Saturday, September 30, 2006


So I'm sure you all would like to hear how awesome my birthday went yesterday!

And if you didn't, you wouldn't be reading this... :-)

So I got up, and Leah wished me a happy birthday.... And our stupid Wartburg internet was still not working so we had to go to music theory cut off from the world... I met up with Margie in front of our classroom and she hugged me while singing Happy Birthday, and that was awesome... I love hugs! :-D Then Rachel V. and Amanda sang to me once I got INTO the classroom... Theory went fine.... Fugues are pretty much the most evil of evilest musical things out there.... Then... I checked my mail and I got a package from home, and 3 cards! The package had Birthday Cereal (Trix and Kix...Yum!) plates, bowls, napkins, thank-you cards and a cutting knife. Back at my dorm, Rachel D. came over and gave me this awesome bracelet with a skull and crossbones hanging from it! (Which I love!) :-D Oh, and our interent started working and I had 23 (!) new messages. ALLLL but 3 from Facebook. :-D

Then I changed my outfit, like a million times, and I went to Lifespan Human Development.

Nothing exciting.

Then I went and took my History of Science exam.... Which was pretty much the most hilarious test I've ever taken... In the directions, after the usual "this is how you fill out the [stupid] scan-tron sheet" and "no cheating, [duh]" It said, "Since you've read this far, you deserve a treat. The answer to question 118 is A." Soooo I flip to the end of the test... And this was the last question:

118. Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy.
A. True B. False


How awesome is that? :-D I thought it was hilarious. That was quite an intersting test overall anyway... It had analogies... I haven't done those since the english section of the ACT test... :-P

Then Rachel V. and I went to lunch and Matt L., Rachel and Margie (again) sang Happy Birthday to me in the Mensa and they laughed afterward when my face turned bright red. (Curse you fair skin!!!) Leah joined us shortly after. When we finished I went to the information desk and picked up the angel food cake my mom ordered for me! :-D (Hence the knife in the package... So I can actually cut the cake this year...) :-)

I went back to the dorm and tried to clean while Leah left to run earrands. I really didn't get anything done as Rachel D. came over and we went to DQ for some birthday-ish celebratory ice cream. It was really good and an awesome good time, but there were lots of bees... :-P

Then I called Jessica back, cuz she had left a message while I was ice creaming, and I discovered that SHE WAS GOING HOME THIS WEEKEND TOO! :-D AHHH! :-D That made me very very very very very happy as I went to band.

Band rehearsal went better then Thursdays, although the piccolo I have is really giving me problems. :-P I haven't quite figured out its "personality" yet. The band sang to me and I got a couple hugs aftarwards! :-)

THEN! After band, in the lobby, Melissa, Jessie, and Rachel D. surrounded me and Melissa handed me a piece of paper with a rhyme written on it....It was a TREASURE HUNT! :-D They had clues for me to follow, which took about 35 minutes.... When I got to the dorms, Chelsea and Naiya joined the group. It was amazing and Jessie video taped it, which I want to figure out how to post here.... Especially since I really didn't realize that she was video taping, so it's genuine Sarah caught on film... LOL! It was crazy fun running up and down the stairs getting the different clues... The last clue led me to my own dorm and I found my present under a box with an "X" on it! It was the Pirates of the Caribbean Dice Game! :-D AND they gave me a plastic pirate hook! :-) Heee!!! They also gave me a cake made out of 3 musketeer mini-candy bars! Sooooo super, awesomely awesome!!!! :-D :-D :-D We took lots of pictures and they should be up here sometime in the future.

Then Melissa, Rachel D., Naiya, Jessie, Chelsea, Margie and I went to dinner and had a hilarious time... I made a puppet out of the apple I got from the fruit section and had fun making it talk to everyone at the table. Oh, and according to Naiya pianos go "tweet tweet tweet." (It's okay, you don't have to understand... Just know that it was hilarious!)

