Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Graph Jam!

I agree with the commenters on this graph. 1. Why isn't the visitor entrance to the Ministry of Magic represented. And 2. Police Phone Boxes are no longer used in the UK so the percentage for the TARDIS should be higher.

Although it's still a pretty awesome graph.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Facebook findings...

So typing in random things in Facebook, and searching through the groups that come up is pretty amusing... Like Edward Cullen, Twilight, and Harry Potter. Through my searches I have joined:

-Dammit Edward Cullen, Now I'll Never Find a Man!
-Shostakovitch: Emo Harry Potter?
-Finishing Harry Potter 7 is like Destroying the 7th Horcrux of my Childhood
-Severus Snape=Franz Liszt!!

Yay Facebook groups!

Some of the other groups that I came across in all categories fully convinced me that I am quite sane, and that there are people in the fandoms who are on drugs. Or in need of some. (Like the group: Petition to God: Make Me an Edward Cullen. Or Hedwig = Edward Cullen and Meet Harry Potter at Kings Cross Station, September 1, 2017!) Despite the thoughts of you-are-insane/get-a-life, I am vastly amused.

Okay, it's time for bed!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Some lists...

Hey! So it's finally the weekend! It's nice to know that I now have a break, and don't have anything pressing to do. Like, assignments and stuff. (Yet, but we're ignoring that right now.) AND I don't have to get up at 6 am. (Thursday, when my alarm went off, I literally rolled out of bed and fell across the floor and almost bashed my head against the wall as I tried to get out of bed to turn off the alarm.)

There are things that I need to get done this weekend:

1. Finish reading Eclipse.
2. Make a list of things that I need to buy at Wal-Mart.
3. Go shopping for a birthday present for Jessica, since she was lame and already BOUGHT what I was going to get her. ;-)
4. Go to church, since I will already be in Cedar Falls.
5. Finish putting things away.
6. Practice my flute for my band audition
7. Write back to Oliver.
8. Fill out my student teaching hours sheet.
9. Get gas for my car.
10. Practice guitar.
11. Fill out paperwork to get the two broken arms chairs in our apartment replaced.
12. Measure Rachel V.'s room.

Oh, do you know what's lame? Knight Village is the ONLY place on campus that charges you to wash and dry your clothes. Wartburg Track and Field?!

Tonight I figured out how to attach my new license plates to my car! :-D Now it looks like a normal car! No more dealer plates! I've attached me parking lot registration. Now I just need to email security and change what car is registered with the sticker issued to me.

So, as of right now, I love student teaching! I'm starting to get the hang of it, but I still don't know all my student's names. I've decided I'm going to make an express effort to learn them this coming week. Band lessons start as well, so that will help. I think my cooperating teacher is brilliant and I feel really lucky to be places where I am. The hours are just a little difficult. Granted I don't have the hour drive, one way, like some of the vocal ed. people, but 25.3 miles one way is still a lot. To get to school by 7:45 am I have to get up by 6 at the latest. Once jazz band starts in September, I will have to be there by 6:45 am. Our first football game is next Friday. The first concert is in October, near Hallowe'en.

Mensa update: They now have bigger plates and bigger cups to use, instead of trays. This is bearable. I'm just glad I don't regularly eat soup, because that would make things a little harder to manage, but whatever. The bigger cups are really nice.

In the package mom mailed to me, which had my license plates, a lunch box, and other things I had forgotten, she included a giant lollipop... You know, one of those big, round, old-fashioned ones... Flavored: ice cream toffee. What kind of flavor is that mom? I like strawberry or maybe wild cherry. Haha... Maybe I'll save it until I'm really hungry and need sugar.

I'm still thinking about switching to LiveJournal, but I can't think of a journal title...

One last thing: since my birthday is coming up... Here's my Amazon wish list! It's a start at least! :-D

My Wish List

Night everyone!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kids come tomorrow!

Hello Everyone!

I suppose it's time that I properly update this, before everything gets really busy... Not that I'm not busy already... haha...

