Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 31st

Happy Birthday Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom!!!!

(And J.K. Rowling)

Monday, July 30, 2007

What happened after the last blogpost...

Okay so food poisoning really sucks. Like a lot. I can now say this from experience, and not just from observation.

Rachel V. had gotten food poisoning from eating chicken nuggets from the McDonald's 'round the corner and 2 blocks West from our hotel in New York. From watching her experience, I could tell it was not fun at all.

Now I can say from my own personal experience that it is REALLY not fun.

I didn't eat the nuggets though. For me it was the burgers that messed me up. From the McDonald's in Waverly, where I had driven through on my way home from Rachel's.

I went to bed directly after my post last night feeling a little sick to my stomach. I feel asleep for about a half hour and then woke-up at 11:30 pm which begun the 45 minute increments in which I would throw-up. This lasted until about 4 am.

I had to call into work (which I did at about 1 am) to tell them that even though I made it back home from vacation safe and sound, I wouldn't be able to come in due to the fact that I was tossing cookies at regular intervals. Oh, and not sleeping at all in the down-time.

My mom did a good job of taking care of me. I love my mom!

I finally fell asleep shortly after 4 am and slept on and off until about 1 pm. I've been upstairs since. I read more of Treasure Island, ate some stale saltine crackers and watched MGM's 1937 movie "Topper" starring Cary Grant. :-)

I'm feeling a lot better and plan to go back into work tomorrow.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back to work...

I'm back from Rachel's house! It was a good time and I really liked hanging out with her! I found her house no problem... I just missed the turn to her street... So I had to turn around... With the only mishap being I turned on my left car blinker.... And then turned right instead. Oh well. I met a couple of her friends and we all hung out together and watched movies! And went shopping. I needed a formal dress, (which I did not find *sad face*) and they needed costumes for Godspell, which their community theatre is doing. The show is next weekend, and I wish I could go see it. Buuuuuuuut I can't. Because now I have to go back to work. Because I need money.

I DID buy some new shoes, though... Actually... Boots... From Payless. They have 4 inch heels and they are leather and look very very piratical. :-D I can't wait to wear them! I left my camera in my purse, which is currently left in the car, but I will get a picture up soon, because they are THAT awesome! I also bought a Harry Potter Dumbledore's Army shirt from HotTopic and a Gryffindor pin and a Hogwarts window sticker.

I got all that on Friday, when I was just with Rachel. We went back to the mall on Saturday, (Rachel, Eric, Jacob, Alex and I, for the costumes) and I had to work to sneak away to look at the pirate stuff at Claire's. On the way in I had seen a Pirates of the Caribbean window display at the Barnes and Noble bookstore and Alex actually picked me up and pulled me away from the doorway to go look at it. We wrestled at various point in the trip as he tried to prevent me from looking at all the piratical things I saw. Alex was also wearing a Civil War Union Soldier hat for some reason... and he kept trying to make me wear it. So we passed that back and forth too.

I like Rachel's friends! (And Rachel too! :-D) It was nice to have someone and some people to watch movies with.

I have 86 pages in Treasure Island left to read! Yay!

I'm going to bed. I have to work in the morning and I'm really sleepy.

P.S. I also feel that it's worth stating that exactly 2 months from today I will be 21 years old, and able to legally consume alcohol in the United States. Kind of exciting!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Of dentists and driving...

Well, it's been a couple days since I posted... Sorry about that... Nothing too new anyway. I've just been working, as usual.

I went to the dentist this morning because I haven't had a check-up since 2005. I kind of needed one badly... Especially since I have 4 cavities. I figured I had a couple so this information doesn't come as a shock. They're all on my molars, one on each side, up and down. I need to work harder on brushing back there. I'll have to make 2 more appointments, one for each side, and they'll fill 2 cavities at a time. Not fun at all, but what else is there to do?

Mary, Matthew, Dad and myself all went and saw Spamalot last Sunday in Des Moines. It's been a looooooooong time since I've laughed that hard! What a spectacular show! I LOVED IT! :-D I especially loved all the parodies... Disneyworld/Vegas, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Fiddler on the Roof and West Side Story being a few of them. Excellent excellent show! Go see it if you get the chance! :-D

Oh. You're probably wondering why I'm posting around 10 am on a Thursday morning....


