Monday, January 29, 2007


I have two "Learning Logs" due this week, one due tomorrow, and one due Thursday along with a movie review, both for Psych of the Exceptional Child, then I have a paper due in Music History on Wednesday, and an essay for Human Relations due by tomorrow. I also have a group project/presentation for my Music K-8 class due Thursday....


*sigh* Sometimes it sucks having to make adult decisions.... It looks like I will not be able to study abroad for a term. The deadline for the application is the 2nd of February and I can't get a hold of my adviser, let alone find a faculty member who knows me well enough and has the time to write a letter of recommendation with such short notice... Plus I would also have to write an essay.... Last week that seemed plausible... Now.... Not any more.... I have to focus on the stuff I have due NOW..... GRADE related stuff...

Not fun.... No.... But... Well... I'll save money...? And....Well, there's the trip to Europe that Jessica, Scott and I are going to do after we're done with school.... And I could always do something during May Term next year.... I know my senior year I want to go on the Literary Tour of England....

*siiiiiigh* Life goes on.... There's gotta be a reason this isn't working out. I just can't read ahead into that chapter of my life....

Work, work, work...

Wow, I have so much freaking stuff to do... I have 4 papers due this week. One that I wasn't aware of...

Last night I watched Team America with the guys.... Wow.... That movie was completely ridiculous and ridiculously awesome. I laughed a lot...

...Another good thing about Luke, Chris, Isaac and Nate.. They didn't tease or scorn me when I asked questions about the things that happened in the video games they were playing... They actually would think about it and try to explain it... Not like Jesse, and sometimes Ted when I question the things in their video games... I usually get "It's a video game... Why do you have to questions? Just accept it." ....But I just want to know WHYYYY!!! I like to figure things out! lol

I played Halo with Ted and Jesse last night after Team America. I totally suck at Halo... We played for almost 2 hours and I killed them about a total of 10 times..... I lost count of how many times they killed me, or I killed myself... And not just falling off the sides and stuff... I blew myself up a couple times....

...And that would be why I'm so tired... I didn't get to bed until 1:45 am.... Probably not the best idea, but... oh well....

I still need to unpack from doing laundry at home.... But I have no TIME!!! AH!

Oh! Another thing that I am excited about.... I AM GETTING A NEW PHONE!!! YAY!!!!! No more stupid running out of battery after 30 seconds of talking!!! AND it's gonna be a Razor! SWEEEEET!

...Alright I need to go practice violin.....

Friday, January 26, 2007

A short list...

1. I am going home this weekend.
-I have mixed feelings about this, because I am really really way excited to see and hang out with my awesome friends from Bethel, :-D and to see the premiere of hte summer movie... But I am aslo missing a LOT of stuff on campus... :-(

2. It's fun planning outfits with imput from Ted and Jenna.

3. I've lost count of how many people have told me that "I need a boy."

4. I have to write a paper for music history next week. And an essay for the study abroad application.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Life through Facebook statuses...