I moved back to Wartburg on Saturday. It took forever, but it went fine. Mom and I spent a lot of time measuring the room and moving furniture to make the best use of space in this little room. I'm the only one in the apartment right now, which isn't as bad as I thought it was. I don't have anyone to bother when I have to get up at 6 am, so I can play music and make noise in the kitchen. I still have a couple boxes to go through and I haven't hung any posters yet. I'm waiting for Rachel D. to help me decide where to put them. Living in these apartments will be nice. I love having a kitchen! I have become very adept at making ramen and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

Monday I went to my school for the first time and did teacher in-service things... Mostly moved furniture and sorted/filed music. I didn't mind it. My cooperating teacher is great, and I'm really excited to learn from him. Today there were some meetings in the morning and then after lunch there was more furniture moving and music sorting/filing. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I am really excited! :-D I'm hoping that student teaching will help improve my rehearsal technique and my knowledge of how to play brass instruments. I will be teaching 5-12 grade bands, and the first concert is at the end of October. I have 14 weeks to student teach, which means I will finish up around Thanksgiving.

I've started practicing in earnest for band auditions. I really want to make Wind Ensemble this year, so please keep me in your prayers. It also would be difficult to maintain a position in Symphonic Band, which rehearses from 3:50-4:40 when I don't get back from school each day until 4:45.

... Wouldn'tcha know that the ONE day off I have from student teaching, (the 24th of October, for conferences) is during Wartburg's fall break. Bleh... I was really hoping that would be a possible day for Outfly, since I won't be about to do Outfly-ish things this year... :-P

Tonight I got a phone call from Jessica and it went like this:

Me: Hey!
Jessica: Hi Miss Student Teacher!
Me: Hahaha! Hi! How's it going?
Jessica: Oh. My. Gosh! I-----LOVE----TWILIGHT! Like..... Edward Cullen..... Oh, my gosh! IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!
Me: Haha!!!! YES! I told you, I told you, I told you, I told youuuuuuu!!!! Isn't it *amazing*???
Jessica: Oh, my gosh... Edward! I love Edward!

Hahaha, so yes. Another friend that I have gotten hooked on one of the best books ever written. *sigh* I can't wait to see the movie! Which is kind of bittersweet... They moved the movie up from December to November, taking over the now vacant Harry Potter slot... So yes! Early Twilight! and Boo... No Harry Potter until stupid July.

Okay, so that's all I have right now. I'm going to go scrounge up something to eat and then go to bed. 6am comes early.

Wish me luck! :-D

Beijing stabbing...

Holy cow.... I didn't know this was a Wartburg person....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Home from the bonfire....

I'm sorry that I sounded like such a Debbie Downer tonight, as I was saying good-bye to everyone. I didn't mean for it to come out like a "woe is me, my problems are worse than your's" grab for attention. I mean, I hope it didn't come out that way, but if it did, that's not how I meant it.

... I just didn't expect to enter the "real world" until after I graduated from college. Like many other people my age, I sometimes just expect things to "appear in front of me" and work out.

Ha. No.

I have a lot of hard work in front of me. No one's life is easy. Please keep me in your prayers, and know that you're in mine.

It was nice to see everyone tonight, though. :-)

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Delay?!

Wartburg Track and Field Warner Brothers!? You're POSTPONING Harry Potter 6??????? From November 2008 to FREAKING JULY 2009??????

This does not fly. This does not fly at all.

And I know *I'm* not the only one who is going to be disappointed.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

I love the interwebs...

Whooooooo has the coolest computer background?

Me me me me!!!! I do!!!! :-D

Whoa... It's like... Thursday...

When did that happen? Where has this week gone? It's Thursday already... I move back to HogWartsburg on Saturday.... I've been packing sporatically this week. I hate packing. And trying to practice band audition music. I hate practicing too. Particularly practicing band music. I just don't like it. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth. :-P

I am kind of addicted to watching the Olympics on TV. Is this the case with anyone else? Men's swimming is my favorite, not just because Michael Phelps is freaking amazing. Synchronized diving and girl's gymnastics are two other good ones. :-)

Jessica and I are trying to watch all the Harry Potter movies before I leave for school on Saturday. We are on movie 3, which we both agree doesn't fit in with the other movies and doesn't "flow"like the other movies do. And I'd like to thank Jessica for putting up with my endless running commentary throughout these movies. I think the best part was the two times I yelled and jumped during Chamber of Secrets, once when a giant spider broke into the car's window and the other time when the Basilisk exploded out of the drain after Harry avoided it in the pipes. I had forgotten about those parts and this was the movie I saw 10 times in the theatre. HAHA!

