Monday, July 31, 2006

Happy Birthday Harry!

It's July 31st! Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling's birthdays. I am a dork. But who cares? Happy Birthday!:-D Yay pictures of cake!!!

I'm feeling better. It's nice to have friends to talk to. Really nice. Life gets hard. I've been thrown a couple curve balls lately... It's hard when Jessica's not here. Life gets crazy. Which is a bit of an understatement.

But yeah.

Yay friends! Yay timing! Thanks God! :-)

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well my day was pretty much a downward spiral. Work was crazy busy... Not quite like yesterday, but we had a full house almost the whole day. It also wasn't AS hot as yesterday... Or at least it didn't seem quite as hot... Maybe I was more used to it... It was at least 95 degrees outside, I imagine it was somewhere in the 100's in the kitchen. Even higher by the grills. I didn't have people that were mad today, and none of my tables left. Overall my customers were nice and friendly, but I wish I had made more tips. Then, they took someone off the floor to start their clean-ups before me, when I was scheduled to get off at 2 and she was scheduled to get off at 3. That made me mad. And then I drew the salad bar for clean ups, which is the longest thing because you have you have to flip and fill all the dressings and clean up all the lettuce and slice tomatoes...etc. etc. It definately was not cool. I was okay with it at first... I mean, I drew it blindly from a bag. It was fair. It just wasn't fun that some of the other servers were like "Haha you got the salad bar." So I ended up not being done until four freaking-thirty. :-(

Not cool. I was the last person to leave from my shift.

My feet and my back hurt from being on my feet all day. Bleh. I've showered though, and that always makes me feel better. :-)

Tomorrow Jessica and I are hanging out until I work at 5 pm. I am way excited! :-D We are going to Cabin Coffee for breakfast and we are going to go jet-skiing/swimming. I miss her a lot.

[edited 8-17-06]

That REALLY didn't help my day. I got a nice happy message from Jessica, and then THAT followed. Gross.

I missed the #7 Pirates Happy Meal.

Sorry, nothing too stellar or exciting happened today. I'm tired, and yet I remain a mouse potato.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I may need your spiked club sometime soon. Or a baseball bat...

Maybe I should find my maglite....

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Stupid blogger...

Okay, so I'm finally able to actually post something on blogger... It was being stupid last night and earlier this morning and not loading. :-P Phooey.

Yesterday I ate an entire cantelope! It was soooo good! All perfectly ripe and deliciously juicey... Mmmmm... :-)

Yesterday Jill and I went and ate dinner at The Barrel because she had never eaten there before. It was great and yummy and extremely filling. We loved it! Then we went to Target and I supposedly helped her pick a bridal shower card and a wedding card. She actually picked them out while I tried to convice her that she should get one of the "Happy 40th Birthday" cards and just scratch out the "Happy 40th Birthday" part. That didn't work so I told her to just skip the wedding card and give them a "Happy Aniverssary" card in anticipation of a long marraige. No success.

Note to self: For Jill's wedding buy the most random birthday card of all tine, scratch out the message and write in "WEDDING." Then glue appropriately sized googley eyes to whatever subject is on the card. This will save you from buying the boring, frilly, lacey, glittery wedding cards that everyone else purchases. And give Jill something to laugh about.

I finally finished The Secret Garden! What a sweet book, although I didn't expect it to end so abruptly. I guess the movies take it farther, as well as the musical. Oh well.

It's nice out today, about 83 degrees, and not too humid. But man, we need rain. I've said that a bunch I know, but we still do. Almost all the grass is brown, and the stuff that isn't is just pretending to be green and it's really all brittle.

I really am hungry for breakfast and it's almost 2:30....Mmmm... eggs and pancakes... stupid Perkins.... :-P

I'm going to mail my order for a homemade rootbeer kit, then go get something to eat, and watch some M*A*S*H.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Stick-People Theatre

This is a comic that I drew inspired by my conversation with ArmyChris... The words on the left say, "goose egg bump thing." You can click on it for a bigger picture.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The calendar SAYS it's Monday... but it FEELS like it's lying...

I bought the pattern for my adventure cloak today. This is the picture. I need to buy fabric for it still. I'm looking at prices of microsuede on the internet to see if it's any cheaper online then to buy it from Hobby Lobby or Jo-Ann's. The cheapest I've seen was $7/yd and the most expensive was $25/yd.

