Wednesday, November 30, 2005



I'm sorry, I had to throw out your awesome pumpkin... It suddenly exploded into mold... It looked kind of like sour cream...

Yeah, it was gross...

But, it was cool while it lasted. Thank-you!


Brief blog

Ok, more John Williams is coming, I promise, but I have to get to bed, but I want to briefly blog...

Tonight for Christmas Carol, they were setting up lights and stuff. I really didn't want to go... However, the e-mail I recieved made it seem slightly mandatory... I have a million OTHER things that I have to do... But I was thinking... You know, what a good way to help out with the show? Here's a chance to learn and be involved in other aspects of the theatre... Everyone else also has lots of things to do, so my excuse really doesn't hold a candle comparing it to other people, so why not go for a while...

So I went... I was one of five people who showed up... Marshall, Matt, Mattie, Sarah, and Me.... How weird is that???? lol... It ended up being an absolute blast! I'm really glad I went! I got to learn how to set up lights, and I hung out on the catwalk in the Lyceum and had tons of fun! It was good company all around... On the catwalk at least. :-)

Afterwards, Marshall bought us ice cream from the Den, to express his gratitude. I had a mint chocolate-chip ice cream cookie. It was yummy! :-)

Oh, I have failed to mention, we have snow!!! :-D It's awesome! I love it! Yay!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

When math is fun...

If x = y, and y = mx + b then:

x = Vomit

y = Gross

m = Drinking

Which results in: Gross = Drinking(Vomit) + b

b = Bad


Gross = Drinking(Vomit) + Bad

This is what we established in my Intermediate Composition class today when we debated on whether or not the drinking age should be lowered from 21 to 18.

Monday, November 28, 2005

An Experience of a Lifetime!

Wow... The concert was amazing... That's all I can think to describe it... AMAZING! It was such an experience to be there, to see John Williams live, and actually feel the music, and watch him conduct... To sit in Symphony Hall in Chicago, amid young and old, seeing the lights, listening to a professional orchestra... Just recalling the memory sends shivers up my spine... *happy sigh* I went with Melanie, Megan, Scott, Mihori, Chelsea, and Melanie's friend Trina.


Here is a low down on the concert, with a link to a midi recording of each piece, so maybe you can get some idea of the music... I regret that a midi recording is all I have to offer... >:-( It does the music of John Williams a very great injustice...

Chicago Symphony Orchestra John Williams, conductor


The Cowboys Overture
This piece just blew me away... The Wartburg Wind Ensemble played it last year, so I had heard a small part of it when I had sat in on rehearsal... I love how his music can convey such a strong feeling of power. When it started, it brought tears to my eyes and I could not stop grinning! The trombones and upper voices were the big feature in this piece, and the syncopation was catchy! :-) It sounds dorky, (and it is) but while listening to this piece, my mind, on total over-excited mode was like: "Wow!!! COWBOYS ARE COOL! I want to be a cowboy!!! Then I could ride around on a horse all day, listening to cool music like this!!!! Where's my sunset?! Yee-haw!!!"

Excerpts from Close Encounters of the Third Kind
I haven't seen this movie, but the music was creepy! John Williams gave the downbeat, and for about 5 seconds, there was no sound... Then you felt it... Then, if you listened REALLY hard, you could begin to hear the faint sound of the strings... And it built and built and BUILT until BOOM! The string basses, and low brass completed the crescendo. It was a more abstract piece, but still absolutely brilliant. :-D

Two pieces from War of the Worlds
-Escape from the City
(I couldn't find midi music to the pieces performed...) John Williams told the audience that while Close Encounters of a Third Kind depicts the arrival of friendly aliens, War of the Worlds, based on H. G. Wells 'science-fiction story, is about the arrival of unfriendly aliens. This music was loud and ominous right from the start. I had seen this movie over the summer with Jessica; however, I am not as familiar with this score... The music still creeped me out, though! I'm not a fan of 'medical' type gore, and there was lots of that in this movie. It featured a lot of low-voiced instruments. It was one of those pieces that you listen to and think: "Wow.... POWER!!!"

A Tribute to Three Legendary Composers:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
I've never been a big fan of the Star Trek series. It just didn't appeal to me... I like the impossibility of STAR WARS as opposed to "what might happen". However, the music was adventurous sounding... Like: "Here we go! We are plowing through the endless voids of space, boldly going where no man has gone before! Go Enterprise!" It's a good high brass, upper strings piece.