After dinner Margie, Michelle and I went to Christian's house, (Christian is Lourey's boyfriend) where we were going to watch the Doctor Who USA season premiere. Shortly after we got there, Rachel and Leah got back from Choir Bonding and we watched "Eddie Izzard Dressed to Kill" while we waited for Doctor Who to start. And I also opened presants.... :-D

I got:

A HOTT poster of Will Turner and a magazine about vacationing in the Caribbean from Lourey

A Pirates of the Caribbean II 16 month calander and a book about female pirates from Rachel V.! :-D

A black wristband that says "Pirates arrrrr cool", a black smokey-print skull and crossbones t-shirt, a skull and crossbones bandana, a skull and crossbones headband, skull and crossbones earrings, and skull and crossbones socks!!! All from Leah, who went to Hot Topic JUST for the piratey stuff!!! :-D (All I need are awesome pirate boots and some black nail-polish... And I could totally go "Gothic Pirate".)

I am so ready for Hallowe'en!!!! :-D

Then we ate the cake that Lourey made.... Marble, with chocolate frosting!!! SO GOOD! :-D We all ate really big pieces and it was amazing! :-D

Then Doctor Who came on..... WOW! I am in love with that show.... It's SO cool!!!!! :-D And David Tennant as the Doctor... So irresistable.... :-D Amazing profile... :-)

After Doctor Who Leah and I left, (we didn't get a chance to dye our hair, but that will happen SOMETIME) and met up with Ted, Jesse, and Nathan and we went out to Perkins. (My first Perkins run while at Wartburg btw...) It was really good, although I miss not being able to order off the senior menu... :-P Oh, and Leah got a little annoyed with me because I was showing off my knowledge of the Perkins menu... :-/ But our waitress was nice and I left her a nice tip on the table.

We still wanted to kill some time so we went to Wal-Mart and had fun just browsing.... Jesse got some Venus Fly Traps so he was happy... I looked at the Pirates of the Caribbean toys... Leah and I went through the guys cologne aisle and talked/giggled about what we liked... We looked at the fish... Looked at the Hallowe'en stuff... Where I got sufficiently scared by one of those inflateable lawn ornaments.... It was a coffin and this vampire deflates and inflates... Makeing it rise and lower back into the top of the coffin... I was looking at the singing pirate skeleton next to it and I stood next to the inflatable coffin in such a way that it gave off the illusion of being motion sensored.... Everyone thought it was funny... Well, yeah, it was.... But.. LOL.... Anyway, On the other side of the Hallowe'en stuff, in a display was another motion sensored manekin... Of a decaying butler-type figure... And its eyes freaked me out to no end, because they followed you... And Leah set it off and I jumped.... :-P I am such a scaredy-cat... But Ted gave me a hug... :-)



Then we wandered around Wal-Mart some more....

We got back to campus around 2:45. The guys ended up going to bed and not telling us, so Leah and I went to bed too.

A very very good day! A million thanks to everyone!!!!

Tonight Jessica and I went to see Open Season at the theatre here in town... It was cute.... Funny in parts, but not as hilarious as I was hoping. Then I went to her house and had some of her grandma's homemade cherry pie, ala mode!!! IT WAS SOOO GOOOOOD! :-D And we exchanged birthday gifts. I gave her an orange Wartburg Track and Field t-shirt, and she gave me a deck of cards with pirates on them, and a skull and crossbones mousepad. Which I love! :-D

It was a birthday of awesomeness and my heart is still rejoicing.



Thursday, September 28, 2006


Okay. Those of you who have Facebook, or read the date of events thing in the sidebar of this blog, or are my family and have it written on the calander, tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 20. I will be old. Here are some guidelines if you want to contact me:

1. I have a 9 am class. If you are my family and must call and say birthday-ish things at me, do not call before 8:30 am. And even then it will have to be short. If you are my friends and want to wake me up with balloons-- 8:30 is the earliest. And heaven help you if you wake me up before your 7:45 class.