I got a few days off from work to go visit Rachel V. in the Quad Cities! Yay! It'll be really fun! I just have to get there. Which is potentially a time-related problem, seeing as how when I drove to Iowa City last month, I missed a turn and ended up going 4 hours out of my way. (Long story. Maybe later.) But those of you who know me, or are aware of my mad driving skills know that whatever happens, it'll be an adventure!

As soon as my iPod finishes charging, I shall be off! I'll be back Sunday night! Until then!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

No spoilers here!

So I'm back from my media blackout.

The party at B. Dalton's was okay. Nothing special... They had a 50 question quiz that I took and there was only one question that I didn't know, but I looked it up afterwards. (It was a book 4, Dobby related question.)

I came home about 1:15 am... I was so nervous at the bookstore because I was at the back of the line and there were all these people walking around and leaving with the Books and I didn't want to hear ANY spoilers.

After telling mom that I was home I went down to my dungeon. I had left my computer on, and I was "away" on AIM and "Appear Offline" on MSN...

However, MSN had allowed a conversation box through with the pop-up message saying basically "here are some messages you received while you were away" and before I could even stop myself I read the message.

It was from a young cousin of mine naming the character ABC-news reported as the one who dies at the end of the book.

I sat there in shock for about 2 minutes as tears started to roll down my cheek before I finally ran up two flights of stairs, audibly sobbing, while calling for my mom.

I was pretty much hysterical.

Mom and I spent about an hour and a half (with me crying the whole time) discussing why I shouldn't be mad at my cousin because they didn't know how much this book meant to me. She said that they probably thought since it was Harry Potter related, I'd like to know. The spoiler they told me confirmed something I predicted, but what upset me was that I worked so hard to not let the book be spoiled for me. And in two seconds I read a spoiler that my cousin had decided to send to me, by finding my name in the "offline" section of her MSN messanger.

And there's no more books to wait for, to say, "Well, I won't let THAT one be ruined for me."

This is the last one! So this unwanted information was a bit of a crisis.... I should have just shut off my computer.

Anyway, after I had calmed down it took another half hour for my nose to become unstuffy from all the crying so I could fall asleep and then, because of work, I ended up only getting an hour and a half's worth of sleep.

Work was long. End of story.

Made it home, napped from 12:30 to 5 pm, went to church, ate dinner and started reading Harry Potter at 7:30 pm.

And I finished it at 6:15 am this morning.

And the best part??????



It was a big relief! :-)

I did cry a lot though... Throughout the book. Everything about it is absolutely brilliant. But it involved a lot of crying....

But I'm going to bed now...

RIP My Beloved Book Characters.

Friday, July 20, 2007

10 years... And it all comes down to tonight at 12:01 AM...

So tomorrow at this time I will be reading the last Harry Potter book.... It's kind of hard to think about... The Last Book..

I'm going to the midnight party at B. Daltons with my friend Mike, so that should definitely be fun! I'm going in my Hogwarts robes of course! :-D

Oh. My. Goodness!


I don't know what to say!


I was thinking about this all day at work, and you know what I realized? I've been keeping up with this series for seven years. SEVEN YEARS! That's a long time! I was introduced to the books when I was 13. (It was around January 2000.) The 3rd book had come out not too long ago and the 4th was 6 months away.

I remember when it was announced that the books were going to be movies... I remember when Dan, Emma and Rupert where proclaimed Harry, Hermione and Ron... I remember what the Warner Bros. Harry Potter website looked like back then... I remember being relieved that Stephen Spielberg didn't get selected as director of the 1st movie. I remember grinning like an idiot while I watched Quidditch for the first time with my friend Bethany.

I remember reserving the 4th book at our local library 4 months before it was released and being the first on the list, and the first to check it out and read it. I remember getting the 4th book that year for Christmas and being SO happy! I got books 1, 2 and 3 for my birthday the year after. Along with my Gryffindor back-pack, T-shirt and various other Harry Potter merchandise.

I got the 5th book in 2003 on my way to summer band camp at Iowa State University, and I remember sitting in my cold dorm between rehearsals and reading and reading. I remember returning back to camp to work and a couple sessions later finding my friend, Jamie K. crying in the meadow one night. Some cruel camper had told her who had died before she was even halfway through the book.