Raksin, arr. Morley
This is supposedly one of the most beautiful love songs ever written, and I agree... It was a smooth, touching piece... It makes you think of candlelight dinners and chocolate... Mmmm... :-) Watching John Williams conduct this was also touching. Seeing the gestures and facial expressions he used to convey how he wanted the orchestra to sound was really great... Wow.... *sigh*

Theme from The Magnificent Seven
ANOTHER COWBOY SONG!!! YEE-HAW!!!! :-D I loved it!!!! I remember watching bits and pieces of this movie with my brother Matthew, and asking him a million times what was happening and who was who, and doing what.... (I just asked Rachel if Charleton Heston or Cary Grant was in this movie... The answer is no... That was Big Country... It's Yul Brenner who is in this one...) I love listening to the syncopation! It implies stagecoaches, dust, gold mining, cattle rustlin', and cactus... This is another piece during which I could not stop smiling... HOWEVER! I'm still waiting for my horse and sunset.... lol....

Conquest from Captain from Castile
arr. Williams
It was really neat! It was a Spanish-themed, so it was VERY heavy on high brass, and high strings. Amazing snare drum part... Go percussion! It's very articulate, with such a great style... Plus it's a march, so it had a steady beat, and a good drive. It was almost a Spanish cowboy piece... :-)


-Okay, so it's actually 12:20 am and I'm really tired... I'll have to finish later... *sigh*

Friday, November 25, 2005




Date and Time

Saturday, November 26, 2005
Event, 8:00 pm


Chicago Symphony Orchestra
John Williams, conductor


The Cowboys Overture

Excerpts from Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Two pieces from War of the Worlds

A Tribute to Three Legendary Composers:

Star Trek The Motion Picture

Raksin, arr. Morley

Theme from The Magnificent Seven

Conquest from Captain from Castile

arr. Williams
Tribute to the Film Composer

The Sea Hawk

Out to Sea and Shark Cage Fugue from Jaws

Three Pieces from Harry Potter

Three Pieces from Star Wars

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Addicitve Silly Fun...

I haven't done these for a really long time!

You Are The Stuffing

You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together.
People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why.

You Are Cream Pie

You're the perfect combo of simplicity and divinity
Those who like you life for understated pleasures

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to: Jessica, Julia, Jill, Kristen, Rachel, Nicole, Becky, Mom, Dad, Mary, Matthew S., Daniel, Philomena, Stephen, all my aunts and uncles, their families, both sets of grandparents, and everyone else!

Happy Holidays! You guys rock, and make me smile! :-)

Now I just have to get through finals...

ANYWAY, we have a slight probelem.... Our oven is broken! A neighbor has graciously allowed us the use of theirs, so we are now running back and forth across the street as my mom bakes and cooks for the big meal of the day... How crazy is that?

My siblings are watching the Macy's Parade... Evidentially, Mr. Potatoehead just went by.

Oh! And there is still snow here! LOL... It's mostly in the ditches, but it's there!

It's sunny! I'm glad, as poor Charlie the English Ivy Plant is starting to waste away back in the dorm... The sun will do him good.

I'm hungry! I can't wait for the turkey and gravy! YUM! :-D

Harry Potter number 3!

Hey!!! I went and saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire again! For the THIRD time! :-D WOOHOO!

I went with my sis: Mary, and my friends Jessica, and Kristen, and Kristen's boyfriend came too. It was absolutely lots of fun seeing it again, but for some reason the surround sound wasn't working at the Lake Theatre, so it was only coming from the front... I went back and told them... but I guess they couldn't fix it... so that kind of stunk...

Then Jess came back here and we chilled on the compy for a while... Watching silly flash cartoons... (BANANA PHONE!) Talking with some friends on AOL, and eating popcorn.

Geez, it's still windy... brrrrr....

It's late, so I'm gonna toddle off to bed.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Home at last!