2. My 1st class gets done at 10:05 am. Between then and 10:30 am anyone is free to call.

3. I don't get done with the rest of my classes until 1:05 pm. Then I go to lunch. I probably won't hear my phone, but you can call.

4. From 3:45 to 4:50 I have band. Don't bother calling.

5. My phone gets bad reception so it might just go to voicemail anyway. Leave a message if you feel so inclined and I'll get back to you, so you can say Happy Birthday to me again.

6. Don't worry, I will post pictures of me with my blue hair.

7. That is to say, if people even DO call me.

8. I'm going home Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The best part of the night was silently fighting with Leah over who got to walk behind Ted B. on our way to Wal-Mart. We were against the wind and Ted wears very nice cologne. ^_^

Gosh I'm such a girl... :-P

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The Reduced Shakespeare Company: The Complete Works Of God (Abridged) is tonight and I CANT WAIT!!! :-D :-D

I got a birthday card in the mail today from ArmyChris! YAY! Thank-you!

My birthday is in pretty much 3 days. Events that are planned.... Watching the Doctor Who premiere and dyeing my hair.... Yes, you read that correctly. Dyeing my hair. All of it... I'm thinking... Blue... I haven't decided. I might have to brave Hot Topic to get something temporary since I can't have unnaturally colored hair and still work in food services.

Other then that... Surprise me!

Oh, and I'm coming to visit all my friends at Bethel over fall break... So get excited!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006


Wow, so much to do, and I totally don't have enough time... I need to practice insane amounts... And I lost the paper that had the names of the piano books I need to order... Ooops.

I have a psyc test in 15 minutes.

Late last night Leah and I went to Ted and Jesse's room. We watched "Mirrormask" which is a rather trippy movie... Then we colored on eachother with markers. Or rather, Jesse and Ted colored on Nathan with marker, and I drew a sharpie tattoo on Leah's hand.

We went to bed at like... 3 am. But it was really fun.

Leah says I look dead today... Well, yeah! I'm sleepy! lol...

I had an amazing quote in Music Theory today, which I will post later.

Test time!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


My flute teacher said "Junior Recital" in my lesson and I think my head just exploded.

"Learn to be lonely..."

I know I've posted it like, 2-3 times already... but the 17 stanzas of this poem is my life in a nut shell. There's no better way of describing... Me.

And whenever I get particularly lonely and feel extremely single I think about it. And it makes me sad... Being lonely. But life is okay. And I have awesome friends. Which is happy.

Any why is my loneliness so egocentric? I really do know other girls who are single and wish they were with someone awesome. But right now it feels like it's only me.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pirate Captain's Log

Ahoy me shipmates! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day! And this sea wench has a whole bilge of homework to do. It doesn't press her into a very good mood. Especially since she has to go work in the galley flippin' burgers and the like. She rather practice then go to work. An' that's sayin' somethin'!

Unfortunately, I'm afeered that the day will be fairly uneventful... No ragin' seas to conquer or vicious beasts to gut... Just the blasted thing called homework... And practicin'.

Happy Birthday Rachel D.! May you have many more! Fair seas to you, m'dear!

Arrr! I'm sure it'll intrest ye all to hear that Leah and I ate our evenin' meal with a good lookin' lad by the name of Steve! He be quite the buchaneer... Good temperment, and good lookin' too! It be a stoke of luck that Leah plays the piano-forte for his high-toned fancy-to-do voice lessons... Maybe I can employ her to play matchmaker fer the two o' us... Accordin' teh Facebook he be single...

Curse these blasted allergies to the depths of Davy Jones Locker!

I also be learnin' how to knit! I bought me some needles and some yarn and I be clickin' away, perfectin' this new skill!