Xanga is being weird/stupid. They are no longer sending me e-mails when my friends update or when I get comments.... grrr...

I made $12 in tips today at Perkins. :-P Bleh.... They sent me on break when it got busy over dinner. Not fair.

My new contacts gave me a headache this morning so I put my hard ones back in. My vision with the soft contacts had been noticably decreasing... Getting fuzzy and all that... And I wanted to drive so I just changed them.. I called the optomestrist's office (last four digits 2020...hahaha!) and they said that I need to wear them at least 4-5 days before I get used to them. Ug.

Talking with ArmyChris online is always fun and great and nice. No matter what mood I'm in, he always cheers me up. :-) He currently is pretty much insisting that all men are scum and since I am "cute and attractive" (Direct quote, I might add. Not my words.) I should routinely carry some sort of bat to beat them off.... Since I am being actively pursued by sooooooo many guys.... lol... Heeheehee... I don't know why I find this so very insanely amusing... But I do... :-P

Dad and Matthew are out canoeing with Matthew's Boy Scout troup. Matthew gave us uncountable reassurances that he would apply sunscreen alllll the time as to avoid getting sunroasted like last time. They made trail mix and left the extra at home and I am having fun eating all the nuts, gummy bears and M&M's out of it, and leaving all the dried fruit. Because I don't like dried rasins, cranberrys, bananas and pineapple. :-P

It rained and stormed a little today! It was nice!! :-) I noticed that one of our Lilac bushes is getting all yellow-y... Maybe I'll water it tomorrow.

I also really need to give our dog, Keeley a bath... Cause she's pretty smelly. Too bad Jessica's not here for me to press-gang her into helping me... Anyone else want to volunteer? My dog *is* friendly... Which is the problem... She doesn't stay still! lol...

Mmm... I love jazz music... Saturday night I went with Philomena and my grandparents to Dixiefest which was in City Park. Dixie music is cool! :-) It's basically a jazz band with a banjo, clarinet and a tuba. The band we saw came all the way from Australia and they were pretty freaking amazing!

I want to marathon Lord of the Rings again... And I want to eat some cookiedough ice cream...

...I need to get some Josh Groban music... *sigh*

Okay, I need to stop selectively eating this trail mix and go to bed.... Night all!

Freudian slip...

Today I accidentually called the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis the "Opium Theatre". And it was very funny.

Tomorrow I think I might go shopping for stuff to make my adventure cloak.

My new contacts kind of mess with my brain. I can tell the right one is stronger then the left.

Mom woke me up at 9:25 am wondering what the heck was I doing, because I had to go to church. I had slept through my alarm. At 9:33 am I was out the door with Matthew and on my way. This is a new record.

I got to see Jessica for 2 hours yesterday, and Scott for 10 minutes. We went jetskiing and it was great fun. We yelled piratical things as we zoomed along. We got up to 51 mph and it was like we were flying. I miss being weird with her. And I miss everything else about being with her. I ate dinner at her house and it was good. I miss that too.

Now that Jessica's working at camp I don't go anywhere. I need to fix that. I need to call other people and do stuff with them. And not bum around the house so much.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


I got new contacts today! They are the soft 24 hour kind. So, since I can sleep with them in, I only really have to take them out once a month to change them. How cool is that??? I am really excited! No more glasses!!! w0000t! I can wake up whenever and see! I don't have to take them out each night, which will help cut down on my bedtime routine. Hooray!

AND if I drop one down the drain, I'll have a replacement on hand! Now THAT will be nice!

I saw PIRATES again tonight for the 3rd time. Isaac's mom, dad and brother ended up being there, so I sat with them. It was fun. I really do like this movie... It's warmed up to me... and it gives me another chance to swoon over Orlando Bloom.... And to feed my pirate addiction. I really paid attention to the music this time... Hans Zimmer did an amazing job of taking themes from the 1st movie and placing them in the 2nd....Really clever parts of music, that are faint in the background, but *are* there.... And really drive certain points home... Great, great music.... :-)

It has been about 16 days since I've seen Jessica. Not fun, however she is home on break from camp and I think we will do something together tomorrow after work. I miss her a lot. A lot a lot a lot.

