Friday, December 30, 2005

"You can recognize a lady by her elegant air, but a genuine princess is exceedingly rare.."

"My heart cannot be trusted, I give you fair warning..."

Yeah, I don't know what to think right now, other than be thankful I have suddenly gained a very good friend. I'm glad we both agree to work and develop a friendship first, before anything else. Other options are still very open, I just don't want to rush into something without some form of foundation...

Today Drew had auditions for the new summer movie, "Faron: the Prophecy". It was fun, and great to see everyone again! We were all making jokes that reference other moves, like STAR WARS, The Matrix, and Lord of the Rings.... LOL! Oh, good times... :-) Even if I don't get a big role, I hope I can be involved in someway. The storyline sounds great and very solid, Drew did a good job. Laura, if you read this, we should do something. I miss your company. Last summer was so much fun! Oh, and Mike makes me laugh a lot! :-D

Also, I'm slightly annoyed with John H. but that's no surprise. *eye roll* He's been on MSN at like 1 am, asking me to come over and "hang out." I've asked him why and stuff, and it's the whole "I miss your comanpy" type junk. Well, he was at Faron auditions for a while today, and I didn't even get a hello. I know he sometimes acts that way in public, but it's retarded. I guess he has to be "cool," in a way that is totally NOT! I had barely walked into the room when Laura came over with a hello and a hug. While she showed me the forms I needed to fill out, Drew and Hannah said hello. A minute after that, while I was sitting and filling out the audition form, Isaac came over and said hello. So if John can't even manage a quick "Hi" and perhaps acknowledge my presence, he's not worth the time investment as my friend. It may sound cruel to some, and others might say that it was about time, but it doesn't matter. I feel like I have thrown up my hands, and there is nothing else I can do. I have never met anyone before who acts that way with no appearant reason. It's so immature. :-P

So enough of that...

Two days ago, Jessica and I went ice skating. Ooooh, it was great fun! I'm not very good... I fell down a lot... lol, but Kelvin and Scott came too. It was nice to see them :-D Then we went to Wal-mart and goofed around. I got a sweet STAR WARS t-shirt, and a cool belt. Then we went to JC Pennys and I got a jean jacket too. Later Jess and I watched "The Brothers Grimm" and had fun being creeped out. I love that movie! I think Jess and I are gonna hang out on New Years Eve, make avocado fetta salsa, watch "Kingdom of Heaven" and toast with sparkling apple cider at 12 am. YAY! :-D

Nothing much else that I feel like typeing right now... *HUGS*

"Oh, how I need someone to watch over me..."-Gershwin

Sunday, December 25, 2005

"God bless us everyone!"

"Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world.

Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him.

He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle, ever afterwards; and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!"
-C. Dickens

Yes, that is our Scrooge, (Chris) and Tiny Tim (Caleb). Don't they look great? :-) This picture makes me smile!

So I spent most of the afternoon on Facebook, wishing people a Happy Christmas, then I practiced piano a little, then I read the FoxTrot comic book. It made me laugh! I love FoxTrot! :-D

Matthew basically won the game of RISK they had going, and Stephen watched VeggieTales Lord of the Beans 3 times in a row. I think it just got left on... And evidentially the DVD just repeats after awhile. I got tired, so I took a nap on the couch about halfway through the 1st repeat. It was a nice nap. :-)

Dinner was good! Ham, potatoes, dinner rolls, the standard. I had seconds, and I a very content!

You know what makes me really happy? All warm and fuzzy inside? When people think about me. I obviously don't mean in a negative way. But things like when friends call me up, or talk on AOL and are like, "Hey, we should do something together." Sitting in a movie theatre, surrounded by friends... Remembering, inside, the fun and compantionship of the summer. Or when a friend has something bothering them and want a person to talk to, or discuss problems with :-) What also give me lots of warm happy feelings is random text messages and comments in my blog. I got a text from a friend today that White Christmas was on TV, and another message the other day quoteing a joke we had both enjoyed. I know I am very much a dork, but these things really make my day! :-)

I have amazing friends! It's utterly true... Thank-you from the bottom of my heart! :-)

"It's in the singing of a street-corner choir,
it's going home and getting warm by the fire!
It's true, wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas!