Sarah is tired.
Sarah is wishing she had time to exercise.
Sarah is busy.
Sarah is single.
Sarah is hormonal.
Sarah is missing people.
Sarah is always hungry.
Sarah is pretty much broke.
Sarah is thinking that Wells Fargo is dumb.
Sarah is a pirate.
Sarah is n't loo-loo-looing, she's willow-willow wailing...
Sarah is practically living in the library.
Sarah is trying to kick-butt.
Sarah is wishing she had more time to do things.
Sarah is jealous.
Sarah is sometimes short-tempered.
Sarah is feeling hypocritical sometimes.
Sarah is whiny.
Sarah is in love with fictional characters.
Sarah is sometimes happy.
Sarah is monophonic in a polyphonic world.
Sarah is wearing a ridiculous handlebar mustache.
Sarah is a messy person.
Sarah is missing the idea of being able to read for pleasure.
Sarah is argumentative.
Sarah is bitingly sarcastic.
Sarah is feeling unloved sometimes.
Sarah is PMS-ing.
Sarah is bored with life.
Sarah is wishing for an adventure.
Sarah is wanting to be whisked away.
Sarah is in her own little world.
Sarah is pretending to be a princess.
Sarah is pretty sure her life has less problems than the lives of others...
Sarah is unabel to spel.
Sarah is hating her homework load with a fiery passion that burns like a thousand suns!
Sarah is in love with the music of Adam Pascal.
Sarah is wishing there were more hours in the day.
Sarah is needing to practice more.
Sarah is a music nerd.
Sarah is missing the thought of being in love.
Sarah is n't good enough to do everything.
Sarah is wanting to study abroad. Her adviser needs to get back to her.
Sarah is Woodrow Wilson. Go to bed!
Sarah is right handed.
Sarah is n't as easy-going as she thinks sometimes.
Sarah is addicted to band.
Sarah is in love with the music of Punchinello.
Sarah is random.
Sarah is a big fan of hugs!
Sarah is an AOL/MSN addict.
Sarah is sometimes not good enough.
Sarah is proud to be a redhead.
Sarah is a Harry Potter fan.
Sarah is a enjoying the snow!
Sarah is missing her family a little.
Sarah is wishing that she didn't get dirty so she wouldn't have to shower all the time.
Sarah is wishing she had perfect pitch.
Sarah is annoyed with the violin.
Sarah is needing to get her flute serviced.
Sarah is wanting to go camping sometime.
Sarah is needing a good summer job. Good = well paying.
Sarah is tired of what she perceives as idiocy.
Sarah is not liking all the freaking amount of stuff she has to do...
Sarah is frustrated.
Sarah is a little stressed.
Sarah is lazy.
Sarah is not available in stores.
Sarah is sometimes not sure how to be a good friend.
Sarah is independent.
Sarah is annoying.
Sarah is good at speaking out of turn.
Sarah is excited for this weekend.
Sarah is not sure what to think.
Sarah is not as smart as everyone.
Sarah is a Type A personality.
Sarah is putting the "pro" in "procrastination".
Sarah is glad she does not have to write 58 papers like someone in her Human Relations class.
Sarah is nosy.
Sarah is a writer.
Sarah is an artist.
Sarah is opinionated.
Sarah is caring.
Sarah is trying her best.
Sarah is ridiculous.
Sarah is a sock-puppet.
Sarah is a future band teacher in the making!
Sarah is often noticing more then she lets on...
Sarah is motivated.
Sarah is not an idiot.
Sarah is incredibly talented about making life awkward and infinitely more complicated.
Sarah is learning to be lonely.
Sarah is "beautifully tragic".
Sarah is a night owl.
Sarah is in the Conservatory with the lead pipe.
Sarah is an endangered species.
Sarah is not a good dancer. Does this stop her? Not usually.
Sarah is a music addict.
Sarah is a goof-ball.
Sarah is like the end of any good fortune cookie.... In bed. Sleeping... if you MUST know...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ah life...

I'm happy being single... I'm happy being single... I'm happy being single... I'm happy being single...


I keep trying and trying to tell myself that... It's it's not really working. I've never mastered the whole "lying to yourself so much that you really begin to believe it's true"-thing.

So I've been waiting. And I'm still waiting. There's nothing I can really DO about it, but except wait some more.

"Someday, someone will walk into your life and you'll realize why it never worked out with anyone else...."


"True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another."

"In my life
There are times when I catch in the silence
The sigh of a faraway song
And it sings
Of a world that I long to see
Out of reach
Just a whisper away
Waiting for me."

"I hold a dream an' there's no compromisin'
I know there's one certain laddie for me.
One day he'll come walkin' o'er the horizon:
But should he not, then an old maid I'll be."

Sometimes quotes say what I feel like, when I myself don't know how to express it myself...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Yay snow!

"Why are you all so happy?"
"Because our lives suck"

Ha. I love some of the music from Avenue Q... :-)

Sooo... My roommate has been gone all weekend.... So this room has been pretty quiet and boring... I finally took down the last of the Christmas decorations but that's about it.

Oh and Cinemax is back, so I took that out of our channel loop since it turns to soft-core porn after 10 pm. Nasty. >:-P

This week I want to work on getting into bed before 1 am... And I want to get up around 7:15 am, and go practice from 8 to music history at 9. I'm interested to see how that plays out...

