Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Last Sunday I was over with Dan at his parent's house and we were playing Bananagrams and we were down to the last round. I just drew my last two letters and Dan, Carol (his mom) and I were all racing to figure out how to make our last word. (Bananagrams is kind of like playing Scrabble, but without the Scrabble board.)

Unfortunately, the last two letters I drew were both Qs. And guess what I did NOT have amid ALL of my other letters?

That's right. I had two Qs and absolutely no Us. I had every OTHER vowel, but not one U. I figured that there was absolutely no way I could possibly win. In fact, I didn't know ANY word that did not have a "qu" in it.

I asked Dan and Carol if I could puruse the dictionary while they faneggled their last letters. (Because I figured I wouldn't win

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mushy post? Oh, yes.

"I just spent $500 on books for school. I would have much rather spent that on diamonds for you... I'm sorry. Can I appease you with some ice cream?"

"Haha, it's okay. School books are important. Yes, you can take me out for ice cream. I haven't decided what cut I like yet, but lucky for you, the ring-styles that I like are on the less expensive side."

"Sarah, that doesn't even matter. You pick whatever you want. Just tell me."

*blushes* "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."