A cup of kindness that we share with another,
A sweet reuion with a friend or a brother!
In all the places you find love, it feels like Christmas!

It is the season of the heart
A special time of caring
The ways of love made clear
It is the season of the sprit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year!"

A part of childhood we'll always remember,
It is the summer of the soul in December!
Yes, when you do your best for love it feels like Christmas!"

Gosh, I miss Wartburg...

Happy Christmas!

"For unto us a Child is born. Unto us, a Son is given... And He shall be called: Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace!"

Okay, so I did't get the soundtrack to The Chronicles of Narnia. I will just have to buy it I guess, BUT I did get some other cool things:

A vacuum! Weird you might think, yes. But actually very very handy for cleaning messy college dorms. It a small Dirt Devil "PowerSTICK". I'm actually pretty excited! This will help a lot in trying to keep our rug clean! Thanks mom and dad!

My mom's parents gave me 3 AWESOME John Williams CDs! :-D The Best of John Williams and the Boston Pops and 12 of the 15 tracks were performed at the concert I saw in Chicago! YAY! And 2 disk set John Williams Greatest Hits 1969-1999

An ironing board! YAY! No more ironing on a towel on the floor! :-)

-Orange nail polish
-An orange "stress ball"
-Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm
-Like, 2 pounds of chocolate covered peanuts from my dad*
-Wartburg address labels*
-An indoor/outdoor thermometer
-A cool wreath ornament from Daniel*
-A sweet Christmas tree ornament from Philomena*
-An ice cream cone made to look like a christmas tree, from Matthew*
-A link for my Italian Charm bracelet
-Chocolates, and an insulated lunch box from my Uncle Greg, Aunt Val and family.

Mary gave the family some comic books:

Orlando Bloom has ruined everything! -FoxTrot
The Farside, Gallery 5
ATTACK of the Deranged Mutant Killer Moster SNOW GOONS -Calvin and Hobbs

What else... Daniel got some Bionicles, and Harry Potter and the Scorcerer's Stone DVD. Matthew got the game "Risk" (I want to learn how to play) some super jigsaw puzzles and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Mary got the soundtrack to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a M*A*S*H 4077 t-shirt. Philomena got some Polly Pockets, and a bullentin board, and VeggieTales Lord of the Beans DVD. Stephen got a sled, a bunch of additions to our Magnatex set and some matchbox cars and coresponding racetracks.

We all got chocolate, and homemade pretzels, and Daniel, Matthew and Philomena got a day-to-day calender with a different paper airplane for each day.

Mom got a some fancy soap dispensers for the bathrooms and some new kitchen things. Dad got a CD (from me...haha).

Overall, it was a good Christmas. :-)

We just finished watching Lord of the Beans, and all the special features. Daniel is playing with the Magnatex, with Stephen messing it up. Matthew is reading the instrunctions to RISK, Mary is doing something on the computer that involves listening to her new CD, and mom and dad are starting to fix the big family dinner. *I* am sitting here, listening to the Superman Theme on my John Williams CD, eating chocolate, and doing Facebook-type things, and AOL-ing.

(*homemade gift... always sweet and nice!) :-)

*happy sigh*

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Gingerbread pictures

Ok, ao here are the pictures Jessica and I took when we made cookies together on Monday... With comments provided by yours truely... :-D

This is me trying to mix the dough... It was hard! The hand mixer made the bowl move around a lot.

After the dough was all mixed, we discovered that it had to "chill." We thought that it might cool faster if we set it outside, in the snow... After all, it was about 12 degrees Farenhiet out... (It didn't work... We had to put it in the fridge.)

No, that really is cookie dough... We were getting ready to roll the dough, (later that night) and both Jess and I agreed that it looked like... Poop. Soooo, like the mature college students that we are, we modified it, and took a picture. :-D

Jess cut out a gingerbread man, and now she is trying to move him to the baking stone without damaging his already finger-printed body.

And as you can see, it didn't work. Poor, poor decapitated
gingerbread man... Jessica, aka Dr. Frankenstein had her work
cut out for her... (haha!)

