Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Hey, if anyone actually reads this, I am planning a little party at Perkins, after the high school vasity vollyball game Thursday (tomorrow)... It sounds like it would be after 9 pm.

People from the HWS Forums, my AOL friends, and MSN friends are all welcome to come... :-)

If you have questions, you know how to reach me!

Monday, August 29, 2005

"Summer of Movies" update!

More new movies that I have seen this summer:

The Swordsmen
The Matrix Revolutions
The Matrix Reloaded
The Rundown
The Last Samurai
Red Eye
The Brothers Grimm

Not too bad, huh? Current movie count for the summer: 23 + 9 = 32!

I must admit, I am feeling rather smug... 32! Go me!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

ONE more thing...

I also forgot to mention that after Isaac's mom said that is was sadly time for the party to wrap up, and we cleaned up outside, Adam gave me a ride in the wheelbarrow that Isaac had used to carry the wood for the fire... It's not your traditional wheelbarrow, though... In fact, it looks like a Chinese rickshaw (or however you spell it... :-P) It's square, it has two big spoked wheels on each side, and a bar to pull it by... It was great fun! Thanks Adam!

I miss being little enough to ride in wagons... :-(

Finishing the Party Post

Ok, now to finish this story...

The fire got started, and it was great fun sitting around it. I sat with Jason obviously, and it was a nice contented feeling, sitting there, watching the fire, with his arm around me. :-) We all sat and laughed and talked... Someone told a dirty joke, and no one laughed... Then we all laughed at the awkward silence that had followed.

Someone threw a pop can into the fire, and Laura pointed out that they don't burn very well, and I stated that neither do people. (lol)

A little later, Laura was talking with Elias, and Mike I think, about rocks exploding in fire... But I didn't hear the rocks part, just about "exploding" and "in a fire." So I asked them if they were talking about exploding toads... Silly me... Thinking about Girl Scout camp... After the riotous bout of laughter had died down, I explained about the toads that lived in the fire rings at camp, and what sometimes happened to the poor toads... lol

Then Isaac told this really funny story about a joke he played on his drama teacher. I had no idea he would do something that nasty, and mean, but soooooo incredibly funny! It TOTALLY leaves my "Mr. Benzing my cousin died" April Fools joke in the dust!

Eventually Isaac's mom yelled from the house that it was 11:05 pm, and that we should get going... :-( So the fire was left to die, because it was almost dead anyway, and we all sadly tramped up to Isaac's house. All of us pitched in, and cleaned up... I ate some more food, while I helped... :-)

When we were pretty much done, Laura and I decided to leave together, like a moral support type of thing... So we both gave Isaac a hug, wished him good luck, told him to keep in touch, and that we would both miss him very much... Then Laura, Jason, and I left.

Outside, I said good-bye to Laura, and promised her that I would get in touch with her, when I wanted to go see a movie, and she left for home. Then Jason and I just stood there, and leaned against my car... I didn't want to leave... It had been a fun night... So we just stood there, and talked about nothing important really...

Chad came out a little while later, and left, shortly followed by Paul and Alex, and since they were the last two to leave the party, I decided that it was finally time to go... So I hugged Jason, and said good-bye and good-night.

The drive home was uneventful...

Isaac was the last of my friends to leave for college... :-( Now it's just Julia, Jill and I...
"Negative zero... I mean one! No, I mean negative one!" -me at the party, trying to explain what size of pants my sister wears.

For the record, the bruise on my knee is about 3 inches in diameter... Yay tire-swing!

And Mike does a very nice Monty Python French accent. :-D

Saturday, August 27, 2005

"The spiders! They want to me to tap dance!"

There is a spider in my closet. It is big. It is scary...

Note: Past experiences show that parental-type figures do not appreciate being woken up at 2:30 am for a spider. Even if it is big, and ugly, and not dead.

-I've tried to remedy the present situation by getting the fly-swatter, and smooshing the stupid blighter.

But I missed.

And it escaped.

And now it is still in my closet.

I hope this isn't one of the 4 spiders a year, that you supposedly swallow in your sleep... I would probably choke...

I have closed my closet doors, so at least I won't have to look at where it WAS... That will do for tonight... So I can sleep...

How am I supposed to get stuff out of my closet to pack, if there is a big, ugly, undead, scary spider in there????

Friday, August 26, 2005

Party Goodness.... part two

Okay, so where did I leave off...