1. Run (i.e. walk) to the bank, and cash my paycheck check!
2. Clean the room (vacuum, sweep etc.) sweep-check, vacuum-not yet
3. Wash the dishes ... um, nope...
4. Pack for home/Pack for the John Williams concert check!
5. Take out trash check!
6. Throw out that stupid pumpkin regrettably check...
7. Find the Christmas lights, to get ready to put up, when I return from break not yet...
8. Make my bed... If I feel like it... Wow... THAT was wishful thinking!
9. Nap maybe? um, maybe not...

I also turned the heat as low as it could go, and closed the vent, watered Charlie the English Ivy Plant, turned off my printer, turned off Rachel's computer and printer, turned off the fans, and threw out the pizza box.

I rode home with Julia and Jill! It was so much fun! It was really windy... Wow... really windy! I hope everyone else made it home okay. Hopefully I'll hear from them sometime over break.. Jill, Julia and I all sang along to the radio! Kind of badly but we didn't care... Julia danced with a peanutbutter sandwich on her head, which sounds really odd... But very funny! And we invented some new dance moves.... Admittedly, we were getting some strange looks from people who were driving past... hahaha!

Got home.. Discovered Mom made my favorite veggie dip! I have now finished almost the entire bowl, PLUS lots of broccoli... My digestive tract is gonna be so clean! lol...

Jess is coming over!!! YAY!


My last class is over! I am officially on Thanksgiving break!

I need to:

1. Run (i.e. walk) to the bank, and cash my paycheck
2. Clean the room (vacuum, sweep etc.)
3. Wash the dishes
4. Pack for home/Pack for the John Williams concert
5. Take out trash
6. Throw out that stupid pumpkin
7. Find the Christmas lights, to get ready to put up, when I return from break
8. Make my bed... If I feel like it...
9. Nap maybe?

TV watching and joyous dancing to music is also in order!

I am excited to go home to visit! :-D

Monday, November 21, 2005


Scrooge:[shouting] And therefore! I am going to put a raisin your salary!

Rest of cast: Raisin? HAAAAAA!

Me: It's like trail mix!

It's supposed to be: And Therefore! I am going to put a raise in your salary!

Bob C.:[improvising excuses for being late, after Scrooge's reform] I... Some boys... A-attacked m-me... with sn-snow... MY SHOES WERE ON FIRE! ...I'm sorry... I-it won't happen again...

Dr. Earl: I liked the first part... However, scratch the shoes bit...

Ooooh, fun times fun times!

I love my parents! They rock!

Catch me...

Friday, October 21, 2005

"... Sarah, I need a girl like to you fall for me..."

-What makes you think I haven't already?

I seem to fall too quick and too fast...

Now I'm falling and there's no one to catch me as I reach the bottom...

I may shatter into a million pieces...

It makes me sad, jealous, and lonely seeing the mannerisms I enjoy, directed at other people and not me...

Rerverting to the pining I experienced this summer seems like a nice option.... At least that wit didn't sting... I never fell asleep with tears in my eyes as a result of those feelings.

"He laughs at my dreams, but I dream about his laughter..."

I know I am loved... But there are times it's not enough... It hurts to be specific

I'm wishing...

I miss the way it was...

Studied today... kind of a lot...

Went to handbell concert.... rocked...

Worked today... way too much...

Now I'm sleepy...

To do list:

Go out of my way to show people how much they mean to me...
Learn Christmas Carol lines
Study for my religion exam
Try to ace my piano seminar
Work on my Foundations of American Ed presentation

So many warm memories.... Why do I feel so meloncholy?

The people who I want to need me, don't seem to....

Jess, I wish you were here... I need a shoulder to cry on....

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Harry Potter take 2

I saw HARRY POTTER again, for the second time! It was grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! ALthough, I think there is some voice-overs going on.... Hmmm... future viewing will have to determine this....

Oh! And I would so TOTALLY date Neville! Awwwww!!!! This movie just absolutely endeared my heart to him.... Ooooooh! :-D

Friday, November 18, 2005










:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

I CAN'T WAIT TO GO SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



My socks match today.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Overwhelmed, and in need of some cheer...

"What I'd give to return
To the life that I knew lately
But I know now I can't
All my problems going by..."

I need to work on my jelousy... I thought I had gotten it under control...

Gah... I have a lot of stuff to do... :-P

And today, at 2 pm, I discovered that my socks don't match.

But if I can get through tomorrow, maybe things will look better... At least I have Harry Potter to look forward to....

You definately don't get enough hugs at college....


