Saturday, December 24, 2005

Gingerbread pictures

Ok, ao here are the pictures Jessica and I took when we made cookies together on Monday... With comments provided by yours truely... :-D

This is me trying to mix the dough... It was hard! The hand mixer made the bowl move around a lot.

After the dough was all mixed, we discovered that it had to "chill." We thought that it might cool faster if we set it outside, in the snow... After all, it was about 12 degrees Farenhiet out... (It didn't work... We had to put it in the fridge.)

No, that really is cookie dough... We were getting ready to roll the dough, (later that night) and both Jess and I agreed that it looked like... Poop. Soooo, like the mature college students that we are, we modified it, and took a picture. :-D

Jess cut out a gingerbread man, and now she is trying to move him to the baking stone without damaging his already finger-printed body.

And as you can see, it didn't work. Poor, poor decapitated
gingerbread man... Jessica, aka Dr. Frankenstein had her work
cut out for her... (haha!)

Here is a look at some of our other cookies. As you can see,
we did not limit ourselves to just Christmas cookies cutters,
but utilized the Hallowe'en ones as well! We are so rescourceful!

With the rest of the dough we made "free style" cookies. The
Four snowmen, and die are mine, and the castle is Jessica's.

Okay, I don't know if you can tell, but the icing was
really really HARD to squeeze out. And then sometimes
it wouldn't stick to the cookie... :-P There was lots of grunting
and hand massaging...

This is Jessica eating her "psycadelic gingerbread bear". As you
can tell, we had lots of fun with the icing, depsite the fact it was
hard to squeeze out. Yeah... We basically decided that Jess's bear
was what you would see if you were on drugs.

A picture of ALL the gingerbread cookies!!! :-D


Anonymous said...

Hugs not drugs! LoL, just had to say that, well, because I just did! My "drug bear" was ohhh soo goood! LoL, sounds like I'm on drugs, drugs are good, lol, not really, hahahaha, maybe I am on drugs, but not really, oh boy this is confusing!

Sarah said...

Hahaha! You nerdbomber! :-D