I bought the 6th book at a bookstore party in Forest City in July of 2005. I went right after I got off work at 10pm. (There's archives about it, if you get bored enough to look through them.) I stupidly ended up paying full price for the book, while my sister bought it at Shopko for $16.99. I'm not returning to THAT midnight party. (Wow... that means this particular blog is over 3 years old....)

Matthew and I watched The Shakespeare Code tonight, since it was the last time you could, (in my opinion) appreciate the true aesthetic of the show. After 12:01 am all the Harry Potter references will date the show as pre-7th book release. Watching it after the book's release is not the same. This show is now part of the Zeitgeist.

It's also the last time I can use these icons, plus the one on the top:

There's not much else I can say, let alone TO say! The 21st is just HOURS away!

The Plan:

Go and get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at 12:01. Get to bed around 1 am. Get up at 5 am. Work 6 am to 11 am, come home, eat and nap. Go to Saturday night mass from 5:30 to 6:30, come home, eat something for dinner...


I will have this book finished before we leave for Des Moines on Sunday! (We're going to see Spamalot!)


This post signifies my the start of the media blackout I am holding myself to. After this is posted there will be no cellphone answering or texting, no email, MSN, AIM, Facebook, blogger, xanga or myspace. I will not be on the internet UNTIL book 7 is read from cover to cover. My computer will be on to play music only.

Tomorrow at work is gonna suck big-time... but I'll be worth it! I bought a highly caffeinated energy drink to help me through those 5 hours.

Farewell! See you in a Post-Harry Potter world!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A word of catuion...

To all you Harry Potter fans awaiting the release of book 7...

Read this article from MSNBC.

It's a story reporting that a distributor has mailed the final Potter book early. As cool as it would be to be one of the people who received the book before Saturday this means that genuine spoilers could lurk ANYWHERE!

Personally, I'm staying away from sites like Leaky Cauldron, HPANA, and Muggle.net just to be safe. I had 2 of the major plot points ruined for me by a Troll on the HPANA message boards before the 6th book was released and that was the pretty much the most un-coolest thing to happen to me ever. I certainly didn't intend to see that Post on the message board, but it's impossible to look at words and letter and not read them. The Post was only there about 5 minutes before an admin removed. But the damage had been done.

I hoped to high heaven that what I had read wasn't true. But it was....

Now I'm kind of scared to go to the midnight party at B. Daltons on Friday... Our Sunday paper also had a story about Harry Potter spoilers and said... in a big town, (I don't remember where) people drove by the bookstore as people were walking out after midnight with their brand new 6th books and shouted out the major spoilers to the crowd.

That is so incredibly mean.

So this is me. Alerting my readers (those who are Harry Potter fans at least) that spoilers may now abound! Venture with caution!

I'm pretty sure the people responsible for releasing the book early are going to be sued inside out. Serves them right.

P.S. Does anyone else think it's, a little odd and awesome good timing that the 3rd Doctor Who series episode "The Shakespeare Code" falls on this Friday, which is (obviously, since I've been talking about it) the eve of book 7's release? I love coincidences like that! :-D (Interested people can watch the episode here... If you feel like downloading it... It was the only online version I could find.)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter 5 *spoilers*

So because I am a big dork, I broke out my Harry Potter costume yesterday afternoon and went and saw it at my local theatre. I can tell I've grown since I wore it last in 2004. But still, it's pretty awesome. :-)

So at the movie, because I am still interested in trying to figure out why I don't like this movie as much... (Part of me thinks it's because it's one of my favorite books in the series... The other is Prisoner of Azkaban... I liked movies 1, 2 and 4. Not 3. Hmm...) So I took a note-pad and scribbled comments to the movie, providing my own commentary if-you-will, to the action on the screen. I came up with 18 pages of scribbled, slanty notes on my 5 x 8 inch note pad. The following are my comments. I've corrected only the spelling. Some of the comments are written as if I hadn't read the book before the movie. The stuff in parenthesis is my added comments for clarification. () The stuff in brackets [] obviously are added words to help the sentence make more sense.