I would love to own the Hello Dolly! and Newsies soundtrack... I just watched a YouTube video of a player piano playing a medley of Hello Dolly songs. It was cute. :-)

I started reading Eclipse again. *sigh* So much love! I really hope the Twilight movie is good....

Okay, that's all I have for now. Nothing else really exciting.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fandom meme....

Name a fandom and I'll tell you the character(s) I would:
- Bake cupcakes for:
- Trust with the keys to my car:
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof:
- Have a crush on:
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door:
- Vote for President:
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie:
- Pair up:
- Vote off the island and into the volcano:


Stolen from Jigglykat.

From Rachel D.:


- Bake cupcakes for: I'd make cupcakes for Wilfred, Donna's grandpa
- Trust with the keys to my car: Sally Sparrow
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: I'd say Owen, but he belongs to more of the TORCHWOOD side... Um, John Lumic from Rise of the Cybermen
- Have a crush on: For real, Doctor #10. (Who doesn't?) And maybe Captain Jack... :-)
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: The Dalek Emperor
- Vote for President: Sarah Jane Smith
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: The Doctor obviously, or Sally Sparrow
- Pair up: Donna and the Stuttering Man from Silence in the Library, or Martha and Riley from 42
- Vote off the island and into the volcano: (Pit of piranhas for you!) Francine, Martha's mom... Or all the stupid people on the shuttle in Midnight, except the Doctor.


- Bake cupcakes for: Hunny because face it, he would appreciate it the most.
- Trust with the keys to my car: Kyoya
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Renge
- Have a crush on: Kyoya... And Tamaki :-)
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: Nekozowa
- Vote for President: Kyoya... He's the levelheaded one.
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: The Twins, just because I think that would be hilarious!
- Pair up: Haruhi and Mori. <3 style="font-style: italic;">Renge or Benio and the girls from Lobelia

From Rachel V.:


- Bake cupcakes for: Mike Newton, because sometimes I feel sorry for him
- Trust with the keys to my car: Edward, because he's psychic. And because if something DID happen to my car he could afford to get me a new one.
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Jacob Black
- Have a crush on: Edward. Duh.
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: Victoria and James
- Vote for President: Alice Cullen
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Edward or Jasper, I can't decide...
- Pair up: Mike Newton and Angela
- Vote off the island and into the volcano: Jacob Black.


- Bake cupcakes for: Pippin, because I love him, and Hobbits appreciate food.
- Trust with the keys to my car: Gandalf? Because he's the only one who drove anything at all in the series.
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Saruman
- Have a crush on: Aragorn
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: The Balrog
- Vote for President: Faramir
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Merry and Pippin
- Pair up: Shelob and Gollum.... Not really, but it's interesting... haha... I'm all about Eowyn and Faramir
- Vote off the island and into the volcano: The One Ring. Haha! J/K. The Nazgul.


- Bake cupcakes for: Archimedes, Merlin's owl from The Sword in the Stone
- Trust with the keys to my car: Cogsworth... As long as Lumière didn't come along.
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Cruella deVille
- Have a crush on: Prince Eric
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: Ursula... She, of all the villains, creeped me out the most.
- Vote for President: Roger, from the animated version of 101 Dalmations
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Alladin
- Pair up: Big Mama and Boomer from The Fox and the Hound
- Vote off the island and into the volcano: Randall from Monsters INC.


