Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Hallowe'en!

Toe update:

Tuesday, around 9:30 am I went to health services on campus and the nurse looked at it, and said I should have it looked at by the doctor. *sigh* Okay, so I call Julia because I want her to come with, for moral support. And then I try to scrounge up a ride... Rachel was in the shower, and wouldn't be out in time for my appointment, Julia couldn't get a hold of Jill, and I couldn't get ahold of Matt. (I found out later that he was sleeping... lol) Soooo I called Erik, and wake him up, and he agrees to take me to the health center.

Sooooo we get there.... after I hobble out to D Lot... And we get to the clinic, and I fill out paperwork, and MORE paper work... Just paperwork out the wazoo!

Then I wait, and before I can figure out what's on Nick Jr. the nurse calls for me. And I go back.... and she weighs me... (No "freshman 15" yet! YES!!!!) Then in the examining room, she takes my temperature and pulse... (Quoi??? Yes... I'm alive... and my toe has not been festering to the point where it would cause a fever...) And then I wait again. And the doctor comes in, and he's like "Sooo, I hear you have an ingrown toenail..." and I'm like: "Uhhhh, I have no toenail..." So he takes off the band-aid and looks at my toe, and guess what...

He suggested that it would probably be in my best interest to have it removed. (um... what's left of the nail in my toe... just incase there was any confusion... I DID NOT have my toe amputated...)


So after much not funness, I decided, okay... let's just get it over with...

However, the worst part is, I had to get shots in my TOE to get it removed... :-( So I called the nurse at health services and she came and helped me get through it...

Wow... It hurt a lot... And I'm not exaggerating! I survived my vaccinations this summer, but this! :'( Since they had to numb my toe, they actually had to FIND the nerve they were going to numb.... THREE TIMES!

Yes. I had to get three shots. In my toe. AHHHH!!!!!

When the shots were done, after lots of crying, I had to wait for my toe to numb. When it did the doctor pulled the nail out... And it didn't hurt but I saw later that there was lots of blood on the towel thing... gross....

Yeah, so now my big left toe has NO nail on it.... It was really really tender for like, the WHOLE week... Today was the first day I wore close-toed shoes for work, and I was fine! YAY!

Okay, so TONIGHT, since it was Hallowe'en they had this Monster Ball in the Mensa, and you could wear costumtes. I work my Rebecca dress, and Matt wore 5 different colored masks and changed them whenever he was depicting a different mood. It was really funny! Rachel joined us, and then dashed off, because she thought she had a rehearsal with her accompianst. (It ended up that the rehearsal is tomorrow.)

And then, after dinner Matt had his "suppilmentary instruction" and I went and worked on my paper... And I got it done!!!! YAY! A DAY before it's due!!! I think this is a record. I then took it to Pathways, (the reading/writing/speaking lab) and went over it and they helped me straighten out some stuff. It wasn't too bad... I'm interested to see what I'll get on this paper. *sings the praises of Pathways*

This morning was the most awake I think I have EVER been in my 7:45 am religion class. It was awesome! I wish I had more time to sleep!

I practiced my flute today, and my piano lesson kinda stunk. I need to practice my percussion....

THANKS FOR THE CARD MOM! I LOVE YOU!!! And the stamps rock my swashbuckling socks! :-D I love the Muppets!

Work was long and boring... but they had mintchocolate chip ice cream which is my FAVORITE so I bought some after work.

Mmmm... What else? I don't know...

I had a fabulous time at Sam's! She was really busy, getting ready for her school play and all, but it was better then not seeing her at all.

Oh, tonight, while watching Most Haunted Live! Rachel and I had a tickle fight. It was really fun, and we got kinda wild, which prompted Matt to duck out of our way... (And he's kinda ticklish too... haha)

Well, how's that for a random update? I tired... So I'm off to crash in my lumpy-pokey mattress.


Thursday, October 27, 2005


Hey, I'm posting from Sam's computer and I am having a blast! :-D A shout-out to Ali, who reads this sometimes! :-) Your senior pictures are so awesome!

Mr. Newport made chili and we're having it for dinner! Yum!!!

Hey, Rachel!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!! *hugs* I miss Matt too, but he doesn't read


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Ok, so Rachel and I were goofing off, and I accidentially kicked the pumpkin that was in our room....