I'm currently reading The Secret Garden. It's a sweet, charming book! I really like it. :-)

The secret project is going well. I worked with glue today. And I still smell a bit like coffee.

...Sometime I wonder about my friends... Sometimes I worry... And sometimes I wonder if there's other things they want to tell me, or ask me, but they just don't....

Okay, I need to get to bed. I have to work tomorrow.... G'night all!

Friday, July 21, 2006

I forgot! I have a story!

Okay, so I forgot about this awesome story mom told me on Monday....

While Devon, Sam and I were mini-golfing with Jill and her friends, mom took my sister, Philomena to soccer. And while she was there, she noticed one of the other parents was wearing a WICKED t-shirt. Mom said hello and commented that we had seen the show just the previous day, and I was wearing my WICKED shirt too and how I had splattered bleach on it.

Well, it turned out that we went to the same show as this guy and his wife, who had tons of trouble getting tickets as well... They ended up buying them off "" or something. They were in the 6th row on the main floor, so they were good seats, but they were pretty expensive. Mom said that he had listened to the music and instantly fell in love with the show and KNEW he had to see it. Then he had his wife listen to the music and she fell in love with it too... So then they BOTH absolutely had to see it... :-)

HOWEVER, that is not the cool part.

They ended up sitting next to an UNDERSTUDY for the part of ELPHABA in the BROADWAY SHOW of WICKED!!!! *jumps up and down like a maniac* How cool is that??? (I'm very jealous.) How crazy-lucky is that??? So they talked with her before the show, and throughout the production she pointed out different details and parts for them to watch for.



(I don't know why I think it's so cool and amazing, but I'm a hopeless romantic, so therefore I do...)

AND she was dating the understudy who was playing Fiyero in the show we attended, and during the part when the people of Oz come out, dancing with the green ribbons and stuff, he bowed to her in the audience.


I'm so dorky... I just think that's so cool.... And very sweet.

I want some one to secretly aknowledge me like that....


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Egads! An update!

"The Death Star??? What does it do?" "What do you MEAN, 'what does it do?????' It's the Death Star! IT DOES DEATH!"

Hahahaha I love that quote! Eddie Izzard makes me laugh a lot... And I'm sure that comes as a surprise to some of you... :-P

Well, I'm currently in my kitchen, working on a secert project. Which right now involves coffee... Which I have boiling on the stove to make it darker... I'm not telling what or who it's for, but yes. I'm boiling coffee. Sounds weird, but it's all part of the secret projecting process.

Hmmm... Nothing much is new... Other then Sam and Devon came and visited me on Monday! :-) That was really fun! We went mini-golfing and I took them to the Barrel and we watched "Serenetiy".... Weird movie... It's basied on some TV show... We really didn't get it, but the music was cool. :-P It was nice to have them over... Yay for people to talk to!

Bleh. I miss Jessica.

I worked today, but nothing exciting happened there.... Tuesday night when I worked the graveyard I spilled an entire tray of food. It had 3 orders on it... One which included mashed potatos and gravey as well as rice.... Wow, what a mess. :-P Well, it was bound to happen. I just glad it didn't occur during lunch or another time when we are busy.

I want to go see Pirates again tomorrow.(7-21-06) Is anyone even HERE who would go with me??? If so, comment or something.

I'm still sad about my now bleach splotted Wicked t-shirt... I got a gray marker though and touched it up. It does look a little better. I don't know if I'm gonna buy another shirt though or not.

I need to order stuff to make rootbeer... Hmmm...

Oh! Perkins also has given me more hours which is nice, as I NEED MONEY!

I still need an "adenture cloak"... I should go patter/fabric hunting again. (Laura! I found the movie "Merlin" at Movie Gallery. We need to watch it together soon!)

Okay so, July is almost over... Does that feel crazy to anyone else??? *facepalm* Am I ready to go back to school and do all kinds of studious type things? NO.... Time is crazy...

I hate student loans. I really need to get on the one for this upcoming year.

Gah! I' gonna have to put up with the stupid drunks running around moaning "Outflyyyyy" again... :-P

Mmmm.... That's about it right now... I'm going to go "secret project" some more.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Monday, July 17, 2006


I have somehow, while cleaning, managed to splatter bleach on my brand new Wicked t-shirt.