If you haven't read the book or seen the movie yet, all friendly disclaimers apply. Spoilers and strong opinions follow bellow. Venture with caution.

Harry and the Order of the Phoenix

Valdemort? (A trivia question in the pre-show commercials had Harry Potter related question with this spelling. Ug.)

Nice intro theme arrangement.

Where the heck is this park? Why is it so far away [from everything]?

Is Dudley skinnier?

[Harry has] David Tennant hair!

Run Forrest! Run!

Is this a shed or what? A Subway tunnel?

Whoa... Dementor re-design.

Wasn't Harry on the ground [when attacked by Dementors]? (The book doesn't say, just that the Dementor did have its hand around Harry's throat. OotP P.18)

Stabbing with wand does not work. (Except for trolls perhaps.)

Creepy robot Mrs. Figg.

How.../Who is she? (The movie never explains how Mrs. Figg knows about Harry, the Order, Voldemort, Cedirc or the Dementors.)

WTF? Owl? (When I first-first saw it, I thought it would be Pigwidgeon. It wasn't P. 26 says the owl "swooped gracefully out". No crashing.)

Dumb letter.

Where's the Howler? (P. 40 "Remember my last...")

No row between Harry and Vernon? (Chapter 2.)

Omg, stupid dress. (Petunia's dress was horrid. It made me chuckle.)

Harry's room is clean.... Huh? (Harry's room is ALWAYS described in some sort of disarray in the books...

Lens-less glasses.

Key inside the door, what?

Tonks-- Where's her signature line? ("Wotcher, Harry!" P. 47)

Tonks than Nymphadora? (In the movie, Moody called her Tonks and THEN Nymphadora. Huh? Oh! And why isn't Lupin with the rescue team???)

How can she change her hair? (The movie never explains that Tonks is a Metamorphmagus. P. 52.)

Where did those brooms come from?

What happened to flying high? (P. 36)

Should reinstate the theme from "Mr. Longbottom Flies" or something. (As they zoom down the Thames.)

No secret keeper? (P. 58)

Awkward Mrs. Weasley hug.

Eww... Stuffed House Elves.

No S.P.E.W.?

Stupid Emma acting. ("You must tell us everything." Bad phrasing. So awkward and cheesy.)

Double stripes? (Actually triple.... Both Ron had Hermione were wearing striped shirts and the walls had vertical stripes on them.)

Ah! Apparition!

Yay! Extendable Ears!

Stupid Crookshanks.

No Dung Bombs?

No "Hello" to Lupin?

How can Tonks do that? [Change her face.] (Again, the movie never explains how Tonks can change her appearance.)

[What's up with the] Green light filter in the London Tube?

Phone box? No mannequins? (Okay, so it was a phone box. I forgot. P. 125.)

No badge? (The visitor's badges... P. 126.)

"Heil Fudge!"

What is Lucious doing there [at the Ministry]? (P. 134)

Truth will what? (What ever Mr. Weasley said that muggles say... :-P)

No drawing up a chair? (P. 139)

Who WAS behind the Dementor attack??? The movie never said! (It was Umbridge. P. 747.)

Black lipstick?

No "He got off" dance? (P.156.)

Different dog? (Sirius's dog form changed from the 3rd movie.)

Stupid dog jokes. "Barking."

Furry coat? LOL

No photo from Moody? Sirius instead? (P. 173)

Sirius is not handsome. (This makes me sad.)

Harry is depressed and no one helps him.

No prefect badges for Ron, Hermione or Draco? (P. 161)

What's [that plant] Neville's holding? (It's a "Mimbulus mimbletonia." P. 186)

Can't Neville see thestrals too? (He can. P. 445)

Yay! The Quibbler!

Fake eater, Hermione. (Emma was trying to act like she was in the middle of a meal and taking another bite.)

Ah! I hate Umbridge!

Harry's Theme (aka Hedwig's theme): 1. Every other accompanying music: 3000.

Why don't the Weasley Twins stand up for Harry? (When Seamus confronted him. They were just sitting there looking guilty! This argument originally took place in the boy's dormitory. P. 217)

I hate teachers like Umbridge. (The ones who want to be your "pal.")

