Thursday, May 27, 2010

Social Networking told me I didn't get the job...

Facebook is continuing to increase its level of things that are annoying.... It has definitely lost its luster and excitement compared to when I joined in 2005. I'm not sure I'm going to delete my account, but is there a way to turn off the newsfeed?

I don't want to know who is also interviewing for the same job. I don't want to read that someone accepted a job where I also interviewed... With the date of their announcement posted a day before I received the rejection email. I can't fault that person for being excited and happy that they have a job. I'm just frustrated with how the school in question handled the situation.

Social networking is a blessing and a curse. (And this isn't just about Facebook's stupid changing privacy policy. Read this and this to see my point.) It's nice to catch up and connect with people who you haven't heard from in a while... But...

I've decided that Facebook is not how I want to find out about things. If it's important or significant, you should contact me outside of Facebook. Mary, you have a new boyfriend? Freaking-HELLOOOO??? WHY did I JUST find that out on Facebook????? Leah, back in March of 2007 you became engaged and you didn't CALL ME??? You let me find out on FACEBOOK??? I was your roommate! (Yes, that still irks me.)

Past actions aside, (because I'm guilty of some of this too) that will no longer be the case. My important announcements will not be made on Facebook. I'm not going to announce if I have an interview, I'm not going to say if I have a new job. If it's important for you to know, I will call, text or write it here. This is my little space on the interwebs. Don't expect it on Facebook anymore. I'm frustrated with the apathetic connections Facebook is creating, as well as the gossip, drama-filled "look at me" environment of the newsfeed. Not to mention the "interest specific" advertisements that DRIVE ME CRAZY!!!

*siiiiiiigh* Facebook is dumb. I'm going to go pack up my classroom.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's not even June yet...

First of all, I am reliving my freshmen dorm experience. It is very hot inside my house. I went and bought another fan today... It helps a little. ALL the windows are open and the blinds over the big picture window are drawn. Tonight there is no breeze. Watson is panting. You know it's hot when a cat pants. I've been leaving the fan on for him, to help move air as well as leaving out extra water and giving him access to the bathroom, since the bathtub stays pretty cool.

This weather also reminds me of when I worked at camp, and how humid, hot, sticky and uncomfortable that all is...

Also, the microwave my landlord had with the house died. It shot blue sparks and then set a bowl of chocolate chips on fire. All in 45 seconds. So in addition to my new fan, I have purchased a new 900 watt microwave. I hope it makes popcorn better than the old one. There's an ulterior motive to purchasing a new microwave so soon... (Because I really don't have the funds to spare) my only other method of cooking/warming up food is my stove and/or oven... Uhhhhhhh..... No.

Something else is I have landed a small roll in Waterloo Community Theatre's Production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I have a small, small chorus part... But my rehearsal schedule... Is insane... I literally have rehearsal scheduled from Tuesday, May 25th to the last show on July 31st. AND practices are scheduled on average from 7pm to 10:30pm. Now, that is the BLOCK of time that is set aside... Each week we get a specific schedule that tells us WHAT is being rehearsed and WHAT specific time each cast member/group needs to be there. But still... I have something every night... And I miss every Friday and Saturday night rehearsal because I waitress... Which is of COURSE the night they schedule a dance scene that I get to.... Um, stand in.

.... I'm not complaining..... It's just different. And I'm new, and in theatre you have work your way up and show what you can do.... So by-golly! I will do my best and work hard! Rawr!

... And probably get a lot of summer reading done....

It looks like I won't get to visit home for a long time until August... :-( Unless rehearsal gets canceled.

I'm sorry Jessica! I'm not purposely ditching you!!!! Now I feel I can legitimately join the Facebook group "I can't, I have rehearsal."

Tomorrow is my last day teaching for the year. Wednesday we have in-service and then I am done... Done with my first year of teaching... How weird is THAT to think about???

Rachel D. comes back from England on Wednesday! It looks like she's been having a lot of fun! She graduates on Sunday! YAY!!!!

Jessica and I just want and saw Alice in Wonderland! IT WAS SO COOL! I really, really, really liked it! I really enjoyed all the references between real life and Wonderland. :-) Johnny Depp is brilliant and I looooooved the Cheshire Cat's luminescent stripes. I do find it amusing that comes on DVD next Tuesday and I just saw it in the theatre.

Oh! And next week I am the music director for Immaculate Conception's week-long VBS program. I need to also finish up stuff for that...

Busy, busy, busy...

Well, I'm going to go to sleep... Or just lay there in bed and melt away...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A coversation over Thin Mints

Me: Do you want some cookies?
Jessica: No! I'm trying to loose the weight I gained over finals week!
Me: But we went running today! That means we can have cookies!
Jessica: No, I need to go running and NOT eat cookies.
Me: But these are Girl Scout Cookies. They don't count.
Jessica: Okay, pass them over. *eats cookies and smiles* I hate you.