And now I have no toenail on my big toe.... Like, at first, it just kinda hurt, and I was hopping around, and then I looked down, and I wasl like... Hey... My toenail... It's... HANGING OFF! And I was like "Oh. My. Gosh. Guys! Look at my TOE!" And Matt and Kaitlin, who were just about to leave, stop, and their mouths drop. My toenail was hanging there... at a weird angle... And there was lots of blood... And Matt first aided me. He is my hero, although we did have to bring him back from several other first aid tangents... aaaannnnnd I don't know what to think other then I will now be wearing sandals for a quite a while...


And it hurts... But I'm not crying... Is this wrong?

Tomorrow is gonna suck...

I need a hug.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The odd duck

Rachel, Matt and I went and ate at the Olive Garden tonight. It was good! I ordered ravioli, and Matt and Rachel ordered the chicken alfredo. They both looked at me like I was the "odd duck"... I guess I kinda was, but I wanted ravioli gosh-darn-it, and I wasn't about to conform. I've almost always the one who does something "different"... I think it comes from being the oldest of 6... I ALWAYS had someone copying me... ALWAYS! So I often find myself doing things that differ then the majority of the group. i.e. ravioli

Also another thing that bothers me... Being ignorant. Not other people, although that does bother me as well... Me... Being clueless... And everyone around me looking at me like I should have a clue... :-(

*rant rant rant*

I'm from a small town. Like 10,000 I think. Nothing very "culturally diverse"... I'll admit it, I am very very very uneducated when it comes to how one should act in a big city... I've never been to any expensive/fancy restaurants, I don't have connections to get invited to fancy parties, and I don't have clothes for every occasion. I am a small town girl. And you know what? It shows. And it sucks.

The first time I went to a "big city" was when I went to London, and Paris... And that was with a group... I was with people who were similar to me, who were from my culture... I really didn't have to interact with anyone else.

It never occurred to me that there was more then one way to tip your waitress... Like, I knew about writing a check over and saying keep the extra, or charging extra on a credit card for a tip... But I always thought that if you left a cash tip, you left it on the table. Well, Rachel wrote a check over, and Matt and I were paying in cash. The waitress came back and took the money, and Rachel told her to keep the extra and Matt told her how much change he wanted back, and then they looked at me...

[cricket chirp]

The waitress smiled took our money, and left to rang it up. In tandem, Matt and Rachel turn to look at me. I state that I was gonna leave the tip on the table... like usual??? And they were like "uhhhh, no."

Things like this make me feel inadequate... Not good enough. Ignorant.... yeah...

Matt pointed out that by leaving the tip on the table the bus-boy would probably get it, and not the waitress. Well, now that I know this, it makes sense.... But..... Yeah. I felt stupid.


Matt and Rachel get to do all these cool things... They've gone to touring Broadway shows.... They've been to Chicago... A lot. Matt's experience in Europe really doesn't hold a candle to mine... He worked with a senator in Illinois... They both scored freakishly higher then me on the ACTs. They both come from high schools with good theater departments, and once again, have the money to participate in those sorts of things.

And they have better study habits then I do. They have pointed this out to me. Maybe I never learned proper study habits... They both can churn out papers like play-doh in those spaghetti things... and I sit there... and I check my e-mail.... and I AOL... and do EVERYTHING else but write the paper... And frankly, it's because I don't know what to write! I sit there and in my head I'm like: "uhhhhhh...." GAH! WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M NOT SMART ENOUGH FOR COLLEGE??? Why can't I major in something like, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings??? I know about THOSE things....

And I want to learn a different language. NOT LATIN. NOOO LATIN!!!! LATIN = NO ONE ELSE WHO SPEAKS IT! You can't go to a foriegn country to speak latin. I very much agree with the poem:

Latin is a language,
As dead as can be,
First it killed the Romans,
And now it's killing me!

Maybe I could take summer classes or something for a foreign language...

AND, another constant frustration in my life is that BOTH Matt and Rachel get to keep their rooms at home EXACTLY as they left it. What do I get? A room with my little sister, or the living room couch. What fun. NOT! (And I'm sure Matt and Rachel are tired of me ranting about it, but frankly it still sucks.)