Alas, I must shove off... I should attend to a least SOME of my duities.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Quick-like post

There is a new guy working in the Den... His name is Danny... He seems nice, and he's good looking... However Facebook tells me that he's already in a relationship... Drat. :-P

Rachel V., Lourey, Margie, Bryan and... this other girl who don't know and I had a "Broadway Day" today... This means that everyone who has Broadway music brings it along (mostly Rachel, lol...), we take over the choir room, and everyone takes turns singing songs, and Bryan and Margie take turns playing the accompaniment. I love Broadway music. I love listening to Lourey, Rachel, Margie, Bryan and Other girl sing it. It gives me goosebumps. But I wish I could chime in and sing along---strong and beautiful, with vibrato in all the right places... Able to add harmony and all that cool stuff that makes music gorgeous. I'm not asking for anything like Julie Andrews. I'll settle for simply "on pitch."

*sigh* Sometimes I think that if I could sing, life wouldn't be half so bad....

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Bleh.... My allergies were so bad tonight I had to take out my contacts. Even after I took 2 Benedryl. :-( Earlier when I was trying to do homework I tried calling my friends who live in the air conditioned suites on campus so I could actually see what I was studying, but alas! No one was there... So I studied in Cardinal Commons for a while.

That's the bad thing about the nice warm weather... :-(

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I don't know my own strength...

*hugs* I love you mom!

I accidentially broke the key to my dorm today.... Yes, broke... Like, the key part is broken almost in half... I was in a hurry, and as I walked in, after unlocking the door, I tried to pull the key out as I walked by and it broke in half. I managed to get the bit left in the lock out.... Good thing this didn't happen last week... That would have been BAD and not helped my mood any.

The stupid Kephart's music people didn't have any of the music I needed for my flute or piano lessons today at their bookfaire on campus.

I went over to Chelsea's suite tonight, because she invited me, and a few others over for dinner... She made a Polish meal.... Parogi's and this... spinnage/keesh thing..... And I unfortunatly discovered that I don't like those particular Polish foods... I mean, I ate enough to be polite and I complimented the cooking, but bleh.... I won't eat that again if I can help it. We did however eat the Polish food with chopsticks! It was amusing and there will be pictures later!

"Sarah, to you, EVERYTHING is like Pirates of the Caribbean..." ~Chelsea, to me after she jokingly threatened to poke out Megan's eyes with her chopsticks and we talked about how the eye would stick to the rubber-grippy things on the stick, and then I said then it would be like PotC...

...Yeah, that quote is pretty much me....

Wartburg is playing Luther next week... for Family Weekend.... And I would just like to know WHO'S bright idea THAT was????!!!! ARE YOU INSANE!?!! The only thing worse then this would be to play Luther for homecoming... I mean, we're totally gonna win, but still... I just wonder why we are playing our biggest rival when we are supposed to "look good for the parental units." *mutters*

*siiiiigh* I wish people would stop telling me I'm happier (and better off) being single. How would I KNOW if I'm better off if I have nothing but being single to compare it to???!

THIS is my awesome new playlist on my iTunes!!! (Labeled "Happy Stuff!") It's totally all the stuff Jessica and I rock out to...

Move Along, The All-American Rejects
Breathe, Anna Nalick
Almost, Bowling For Soup
Holiday, Greenday
Bad Day, Daniel Powter
Mmmbop, Hanson
Everytime We Touch (Original Mix), Cascada
Over My Head (Cable Car), The Fray
Dragostea Din Tei, O-Zone
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, Relient K
She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5
Buttercup, The Foundations
1985, Bowling For Soup
Everytime We Touch (Radio Mix), Cascada
You and Me, Lifehouse
Unwritten, Natasha Bedingfield
Just the Girl, The Click Five
You're Beautiful, James Blunt
Sk8er Boi, Avril Lavigne
What's Left Of Me, Nick Lachey

Bed time!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A good day

Tonight I got this e-mail from my flute teacher here at school:


The Martinu sonata is a brilliant work; one of my favorites :-) It will require diligent and consistent practice on your part in addition to required tone, technique and etude preparation for lessons.

I noticed a definite change in your attitude today about yourself and your commitment to your flute. If you are willing to take on the challenge, then I am more than happy to push you toward that goal.