The premiere for the 2006 summer movie, Faron: The Prophecy is next weekend... I really hope I can make it home... It would be a very good chance to visit with my awesome Bethel friends. :-)

Friday night I watched Arsenic and Old Lace with Rachel D. Awesome movie! It made me laugh a lot! :-D That would be such a fun play to do!

We got like, 7 inches of snow today!!! I love it! It's the beautiful thick-fluffy kind! :-) I wish this had come a month earlier, but still... I was so tired of looking at the stupid brown. :-P

...Wow... I need to change my contacts soon... They're getting old...

Bleh. Ted is in Boston for the week visiting a friend. I miss him. The dynamics of our group just aren't the same.

Well, there's nothing else for me to say right now... At least nothing I can think of... I'm trying to plug away with all the stuff I have going on... And I'm still alive and not sick. The dorm is a disaster and I want to go sledding again, but that's another story.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Good Grief

"Jesus Abraham" is trying to sell me replica Rolex watches in my Gmail Spam folder....


...And my name is most definitely NOT "Hershel"...


Thursday, January 18, 2007

...Better mood

Ted, Jesse and I went sledding tonight. :-D

....Actually Ted, and I went sledding and Jesse just stood there being freezing cold...

But sledding was freaking awesome! :-D I ALMOST wiped out into Ted at one point, but I bailed out JUST in time annnnnd got snow all down inside my coat... brrrr!!!

We didn't stay out there very long because it was so windy, but yeah... It was a rockin' good time! I love sledding! :-)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

...Be mindful of your actions around me, for my temper has been unusually short as of late...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm alive! Cold... But alive!

Hello everyone! I'm still here!

Earlier I had a lot that I wanted to post about but it all has appeared to have escaped my brain....

... Music History is kind of interesting..... My book talked about some guy named "Theodoric the Ostrogoth" which made me laugh... Because that's kind of a cool name... so is "King Pepin the Short"... It just makes one wonder... What was short about him?

We now have lots of snow! :-) This makes me happy! Tomorrow we are going to go sledding! :-)

... Our room is cold and we have the blinds down and the heat all the way up...

I have been studying like none other lately... I'm proud of myself, but it takes a lot of energy actually... :-P But I've gotten a pretty good study method down... I buy a regular chi tea (with mint flavoring added) from the coffee shop, and I sit in a chair with my iPod and my phone on one arm of the chair, and my drink on the other and I read. And read and read and read. I have a lot of reading to do. And now that my music lessons are starting up again I'll have to work that into my schedule too...

...What I'm thinking is I'll just have to get up at 7 am, practice at 8 am and then go to Music History at 9.... And then find another chunk of time for whatever instrument I didn't practice at 8.

*sigh* Such is life.

I have so much I have to do this semester... It's not even funny... But at least I don't feel behind.

*knock on wood* Yet.

The 4 Calvin and Hobbes books that Ted has let me borrow are a Godsend. Thank-you, thank-you Ted!

I really really really want these earphones. BUT the earphones that came with my iPod work fine... I just like these better. AH! I hate the line between WANT and NEED!

Well, I should start the ol' bedtime routine... Night!

*siiiiiigh* The Light in the Piazza was sooo beautiful

Saturday, January 13, 2007

*sigh of contentment*

There are no words to describe how much I loved seeing The Light in the Piazza... The only thing that comes close is: ridiculously giggly in a very hopeless romantic way.

Oh, my goodness gracious! Fabrizio was... was amazing... so amazing... *swooooooooooon*

I'll admit it. I cried. I thought the show was that beautiful...




Friday, January 12, 2007


So The Fray was here last night! It was fun, although I only know 2 of their songs... But for $10 a ticket you can't complain! I honestly have never been to any sort of rock concert before in my life so it was kind of interesting... And loud. Yes, yes I know. DUH! :-P But it was.... The band MuteMath opened for them... I had never heard of them before... And I couldn't really understand any of the songs they did... There was lots of jumping... Flashing lights... But my favorite part was when the lead jumped down off of the piano and knocked down 2 mike stands. Haha..

But yeah! The Fray was COOOOOL!!!! :-D

After the concert I hung out in Ted and Jesse's room and watched The Covenant. I thought it was supposed to be scarier, but it ended up being pretty cool. :-) Stupid misleading trailers...