Here is a look at some of our other cookies. As you can see,
we did not limit ourselves to just Christmas cookies cutters,
but utilized the Hallowe'en ones as well! We are so rescourceful!

With the rest of the dough we made "free style" cookies. The
Four snowmen, and die are mine, and the castle is Jessica's.

Okay, I don't know if you can tell, but the icing was
really really HARD to squeeze out. And then sometimes
it wouldn't stick to the cookie... :-P There was lots of grunting
and hand massaging...

This is Jessica eating her "psycadelic gingerbread bear". As you
can tell, we had lots of fun with the icing, depsite the fact it was
hard to squeeze out. Yeah... We basically decided that Jess's bear
was what you would see if you were on drugs.

A picture of ALL the gingerbread cookies!!! :-D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Family is fun!

Okay, so evidentially getting up before 11 am means Sarah has to take a nap because she gets tired... I don't know why... I got around 7 hours of sleep... :-P

Yep, so I took a nap today... I crashed on the couch around 1:30. I didn't think I could fall asleep, but I figured I could lay there with my eyes closes, warm under a bkanket. I was wrong. I slept. I slept in spurts. But it didn't matter.

I was awoken however, around 2:45 by my youngest brother, Stephen. He poked me in the head a couple times, and when I groggily opened my eyes he said: "Sarah, I need to check if you're hungry." I was like, "Wha-? Okay..." So he had me move the blanket, and he leans over and listens to my stomach. After about 10 seconds, he stands, and looks at me, stating: "Nope, you're not hungry." and then he walked away. I promptly fell back asleep.

LOL! I don't know what led to this... Like, he obviously understands that when you are hungry, your stomach makes noise, but still does not grasp the complex concept this does not happen EVERY time you are hungry, nor does it deal with the degree of hungry-ness. But, I still think he's pretty smart... :-)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Archival fun!

Because I'm slightly bored, but want to post something, it's time to dig back in the bowels of this Webblog with 7-18-05!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sarah = sleepy

Ok, the staying up late and sleeping in late has got to stop. I need to get myself to bed earlier... I think I will be able to get more done that way....

Um... Finishing the gingerbread post... The icing was really hard to squeeze out... Stupid Cake Mate tubes... So there was lots of grunting and complaining involved... And then sometimes the icing wouldn't stick to the cookies, so we would eat it... Then we got tired of cleaning out the previous icing before chaning the icing tip (there were 4 tips and 6 colors of icing) so we started mixing colors... It got pretty wild! :-D Oh, what fun, what fun....

Mom and Dad went Christmas shopping today! Yay!

Ok, to bed! TALLY-HO!


Oh, today was fun! Jess and I were set to meet at Cabin Coffee for... coffee... haha... at 11:30 am.

Sooo... I woke up at 8:30, and reset my alarm for 9:30... Woke up at 9:30 and turned off the alarm completely, and fell back asleep... Woke at 10:45, when my sister came in to get dressed, thought "Oh, I'll just doze until 11..."


I woke up at 11:20 am, and rolled out of bed, (thinking "Oh crap!) as I dialed Jessica's cell, to tell her that I would be late. I FINALLY got a hold of her, then put myself together, and I was able to make it to Cabin Coffee by 11:50.

Ahhh, Cabin Coffee, how I love thee! I had a Chi Tea (as usual) with peppermint flavor added (something new!) along with a blueberry scone, and Jessica had her norm of turtle mocha yummyness! :-D

Then we went to Fareway because we did not have any eggs, icing or molasses to carry out our plan of making gingerbread! We purchased the aformentioned items, and went to her house and looked over the recipe. This led to a discussion of what "soda" actually is. I thought it was like soda water... You know, that gross fizzy stuff, like alka skeltzer, but not medicine. She thought it was just baking soda. I disagreed because the recipe also called for baking powder. However, after googling "definition of 'soda'" we just decided that it really was baking soda, and commenced to make the cookie dough.

And then I had a discussion with Jessica about how to properly measure flour, and then later she added the molasses to the wrong bowl. *sigh* What am I going to do with her? ;-) It all went good though. I blended all the stuff with the hand mixer. And made a mess. Then we wanted to roll it out and start making cookies, but we discovered that it was too soft. Which, according to the recipe, ment it needed to chill. (We also discovered that it looked like poop. Not that it looked bad, meaning unedible. It just looked like poop. Probably because it was lumpy and brown. But it smelled good.)