I'm not mad at Rachel or Matt about anything... They've had different experiences then I have... I just wish I could have had them too....

Maybe someday I will be able to eat at the Rainforest Cafe... Maybe someday I will be able to see Wicked, and Spamalot, and Phantom of the Opera... MAYBE SOMEDAY I WILL HAVE A CAR!

They are both the coolest friends I could as for... I love them so much, and I pine for them when they are not with me... I love them to bits! I just get frustrated with myself, and my situation.

I want to feel smart!!! GAH!

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Has anyone watched "Most Haunted" on the Travel Channel? It is the funniest thing ever!!! It's about this crew of British people who go and explore "haunted places" throughout England. What makes it funny is the fact that the girls in the crew are so wimpy that they scream a lot.

[Background]: The usual crew are standing around a table in this big old house in Nottinghamshire (I think that's where was...) The house has been abandoned for quite some time, and the 3rd floor is inaccessible due to a severe fire 7 years ago. Derek, (with the help of Sam) has identified 3 ghostly beings: William, Elizabeth, Isobel/Isabel/Isabella, and the ghostly residue from a eight-year-old child. According to Derek/Sam *eye roll* William gouged the eyes out of the 8 year old boy, and then killed him, and later killed Elizabeth by violently stabbing her.... Ho-kay, so!

Yvette: If there's a spirit 'ere, please talk to us. Please? Please, make a noise or som'thing. We won't 'urt you... Elizabeth, are you 'ere? If you are, please move the table or som'thing. Please?

[something evidentially moves in the room, but is inaudible to the camera]

Guy 1 & Yvette: *gasp* Wha' was that?

Yvette: Elizabeth? Is that you? Please do it again. Move the table, or make a noise. Please? Please Elizabeth...

Guest psychic: Oh, goodness... She's righ' by me... I can feel 'er. She's grabbin' meh arms...[takes slow asthmatic breath] She's...{*rasp*]

Person on the right of Guest psychic: Are you alrigh'?

Guest psychic: Got... To... fight... her... off...... Get. Out...

Everyone else: .....!

Guest psychic takes another asthmatic breath, shudders then comes back.

Person on the right side of Guest psychic: Are you okay?

Guest psychic: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay...

Yvette: Alrigh''... Elizabeth, if you can 'ear my voice, could you move the table please?

Derek: I feel... William is strong... He's pushing Elizabeth out.... Don't be afraid Elizabeth... He
can't hurt you, darling. Not if you aren't afraid. Come here Elizabeth... It's alrigh'...

Derek goes slightly limp, while still muttering to "Elizabeth." Suddenly he straightens.

Derek:[in a quiet voice, similar to when you try to talk while inhaling] ::He's here.... Wi.... William... Wi... He's here, he's here...::

Yvette: Elizabeth?

Derek: ::Yeh... Ye... Yess...::

Everyone else: ...*gulp*...

Yvette: Elizabeth, please get out of Derek's body and stay with us. Stay with us, please, but get out of Derek's body.

Derek jerks then stretches... He blinks.

Guy 1: Are you alright?

Derek: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. She's a good soul... She's good.

Yvette: Okay... Elizabeth? Are you still 'ere?

[metaphorical cricket chirp]

Yvette:...uh... William? Are you 'ere? Could you move the table please?

[more silence]

Yvette: William? Please? Move the table... You were obviously a very strong man... Could you
move the table please? Or are you too much of a coward?


Yvette, Guest psychic, Guy 1, Guys on Left and Right of physic: Beeeeeeep!!!!!! Wha- Beeeeeep!!!!!!! Oh! Beeeeeep!!! Holy-Beepbeepbeep!!!

Everyone else: Ah!!!! Beep! sh-Beeeeeep!!!! F-Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Derek: [Takes deep rasping breath. Bends over, slightly hunched, looks around through squinted eyes. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pursed.] ::C-c-coward... Me?! Eh, coward? Whaaat are you doing here? Get out!::

Everyone: Beep? AH! BEEEEEP!

Derek: [pointing around the room] ::You! And you! Why are you hereeeee...::

Derek begins to limp around. Guy 1 follows him.

Guy 1: William? Is that you?