Oh, and I officially hate my cellphone. It's stupid beyond words. It has turned off 3 times today on its own... I swear I didn't press anything. It just shut off. And then it died when my mom called. I could hear her, but she couldn't hear me. So I just hung up and texted my sentiments about my phone to my mom's cell.


Tonight I learned how to play the Xbox game um... Battle for Middle Earth.... I think it was.... The game was... kind of boring... Because we were stuck in Moria and all we did was fight stupid goblins and trolls.... And by fight, you take turns selecting an attack and then the game tells you whether it's a miss or a hit, and how much damage you did. Jesse was player one, and he was a... soldier from Gondor... and he led the group around, and I the only time I used my controller was when we fought, and I controlled an elf-lady-warrior-chick from Lothlorien, and a dwarf. Buuuut it wasn't very exciting. At least after we played it for 2 hours. :-P Jesse pretty much banned me from talking about the game, since I kept asking what he deemed as irrelevant questions like: When they got shot with arrows, why to they go all the way through their abdomen and just stay there? or HOW is this thing still alive? and WTF-Why did the elf-chick just kiss the Gondor-dude?

Yeah... Stuff like that.

Oh, have I mentioned how I hate my cell phone?

OH! Today in band we had an awesome rehearsal! I missed band SO MUCH over break! First of all we did hugs... One of my favorite things... Everyone just gets up from their chairs and gives hugs to each other... It's pretty sweet! :-) And THEN we spent the whole time working on my FAVORITE piece! Punchinello, An Overture to a Romantic Comedy, by Alfred Reed. I don't know why, but I love that piece very much! :-D It's pretty much RIGHT up there with Pirates of the Caribbean... I think even a little higher... It's kind of ridiculous...

Oh, and something else weird... Remember the character "Joe" from the PBS TV show "Wishbone"? Well, someone on my Facebook group "No I haven't read that great literary classic--but I've seen the Wishbone!" (which is almost up to 20,000 btw) found his Myspace. I'm not gonna post it here... As I like to hold to the ideal of the character he played during my childhood TV-viewing days. But...yeah... kinda weird. *shrugs*

But now I'm going to bed...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ehhh.... 2nd Semester....

It's the second day of school and I already feel swamped. I have so much that I'm gonna have to do this semester.

And the worst part is: I know it's simply a matter of me buckling down and doing it. But I liked being rather lazy last semester... Watching movies and just hanging out... Being a procrastinator....

And now I am going to have to work my tail off.

Ehhhhhhhhhh..... Work... Ehhh.... hard work..... *BRAIN EXPLODING*

I'm lazy. I am SO lazy.... I am SO incredably lazy it is not even funny. I don't wanna do any of it.

Stupid break.


And I'm ranting about it here, because I feel like every conversation I have about school with anyone consists of me complaining about it--how much homework I have, how much practicing, the amount of involvement I have in my classes, EVERYTHING. And I don't think that's cool. I have better things to talk about with my friends, and they don't need to hear me complain. I know they have their own stuff to deal with.

And in the mental tab I keep on myself, it seems all I've been doing lately is whine, complain and pick-on/make fun of Leah....

Hmm... Rather middle school, no?

She doesn't deserve that.

I need better jokes.

...I'm going to work harder at having a better attitude, because I don't like this mood I'm in.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Get ready to cue the mental panic... eventually...

Woo-hoo! [/sarcasm] Here is my schedule for 2nd semester... And I already know that Music History and Human Relations are going to be writing intensive...

It's good to be back though... I've missed everyone! Jessica drove me over and stayed the night... That was fun! :-) Ted, Duane, Jesse, Jessica and I all went and ate at Panera Bread for dinner. It was amazing! I love their food! :-) Then we ran to Wal-mart and then Leah and I unpacked. Jessica chilled in my loft.

But she left today... :-( *sigh*

Back to the schedule thing---


Music History I, 9:00-10:05 am

Human Relations, 12-1:05 pm

Violin/Viola Methods, 2:30-3:00 pm (1st 7 weeks)

Tuba/Trombone Methods, 3:10-3:40 pm (2nd 7 weeks)


Symphonic Band, 3:50-4:45 pm


Psychology of the Exceptional Child, 9:35-11:15 am

General Muisc Methods K-8/Field Experience, 1:00-2:30 pm

Thursday only:

Voice Class 6:00-7:00 pm

...Yep.... This semester is going to be interesting...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Recap of 2006

So here's a bit of a recap of what went on over the year of 2006.... Some of it includes inside jokes with particular people, but oh well. Enjoy!