I was very pleased today at your lesson. It was obvious that you have been practicing over the summer;-)

Take care and happy fluting,

She also told me (in my lesson) that Dr. Hancock told her that he was very impressed with my band audition. I really need save this e-mail for a long long time to take out when I have a bad lesson day.

Somehow or other I have managed to look fabulous today. I wish I had a camera... Earrings, makeup, styled hair.... I'm not vain really, but looking nice really helped my day. :-)

Speaking of practicing, I already practiced my flute an hour today! :-D After that I jammed out on the piano to my piano music from the musical WICKED... It was very therapeutic. :-)

I took a nap today also. Yay naps! Naps are awesome...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rockin' OUT!

I just got done watching the movie "School of Rock" with Rachel D. :-) Good movie! I enjoyed it. I would like to point out that I TOTALLY noticed that Adam Pascal (Roger from RENT) is in that movie. I so rule. Probably because I can pretty much pick out his voice ANYWHERE, because I love it so much. :-D

My Sign Language class rocks my socks!

Oh!!! I am so excited! I have been offered, and have accepted a position to help teach music lessons at a local middle school! I'll make $7 a lesson! :-D I'll be teaching beginners, so it'll be a great experience for me! It's completely student led, and right now 2 seniors are in charge of it... I think they also conduct the band. After they graduate, I'll get to be in charge and get to pick 2 other people to help me. :-) It's only on Tuesdays, and I got my workstudy schedule worked out! :-D I am really happy about this!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D on the 26th we are going over to help the 5th graders try out instruments!

Jessica, I just succumbed and bought "Every Time We Touch" by Cascada off the iTunes music store. Twice.... The radio mix... and the original mix... I'm such a dork. :-P I really felt the need to seriously rock out.... :-D Even though it is WAY past quiet hours...

Well, off to bed!


Our awesome whiteboard... The one that was brand new, and in our dorm... Fell off the wall... Twice... and it's all broken. :-P And I pinched my fingers a lot trying to fix it

Monday, September 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Jessica!

First and foremost, today is my best friend, in the whole wide world, aka Jessica's birthday. Yay!!! I sent her an e-card and I Facebooked it, and I've called her twice. Once to leave a Happy Birthday message on her voicemail, and the other was returning HER message, and leaving another happy birthday message on her voicemail. I am a dork.

Jessica, if we were home, THIS is the cake I would make you! :-D Oooor THIS one... But really, you know it would probably end up looking like THIS.... It's the thought that counts right? LOL!

Okay, so I thought I had a piano lesson at 1:30 today so I DASHED back after History of Science, (which got done at 1:05) because I didn't know where my piano lesson music was... I finally found it in the pastic drawers I have in my closet, so I head back to the FAC, relieved that I have plenty of time to spare.... Jammin' on my iPod... And I get to the office where I have my lessons and look at the schuedule which is posted outside the door.... And... I discovered my lesson is on Wednesday. Phooey. :-P It's not a big deal, it's just that I totally skipped lunch to find my piano music. And my schedule renders me starving by 12. So I grapped some food from the Den.

I told Rachel V. I was going to go over and visit, but when I did stop by she wasn't there or answering her cell phone, soooo I have some time to kill before band. Thus, a blog update! Yay! :-D lol...

I must admit, I am enjoying the "free time" I have before the major workload sets in. *shudders*

Rachel D., Leah and I played Phase 10 last night til 12 am. Leah won... Rachel and I lost majorly... :-P But it was fun! I love card games!

Oh, I don't know if I said this, but I got into the IS class I wanted! It's American Sign Language and Deaf Culture. I now know how to say "My Name is:" and then fingerspell my name. Yay! :-)

I have gotten all my boxes unpacked, now I just need to finish finding homes for all of my stuff..... It will be a lot easier once I get a band locker, then I music and flute can get out of the way.... And I still need to figure out how I'm going to set up my speakers... I really think I need another power strip... I don't have enough outlets.