Drew and Jacob finished wrestling about the time the soccer game ended... I think people just got bored with it, and from a spectator POV, it was getting hard to see who was who, even with the uber-cheap stadium lighting.

After that we all kind of mingled and joked around as we decided what to do next... Laura came and sat by me... Her knee hurt, she said... :-( Then Mike came and wanted to sit with us... But there was no room. So, I told Mike that he was "scoot worthy" and I would slide over on the table, so he could have room to sit down...

(Both Laura and Mike thought that was incredibly funny... But I think they forgot about that quote... I'm the only one who blogged it...)

Then Laura, Mike, Matt, Jason and I all laid on the grass and looked at the stars. Laura and Mike had a grass fight. It was funny... We were all quite silly and happy, because at that moment, when you look at the stars, and are laughing with friends, life feels good.

Eventually we all got off the ground, people moved their cars back to where they should be parked... Laura and I sat on a table, and talked about going to see a movie together... And Isaac finally got enough consensus for some sort of a campfire.

Unfortunately, no one was helping him... They were just all kind of standing around. So I jumped in, and helped move stuff out of the way. Then Isaac tried to start the fire with just random branches, (no kindling) and gasoline... It didn't work, but it was a nice effort... So we stood there and watched the gasoline burn, and then die... So Laura, and I decided to take it upon ourselves to fix it. So we found some stuff for tinder, and kindling, and started making a fire... But then Isaac went into the house, and came back with super-bigger-then-what-Laura-and-I-were working-with- chopped wood, that totally owned our little log cabin frame... But we got it burning, and eventually had a nice little fire. :-)

Oh. And a bunch of the guys at the party were flicking matches. It was not cool. It was retarded. Luckily it was like, 10:30, so the grass was already wet with dew. ONE match actually bounced off Laura's SHIRT! And we were like: "Oh. My. Gosh! Did. You. See. That?! KNOCK IT OFF!!!!" And then one almost lit my hair on fire... But Laura saved me, because she saw the incoming match, and pushed me out of the way. Then she yelled at the rather unintelligent guys who lit the offending match.

Laura is my hero... I appreciate her quick thinking, and sharp wit... She is someone who I definitely want on my side, to watch my back, and tire-swing with me! (And save me from the tree...LOL) Laura is one of the people who rock my swashbuckling socks!!! :-D

Annnd I have to go... :-( I will finish this... I promise! haha!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Quick Silly post...

Found this in another blog, thought it was funny...

I like sexy cowboys....
Especially when they look like this!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Party Goodness.... part one

Ok, so I went to this 'Going Away to College' party at Isaac's house. It was great fun! A lot of people from the Forums/Swordsmen were there! Some people brought X-Boxes and extra TVs to play Halo together...

While we were snacking, Jason was showing me some of the pictures on his phone of Drew and Jacob wrestling the other day... They look a little ''scary" if you don't know that they are wrestling... Then I looked at the different pictures he had on his phone... I came accross one of me, that looked not so great... So I was trying to get rid of it, and Jason didn't want me to... Which caused us to have our own little wrestling match on the couch... He had to resort to tickling, and spilling my pop on me, at the same time... He plays dirty... :-P

Laura and I didn't particularly want to play Halo, so we went to play on the AWESOME tire swing that Isaac has... I've mentioned it before... IT ROCKS! So we took turns swinging on it... And as Laura put it, we both almost died... Several times... I have a nice bruise on my knee, bigger then a quarter, from hitting the tree! LOL....

Then Drew came out, and noticed us... Laura and I refused his demand to play football, so we got him to swing... He almost died too, but it was funny... He was trying to swing out, and hit a smaller tree, and not hit the big tree... It didn't work, and he often missed the little one, and got owned by the big tree.

After that, we all took turns on the swing, and tried not to die some more.... Mike had a good wipe-out... :-D

THEN Drew, (at the urging of me, I'll admit) wiggled INTO the tire swing, so that it was around his middle... And before he started his attempt to swing in this state, Laura and I decided it was definately crowd worthy... So Mike went and got everyone from inside to come out and watch, by saying:

"Drew's about to get a concussion! Everyone come watch!"

So, of course, everyone did!

Drew didn't get a concussion, and he really didn't swing very well, but it was funny, and we all clapped.

Then various other people tried to tire swing, but no one could beat the amazing-ness of Laura and I... We are mad tire swingers... Who are very good at managing to not die... haha!

Since everyone was now outside, Drew got his football game together, and Laura, Mike, Liz, Matt, and I cheered... and randomly tire swinged some more...