Wow... It's really drafty at my desk beside the window.... And it's really hard to type with gloves on... LOL!

Random: The oboe part in the song "If I Can't Love Her" from the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast is absolutely beautiful! :-D

The snow is really pretty, but for some reason the shock of the cold feels out of place... Am I the only one who thinks that time is flying by? It really seems like it was just yesterday that they had the slip 'n' slide out in the complex. Wow.

Mmmm... You know what would be really good right now? Chocolate croissants... um... Pain au chocolate, I think they're called? With the French accent ticks.... um... yeah...

WOOHOO! Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens on Friday! I can't wait!

AND THEN YOU KNOW WHAT!? THE WEEK AFTER THIS IS JOHN WILLIAMS!!!!! What an experience that will be! :-D AND I get to go to Chicago... Hopefully I won't be sick this time... LOL!

Today, in drum class I learned how to play a swing beat and a rock beat on the drum set. It's was pretty cool! However, it takes a lot of coordination... A lot of which I don't have... Hahaha!

I am excited to go home briefly for Thanksgiving. I miss my family! Quizzing Stephen about Thomas the Tank Engine, (I swear that kid knows EVERYTHING about Sneaking up behind Matthew and giving him hugs... Singing Phantom of the Opera (very badly, I might add) with Mary while doing the dishes... Having tickle fights and wrestling with Daniel... And just the overall sweetness from my littlest sister Philomena. *warm fuzzies*

And of course I miss Mom and Dad too! I miss Mom's cooking (but not the meatloaf...) and her hugs... You don't get a lot of hugs at college I noticed... And I miss watching CSI with Dad and hearing him whistle and sing all over the house... lol! You can always tell where he is... :-)

Heck, I miss my dog too! Even though she smells and is in dire need of a

Even though I miss home, I absolutely love it here at Wartburg. I really think I made the right choice... :-) It feels like home here too... :-) I'll miss it a lot over Christmas break...

However, I will not miss the stupidly slow internet connection... :-P

I'm hungry... and sleepy... Maybe I should go to bed now...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Why do I procrastinate so???

The question now is: do I sleep for 2 hours then go to class, or just stay up???

I hate papers... I hate the fact that I put it off so much...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Yay! As I type it is snowing like a really snowy place... um... yeah... YAY FOR SNOW! :-D It's also really windy... BOO TO WIND! I duct taped one of our windows in our dorm to help stop the draft.

And I broke a door in the FAC... Ooops... lol...

Play practice tonight was fun! Except that my scene has lots of heavy props... Thank-you wonderful narrators who set up the Cratchit house! :-D You rock!

So, Rachel and I haven't really talked to Matt since Saturday afternoon, and Matt really hasn't talked to us... I truely think this whole thing is just getting silly... I can't speak for Rachel, but I miss him! Walking to the FAC by myself to get Rachel for dinner is so not fun... I don't think I've been taking him for granted but holy smokes, I notice when he's gone! Boston Legal just isn't the same without his his wit and humor. Even the popcorn didn't taste as good because he wasn't here to share it.

I see all these funny things, and aquire all these silly stories... It sucks that he's not here to share them with Rachel and I... *is put out*

Why can't we three all just apologize in one big group and be a trio again?????

Humility... IT'S A VITURE! Let's be Christians and practice it... Please?


Monday, November 14, 2005

"Alone in the Universe"

I'm not good at relaying messages... It's hard when you have two people talking at once... What did I do? How can I fix it?

"How long must this go on?
This cruel trick of fate
I simply made one careless, wrong descision


Is there no one?
Who can show me
How to win the world's forgiveness?"

I miss his company... I've learned to treasure any friendship, and his means the world to me...


Saturday, November 12, 2005

"Swish-swish, click-click, swish-swish-swish..."

*sits on edge of seat* Do you want to know the coolest thing???? About the Artist series they have coming next year??????

Oh. My. Gosh.