- Bake cupcakes for: Hagrid :-)
- Trust with the keys to my car: Hermione Granger
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Draco Malfoy
- Have a crush on: George Weasley
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: The Lestranges
- Vote for President: Potter/Weasley '08 baby! "Because Only Magic Can Save This Country!" (heehee)
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Neville Longbottom
- Pair up: Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood
- Vote off the island and into the volcano: Peter Pettigrew


- Bake cupcakes for: Lee Scoresby
- Trust with the keys to my car: Will Parry
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Mrs. Coulter's Daemon
- Have a crush on: Um, no one actually... Lord Asriel was a little too old for me
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: The Gobblers
- Vote for President: Lee Scoresby
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Iorik Burnison
- Pair up: Lyra and Will :-)
- Vote off the island and into the volcano: Mrs. Coulter

Evil Baby Orphanage

- Bake cupcakes for: Evil Baby Tom Riddle
- Trust with the keys to my car: Um.... No one?
- Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Evil Baby Joker
- Have a crush on: Um, no one, if they're babies... But Captain James Hook is quite handsome! :-)
- Pack up and leave if they moved next door: Evil Baby Benjamin Barker aka Sweeney Todd
- Vote for President: Evil Baby Harold Saxon... Because my cellphone told me to...
- Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Evil Baby Capt. Hook
- Pair up: Evil Baby Vlad the Impaler and Evil Baby Queen Ranavalona I
- Vote off the island and into the volcano: Evil Baby Hitler

Friday, August 08, 2008

Starting a band...

So taking this Time Lord rock idea to a whole new level... (My brain was busy, at work lemme tell ya!) I've come up with this...

Band name: Rude and Not Ginger

Genre: Folk/Rock

Album: Dust Off Your Converse! It's Time to Save the Universe!

Tracks: (So far)

1. Allonsy!*
2. Affirmative
3. Barefoot on the Moon
4. A Little More Sonic
5. Oy, Space Boy!
6. Ood Does He Think He is?
7. Hermits United!

Hahaha... So that's all I have for now.

I love being a nerd.

*I've actually started writing lyrics for this song...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

*Grins broadly*

Oh, my goodness, I love life.... Inspired by Wizard Rock (aka music related to Harry Potter) called Wrock... Through another blog, I have discovered....


Did you hear the bit about blogging like The Brothers? :-D Nerdfighters unite!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I got off work early once again... What is going on with the world?

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I wonder....

Whatever happened to Kay Richardson? Does he still read this blog? I was just thinking about him the other day... That one story where he scratched little "e"s onto a couple of aspirins to try and frame someone he knew for possession of of an illegal drug.... Heeheehee! :-D

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Season 4 and a podering...

So.... Doctor Who season finale........

OH MY GOODNESS, IT WAS AMAZING! I cried. I'm pretty sure this finale was more gut-wrenching than even Doomsday.

I can't believe I wrote this. Donna Noble! I love you!!!!!! *sobs*

I don't want to write anything spoilery... So that's all I'm going to say for now...

I found my flute music! Yay! :-D

But I've been thinking... I'm not quite sure I like blogger anymore. I mean, it's served me well, but I've discovered that there are other online journal websites that fit me better... Mostly LiveJournal. It allows private and friend only posts. It also provides links to a post within a post-type thing, which would allow me to write about spoilery things, and the reader wouldn't have to click to read the spoiler part. Plus, it'd let me consolidate all the online journals I have, mainly this one, MySpace and Xanga, which would then eliminate the triple posting, which takes a lot of time. (Because I have to re-format each post for each site.)

But I'm still undecided... Any thoughts? Opinions?

Friday, August 01, 2008

To catch up...

Okay, so I was going to use this time to practice my flute... Which I haven't done all summer. (!) I'm bad I know... But! Now that I want need to practice, I cannot find my stash of music, including potential senior recital music. Somehow it got lost in the craziness of our basement flooding. I knew where it was BEFORE it flooded... And now I have no idea where it is. I called mom, but she was busy at the time. I'm not sure she knows where it is either.

Alright, so to catch up this blog on what's been happening for the past week or so.