Then Laura, Bethany, and Liz decided to start a game of soccer... and eventually the game of football morphed into the soccer game. I put on a sweatshirt, because it was getting dark and cold, and I sat on a table and visited with people who were not playing either... Jason gave me his cell phone, and his watch, for safe keeping... *evil laughter* And I DELETED my picture finally! :-P So there.

Since it was getting dark, several people drove their cars into Isaac's big backyard to use the headlights like uber-cheap stadium lighting... Jacob's car was one of them...

Evidentially there is this thing between Drew and Jacob that they need to settle this issue or whatever, by wrestling... Honestly, it must be a guy thing, with slightly girlish tendencies, because LAST time Drew and Jacob wrestled, Drew said he lost because he was wearing nice clothes... Hmmm... Does that sound manly to you??? LOL! Anyway, after it was nice and dark, Drew and Jacob went back up to the house and commenced to wrestling... A sport, if you can call what they were doing a sport, that I don't think I'll ever understand... But, Jacob left his car lights on... And then his car died... So Isaac's dad was very nice, and fixed it, I think... But I do know that Isaac wasn't the happiest to hear that there was wild wrestling going on in his house... They had ALL of the outside to do it...

Anyway, I'm going to have to finish later... I should get to bed, I am absolutely beat...

But before I forget:

The Very Secret Diaries

NOTE: For older-type people... Parody themes may not be good for younger-type people...

Ok, NOW it's time for bed... The old-time radio internet station I'm listening to, is playing something about a 'dipsy-doodle'.... I don't even want to know!!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

This is the dress I made for The Swordsmen... I love it!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Movie Premiere!

Wow... The premiere was amazing.... I was so impressed!!! I am in love with this movie! But, to start at the beginning...

I got up this morning, and around 10:15 am, I went to the church to help set up for tonight. I really couldn't do much, because I didn't know what to do... But I got to help Drew's mother set up the dessert table, and I moved various artificial plants out of the way.

At 11:30 I ran to Subway to get some lunch for Jason, and I hung out with him during his half hour break at Hy-Vee. That was uber fun!!! :-D

Then, back at the church, everything was pretty much set up... They were actually watching it on the screen as the DVD burned a copy for something. I left when my character's death scene came up... I wanted to save that for the premiere.

Then I went home, and Andrea came over, and we got ready for the premiere... She wore this smashing brown dress and I wore this midnight blue dress. We painted our toe-nails, and did our make-up and hair... Oh, it was great fun!

We left around 6:10 because we were supposed to be at the church at 6:40 for the limo ride. On our way, we pulled up to this stoplight, and there were about 5 motorcyclists in the left lane... Andrea and I kind of looked at eachother and were like "Ooooh, gosh..." and sure enough... They started cat-calling and reving their motorcycles at us... Andrea and I we laughing sooo hard as we drove away... But it was a satisfying feeling knowing that other people thought we looked good. ;-)

We got to the chruch and they had the red carpet duct tapped and ready to go... Isaac, John, Drew, Chad, and Laura were all finishing last minute preparations inside... And Jason and Paul were working on the sound system or something... We took some pictures, and the limo finally got there, and we took more pictures... Then we climbed in, and cruised around...

It was crowded in the limo... We drank sparkling apple juice, and that was cool... John and Isaac gave some speaches, and we drove around... Jason called my phone, because there was some sort of problem at the church, that really wasn't a big deal at all... I couldn't hear what he was saying, so he called Isaac's phone, and they got it figured out.

We got back to the church at 5 til 8, and there were alot of cars there... It was awesome!!! There were people outside, and John and I walked in together first, then Isaac and Laura...etc... People took pictures, and we smiled and waved... It was SO incredibly fun! We went into the church, and took our seats, and everyone filed in and took their seats...It looked like there was about 75 people there! John made an announcement for everyone to turn off their cell phones, and please only laugh at the parts of the movie that are supposed to be funny... And then he sat down, and the movie started...

I've already said it, but WOW! I just sat there with the biggest grin on my face! Isaac, John, and Drew did an OUTSTANDING job... The music was well picked, and it set the mood very well through out the movie... I was scared about some of my scenes looking really corny, but the music fixed that, and they actually looked pretty good!

The scene where my character dies... I was pretty happy with it... Considering the circumstances in which we filmed it... (lol) When I first get 'shot' I actually look like I am in pain... The cut after that, when I have lines isn't as great, but that's definately better then I thought!

