous glee. With lots of squealing, giggling and, if you know me, lots of shaking and hitting as I try to draw your attention in the dark theatre to whatever I notice or figure out in the movie. (I'm surprised Jessica even goes to movies with me anymore... Haha...) But.... AHH! I'm really excited!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm off to run to Wal-Mart with Rachel D...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween, sushi, and life

So I've been slacking off in the keeping up of this blog... Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! There's new stuff going on all the time, but by the time I get to blogging about it, it's no longer *as* new....

Um... For Hallowe'en Rachel D. and I totally dressed up as Mrs. Lovett and Johanna from Stephen Sondheim's musical Sweeney Todd. It was pretty awesome! Here's a picture:

I totally glued that apron together in a day. (Which I am really proud of... If you couldn't tell...) I didn't use a pattern or anything. Thanks to Rachel D. for the red food coloring. :-) Rachel found her dress and her props at the local second-hand shop.

It was really really fun! :-D Sadly, we didn't win the WCCB Hallowe'en costume contest, but a lot of people told us they really liked our costumes.

Brushing out my hair and washing off my make-up was probably the least fun of the whole thing.... Though by the end of the night, the frozen pot-pie had pretty much thawed and become quite soupy...

The two concerts I had that weekend went really well. Mom and the kids came to the Sunday concert and then we went out for Chinese.

Student teaching has been going well. Since Daylight Savings Time it's been lighter when I finally leave the apartment at 6:20 in the morning for school. I have about a month and a half left in student teaching. It's going by so fast, and keeping me quite busy. I am loving it though! (Aside from getting up at 5am everyday and having to go to bed by 11pm AT THE LATEST.) I am definitely going to be one of those people tearing up at the end of the semester.... I am going to miss seeing some of those students everyday.

This past weekend I went and visited Jessica at Drake and we has a lot of fun! I drove down Friday night, through the snow. I got there about 9:30. She was ice skating with a bunch of her international friends, and then we went to Perkins. We finally got back to campus around 12:30 and then we played some pool, followed by some card games, which lasted until about 1:45 am when I had to move my car before 2 am so I wouldn't get a ticket. After that we went to bed.

On Saturday, we slept in, had lunch at Hubble (Which..... Wasn't that spectacular... But at least it wasn't a confusing layout...) I had yogurt and it was yummy. Then she took me around campus and gave me a tour. Did you know that Drake was named after Sir Francis Drake, and that he donated a telescope to the college. Yeah. Anyway, it was really cold. Then we went to Gong Fu Tea, which is SUPER AWESOME! I love it! They have teas from all over the world and you can smell the leaves and decide what kind you'd like. Then they serve it to you in a little teapot with a little cup. It was a perfect day for tea, a lot of other people thought so too... It was pretty busy. After that we went window shopping... We stumbled across a costume shop and had fun looking at the different costumes and accessories. I think the winner was the Darth Vader costume for $1000. We browsed through antique shop that had an old fortune teller archaide game... Like you put in your dime, and this creepy mechanical granny, made of out of wood and all that drops your fortune in a little slot for you to pick up.

After we finished looking around the different shops we went to Taki, for sushi. But instead of opening at 4pm like we thought, it didn't open until 5. Go figure. So we drove around some more and Jessica took me to another one of her favorite stores... I think called The Back Woods. It was very outdoorsy and cool. I tried on lots of knitted hats.

Finally it was 5pm and we went to Taki. I made the mistake of admitting to Jessica that I was in the mood for something slightly spicy.... So she ordered this roll called the Sake Bomb (pronounced sah-kee.) It had jalapeno peppers in it... If that was any clue as to how spicy it was... Plus the wasabi I had mixed in with the soy sauce that I dipped the roll into... Whew! Jessica was laughing at me because I had to keep blowing my nose, and my eyes were watering pretty badly. That roll had good fish in it though... It was just super spicy. All the sushi we ordered was great and totally worth all the money we spent. We also had a really good waiter, who kept up on our beverages really well. Especially mine, since my mouth was BURNING and I was downing root beer like there was no tomorrow... Hahaha!

After sushi, we picked up Jessica's international friend Toma and went to the International Student Association variety show. It was really cool! There were so many different dances and songs, and the traditional clothes were often very brightly colored. It was super fun! Afterwards there was a raffle which included the opportunity to win an iTouch or a GPS, but alas. I am never that lucky. After that, we all went over to Olmsted and ate Sedexo versions of international food. That was very interesting. To say the least.

After the ISA night stuff Jessica and I went over to her friend Lizzie's apartment and played some Guitar Hero. I almost won a face off. (Someday....) Then we watched the movie 21 and it was pretty entertaining, although lightly predictable by the end. Even my super sleepy brain made some calls that ended up being confirmed by the end of the movie.

On Sunday Jessica and I went to Mars Cafe for breakfast/lunch and played cards for about 5 hours. We played 2 games of cribbage, the first game I was skunked, (which means that Jessica won, getting to the 121st peg, before I made 90 point-line.) I won the second round though... By luck... We were neck and neck. Then we played Nertz for the rest of the time, which was also super fun!

I ended up leaving around 4:45 pm and after following Jessica's misguided directions, got onto the interstate. (Don't feel bad though, Jess. I forgive you.) Driving home, something heavy fell into my lap and onto the floor and I freaked out. I thought it was a super gigantic spider or something. I finally pulled off at a rest stop and discovered that a small screw had fallen out somewhere from the steering column of my car. Which is... Not too good..... But I was really glad that it wasn't a spider.

I made it home safe and sound, no further problems. I have been trying my best to get good sleep so I can function at life and stuff. I'm doing okay. I mean, I'm functioning. I just... Hate having to go to bed so early, while hearing my housemates have fun. Like watching movies, or just being silly.

Okay, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed this update. See? I'm still alive!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Nerdy and Super Cool!

I want to be this guy's friend. I love this!

.... The awesomeness just gets stuck in your head... :-D

Sunday, November 02, 2008

I know.

Jessica: What? You two just need to date.
Me: I know. I know. Life is just confusing.