Jessica is staying with me for 5 weeks while she does her first round of pharmacy rotations. I think we're off to a good start! :-D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's coming... You can't stop it... Water waits...

So it has rained in Sumner pretty much since Sunday night... Last night we had a fantastic thunderstorm! And it rained some MORE! This morning it was foggy. Bremer, Black Hawk and the surrounding counties are under a flood warning. Below is a picture of behind my house...

That's my garage there on the right. The water is about knee-high at the deepest. I know this not because I measured it, but behind my garage is a little skate part-thing and I just watched a bunch of stupid kids try to ride their bikes through the water. The water came up to the center of the bike wheel, and when they FAILED at trying to ride down the skate ramps on the bike they lost momentum and had to get off their bikes. THAT'S how I know it's about knee-high. The stupid kids stayed out there for about 5 minutes and then left.

And no, Dad. I have not checked my basement. Maybe I'll check it tonight. Or maybe I'll make Jessica do it when she comes on Sunday.

And I just saw more stupid kids ride by my window on their bikes. The looks of excitement on their faces tell me they are going to play in the water. And these kids are wearing shorts. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PARENTING THESE DAYS????!!!!

Also, no phone calls about jobs yet. It's been two weeks. :-P

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A short little day maker...

So today in fourth grade we were learning some basic rounds---One Bottle o' Pop, Down by the Station etc... And I was having the students sing along with me plunking out the melody on the piano. We got done and I finished playing and one my students puts down is lyric sheet and looks at me and says, "Wow Ms. S--! You're like.... I dunno... the QUEEN of playing the piano!"

And he wasn't patronizing me... I don't know what it was about me playing one handed... But if that's what it takes to impress a student I'll take it. The genuine comment definitely made me smile though... Because I very frequently wish my piano skills were better. I feel like I'm limiting myself as a music educator--at least right now when I'm teaching elementary music. That and guitar. Guitar would be helpful too.

Tomorrow we are learning THIS song:

Next week we are studying THIS:

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Soooo it's that time again... I should blog and update everyone else on my life. My crazy, crazy busy life. Not that it's any busier than anyone else, but sometimes all I want to do is bum around and not blog.


Today I mowed the lawn, planted flowers (forget-me-nots, poppies, daisies, inpatients, and four o'clocks) I also planted two tomato plants and then promptly covered them with ice cream buckets so they won't be hurt by the frost.

I finished about 6 and ate some buffalo wing pizza that I got from work. Did dishes. Boring. THEN I moved all my computer stuff (printer, external hard-drive etc) to the desk in my living room... And set up my WIRELESS ROUTER! *cue epic music* It took a couple minutes, but I got everything working myself... Until I tried to change the name of my network... Then I messed it up and had to brave tech support... I called and only had t wait about 5 minutes. They were playing Mozart on the waiting music, so it wasn't so bad. 15 minutes later, my network has a new name, a different password and is working just fine!!! YAY!

What else... Oh, I had a performance with the Sumner Community Theatre! The play was called The Visitors and I played Mary, a twin. (My twin sister was also called Mary. We were labeled as Mary 1 and Mary 2 in the script.) It was sooo much fun!!! My character kept spiders for pets and believed in ghosts. We had three performances and I got to wear some awesome glasses:

Here's a picture of the Cast:

Um... What else... Oh, there are 12 days of school left!

Rachel D. is gallivanting off around England... You can follow her escapades and that of her class here on their YouTube channel.

I am going to audition for the Waterloo Community Theatre's production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! I'm excited! I just want a part in the chorus--nothing big or crazy... I'm going to audition next Sunday. Wish me luck!

Currently, I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls. It's not *as* good at the first one... But it is a prequel, and I am entertained, so it's okay. Next I want to read Mr. Darcy, Vampire.

Speaking of vampires, CBS (is it CBS? Or ABC? I don't remember...) Is starting a new TV series called The Gates, which is about vampires... and the guy from The Prince and Me is one of them. Yeah... I'll watch...

OH! OH! OH! OH! That reminds me!!!! I can watch TV shows now!!!! Julie from the restaurant where I waitress had an extra digital converter box, so she gave it to me! Now I can watch Castle, NCIS, The Mentalist, Big Bang Theory, Craig Ferguson, and Doctor Who (on PBS). I missed TV a lot........ :-)

Watson is growing and getting into something everyday. He's discovered the joys of looking out the window and when he's not sleeping, he thinks he is entitled to looking outside as much as he wants, whenever he wants. Which poses a problem when I'm trying to sleep.... Because sometimes he chirps and whips his tail back and forth.

I have more stories, but I need to get to bed... I'm sleepy. Good night all!