Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Living on dreams and spaghettios...

"... But who would want a dreamer,
When her dreams can't leave the ground..."

I know that if I wasn't teaching at Tripoli again, I probably wouldn't have met Dan... And I am so incredibly grateful that I *DID* meet him and that we're dating. He makes me so happy and I can't believe my luck. Thinking about of all the things that could have happened this summer that would have changed this path... Frankly, scares me... And I can't describe how inexplicably happy I am that Dan is in my life.

But that doesn't mean I don't want to teach band.... I want to teach band so bad that sometimes it hurts. There have been several instances where I have avoided things that remind me of how much I want to teach band. Because it hurts.

Band on Fridays are my saving grace. If I didn't get to teach band at all, I just wouldn't be me.... I don't know how to explain it...

.... I just keep pluggin' away, because there's nothing else I can do right now... Teaching and working 2 other jobs. Trying to do my best as a fish-out-of-water in my general music classes.... Waiting for Fridays to come around when I can once again be in my element.

Someday, someday, someday...

I hate crying.

Well, I was having a perfectly fine night until I paid my bills and balanced my checkbook and since IBA and NEIBA do not accept credit cards, my next paycheck doesn't come in until next Friday... I guess I'm not going to be a member of