This morning, leaving music theory I could smell the Nestle Factory in town... The smell of chocolate wafting through the air definately momentairly brightened the stupid cloudy day.

I'm sleepy, as usual, but I don't have time to nap. I am going to head to band soon!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Band Bonding

Band Bonding was amazing.... Even better then last year.... I suppose that's because I had some idea of what was going on. I'm entirely sleep deprrived, but it was worth it. I love singing the alto part in The Lord Bless You and Keep You.... And Scott R.'s speech about what band means to him... Well, HE started crying, and then *I* started crying... I can be such a watering pot... And I'm not talking PMS-I'm-mad-at-the-world crying, I mean a kind of "Wow, that's how I feel too..."- in an unexplainable way-crying.

I made a new friend, Rachel D. who've I've been Facebook conversing with before school, and last night we sat outside and tried watching the stars... It was slightly difficult as the moon was so bright.... But, oh, it was beautiful! We both saw one shooting star and it was amazing. She got back from bonding before I did because the car I was riding in... well the driver got lost... (*eye roll* It wasn't a big deal, just people who don't carry maps in their car. ) Anyway, I got back to the dorm and found an awesome facebook message waiting for me from Rachel and it was really really nice, and all warm-fuzzy-ish. It really touched me to have someone who I've just very recently met tell me that the time *I* spent with them specifically ment the most out of the whole band bonding experience. I'm excited to get to know her as the year progresses! We started tonight by renting Just Like Heaven and Nanny McPhee and then ordering pizza. It was freaking awesome and we had a good time. We watched Just like Heaven, idk when we'll watch Nanny Mcphee.

Part of me is still aching to be in Wind Ensemble..... But. There's nothing really that I can do about it right now.... If I was meant to be in Wind Ensemble, I'd be there. So, that's next year's goal. For now, it's Symphonic Band all the way. I came to this conclusion while listening to Scott R. talk to the band. He talked about how he tries his best to live a Christian life and play his trombone for the glory of God. Hearing him say that helped me realize that I need to stop wallowing in my frustration and focus my efforts on being the best I can be where I am. If my heart isn't in what I'm doing, it's not worth my time. And then I'll miss out on one of the greatest opportunities I have to grow. Because the band program here at Wartburg is amazing. I don't know how to adquately express it, but it is.

As Isaac suggested, on Friday I purchased some chocolate... Okay, not some, less then "quite a bit" but more then "some".... I don't know what's between that, but yes, I have chocolate.

I have, (with Rachel D.'s help) broken the 2000 song mark on my iTunes! w000t!

Okay, I am exhausted. I'm going to go to bed, and NOT lock myself out of my room.

Hey God.... I still need help steering this rusty radio-flyer wagon that is my life...

Friday, September 08, 2006

I just spent the last hour being locked out of my room. There was no RA on duty so I had to wake up the one on my floor. Twice. Once when she told me to wait for the RA on duty to come back from rounds, the 2nd time a half hour later to actually let me in.

My life sucks. I hate PMS.

I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now.

*sigh* :-P

Okay, so as of right now, my History of Science class is an absolute riot, and the lab currently is just the continuation of the lecture topic. Today, the professor brought a video camera and recorded each person as they said their name and recited their interests and stuff. It was kind of awkward at first, but it got more and more amusing.

Although the overall workload is going to be insane-ish.... Music theory III.... Um. I have to write a... fugue. Which is a.... thing.... of music.... That has rules. And, according to Amanda N. it takes like, 8 appendages to play. Wha???

Current crisis at Wartburg... They took away our soft-serve ice cream in the Mensa (aka caff) and now we just have 6 choices of hand scooped ice cream. It's freaking not the same!!! And now they are also getting rid of the soft-serve in the Den. How sad is that???? I'm going to write an editorial to the school newspaper. After all, the ice cream was one of the awesome reasons I like this school!

I got into the IS 201 class I wanted! I get to learn American Sign Language! I'm so excited! :-D The professor seems really nice. :-)

I downloaded "Move Along" onto my iTunes and it makes me happy.