Derek: [raaaaaaasp] ::Yesssssss... Where is Li-... Liz-ehhh... Eh-lizehhhhh.... I'll ki..... What are
youuu doing here... It's my house, I have eh right to be here.....::

(Yvette in background: Oh, my goodness! Beeeeep!)

Guy 1: William, you are in the body of Derek...

Derek: *growl* ::Whyyy are you here??? Eh-liz-eh....beth...::

Guy 1: William! William, listen... You are in the body of my good friend Derek... Please don't hurt him. William...

Derek: ::Ehhhhhrrrrggggh..... [points to Yvette] Get that woman away from me!::

Guy 1: William, do you know that you are dead?

Derek: ::Ehhrrgghh... What is this tom-foolery? Ehhhhggggghhh...::

Guy 1: Yes. You are dead. Don't you know?

Derek: ::I live on! Ehhrrrgggggghhh... I live on!!!!!::

Guy 1: Derek... Come back Derek! Leave him William... GO!

Derek: ::Errgghh::

Guy 1 holds Derek to stop him from stomping around, and Derek breathes out a slow raspy noise, twitches, and then stretches. His face smoothes out, and he looks crosseyed and disoriented.

Guy 1: Derek? Are you alrigh'?

Derek: Yeah... Let's get out of here.


Friday, October 21, 2005

Catch me...

"... Sarah, I need a girl like to you fall for me..."

What makes you think I haven't already?

Thursday, October 20, 2005



A loud shout out to Matt, and Andrea, both of whom have thier 19th birthdays today! :-) (however, they do not know eachother... just for clarification) I wish them the utmost happiness! Yay for good friends!

I'm so lucky!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's the Great Pumpkin!

College Paper Count: 6 this week.... *dies*

I was tired after lunch today, so I went and tried to study my English. (Logical huh?) But I couldn't focus, so I decided a quick nap would be more beneficial. So I crawled into my loft and fell asleep. At 2:30, Matt knocked on the door, as he often does, and I sleepily told him to come in and tried to sit up.... And I totally clocked my head on the ceiling. Matt walked in looking all worried and concerned because it was a pretty loud bonk.

So the count now is:

Sarah: 0
Ceiling: 6
Loft: 15
Rachel's loft: 1
Matt's Car: 1

How about those statistics, huh? I swear I'm gonna give myself a concussion before this school year is through.

Speaking of Matt and Rachel, where the heck are they? I came back from play practice and they were gone... Neither of them are answering their phones.... How frustrating.

Today Matt and I carved pumpkins. Which was the reason he stopped in, to ask if I wanted to run to Wal-Mart with him. When we came back, all pumpkin laden, Rachel came back from class with a bad headache so SHE took a nap. Matt and I went behind Knights Village and carved pumpkins. He told me the most amazing stories about his trip to Paris... LOL, it was great! All in all, it was a blast sitting there, covered in pumpkin goop, and just joking and stuff. :-)

Then we went and ate dinner because we were absolutely starving after such hard work of trying not to saw our fingers off. THEN we scoped the campus for ubercool places to stash our pumpkins. Matt even figured out how to light them! He bought some of those solar powered lights that you stick in your lawn, and just left out the stake. It lights up the pumpkins very well!

My pumpkin looks evil and grumpy. Matt's is wearing chem goggles and has a pointy toothed smile. Matt is going to carve a pumpkin in the likeness of our college president, Jack Ohle... And all pumpkins shall now be called: Jack Ohle'anterns!!!! Hoo-rah!

Play practice was interesting... We didn't have any props or sets yet, so I kept walking through was was going to be the table.

I'm listening to my high school senior band CD... Gosh, I love "The Mooche"!

Well, I'm going to get working on another blasted paper... Is it fall break yet???????????????

Monday, October 17, 2005

"The trick is not minding the pain...."

Lawrence of Arabia is an OUTRAGEOUSLY long movie!

Cool... but OUTRAGEOUSLY long...

I want to the see the bone structure of a camel... that would be interesting...

Oh, and my weekend sucked, in case anyone was wondering.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I hate workstudy. I loathe it with every fiber of my being. With every sinew, nerve, chromosome, and atom in my body I hate it... I curse it, and wish it to dark deep nasty places. Particularly places that are hot and blistery.


I freaking work at 9 am and serve at 11:30 am, and have another event at 3:30, and serve at 6. I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!! $#^^&*&^%#$!~$%!!!#$%^&**(&^%$#%$!!!!