No books from Flourish and Blotts? (The bought their DADA books there in the book. P. 240)

Stop laughing! (Directed at Umbridge.)

Creepy manic smile. (During "This is a lie"-part.)

Have some tea with that sugar.

Smash those [annoying] plates!

Umbridge is a sicko.

Hand well done. (Aka "I must not tell lies")

WTF? Deep down, children deserve to be punished??!

What? No Canary Creams?

Thestrals and just Luna? What?

Awww! Look a baby thestral!

I love Luna's hair.

Luna curl continuity. (The curls in Luna's bangs changed from one shot to another.)

Who's the punk rocker Gryffindor? (Look to next to Hermione, in the Great Hall scene after Harry shouts at Ron. There's a kid with awesome longish hair.)

Well done on the steps. (Umbridge and McGonnagall "on-upping" each other on the stairs, and then McGonnagall stepping down to show her support of Dumbledore.)

Percy?! Where did he come from?

Double Divination? (Gryffindors and Slytherins.)

Snape = Awesome. (When Umbridge is questioning him.)

Hogwarts music class?

LOL, nice blue nails Trelawney

Well played Emma Thompson!

Isn't it around Christmas when Trelawney gets kicked out? (Okay, it's not. It's after. P. 595)

Awww... McGonnagall is comforting Trelawney.

Rock on Dumbledore!

No Firenze?

Inconsistance in Floo-talking. (From the 4th movie to the 5th. In the 4th Sirius's face was made of ash and coal, in the 5th it was part of the flames.)

"Voldemort is on the move." (I can't hear any variation of this line without thinking "Aslan is on the move..." It always makes me kind of laugh a little.)

No monitoring of the Floo network?

Hidden Mickey/Hidden Death Eater mask. (In the snow. It's like the "Hidden Mickey.")

Yay! Umbridge toad reference!

No one overhears them? (In the Hogshead pub.)

Hermione is not very organized.

LOL! Ghetto Dean [Thomas].

Is that Colin Creevy? (No, it was someone named Nigel... Wait! The kid from the 4th movie who brought Ron his dress robes! Ha! I win!)

"He's really back?" (Stupid question.)

"Join our pirate crew!" (Everyone signing up for the DA reminded me of this exchange from PotC: 2

Gibbs: [In Tortuga signing sailors up] And what makes you think you're worthy to crew the Black Pearl?
Very old Man: Truth be told, I've never sailed a day in me life. I think I should get out and see the world while I'm still young.
Gibbs: You'll do, make your mark. Next!
Skinny Man: My wife ran off with my dog and I'm drunk for a month and I don't give a ass rat's if I live or die.
Gibbs: Perfect, next!

Haha! :-)

Just go and marry Umbridge, Filtch...

No Quidditch? Why not? (I know *why* there was no Quidditch... It was banned by order No. 24 without prior approval. The movie never explains why.)

That's not really how you get into the Room of Requirement. (P. 386)

No Dobby? No Winky?

Clockwork dummy? Huh?

Haha... Tip-toe Filtch.

Bread and butter spells? Huh?

Yay for betting on Ron!

Neville is cute.

LOL... "Expelliarmus" *fly buzz*

It's like the Purple Heart. (The Inquisitorial Squad badges.)

Levicorpus? WTF? (Harry see's James use this in Snape's memory, but he doesn't USE it until the 6th book... Right? And this jinx lifts you up by your ankle. HBP P. 240. Wingardium Leviosa is more of the spell they were showing the movie.)

Haha! Cleaning closet!

A Christmas tree in the Room of Requirement?

No coins for meeting... (P. 398)

Oooh... Ginny looking at Harry....

But it was Pettigrew who killd Cedric with Voldemort's wand!


When ever do we see Cho crying???

No Madam Puddifoot's? (P. 558)

Where did the snake come from? It looks like a boa constrictor. (I *know* where it comes from, but it wasn't prominent in the 4th movie.)

Why is Phineus blasted out of the family tree?

Occulmency in the middle of the night. How fun.

Snape does not wear pajamas.

Memories are hard to follow.

Gloomy Christmas.

No St. Mungos.

No Pigwidgeon? SAD!

Harry has Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder.

No pocket-knife/gift from Sirius?