Amanda N. lent us her TV and Leah and I have been playing Mario Kart on her Nintendo 64. It's definately fun, although could be problematic when serious homework sets in.

Stupid Nathan R. talked to me for about 10 minutes today at work as if I was in Wind Ensemble. Then he got all pouty when I told him that, no, I wasn't in Wind Ensemble and that the topic of band placement was a rather sensitve one so he'd better change the subject.

What a time to get PMS... I'm sure I wouldn't be so bitter about it (the conversation, and the audition results) if it had happened, say two weeks after now.

Stupid life.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I am something like, 5th chair in Symphonic Band. Out of how many, I don't remember.

I have changed the now not happening Japan trip to "Intro to Theatre" which includes a trip to New York for 2 weeks where all we will do is see Broadway shows.

I can't cry it will make my mascara run.... I can't cry it will make my mascara run.... I can't cry it will make my mascara run....

Amanda and I are going to DQ at 4 pm.

I will be okay... Life goes on... I don't have to worry about all that money, right? They speak English in New York... I'll be with theatre people...

I can... um... totally justify this.... Disapointment.

I hate Holsinger. Pretty much a lot. I hate that his music frustrated me so much that I didn't want to practice it.

I hate not being good enough.....

I survived... Momentarily.

My audition went better then I expected, although nothing stellar. Soooo we'll see how that goes.... Results will be posted early today... After the sun comes up. Amanda and I are going to DQ either way.

Bed for me! I still need to buy my books!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back at Hogwarts!

So... I'm semi-unpacked.... I'm unpacked enought that I can go to bed. I finally got my computer set-up and all that jazz...

Tonight we had the ceremonial burning of the 1st bag of popcorn... aka Leah and I learning how to run this particular microwave.... LOL!

Also, as promised!


We look great, don't we? :-D

Off to bed!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Fiendish packing....

My family members are placing bets as to whether I will be ready in time, or not....


Nothing terribly new...

Herbal Essance Totally Twisted-Curling Gel is my new best friend.... Jessica! I want your camera! My hair looks amazing!

Today was my last day at Perkins. *whew* I'm alive. It'll be nice to pick up cash working there during breaks and stuff, but I don't plan on working there next summer if I can help it. Last night there actually was a bit of a bar rush... I made pretty good money. What always slightly amuses me with bar rushes though, is that I get hit on a lot.... So I get to lie and say I have a boyfriend. Because that makes them stop. And I can pretty much use any name I want if they try and press for information.... Nobody has.... Although the name Edward has been at the ready.... LOL! And really, he could totally beat up any drunk, no matter how much they don't believe it. (heh-heh...)

Also, yesterday at work, Stephanie (a co-worker) told me that with eyelashes like mine, I should never have to worry about owning cats. In fact she made me promise never to get a cat, as that was admitting "defeat".... However, I am allowed to get a dog.

After I wake up, begins the official "Packing Like a Fiend" Day. As.... I really haven't *started* packing.... And I move in on... Monday... I will probably need to run to Target again as well... I am also in the process of making awesome curtains for our window. They are green.

Also, to anyone and everyone who talks to me online into the wee hours of the morning... Very soon I will be unable to keep those hours... Just to let you know... I won't be dead.... just.
Asleep. Or doing homework. *shudder*

Okay, I'm actually really truely going to bed early tonight!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Support Group....

*taps microphone* Hello, [squelch of feedback]... Sorry! *clears throat* Um, hi, my name is Sarah... And... *sigh* And-----and-I'm-in-love-with-a-fictional-character. *pants* And it's not Mr. Darcy [gasps from the crowd] or Cedric Diggory. Nor is it Harry Potter, Oliver Wood, Roger from RENT, Prince Char, Han Solo, King Mendanbar, Aragorn, Will Turner, Jack Sparrow, Inuyasha or Superman. Not even the Phantom of the Opera.

I have become obsessed with the vampire Edward Cullen.

That is all. *falls off podium*