Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Not having A/C stinks... Really truely!

Ug. It's hot. It's sticky. And our dorm is a like a steambath, minus the steam. :-P

Tomorrow night is dollar movie night at the Palace! :-D I think Matt, Rachel and I are going to go. Probably to "Just Like Heaven." Matt seems like the kinda guy who could go to a chick flick. Unfortunately, tomorrow is also my mallet methods class... Four mallets suck. It's hard. BUT another good aspect about tomorrow is the candlelight dinner. It's something the college puts on, to provide an "alternate dining experience." We're excited, (well, at least Matt and I are) because we want an excuse to dress up.

If Outfly was tomorrow, it would rock my swashbuckling socks... Everyone kinda has cabin fever, and a random day off of classes would be nice!

Ummmm... I got four hours of sleep last night... Not fun. But I took a nap, so it was a little better.

Matt and I walked to Movies America and rented 2 movies to watch, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and From Hell. (Which is about Jack the Ripper.. Matt wanted it, but we haven't gotten halfway yet...) It was a nice walk, and we had fun talking and joking, and singing... Random fun! :-) We also stopped at Fareway where I discovered pizza rolls on sale for .99 YAY! I bought the 2 boxes of sausage, and a box of granola bars.

Grrr... And stupid people are shouting "Outfly" everywhere. Go to bed!

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