I think the tapestry should move.

No Regulus Black?

Oooh! Pirates of the Caribbean music chords after the tapestry room!

Way to ditch Cho, Harry.... (Hagrid returned.)

LOL... Puzzle windows...

No Madam Maxine?

Zombie Bellatrix Lestrange ala Edward Scissorhands.

Eww... The Dark Mark...

Stupid Percy.

LOL! Seamus's tie is short.

Haha! Killer rabbit of DOOM! (In reference to Luna's Patronus... We decided it was like the rabbit from Monty Python.)

What happened to Marietta? No "SNEAK" pimples?

Stupid Percy.

I wish Filch would fall off that ladder.

"Umbridge's Youth" (AKA the Inquisitorial Squad.)

Stupid Cho. I wouldn't talk to you either.

"I'll get you!" (as Snape chases Harry around his office after Harry sees Snape's memory.)

Ahh! Too much pink!

Cool fireworks, but Gandalf's are better.

No little swamp left in the window?

No one around Harry helps him when he begins to collapse?

Haha, Ron has a tartan sweater.

Snape makes me laugh.

Bongos for Centaurs? (Bongos were used in the music played when the Centaurs came out in the Forbidden Forrest.)

Sad epic music on the thestral flight to London? How about urgent and adventurous?

No rescue mission tags?

No shop dummies? (I keep thinking there's shop dummies.... WHERE ARE THERE SHOP DUMMIES? [edit] At St. Mungo's... Silly me...)

No crazy door place? No brains? No Time-turners?

Why doesn't Ginny have her wand lit in the Department of Mysteries?

Yay! No more "kkk" Death Eaters!

Creeppy Bella.... :-)

"Accio Prophecy!" anyone? (Der...)

Ahhh! No Levicorpus! Not yet!

Sirius Black. Killed by drapery.

Yes! A good punch to the face!

"Olympic medal ninja wandage."

Oooh! Manic Luscious!

Nice laugh, Bella!

James? Huh? (Nice slip Sirius.)

There's got to be a better way to show Sirius's death...

What? Voldemort is saying Bellatrix's line! (P. 810)

I want Bella's costume.

Voldemort has a speech impediment because he has no nose.

Ooooh... A Basilisk of fire!

The glass breaking [in the Ministry] is rather Matrix-like.

Harry looks crazed and constipated. (When Voldemort starts to posses him.)

Why is he not in pain? (Harry didn't look like it hurt very much to be possessed by Voldemort.)

Is that a black eye? (It looked like Harry had a black eye in a couple shots and then it was gone.)

Why is Voldemort's wand white? (Because it's made of Yew... Which is white... I didn't know this... I had always pictured it as a normal brown.)

No heroic music after the "win" at the Ministry? (This movie needs more exciting music.)

Harry is not angry enough. He's not wrecking Dumbledore's stuff?

No 2-way mirrors? (P. 858)

Oh! Look! Harry's Theme, finally!

Luna is a sweetheart.

I want those sneakers.

I kind of like Ginny's last outfit.

Okay... Kind of epic at the end... Needs more... (Referring to the music.)

Stupid credits. Boring to watch and no stinger afterwards. Lame.

Okay, so I totally realize that all of that was very anal. I guess I'm a bigger purist than I thought. All the pages referenced are from the American version of the 5th book, first edition.

I think I'm the only one who doesn't like this movie.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I don't know why I allow myself to get so excited for these Harry Potter movies. I just end up becoming severely disappointed. Everything that I loved in the 5th book was cut. As the movie went on I felt myself pull further and further away emotionally.

Part of me wants to cry and just stop going to see the movies.

I've never before had a movie invoke such a strong desire to reread the actual book.

Richard Harris and John Williams, I miss you both more than I can say!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Harry Potter Theories

Okay I'm saying right now if you have NOT read the sixth Harry Potter book, HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE stop reading right now. This post is full of spoilers as I jot down my theories for the 7th Harry Potter book.

So, don't bother reading if you don't want anything spoiled for you. If you're a Potter fan, I'm assuming you've read each book at least once and anything I say won't ruin it for you.

MOVIES DO NOT COUNT. They are awesome, but they leave so much out. So if you've only seen the movies, which are only up to 5 don't read further.