*cries of anguish*

There are no words


There is no way to describe how amazing it was... Seeing Wicked....I'm in an awed stupor.

....I want to maul and squeel and jump up and down and mob and attack and scream and hug everything that has to do with it....

It's pent up emotion that has no words to describe it.

......I can't get over it........ The lights... the set.... the music.... Everything. Everything Everything....

There were times I wanted to cry and times I wanted to tell the world that I understood the emotions playing on stage.

I know how that feels. To feel like the only one.

The dancing... The music...

*dies of sheer musical happiness*

I bought two t-shirts and so did Jill and Mary. I had resold the 2 tickets on eBay, so we had 3 tickets and 4 people. The theatre had a drawing for 20 tickets, but none of us won. So we went to lunch at Panera, and mom was going to go shopping while we were at the show, but she was able to get a ticket from someone who's friend couldn't go. And I was really really happy, because I was sad that we didn't win, and mom couldn't see the show. But she got a ticket and it was all good.

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.

Oh. And I got a piece of glass in my foot while walking, but I pulled it out, as it was pretty itsy-bitys. I'm okay.


This is the only picture that stupid blogger will let me load... But it's me, with the street banners for Wicked in the background. Yay!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Better... :-)

I feel much better tonight. Although it is still really cold here in the basement, and I am freezing, it is not upsetting me like it was last night.

PMS is pretty much not fun absolutely at all. It sure sucks for me, I'm sure it's worse to all the people who I might come in contact with...

And I still think I have a cavety. :-P

Anyway, tomorrow I get to go see the musical "Wicked" with Jill, and Mary! My mom is driving us up to Minneapolis and she's gonna try and get a ticked in the lottery drawing. *crosses fingers* I'm really excited! :-) We're leaving at 7:30 am tomorrow though... :-P I bought some snacks for the road! Pirates of the Caribbean Fruit Snacks!!!! HAHAHA! :-D I am ridiculously excited about them! I *really really really* wanted to buy the PotC cereal, but I really don't like chocolate-puff-like cereal. Especially with marshmallows... I honestly don't think I could choke it down. Sad for me... :-P

Matthew, Dad and Daniel got back from their canoe trip thing today. Poooor Matthew... He go so sunburnt yesterday, dispite the fact that he put sunscreen on. Mom took him to the doctor and everything. She said the blisters are really bad. Poooooor Matthew... :-( He walks like a zombie, because it hurts so much. :-(

Does anyone else ever listen to music or dialogue and think... "Wow... [so-and-so] has an amazing voice" or "I really like the sound of that voice tone/pitch/inflection". Or am I just weird like that? Because there are two things that make me think that right now... One is in "Light my Candle" from the movie version of RENT and the other is from the song "Wick" from the musical The Secret Garden.

Yeah, I'm weird...

Sam and Devon are coming to visit meeeeeeeeeee!!!! w000t! On Monday. It'll be fun, and I'm excited. It's been a while since I've seen Sam and it'll be nice to hang out with both of them! :-)

Note to self: Do not eat a half a bowl of NERDS candies right before bed. Especially in bed. They spill and roll all over.

Night all!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Stuff that feels like a crisis in my summer...

Bleh. I've become moody again. And this time I know it's hormones, and there's nothing that I really can do to change that. It's just super annoying.

I happen to be blogging from the steps of my house. Yes, I am outside. Yay for protected wireless internet! I'm almost getting eaten alive by mosquitoes but I don't care. Inside is freezing cold due to the stupid air conditioning. My bedroom is even more cold, as it is in the basement, plus the air conditioning. Mary is home for a camp session break and is all "I don't care. I like the air conditioning."

Hence, me outside. Blasting the music playing from my iTunes throughout my crickety nieghborhood. With little bugs bouncing off the computer screen and mosquitoes hovering around me. My dog hears me... I can hear her walking around in her kennel.

It's humid and the stars are coming out, and the lightening bugs are flashing. It's beautiful. I wish someone was here to go for a walk to the lake or something. It's a perfect night for that.

