Friday, December 30, 2005

"You can recognize a lady by her elegant air, but a genuine princess is exceedingly rare.."

"My heart cannot be trusted, I give you fair warning..."

Yeah, I don't know what to think right now, other than be thankful I have suddenly gained a very good friend. I'm glad we both agree to work and develop a friendship first, before anything else. Other options are still very open, I just don't want to rush into something without some form of foundation...

Today Drew had auditions for the new summer movie, "Faron: the Prophecy". It was fun, and great to see everyone again! We were all making jokes that reference other moves, like STAR WARS, The Matrix, and Lord of the Rings.... LOL! Oh, good times... :-) Even if I don't get a big role, I hope I can be involved in someway. The storyline sounds great and very solid, Drew did a good job. Laura, if you read this, we should do something. I miss your company. Last summer was so much fun! Oh, and Mike makes me laugh a lot! :-D

Also, I'm slightly annoyed with John H. but that's no surprise. *eye roll* He's been on MSN at like 1 am, asking me to come over and "hang out." I've asked him why and stuff, and it's the whole "I miss your comanpy" type junk. Well, he was at Faron auditions for a while today, and I didn't even get a hello. I know he sometimes acts that way in public, but it's retarded. I guess he has to be "cool," in a way that is totally NOT! I had barely walked into the room when Laura came over with a hello and a hug. While she showed me the forms I needed to fill out, Drew and Hannah said hello. A minute after that, while I was sitting and filling out the audition form, Isaac came over and said hello. So if John can't even manage a quick "Hi" and perhaps acknowledge my presence, he's not worth the time investment as my friend. It may sound cruel to some, and others might say that it was about time, but it doesn't matter. I feel like I have thrown up my hands, and there is nothing else I can do. I have never met anyone before who acts that way with no appearant reason. It's so immature. :-P

So enough of that...

Two days ago, Jessica and I went ice skating. Ooooh, it was great fun! I'm not very good... I fell down a lot... lol, but Kelvin and Scott came too. It was nice to see them :-D Then we went to Wal-mart and goofed around. I got a sweet STAR WARS t-shirt, and a cool belt. Then we went to JC Pennys and I got a jean jacket too. Later Jess and I watched "The Brothers Grimm" and had fun being creeped out. I love that movie! I think Jess and I are gonna hang out on New Years Eve, make avocado fetta salsa, watch "Kingdom of Heaven" and toast with sparkling apple cider at 12 am. YAY! :-D

Nothing much else that I feel like typeing right now... *HUGS*

"Oh, how I need someone to watch over me..."-Gershwin


Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! Preach it sista! Hahaha.

Laura said...

i heart sarah s[insert correct spelling of sarah's last name here]alot!

i was going for white witch, but i'll take the lady from emporer's new groove. i i can hardly wait to film this movie and spend all summer with cool people like sarah, et al! movies are so much fun!

Sarah said...

Actually, now that I think of it, you were more of a "Malifecent" from Disney's Sleepy Beauty. :-)

I *HEART* Laura! :-D