If you pass all those statements, and have read up to book 6 then scroll on dear reader!

If you haven't, my opinion of you has lessoned a bit at your lack of self-control and you can't say I didn't warn you for spoiling major plot points.

Unless otherwise stated, I came up with all these on my own, I promise! If other people have come to the same conclusion, excellent! I just don't want to sound like I'm stealing other people's ideas.

Sarah's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows plot ideas:

1. I think Moaning Myrtle was the death that enabled Riddle's Diary to become a Horcrux.

2. I believe that Karkaroff's death (by Voldemort) enabled the making of another Horcrux.

3. I think it'll be Ron who will die. (I think it was foreshadowed by the Chess Game in the 1st book.) A friend at school pointed this out and I agree.

4. If Ron does not die and Voldemort kills Harry instead I think Voldemort will still die. My theory is that since Voldemort coming back, using Harry's blood, along with his strong connection to Harry, Voldemort is like a parasite, living off Harry. If Harry dies, the parasite has nothing to sustain him and he dies as well. I can see Rowling killing Harry just to say, "Look. The series is over. I said there'd only be 7, didn't I? Harry's dead. As much as I loved him, it just had to be done."

5. This just occurred to me earlier today at work: What if Dumbledore's death renewed the spell Harry's mother gave him? You know, giving her life for her son, out of love, made it so Voldemort could not touch Harry. That way, Voldemort would again be unable to touch Harry without great pain!

6. I like the idea that Harry continues to show such a fierce loyalty to Dumbledore that Fawkes the Phoenix comes back and becomes Harry's.

7. I think it's possible that Wormtail's silver hand is now a Horcrux. If it is, this makes for an even more interesting plot twist, as Wormtail still owes a life-debt to Harry.

8. I still think that the initials RAB stand for Regulus Black, Sirius's brother and that the locket Ginny found in the 5th book while cleaning No. 12 Grimmauld Place is actually the locket Dumbledore and Harry were looking for in the 6th book. Perhaps the reason Regulus didn't last longer than 3 days after quitting the Death Eaters was that he had been working on destroying the Horcruxes.

That's all I have for now! I'm going to see the 5th movie tomorrow.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

*happy sigh*

Eating Avocado Feta Salsa while watching "Serendipity," Jet-skiing on the lake for two hours, eating cheese burgers and corn-on-the-cob with chocolate cake for dessert and playing cribbage while watching a Harry Potter TV-special, all with Jessica is what life is all about! :-D

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Emotional manipulation...

I got my package today! :-D I added all the music to my iTunes and I'm listening to the Doctor Who soundtrack as I type. It's spectacular! Murray Gold is brilliant! The insert comes with director's notes covering each track, which are really interesting to read. It talks about how all the different themes were used in the series. Gorgeous photos in the insert as well!

The best quote from the insert if in the forward from the producer:

"This album [is] bursting with music to make your heart race, to make you cry and to urge you to have a fantastic life."


It's things like that that make me love being a music major. Because of spectacular, fantastic music!

... Stuff that makes you think, cry or grin from ear to ear. Something that touches you somewhere inside and makes your spine tingle...

Funny pictures...

Darth Vader cleaning the Black Sea with a Britta water filter.... Very odd... But amusing, no?

I saw this and immediately missed quoting I CAN HAS CHEESEBURGER? all the time while I was in New York..... It made me laugh and miss a lot of people....

Friday, July 06, 2007

Worn out.

I need something to make me happy, because right now I'm not. And I don't have a reason not to be happy. I just am.

Tonight at municipal band rehearsal the piccolo folder was gone. Someone else had accidentally grabbed it and then did not show up at rehearsal... And that was a pretty big crisis in my brain. I got to poke through 2nd flute and the 1st flute/piccolo combos. Bleh.

And I have decided I don't want to be an anal-retentive, order-obsessed band teacher like my middle-school band instructor has become. I sit next to her in band. I hear her mumble about Mr. Benzing and his "laid back" attitude. How he should "focus" and "pay attention" and "stop goofing off." I now see why so many of my classmates when I was in middle-school disliked her. Tonight she got after me in the middle of a song for not playing a piccolo solo that was written on her part but not mine. It took a while to explain that I had no clue was she was talking about because I was following the part in front of me, which was 2nd/3rd not 1st/piccolo. We got it all straightened out, but geez.... I struggle with sight-reading, it's definitely not my strongest point, but I was following what was in front of me. Grr...