I drove through McDonalds again tonight. This time I got an inflatable sword in my Happy Meal. I DID find it rather amusing until my sister blew up the one she got and it turned out NOT to be broken like the swords Mike and I got. Duct tape didn't even fix it. What it is, is the plug doesn't stay in and all the air leaks out. I mean, I can deal with my sword not working... Good grief, it's from McDonalds. It was mom saying: "Look, Mary blew it up in one breath... Look, her's isn't broken...." that was getting to me.

Ug....... Stupid hormones that make me irritable.....

...Okay, so I'm back inside, in my bed, in the freezing basement. I have put a sweatshirt on. I was forced inside by the discovery that the bugs were getting bigger the longer I stayed outside. Not cool.

What else put me into a grumpy mood was Mary trying to press-gang me into working at Tanglefoot. I feel like I've said no a million times. I asked about a job there back in January and they just couldn't pay me enough for what I needed. I enjoyed the time I worked there, I learned a lot. But it's no longer where I'm meant to be. I'm glad she's enjoying working there. But I wish she'd stop forcing it on me. She can talk about it, tell me stories, that's all fine. But I don't want to work there anymore. And DON'T play the "But Jessica is going to work there"-card. Tanglefoot has become short-staffed. They asked her if she could help out. It was her choice. And now I'm Jessica-less for 3 weeks.

And NOW what am I going to do? This pretty much feels like a crisis in my summer. Who's gonna make rootbeer with me? Who's gonna go see Superman with me??? Who will spontaniously go swimming with me? Who will let me come over when I want to get away and take a break from my family????

GAH! I'm crying... I hate PMS!

I hate how this is such a big deal to me. Jessica! I know you're at Sonshine, but AH! What am I gonna do????? :-(

I'm not mad AT Jessica. I'm mad at the situation. At least during school I can call her whenever I freaking want.

Sam and Devon might come and visit next week which would be really fun. Hooray for theatre people! That will help me feel better for sure. In fact, it's really nice to have someone say: "Hey, can we come and visit you?" instead of me saying: "Hey, you should come visit me!" Which is usually how is goes.

Another crisis.... Charlie the II, my ivy plant is dying. And I don't know why!!!! Mom says it's because I didn't water him, but I did!I DID! And I thought he was getting enough sun and all that... But now he's dying. And I need to figure out how to make him better.

I hate the air conditioning. I'm about ready to go get mittens. I am so freaking cold. I've pulled my bed covers up over me. It's the middle of summer and I still have the flannel sheets on my bed. I know some people who would tell me that that is crazy. But I'm cold.

It's Friday night and I feel like I haven't done anything with anyone for forever. I haven't seen Jessica since last week. Since we saw Pirates together. Laura came over on Wednesday, and it was amazing, but it was much too short.

Why does it seem like I'm always the one who calls people to see if they're doing anything? To see if they want to do anything with me?:-P

I miss the social life of Wartburg. I miss eating dinner with Julia and Jill every night. I miss watching Boston Legal and House with Rachel. I miss tango-ing with Amanda to Sousa marches in the FAC while waiting for the Wind Ensemble to get done with rehearsal.

I am going to make a cloak. Yes Isaac, you are a trend-setter. It will be warm and fuzzy and happy and I will wear it at school. In the dorm and all around. And I looked at cloak patterns today, but I didn't buy anything yet. I think I have it figured out how to do the cool wrap-around thing with the cloak like in the movie "Merlin's Apprentice."

...Okay that's enough of meloncholy pms posting.... I'm going to go write some more of my story now. Then go to bed.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pirate Picture!

Okay, this is a picture that I finished about a week ago. I started it back in April. I am working on coloring it in MS Paint, but that takes FOREVER...

1. Yes, if you can tell, it's a cartoonish version of me.
2. Yes, I know it's exaggerated.
3. Yes, I know there flaws in the proportions etc...
4. Yes, I know the facial expression is bland and staring. A mirror was not at hand and I had just gotten they eyes semi-symetrical.
5. I think it's pretty good for not drawing anything serious since junior year of high school.
6. Yay Pirates!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

*ramble ramble*

I'm kind of in a weird mood tonight... I have other blog entries to finish but I'm not feeling like it...

I basically feel "blaaaah" so this post will probably just be random. :-P

I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest again tonight. It's only my second time. I liked it better then the first time. I caught a lot more then I did the first time, and I'm excited for the next movie! :-) There's some awesome quotes in there, which I will refrain from posting until some time has passed as to give anyone who happens to read this a chance to see it.

