Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday is done. Check.

Well. Today's inservice was like a mini Band Banquet if you know what I mean. Blech.

In other news, I won $100 from Wal-Mart to spend on things for my music classroom! That actually *IS* exciting!

Also, it amuses me that since two of my friends from New Zealand have wished me Happy Birthday (think 17 hours ahead) on Facebook, which has prompted two other friends (who live in Iowa) wish me Happy Birthday too. LOL! A little early folks. Not til tomorrow.

Also, if you read this and live in Linn County, Iowa, VOTE! (In November.) Don't let Iowa go the way of Wisconsin. I really like having collective bargaining rights for my teaching contract. Among other things.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Soylent Green is People...

(Dan and I are discussing the recent and upcoming changes happening on Facebook. This is sort of the "abridged" version. Dan deleted his account yesterday. I am in the process of doing so - I'm working on transferring my photos.)

Me: It's hard convincing people that the world is not going to end if you don't have Facebook.
Dan: I know.
Me: It's the random-interval reward system that makes it so powerful. It's an endorphin release! People think the world revolves around them and will check the site to gossip, spy and engage in other attention-seeking behaviors. The world survived before Facebook. It's really just a World-Wide Backyard Fence, and people love to gossip. Mark Zuckerberg and his cronies don't really care about the people who use the site.
Dan: No, they don't. I believe you're right.
Me: Zuckerberg knows that people are addicted to Facebook and may gripe about the new changes, but will ultimately accept and put up with whatever changes he decides to implement. He could do anything.
Dan: What creeps me out is that Facebook is still privately traded. It's not a public company. They are able to do all these things that would not be accepted if they allowed the public to invest in their "company."
Me: It's true. Zuckerberg is counting on people thinking that the internet revolves around them. By subtly requiring people to share more and more personal information as time goes on, what's to stop Facebook from requiring a credit card number to "verify your account" 5 years down the road? Remember when they used to have that "security screen" that "required" you to put in your cellphone number for "security reasons?"
Dan: Oh, absolutely! I never put in my number, I always got out of it by clicking to another menu.
Me: Me too.
Dan: This is a really good explanation of what Facebook is: Think of Facebook like a store. YOU are actually not the "client." You are Facebook's inventory and the actual clients are the advertisers that you throughout the site. Facebook wants you to share as much as you possibly can because that inventory will interest more advertising clients and make them more money.
Me: You know, you could write a really creepy dystopian sci-fi novel about a future where people are addicted to social media, which is really being monitored by the government and the people who are not participating in the social media are shunned and ostracized.
Dan: They already have. It's called Nineteen Eighty-four.
Me: .............. Oh my gosh...
Dan: So yeah. Your idea is so good, that it's already been done, over 50 years ago.
Me: ... You're right. George Orwell predicted Facebook...
Dan: Yep. Facebook is Ingsoc, monitoring you through the telescreen of what you post online and share, whether you know what you're sharing or not.
Me: ................ Oh my gosh............. OH MY GOSH! FACEBOOK IS BIG BROTHER!
Dan: Yep.
Dan: I was too! That's why I deleted my account for a second time. The only reason I was holding on was because I liked seeing that I was in a relationship with you!
Me: Well, *I* still know I am dating you. And that's all that really matters... The idea of "Facebook Official" doesn't have the same weight as it did 6 years ago.
Dan: No, it really doesn't.
Me: And you know, if people want to know about my life, they can read my blog, or follow me Twitter or email me, or call. Facebook has lost my business.
Dan: Mine too.
Me: ..... I am still really creeped out........ Oh. My. Gosh....
Dan: I know. I know.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

... Fo shizzle???

Student: Ms. S you should get a record that you don't like and be a DJ when we play freeze dance. *makes the scratching record "wahp-wahp" sound*
Me: I dunno. I don't know how to DJ. I'm not sure if I'm cool enough.
Student: Well, you're cool enough to be our music teacher! I think you would be a good DJ.
Me: *laughs* Okay, well, we'll have to see, but if you think so, then maybe.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

While stargazing...

This past weekend Dan and I went to Galena, Il and had the opportunity to stargaze. Our B&B supplied each room with 1050 binoculars to look at the stars and had a really nice telescope which we used to view the moon and Jupiter.

Dan downloaded an app on his iPhone that was a dynamic star chart. You held it up to the sky and it showed you want stars, planets and constellations you were viewing.

Dan: Sarah, do you have the binoculars?
Me: Yeah, I'm looking for Pluto.
Dan: I told you before: Pluto is a ba-jillion million miles away! YOU CAN'T SEE IT WITH BINOCULARS!
Dan: *laughs* No, I'M not, BUT PHYSICS IS!
Me: *laughs* That's going on my blog.