So Rachel D. came to visit and it was a lot of fun! We did a lot of fun stuff--ordered pizza and watched Doctor Who, the Jesus Videos, and America's Got Talent. She came along as I test drove a Dodge Neon. We had corn on the cob for lunch and worked on our awesome Potter for President t-shirts! (Front: Potter, Weasley '08 in a presidential campaign-style arrangement. Back: Because Only Magic Can Save This Country".) We ate at the Barrel, tried to go to the municipal band concert, but it got rained out. We went swimming, saw Batman (which was better than I thought it was going to be. I still want to see Get Smart and Mama Mia.) We went and did the Fort Custer Maze, and test drove another couple cars.... A Pontiac Grand Am (I don't remember the year, but it was newer) and the 2003 Vibe, that I ended up getting. (Although I don't actually have it yet...)

What else did we do.... Oh, we went and saw the Sound of Music Puppets and stopped at our county fair... (Heehee.) She did the Doctor Who potatoes and I made the TARDIS. (Rachel, I still need to mail you your half of our earnings.) I gave her a tour of Clear Lake and I worked a lot a lot a lot.

Last Friday I put a deposit down on the Vibe and then went to DeWitt with Rachel D. to visit Rachel V. As per usual I was late meeting Rachel D. in Waverly (sorry!) but somehow it worked out that we reached Rachel V.'s house just as she was getting home from play rehearsal.

We then watched the first part of the season finale of Doctor Who.


OH MY GOSH! IT WAS SO GOOD! I at least was crying and yelling and terrified about what's going to happen next! It just totally BLEW MY MIND! I did NOT expect that cliffhanger!

And I'm going over to Jessica's tonight to watch the second half. Which should be interesting, seeing as she is not as interested in the show as I am, but lets me come over and watch it, because we're friends like that.

It's probably going to be quite amusing... I expect I will cry again and do some more yelling at the TV screen....

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! (And it's been really hard not to cheat and watch the episode on YouTube....)

At Rachel V.'s we went shopping in Davenport and I bought some nice, trendy, modest "teacher clothes". We then all had fun trying on dresses at Dillards and then ordered Pizza and watched Hey Mr. Producer which is a tribute to Cameron Macintosh and it literally "musical theater 101." It even had a pre-Doctor Who John Barrowman! (swoon...) And then we watched Hello Dolly! which neither Rachel D. or I had seen before, aside from the 20 seconds they played in Wall-E. That was super cute too! It had a very very young Michael Crawford in it (the original Phantom in Andrew Llyod Webber's musical.) We were all entertained. On Sunday we went to church, watched Graham Norton and then ended up napping together on the couch after lunch. Sunday night we played Doctor Who Uno and Doctor Who Top Trumps (which I still think we haven't gotten the hang of yet....) It was fun! After all that we watched The Newsies which Rachel D. and I hadn't seen EITHER! Young Christian Bale? YES PLEASE! :-D

Really... I don't know how I missed seeing Hello Dolly and The Newsies before.... Crazy... I really enjoyed both of them! I want the soundtrack to the Newsies... And maybe the DVD...

I came back home on Monday and nothing exciting really happened since then. Just work. The usual. I mowed the lawn which was a lot more work than I thought. Mostly because it was so long. I had to empty the bag at least 5 times. Wednesday and Thursday the Factory was the hottest its ever been. 103 degrees Fahrenheit was the highest temperature of the two days. I have never felt so much like melting ice cream in my life. BUT the good news is that I potentially have only 4 days of work left. 5 if I end up having to work next Friday. *knocks on wood* Let's hope that doesn't happen. Last night, for the first time ever I got off work a half hour early. I really hope the world isn't coming to an end!

So, that's all for now... Have I mentioned I'm really excited for Doctor Who?

Oh, and if you haven't seen this already, watch Dr. Horrbile's Sing-along-Blog. It's totally fantastic! And a musical.... Hee!

P.S. My younger siblings are watching old school Looney Tunes.... I have forgotten how ridiculously violent they are... In an half hour of various episodes I've seen two suicides, various amounts of guns and dynamite and other self-destructive behavior. Not to mention alcohol usage and shticks, phrases and situations that are undeniably racist. I'm not really sure what I think about this...