I feel restless and random tonight... I want to do something either crazy fun or watch a movie and snuggle.

I think I have a cavety... :-( Not cool. Not fun.

*sigh* IDK...randomness.... I know I have friends who care about me... People who genuinely wonder how my day went, who put up with my silly randomness, my obsessions and my knowledge of really weird things. I've acquired some new friends over the past couple months and some of them are, (from what I can tell) fiercely loyal/protective of their friends. Something which I admire and strive for myself... But sometimes I wonder... Am I being a good friend to them? To all my friends... Am I hypocritical? Am I insensitive? Backstabbing? Nosy? Cruelly sarcastic? Bossy? Am I too much of one thing and not enough of the other? Is there something I can do to be a better friend? I don't know, I don't know I don't know...

My iTunes shuffle is out to get me... it's tried to play "Pink Elephants on Parade" from the Disney movie "Dumbo" 4 times in the past 2 hours.... Why is that even on my computer??? I think I'll delete it... It's soooo creepy!

Speaking of songs... Do you ever hear one and think: "Wow... I can totally relate to this..." or "This is what I feel like right now..." Yeah... I've had those feeling all night tonight... Listening to The Secret Garden and The Light in the Piazza and The Scarlet Pimpernel.

....I want a friend like Dickon, I want to be in love like Fabrizio and Clara, and I want adventure like that in The Scarlet Pimpernel....

...I want a swashbuckling adventure... I want a hero... I want a friend that only I can see... I want things that only exist in stories... I want someone to hold me to their chest and sing softly to me... I want to go stargazing where there are no city lights to be seen... I want to go swimming at night... I want to go to a grassy field at dusk and watch the fireflies.... I want to sit around a campfire with friends and feel content... I want a cat in my lap... I want to go through a hedge maze... I want to visit Neverland... I want to go to Hogwarts... I want to learn to ride a horse... I want time to draw... I want to finish the stories in my head....

"I can't sing or dance, but I'm the star of the show!"

Saturday, July 08, 2006

w00t! Update!

Okay, so sorry about not updating for awhile, for those of you crazy enough to want to read this... ;-) Part of it was me being crazy busy, and the other part was that I didn't feel like blogging... sorry!

I hope you all had a great 4th of July! Mine was pretty good... On the 3rd Scott, Jessica and I went out on the jet-ski. We went tubing, and it was my first time! It's okay, not my most favorite thing, but still fun. After that, Scott invited Jessica and I over to his grandmother's house where his family was having a get-together. So we went and ate lots of yummy food and played with Scott's little brother and stuff. When dinner was over, we went to Mason City to watch the fireworks. There we met up with Greg, Kelvin, and Steven. The firewords were okay... Not too outstanding, but still fun to see. There was this HUGE explosion that we still don't know if it was meant to happen... Like , I'm talking gigantic fireball. Someone said it happened last year too, so I don't know what's up with that... Anyway, after the fireworks we all went to Greg's house and they set off fireworks and Jessica made a s'more for her, and a s'more for Scott, and I just roasted marshmallows and ate them. (Roasting = catching them on fire and letting the inside get all gooey and the outside turn to black.) I ended up eating about a half a bag of marshmallows, because I love roasted marshmallows! :-) I also burned a knuckle on my hand from the fire, because the roasting fork was too short, and the fire was a little too hot.. :-P I got home around 1 am, and woke up at 8 am for Clear Lake's parade. Nothing too exciting, but it was nice to see a parade for once... Since it's been forever since I've seen one... I'm always in them. Philomena and Daniel were both in it. Matthew decided not to walk with the Boy Scouts this year, so when they walked by they dumped a bunch of cold water on him, and it was really funny! :-) Philomena was in the parade for the summer play that Steben's Children's Theatre is charging an insane amount for.... And she was the last entry. So after the parade ended I walked to Lincoln Elementary and re-waited for the parade to end, and I walked with her back to the park were mom and I agreed to meet. On the way back we came across one of Clear Lake's newest editions...