I miss the reniassance faire, and parade, WHICH I HAVE THE BEST COSTUME FOR!!!!!!!!!! FURTHERMORE I miss the fa-reaking FOOTBALL GAME!

I am ab-so-looot-leee fuming!

Life sucks. Maybe I just won't go to work.


So there!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Does the Snoopy dance!


*dies of glee*


*throws confetti and other large objects*

Oh, and Happy Columbus Day!


"You know, I don't care HOW many papers we have due... We are going to see these guys!"

-Matt, in response to watching the video tape of the Flying Karamazov Brothers

Wow, it's nice to be back!

...And it's really sad to thinking of going to bed at 2 am as "early"...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Home once more...

First of all, HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY STEPHEN! YAY! *hugs*

Okay, so I'm home for the weekend, and it's a little weird, but it's nice to be here for a while. Waiting for Outfly at Wartburg has induced some cabin fever-like symptoms, so a change of scene is nice.

So I'm setting here at the dinning room table, eating popcorn, drinking grape kool-ade and listening to The Scarlet Pimpernell soundtrack. I edited some of my english paper and watched the TV show Numb3rs, and now I'm ready to go to bed. Oh, and I took a shower, but that's boring.

My goodness it's cold... Yay for cold! Cold means blankets! Hooray! :-)

Although I'm home, I miss Rachel, Matt, Julia, and Jill... My goodness, talk about a "transfer of affection." They have become a different branch of my family, and it weird knowing that I'm here and they're not... Does that make sense? I don't know...

I seriously almost hit a deer driving Mary and Matthew home from the homecoming game... The stupid thing was just standing in the middle of the road... Grrrrr... Luckily I saw it in time, and hit the brakes. It ran into the ditch.... I don't like deer....

Well, I know it's early compared to other nights, but I'm going to bed. Night all!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

*happy sigh*

It's the little things that happen when Matt, Rachel and I are together that make me all happy inside, in a warm, fuzzy sort of way! :-)

*is a dork*

Wednesday, October 05, 2005



And it is annoying...


Not having A/C stinks... Really truely!

Ug. It's hot. It's sticky. And our dorm is a like a steambath, minus the steam. :-P

Tomorrow night is dollar movie night at the Palace! :-D I think Matt, Rachel and I are going to go. Probably to "Just Like Heaven." Matt seems like the kinda guy who could go to a chick flick. Unfortunately, tomorrow is also my mallet methods class... Four mallets suck. It's hard. BUT another good aspect about tomorrow is the candlelight dinner. It's something the college puts on, to provide an "alternate dining experience." We're excited, (well, at least Matt and I are) because we want an excuse to dress up.

If Outfly was tomorrow, it would rock my swashbuckling socks... Everyone kinda has cabin fever, and a random day off of classes would be nice!

Ummmm... I got four hours of sleep last night... Not fun. But I took a nap, so it was a little better.

Matt and I walked to Movies America and rented 2 movies to watch, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and From Hell. (Which is about Jack the Ripper.. Matt wanted it, but we haven't gotten halfway yet...) It was a nice walk, and we had fun talking and joking, and singing... Random fun! :-) We also stopped at Fareway where I discovered pizza rolls on sale for .99 YAY! I bought the 2 boxes of sausage, and a box of granola bars.

Grrr... And stupid people are shouting "Outfly" everywhere. Go to bed!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

4 things about me...

1) Tell us something about yourself, something small and odd and uniquely you.
I have a genetic eye mutation--my eyes have less pigment in my iris then most people

2) Tell us a lie about yourself that's also small and odd and uniquely you.
I can yodel and drink a glass of water at the same time

3) Tell us something you've never done but that you'd like to do.
Lash together a raft, and paddle to New Zealand

4) Now the same again, only this time make something utterly, flamboyantly impossible.
Perform with Riverdance on Broadway

Monday, October 03, 2005

Happiness is:

A roll of quarters for laundry...

Friends who compliment you on your memory of their friends "back home"...

Nice english professors...

Friends who explain obvious movie plots that you missed...


Happiness is NOT college papers...

Nor is it drunk people who run outside your window and shout: "OUUUUT FLLLLYYYYY" at 3 am...