So ANYWAY setting it out in the snow for 15 minutes was not enough time, so we put it in the fridge. Then Jessica had to go babysit, and I tagged along for a while... Then I went home and got ready for work.

Then I went to work at the gift shop. Fun huh? :-)

Then, I came home.... And went back to Jessica's, and we decided that the dough looked WAY too much like poop to go unoticed, so we rolled it into a turd-like pile, and took a picture. :-D (We are soooooo 5th graders...haha!)

Then we rolled out the dough, and cut out gingerbread bears... One for each member of our families... Then we did two giant gingerbread men, one for each. Then, with the rest of the dough we made gingerbread bells, trees, and stars... Then we wanted to use the other cookie cutters, so we made a gingerbread bat and a witch, a pumpkin and a cat.

Annnnd, it's late, so I'm gonna finish later...

Saturday, December 17, 2005

What I want for Christmas...



What a way to show some school spirit, eh?

We wantssss it.... My precioussssss... Yessss.... Such pretty orangienesssss....

Home again, Home again...

I passed all my classes!!!! WOOHOOOOO! An no C's!!! WHAT a relief!!!! *happy sigh* Ok... seven more semesters to go...

I came home late Thursday afternoon, and for the past two days I have been sleeping in untl 12:45-1 pm. It's nice to have that luxury, but a lot of the day light part of the day is gone...

I'm so stir-crazy now that I'm home... I go from having friends that are 3 floors away, to friends that are 5 HOURS away... AHHH! It makes it hard to organize inpromtu movie nights... I just wanna go DO something...grrrr....

...Maybe I'll look into making gingerbread cookies. That sounds like it could be fun... I've never made gingerbread before...

Ok, so I had this weird dream last night that I was on a treasure hunt with a bunch of my friends. Unfortunately we couldn't figure out the rhyme, so we Googled it, and got it figured out... Hmmm... Think I use Google a lot? I believe I do...

I should run to Wal-Mart and get my film developed too...

Monday, December 12, 2005


Flute jury was the worst thing in my life. I played horribly. They said to me: You don't practice NEARLY enough to be a music major... How can you teach if you can't play your own instrument?

And there was no one to help prep me for my jury. It was just me. Me running my scales. Me reviewing my solo and my etudes. Me sitting there. Me waiting. Me feeling sick. Me trying to remember to breathe.

Reality is harsh... High school spoiled me.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christmas Carol

Ok, so it's been forever since I last posted... Finals will do that to you...

Thursday was opening night for the Christmas Carol. It went pretty well, however the crowd was SO small! Like 25 people I think. There were a couple dropped lines but it was a good show. The most hilarious thing that happened was when Cratchet comes in "late" the day after Christmas. Rob (Bob Cratchet) comes in carrying a pile of books, sees Scrooge pretending to be his old self, and drops them. Well, for some reason, Rob had trouble gathering the fallen books was he pretended to be flustered. He got them on the desk and about four of the books fell off again (a couple actually losing their covers) and he ducked down to pick them up and his scarf got caught on the corner of the desk. So as Rob is trying to gather the books, he's trying not to strangle himself... WOW! It was the funniest thing to watch EVER! The small crowd was laughing, and the cast, backstage, is trying SO HARD not to laugh out loud... It was a riot!!!

There's more but I have to go. It's the closing show tonight. :-(

This whole thing was so fun!!! :-D

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Poptarts and Mountian Dew makes for a delicious breakfast!

Happy St. Nicholas day!

Friday, December 02, 2005


Quote of the day:

"Look at me. I am covered in fun. You are not."

-Me after playing in the snow with Kristen. Julia, Rachel, and everyone else didn't want to play in the snow. :-P

Kristen and I made 3 snow angels each, tracked a giant "W", make hopping tracks in the snow, and did the bunny hop dance in the snow.
I just took a 2 hour nap and I feel amazing!

Now I'm off to dinner and then I will practice my flute...

Followed by work from 8 to 11-ish.