After the movie, several people came up to me and said "I almost cried when you died..." And I'm not quite sure how to take that... Were they touched by my character, that they felt something when she died? Or is this an 'almost, but not quite' type of indifferance....? Personally I prefer the former line of thought.

When the credits started to roll, the room burst into wild applause! I cannot describe that feeling of accomplishment... I am totally unable to express the gratitude I feel towards Isaac and John, for including me in this endeavor... I feel SO lucky... It was the chance of a life time, and I wouldn't have traded ANYTHING for it!!!!!!

Jessica, her friend, Merideth, Julia, and Kelvin all came to see me! It ment so much to me! It was great!!!! They ROCK! *hugs*

After the movie, the door prize drawing was held. Daniel won a screen shot, my Dad won some candy, and Matthew won John's sword. Jessica also won some candy, and Merideth won a screen shot too, I think. It was pretty cool! Then we all possed for different pictures and stuff.

After everyone left, we started cleaning up... And Andrea and I danced to the music they were playing over the sound system... I now know how to Cha-Cha... but not very well...

When that was all done a bunch of us sat around and talked about random things.... LAN parties... Knights of the Old Republic... Rope knots... And finally we decided to go to Perkins. That was great fun too! Jason tried to get me to record a new message for his cell phone's voicemail... it didn't work very well... I couldn't think of what to say, so it kept hanging up. Isaac, Drew, and Paul, made pictures on plates with ketchup, Andrea had a piece of pie, and Laura and I split an ice cream sunday! :-D

Jason had to be home by 12 am, so he left early... :-( And when we finished our food, we all finally mosied on out...

Andrea and I just got home, and we're beat, so we're gonna crash...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Current Events

I got a new haircut yesterday, and it is ULTRA spiffy!!!! I love it! AND I hung out all day with Jessica!!! *hugs*

I have declared my room Box Land, and I am its Queen...


Sunday Show at 5 pm. Informal, and no addmission... Same place...

Monday, August 08, 2005

My computer...

The mouse cursor on my laptop is a little lightsaber...

My screensaver is "Star Field"...

And my background is Harry Potter...


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fun times...

Yesterday I spent the WHOLE day with Jessica... Oh! It was SO much fun!!! :-D 10 HOURS!!!! Rock on!!!!!! We got coffee, picked up my sister from camp with my mom, watched Gladiator, ate at the Fire Department pork dinner, got ice cream, stalked her boyfriend, cruised around in her car, and amused ourselves FAR to much in Target by looking at clothes, purses, scarves and most of all... SHOES! Ha! It was GREAT! She has the cutest haircut! I can't wait to get mine done on Wednesday.

I had a nightmare this morning that my family and I were being attacked by zombies... They were trying to eat us, and we had to feed them raw pumpkin to keep them at bay.... In the building where we were there was this life-size replica of Dracula, behind glass... like you see at museums when they want to protect stuffed animals or whatever... Sounds weird? Yeah, now it does... but it was a scary dream!

Trying to pack up my room is proving to be harder then I thought... I have lots of stuff... I am SUCH a pack-rat!!!! Do you want an idea of the extent of my "pack-rattiness?" I found my movie ticket from STAR WARS EPISODE I:THE PHANTOM MENACE!!!! Yes, it's true... And in case you can't remember, that came out in 1999...

AND becauase I haven't done these for a while...

Your life according to the movies (for the girls!) by _j_e_s_s_i_
Full Name
You areSleeping Beauty
You wind up withLuke Skywalker
You have an affair withBen Affleck
You die becauseThe rum was gone
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Movies About You by thumper2689
Favorite Color
RomanticLove Story
ScaryThe Sixth Sence
MusicalPhantom Of the Opera
ChildishThe Lion King
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Recently added to 'Newly Watched Movie List'

Napolean Dynamite
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
King Arthur
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Matrix
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

16(from earlier post) + 7 = 23 new movies this summer!!! WAHOO!

Next in line: THE SWORDSMEN, The Last Samurai, Gladiator, Hitch and The 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies.

I'm slowly starting to pack up for college... I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF!!! I am a complete pack-rat and it makes it that much harder, trying to clean out my

My arms aren't sore any longer... Yay!

*sigh* Jessica!!! Why do you have to go to college so soon????!!! I think I shall go mad when you are gone!!!! *cries* The 17th is TOO CLOSE!!! :-( Who will watch movies with me????