-Dated Casey, which lasted a whole week.
-My Wisdom teeth started to hurt.
-I began my second semester schedule of DOOM, which included IS 101 Code and Codebreaking.
-The "But I lost my eyes in the river" picture from Stephen.
-I replanted Charlie the II.


-I continued to establish the fact that I have weeeird dreams...
-Became alright with being single, for a time.
-I learned how to read my European calendar.
-One night Jill accidentally sat on Julia's cake.
-Julia told me her Facebook password.
-I skipped class for the first time.
-I dropped my contact down the drain at 2 am and I had to wear my glasses for a whole week.
-I discovered the Flying Spaghetti Monster


-I discovered iTunes "signature" music maker (
-Couldn't get my wisdom teeth removed as scheduled due to a sinus infection.
-Saw Pride and Prejudice for the first time. :-D
-Saw Mike and Laura in "The Memory of Water" with Jessica. (I LOVE STOMP)
-I got a hair cut.
-Almost signed up for Physics 101.
-Leah and I decided to be roomies! :-)
-Had flute lesson from Hell.


-The premiere date of Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest was released.
-Auditioned and landed a part as "Megan" in the Mayterm play Vietnamese Chess
-"Look at this toothpick!"
-Took a my music theory II final which lasted 2 hours and 10 minutes.
-Visited Breanna at Bethel and had a good time! :-)
-Had my wisdom teeth removed with no complications.
-Wrote "Who Would Want a Dreamer"


-Played Pirates of the Caribbean on the tenor sax in Mayterm band. :-D
-Played LotR Trivial Pursuit a couple times with John R.
-5/4/06 = STAR WARS Day
-I learned about satellites... And how they orbit.
-I became very broke.
-Jessica came and visited me! :-)
-I got over a 1st semester crush 100%.
-Got a summer job... In word only.
-Bought tickets to WICKED.
-Survived Mayterm.
-Met ArmyChris for the 1st time.
-Went Jet-skiing for the first time of the summer with Bre and Isaac.


-Hung out with Jessica
-Saw the movie "Hook" for the first time with Jessica.
-Lost the summer job.
-Jessica and I started on our "Running Plan"
-Jessica and I went jet-skiing.
-Got a job at Perkins and the Farm.
-Saw "Cars" and "RV" both with Jessica. :-)
-Margie came and stayed overnight and we went to a wedding.
-Learned how to water-ski.
-Saw "Superman Returns" with Isaac and his family.


-Hung out with Jessica.
-Went jet-skiing with Jessica.
-Started looking into making home-made rootbeer.
-I went tubing on the lake for the first time.
-Went to the midnight premiere of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN! :-D (With Jessica, Mary, Matthew, and Mary's friend Amanda.)
-I met Amanda M. for the first time and was an extra in the current summer movie.
-Jessica left to work at camp for a couple weeks which was a bit of a crisis...
-I saw WICKED in Minneapolis with Jill, Mary and my Mom.
-Sam and Devon came and visited me.
-I got the new 24-hour contacts.
-I ate McDonald's Happy Meals for the whole month to get all the PotC toys.


-Hung out with Jessica.
-Went jet-skiing with Jessica.
-Saw "Superman Returns" again, this time I Forest City with Mike.
-Went to Minneapolis with Isaac for Heather's "Surprise going to Biola going away party-thing" and had lots of adventures with awesome people!
-Wrote my "Master List" of 124 qualities I want in a boyfriend/future husband.
-Got the audition music for Wartburg's band program.
-Made homemade rootbeer with Jessica.
-Jessica and I got our hair cut together.
-Gave my dog a bath, with the help of Jessica.
-Got Jessica to finally see RENT.
-Pirate-movie-marathoned with Jessica.
-Jessica left for Drake.
-I bought an iPod.
-I fell in love with the book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer and her main character Edward Cullen.


