Sunday, May 07, 2006

A conversation held while stargazing...

Julia: Hey Sarah, do you see that blinking star?
Me: Yeah, it's a satellite.
Julia: No it's not.
Me: Yeah, it is.
Julia: No, it's not moving. Satellites move.
Me: Satellites don't move!
Julia: Yes, they do! They orbit!
Me: What?!
Julia: They orbit... They move!
Me: ...Nooooo... They don't...
Julia: Sarah, you're kidding, right?
Me: NO!
Julia: *laughs hysterically* You can watch a satellite move across the sky.
Me: Maybe it's a stagnant airplane......
Julia: Ok Sarah, do you remember seeing the shooting star the other night?
Me: Yeah...
Julia: A satellite is like that, only it lasts longer, and an airplane has red lights and blinks.
Me: Are you sure that star's not moving?
Julia: Yeah, it's been there all night.
*Both collapse into laughter*

We then went back to the car and proceeded to drive around the block three times past these teenagers on the dock...

1 comment:

Isaac Mahomie said...

Wow... just... Wow.