And then yesterday at work I asked a supervisor who is in charge of safety procedures in the plant about learning to drive a forklift, because I'm always having to ask other co-workers to move stuff for me, and that takes up a lot of their time, when they have a billion orders to fill etc. And he was all like (in a "think-fast/make up reason/talk down to" kind of tone.) "Well, Sarah... I-I- I'd prefer you'd rather not." and I explained the situation, how when one person isn't here I have to get other people from my area to help me and he interjected "And that's okay." and I continued my explanation of "Well, it would be more efficient if I knew how to drive one. I told my [immediate supervisor] a couple weeks ago that I wanted to learn, and he said he'd talk to you. I didn't know if he had yet, because I haven't heard anything back." and he replied "Well, he probably did, and I just said that I preferred you not..." I said "Oh, I see." and he finished with: "Well, if we need you to learn, I guess we'll make sure you know."

And then I had to help finish an order, which I was already making him wait for while I talked to my supervisor.

I hate it when people patronize me. Yes, I'm younger, more inexperienced than some people. But I'm not stupid. And I'm definitely not twelve-years-old. I can act like it, but I have the maturity to KNOW that work is not the time and place for that kind of behavior. *growl*

I need to find time to write... I have some more stories cooking in my head. I pretty much have 9 hours to think to myself while I build ladders. I pass the time by telling myself stories. And I have lots of time to revise them.

Sometimes I think my life would be easier if I didn't wish all the time for something epic and adventurous to come along and let me be a part of it.

Jessica leaves for China on the 10th. Then my summer will go down the drain as I will have no one to hang out with and do basically nothing together. Everyone else is busy, or lives too far away. This is worse then when I'm at school. I won't even be able to call her on the phone.

Maybe I need more friends.

-Good news of the night. My package from Amazon.com containing the soundtracks to The Pirate Queen, Doctor Who, 110 in the Shade and Curtains looks like it will be arriving tomorrow. It had a departure scan in Des Moines today, according to the package tracker-thing.-

Sorry. This post isn't very exciting. I just wanted to type something out and clear my brain so maybe I can sleep. Gotta get up at 4:45 am tomorrow. Fun, lemme tell you.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Doctor Who Season 4

Potentially WORST decision EVER!

WHY BBC? WHY????????????

I do NOT approve.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Okay, so I know I've completely entered supreme geeky fandom-ness when I draw pictures of fictional characters... Especially with me in them....

I was feeling inspired after watching the season finale of Doctor Who so I decided to draw a picture from the dream I had a while back...

It's not perfect. I am really really out of practice... I haven't really drawn anything of significance since 2005 when I was in high school. I'm rusty.

The caption reads "Now listen, because this is very important.."

In my dream he was wearing pinstripes, but I didn't want to draw them. It took a long time to work out eyes, noses, sight-lines and body angles. Plus the hight difference. The Doctor is currently 6 feet 1 inch and I'm 5 ft 5 in. Oh, like the vague plastic lawn chair? LOL... :-) Oh, and David Tennant's hair is really hard to draw! I have problems drawing males anyway, but whew! It turned out better than I thought! I used my Doctor Who doll as a bit of a model for the profile of the face, and I watched my Doctor Who picture slideshow-screensaver for hair reference.

I want to photocopy it and color it... I wish I had photoshop!


Yup.... I'm the biggest dork of all time... I draw myself with the Doctor.... *giggle*

Thrown into total shock and amazement...


I just finished watching the season 3 finale of Doctor Who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was so spectacular! I can't even begin to describe it!


I have so much pent-up tension! This episode was SO EXCITING!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

The end.... OH MY GOODNESS THE END!!!!

I'm literally shaking.... I have so much energy... This episode kept me in knots the whole time!

By-the-way, I totally called where the Toclaphane came from. Go me!


That's really all I can type to convey what I feel like after watching this episode.



*continues to scream and begins to run in circles*

"Do you know what they used to call me...?"