-Had my last day at Perkins before leaving for school.
-The Crocodile Hunter DIED!
-Moved back to Wartburg.
-Auditioned and made Symphonic Band. (crisis)
-Changed Mayterm schedule from Wind Ensemble Japan-trip to Intro to Theatre New York-trip.
-Got locked out of my room for an hour.
-Jessica's Birthday! Yay! :-)
-Talk like a Pirate Day and Rachel D.'s Birthday! :-)
-Began to teach music lessons at a local middle school.
-I broke the key to my dorm.
-Started hanging out with Ted, Jesse, Duane and Nathan.
-Saw The Reduced Shakespeare Company, Complete Works of God (Abridged)
-Had an awesome birthday with pirate stuff all around!!! :-D


-Leah helped me get a job at ITS.
-I saw The Guardian with Jesse, Leah, Duane and Ted.
-Had a fight.
-ArmyChris and Brett visited.
-I got new glasses.
-I saw The Prestige with Ted, Jesse, Nathan and Duane.
-"Your Mom" jokes became banned in our group of friends.
-Dad bought tickets for himself, Mary and I to go The Phantom of the Opera in February.
-I visited my Bethel Friends over Fall Break.
-I learned to play Guitar Hero and DDR.
-I bought tickets for Leah, Jessica and I to go see The Light in the Piazza in January.


-Had my first false fire alarm at 12 am and had to stand outside in the cold for a while.
-Discovered that The Fray was coming to Wartburg in January.
-Got over an issue.
-I learned how to make a form of Dutch Letters.
-I got homesick.
-I got jealous.
-It snowed.
-I got in tickle fights.
-My Wishbone Facebook group (No, I haven't read that great literary classic--but I've seen the Wishbone!) broke 10,000 members.
-We had our spaghetti dinner.
-Saw Stranger Than Fiction with Ted, Duane and Jesse.
-I saw Happy Feet with Jessica and other people.
-Leah and I massively decorated for Christmas!
-I learned how to waltz.
-Massive Cold of DOOM kicked in.


-I did some massive self-analyzing.
-I had an "Epiphany of Doom" thinking about Finals and my Music Jury.
-It was revealed that Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End is hitting theaters May 25th!
-I learned that Flintstone Vitamins and hugs work wonders.
-I survived all my finals and passed EVERYTHING!
-I went Christmas shopping with Ted.
-I finally came home from break.
-I dog sat.
-I began reading Eragon.
-I learned the difference between dishwashER soap and dishwashING soap.
-Jessica came back from Drake!
-I saw the movie "Flicka" with Jessica and Julia.
-It rained a lot.
-I got to visit with Bre while she was in town
-The title for the 7th Harry Potter was released! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
-I bought fleece to make Ted's Christmas gift.
-I enjoyed Christmas.
-I did some more self-analyzing.
-I saw Eragon with Laura.
-Jessica left for St. Louis.
-I watched The Ballad of Ricky Bobby with Scott.
-I celebrated the New Years with my family!

Woohooo! Update!

Wow... Time flies... I haven't posted since Tuesday... and that was only one sentence... ooops!

So during the day of Tuesday I ran to Family Video to return a movie and I stopped at Target to return some shoes that didn't fit... Then I came back home and got the room where Ted and Duane were gonna stay all ready. Then Jessica called so I invited her over to help me make Avocado Feta Salsa... Because it really not the same making it alone... And then she helped me make rice crispy treats! :-)

Then she left for a bit because SHE had to run to town to do some stuff, so I bummed around...

Ted and Duane got here around 4:30 and shortly after I took them on a tour of where I live... It was pretty amusing because the mini-van was acting up pretty bad... Lights randomly flashing when I braked along with the beeping and unlocking-locking door... The guys were kind of creeped out... It made me laugh. Oh and the van was also making a lot of weird noises along with all that other stuff... I can't really describe it... Ted and Duane also commented on my reversion to my "Minnesota Twang". (LOL) Halfway through the tour I called Jessica to see what she was up to... I went and picked her up and I introduced her to Ted and Duane. Then we finished the tour then went and picked up my brother from work... We had to wait a while because we were early, but that wasn't a big deal. Jessica and I did our usual YOO-HOO-ing to get Matthew to notice us. :-) While we were waiting Scott called and we arranged to pick him up after we were done getting Matthew.