The Ice Cream Truck! :-D

Bursting with childish glee, I quickly calculated in my head how far I thought the park was, vs. the current tempurature. I decided to take the risk of buying some ice cream for Philomena, myself, and the rest of my family. I must say it came a little close, as letting Philomena eat her ice cream while we walked to the park slowed us down, plus the minute or so when I wasn't 100% sure where I was, or where the park was while I walked around with 5 ice cream treats in hand. But I made it, and the ice cream was not gooey or drippy, but cold and delicious!

The municipal band concert that night went great! 2005 Miss Iowa, Carolyn and the current Miss Iowa, her sister Emily, both daughters of my amazing flute teacher sang "God Bless the USA" and the National Anthem. It was amazing!!!! :-) We played a lot of patriotic music, and I forgot that the piccolo part in Stars and Stripes Forever is hard.

Then I went to Perkins and worked the graveyard shift. I made a lot of money, as it got really busy as soon as the fireworks were done. Luckily they had scheduled other servers to work to help with the rush. Throughout the night, a couple of different parties of people, in various states of drunkenness came in. It was definately amusing, as well as profitable.... Oh, if only everyone tipped like they were intoxicated.... *sigh* The best past of the night was when a drunk guy asked me out. When I lied and said my boyfriend wouldn't like it, he exclaimed: "DARN! I ALWAYS get the ones who have boyfriends!" Hee, hee! It was great! :-D

I didn't get home until 7 am, even though I was scheduled to get off at 6, and I crashed and slept in till 2 pm.

I didn't do a whole lot on Wednesday... My grandparents, from my mom's side were over visiting, so I was doing the whole "family thing." Besides, Jessica was babysitting.

On Thursday I worked until about 3:30 in the afternoon, and after work I called Jessica and we went into Mason City because I wanted to buy the soundtrack to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, as well as a PotC poster. I got the poster at K-Mart (the same one you have Heather!) and the CD at Target. While shopping I came across these awesome orange sneakers at Shopko that I think I will go back and buy soon, because they were wicked cool, and not just because they were orange! I tried on both the blue and the pink pairs, which did not look as good on me. So orange it is!

After purchasing my things, I dropped Jessica back off at her house and went home for dinner and stuff... Jessica came back over around 9:30-ish and we, plus, Mary, her friend Amanda, and my brother Matthew left to stand in line for the MIDNIGHT PREMIERE of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN! :-D We played cards for a little bit, but stupid high schoolers/middle schoolers kept jumping in line so we eventually stood in line. And then I told off some other kids who left the line and jumped back in where they were... Ahead of us. Honestly, it ticked me off. I don't like people who cut in line.

Anyway, PIRATES was pretty cool, not as cool as the first one, but I enjoyed it. Isaac was there with some Bethel friends and they sat by us. Isaac said that Orlando Bloom is his rival, and I still think that's rather amusing. :-) I won't post any spoilers about the movie for a while, as to give you all a chance to see it.

...LOL poor Jessica... I did get rather excited at different bits in the movie and I would poke her and stuff... And she, being tired, got mad at me a couple times.... But it's okay, I know her well enough to know that it was nothing personal... Just her being grouchy... and I was kind of hyper... lol... I am a night owl and Jessica is not.

Speaking of being night owl-ish, I *do* need to get to bed, as I must get up for church in the morning..... So I will end this here, and finish it later! Night all!

Monday, July 03, 2006


My life has been taken to a new level of hilarity...

I was browsing through the spam in my Gmail account. I don't use that account very much so it kind of builds up; however Gmail shows you what the e-mail starts to say in the margin of the subject line... If you have Gmail, you know what I'm talking about... So amid the offers of free drugs, a better and longer sex life, and quick and easy college diplomas I found 2 things that randomly amused me and caused me to exclaim "Wartburg Track and Field??!!"

"How are you Wallace, Trisha sent this linkd to Tommy..."

WALLACE?! Hahahaha.... Okay, so I saw this and immeadiately thought of Isaac and his love for William Wallace... And I really want to know how they decided on calling me "Wallace".... Weiiiiiiird. (And yes that random "d" on the end of the word link was there in the e-mail. I have included it for the full effect.)

"Hi Jack! How is life?"

:-P So do spammers just pick random names??? This one amused me too... As my name is no where NEAR "Jack"... Or Wallace...

So yep... The spammers have spoken. And I am amused.


