Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A word of catuion...

To all you Harry Potter fans awaiting the release of book 7...

Read this article from MSNBC.

It's a story reporting that a distributor has mailed the final Potter book early. As cool as it would be to be one of the people who received the book before Saturday this means that genuine spoilers could lurk ANYWHERE!

Personally, I'm staying away from sites like Leaky Cauldron, HPANA, and just to be safe. I had 2 of the major plot points ruined for me by a Troll on the HPANA message boards before the 6th book was released and that was the pretty much the most un-coolest thing to happen to me ever. I certainly didn't intend to see that Post on the message board, but it's impossible to look at words and letter and not read them. The Post was only there about 5 minutes before an admin removed. But the damage had been done.

I hoped to high heaven that what I had read wasn't true. But it was....

Now I'm kind of scared to go to the midnight party at B. Daltons on Friday... Our Sunday paper also had a story about Harry Potter spoilers and said... in a big town, (I don't remember where) people drove by the bookstore as people were walking out after midnight with their brand new 6th books and shouted out the major spoilers to the crowd.

That is so incredibly mean.

So this is me. Alerting my readers (those who are Harry Potter fans at least) that spoilers may now abound! Venture with caution!

I'm pretty sure the people responsible for releasing the book early are going to be sued inside out. Serves them right.

P.S. Does anyone else think it's, a little odd and awesome good timing that the 3rd Doctor Who series episode "The Shakespeare Code" falls on this Friday, which is (obviously, since I've been talking about it) the eve of book 7's release? I love coincidences like that! :-D (Interested people can watch the episode here... If you feel like downloading it... It was the only online version I could find.)

1 comment:

Isaac Mahomie said...

I would drive around shouting pretend spoilers. Because that would be hilarious.