So we took Matthew home and drove and picked up Scott... In the continually freaking-out van... And then we sat there in front of his house for a minute or two trying to figure out where to go for dinner... Much to the dismay of Ted who evidentially was STARVING... (I offered him some gum or Tic-tacs but he refused...) Through much encouragement from Jessica we all agreed to go to a local Chinese restaurant

The food was good and dinner was a good time... The food took kinda long... (Poor Ted...) Ted and Duane also had fun showing Scott and Jessica the little quirks that they've discovered about me... :-P

After dinner we all went back to my house and we played Pirates of the Caribbean Life. Matthew and Daniel joined in as a team. It was a good time although we had to cut it short to leave for the 9:30 showing of A Night in the Museum. GOOD MOVIE! I recommend going to see it! :-D After the movie I dropped Scott off at his house and Ted, Duane, Jessica and I came back to my house.... Where Jessica and I pounced on the Avocado Feta Salsa... We let Duane and Ted have some too... But... Um... Jessica and I really enjoyed it... :-D

Then Jessica kept hinting that she was tired and finally I asked her that if she was so tired, why didn't she just go home? Annnnd she kindly pointed out that I had picked her up... Which I had forgotten... That was kind of funny... And a little embarrassing on my part. Soooo we all piled back into the van and I took Jessica home.

When we got back Ted brought in his pile of DVD's and since he and Duane were pretty passive on what they preferred to watch I chose The Brother's Grimm which I hadn't seen since Winter Break 2005. Before we started the movie I went and got as many free pillows as I could find and Ted made his customary "nest" and we all laid on the floor and watched the movie. Ted and Duane quickly fell asleep but I stayed up and watched the whole movie... Mainly because I wasn't THAT tired and The Brother's Grimm has creepy music... It gets in my brain...

When the movie ended they were still sleeping so I got up, turned off the TV and started getting ready for bed. The guys got up about 20 minutes later and helped me pick up the unfinished PotC Life game. We all headed to bed around 3:45-4am.

...And I couldn't fall asleep until 4:30-5. Bleh.

Mom called me at 8:10 because Ted was up eating breakfast so I joined him. Yay for Kix! :-) Duane eventually woke up and had breakfast too... Then we all sleepily sat around the table for about a half-hour. Eventually Ted went back to bed upstairs, and Duane and I followed soon after. I got up from my nap around 11:15 but the guys were still sleeping so I just bummed around on my computer. They got up at about 12... Did stuff... Ted messed with my compy... Duane played "Sorry!" with Stephen and almost got "skunked". Then I took them to Cabin Coffee for lunch. :-D They liked it... Because Cabin Coffee is just that AH-may-zing! ;-D Ted let me drive his car, which made it easier to get there instead of me giving directions.

Then I took them to see the Sound of Music Puppets... Which were cool, but creepy. Looking around the rest of the museum was cool too. Then Duane wanted to see some famous stained-glass windows at a church, so we cruised around for a while, and I eventually found it. It turned out I knew *where* it was, just not the *street* it was on.

Then, with lack of anything else to do to kill time we headed back to my house. Duane rough-housed with Stephen and Ted did a little as well... It was fun to watch. I picked on Matthew, who is really ticklish...

And then, before I knew what has happening, Ted wrestled me down, pinned my arms, got Duane to hold my ankles and called all my siblings over to tickle me. Wow... that was bad... I couldn't wiggle away... I was laughing... A lot... And THEN! STEPHEN! My youngest brother! Stephen takes the opportunity to give me a very loud raspberry on my stomach! AHH!

...Ted and Duane released me soon after that since they were laughing so hard. My face got really red....

LOL.... ye-ah....

Eventually it got time for Ted and Duane to leave... Which was sad, but there was nothing I could do about it. There were good hugs exchanged all around and I waved at them as they drove away... I know at least I'll see them... well, now it's tomorrow.

It was a really good time! :-) It made me very happy that they came and visited me! When they initially had talked about it I didn't want to get my hopes up too high, but it worked out. :-)

Honestly, it did mean a lot... Ted lives like 4 hours from me and Duane lives about 2 hours away. :-) Good times all around...

In other news,


...And it's time for bed.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Something happy...

Ted and Duane are coming to visit me today! :-D YAY!