I feel better tonight. Mom and Jessica (and Isaac) have told me that it's not my fault. I called Drew this morning and I e-mailed him my schedule for the week. We'll see how this goes. It looks like I will still be able to play my character. Thanks Brett, Isaac, Jessica, ArmyChris and Rachel for the comments. You guys are more then I deserve!

Brett: Thanks for the AOL hugs. :-) You and your collection of medieval weaponry are cool!

Isaac: You're right, although it's hard sometimes to look at the bigger picture when something "right now" has tipped Sarah's mental "scale" of her perspective on life. Thanks for being the counter-balance.

Jessica: I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you! Thanks for being like my twin, letting me bum around your house and eat all your food, hang-up the phone on your nasty younger brother, and thanks for letting me be completely weird and random in your company. PIRATES FOREVARRRR! :-D

ArmyChris: Thanks, I wish you were here to give me a hug too. You give amazing hugs! And thanks for the awesome AOL conversations. I enjoy them! :-) You always make my day better!

Rachel: Heehee, my comrade in sometime-to-occur semi-illegal crime. I miss you! I miss randomly dancing around the dorm to the "Bananaphone" song... I miss singing along to musical version of A Christmas Carol during not-Christmas-y times, and I miss listening to the "Rhododenron" song and "Hushabye Mountain" before going to sleep. Even though Dick Van Dyke has a subwoofer in his voice.... ;-)

Thank-you thank-you all!!! *warm fuzzies*

Jessica and I went swimming today. It was really crowded, but the water was great! Except my sunburn is about the worst ever of all time! Seriously, the back of my thighs are roasted-toasted bright red. I have sunburn lines on my butt. I'm sure all of you enjoy reading that. :-P I have put tons and tons of aloe the burn and I have taken ibuprofen to help with the pain. I'm not sunburn anywhere else because I actually used sunscreen. Bleh.... I think tomorrow, if I'm not filming, Jessica and I are going to go out on the Jet-ski. And then I will make sure to put sunscreen on my legs.

My high school band director makes his own beer and he is giving me a catalog that has
ingredients that will enable me to make my own rootbeer! YAY!

I want to go see Superman Returns again. And it's 4 days until Pirates!!! AHHHH! :-D

I am going to bed... Nothing too exciting here!

Thanks again, guys. *hugs*

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Life? Ha... I have none.

I am mad at life.

Because I was stupid, I missed all my scenes for the summer movie. I didn't call. No one called me. Until now, I wasn't even aware that they had started filming.

Yes, I have a production schedule, but there are no locations or anything printed on them. And why wasn't there any follow-up?

NOW what is going to happen?

Do I still get to be in the movie? Do I have any lines left? Have I become demoted to an extra?

I just want to stomp around and rant and rave about every stupid thing that makes me mad, because THIS has set me off.....

Drew, the director is never on AOL, he's hardly, pretty much almost NEVER on the Forums.... He hasn't updated his blog since flippin' MARCH... I live on the freaking otherside of the area. I have no clue what's going ON!

Stupid work schedule.


Eaton: You are the worst ever. Why did you even get my hopes up? I feel like wishing something very nasty upon you. But I shall refrain.

GAH! *smacks head against wall multiple times*

This is stupid... This really upsets me. I was looking forward to this movie so freaking much and now I don't even know what's going on in relation to my part.

*curls into a ball* I honestly feel like I want to cry...

I hate this... Why do I have problems like this???? Isaac told me it's okay, but it doesn't feel okay to me. Stupid AOL. It's so easy to hide on AOL. There's no body language, no voice inflection, no facial reference. You can fake your emotions on AOL if you want to. It's 100% easy. (And for the record, I work very hard to be genuine on AOL, MSN, here, Facebook, on the Halo With Sprinkles Forums, on Xanga, and on Myspace. But I am aware of how simple it is to pretend over the internet.)

And WHY does this upset me so much???? I counted... There's nothing biological about this mood swing... It's 100% me being stupidly upset about a stupid situation that I could have fixed like 2 stupid weeks ago by a simple stupid phone call.

I fail at life. :-(

And I wish someone was here to give me a hug.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Quick Questions...

1. What exactly is "Malto-dextrin" and where can I get it? I want it for my homemade rootbeer.

2. Where can I buy "Champagne Yeast," again, for the rootbeer.