*faints and dies*

I CANNOT BELIEVE MY LUCK!!!!! They will be doing the show: "The Complete Works of God, Abridged" and not "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abrigded" but THAT IS OKAY!!!! *screams* I can't wait!!! :-D I am in shock!!!! According to "Uncle" Hans, (very awesome guy, who works in the theatre department) they will be coming September 26th 2006!!!! WOHOO!!!! :-D

ANNNNND! "Uncle" Hans will be starting a group to learn stage combat! How cool is that???? I'm gonna join, I think it would be awesome fun! He found two cheap practice foils in the theatre clostet and gave Matt and Rachel a hour lesson... I am very very jelous... But they did look cool! So we'll see how that unfolds... :-)

Is this not the coolest college ever???!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Play's the thing...

For the record of those who would understand, the following post does not pertain to the times I was in Missoula Children's Theatre.

So play practice was interesting...

I don't know what to think... I feel so self conscious... It's not that I'm excluded from the troupe, or anything... I actually feel very accepted... I don't know.... I guess it's just a new thing for me to go to play rehersal and actually have friends there... People who will talk and joke with me... specifically talking to *me*... I don't have to dig some form of conversation out of people, like highschool.

I must admit, it's really really nice!

Compared to the total unfunness that was my highschool play exerpience, being in the Christmas Carol is akin to the sun bursting out of the clouds and this voice, Monty Python-esque, shouting from the heavens, saying: "SARAH! LOOK! THEATRE CAN BE FUN!!!!"

It's weird!

And this brings it back to the awkward, self consciousness... *People I know, and are friends with, are watching me* So as I'm trying to say my lines I'm thinking: "Am I doing this right? Is this okay...? I bet some of the cast is watching me...*gulp*" and then I stumble accross some lines and move upstage instead of down etc. And then I blush and laugh and... Does this constitute as stage fright? It could be a form, I guess... But I've never had this problem before.

And the fact that there are some nice looking guys in the cast doesn't help either.

LOL... I'm asking myself: "Am I good enough for this?" and I think I am... I just need to learn my lines and commit to my character...

It is only my 3rd rehearsal after all...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


The cool thing I discovered today about playing the snare drum... Or at least PRACTICING the snare drum is that once you learn the sticking pattern you can practice with your eyes closed and doze as your hands go on auto-pilot.

Now I realize that this may not be the most effective way of learning this instrument. But. Yeah. My eyes were having trouble staying open!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Just something quick...

So lately I've been having bouts of verbal dyslexia... And I want to blog about them before I forget them... Because they're funny!

Last Sunday, Rachel, Matt and I were watching "Most Haunted Live!" and I ment to say "ominous" but for somereason it came out "omnibus"... HAHA!

1: Menacing; threatening: ominous black clouds; ominous rumblings of discontent.
2: Of or being an omen, especially an evil one.

1: A long motor vehicle for passengers; a bus.
2: A printed anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjects.

Um, yeah... Big difference... :-)

And then the other day my Aunt sent me some Toblerone chocolate. (Which I absolutely LOVE!!!) However I called it, "Toh-ber-lone" instead of "Toh-bler-rone". Matt and Rachel looked at me very confused like... And yeah... LOL!

Finally, today at lunch, we were talking about ice cream, and one of the girls at the table (her name escapes me at the moment) mentioned that the "scoop yourself" ice cream was the "pink, vanilla, and brown kind" and I was like: "What? Napoleon?" and Jill and Matt, (who were also at the table) look at me... and I repeat it: "Napoleon! You know! The 'pink, vanilla and brown' kind!" then Jill looks at me some more and replies: "You mean Neopolitan?"

1: French general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821)
2: a rectangular piece of pastry with thin flaky layers and filled with custard cream.
3: a card game similar to whist; usually played for stakes.

1: a resident of Naples.

1: Ice cream in brick form, with layers of different colors and flavors.

Yes. That one.

In other news, the band concert tonight was amazing! I can't wait for my mom and siblings to come hear it. It's too bad that my dad can't come... :'( I miss everyone a lot...

I can touch my toe... It feels weird.

I just got done watching Disney's "Hercules" with Matt. It was great fun! :-) Matt rocks my swashbuckling socks!

Okay, I'm going to bed.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Bonfire Night

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot,
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
'Twas his intent
To blow up the King and the Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below,
Poor old England to overthrow:
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
Hip hip hoorah!

Okay, so I know Guy Fawkes was a Catholic, and mad that England broke off from the church, but that doesn't make it right to try to blow up people.... But anyway, it's an interesting holiday.

Yay for history!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Hey! Today I'm wearing the stripey black and green socks with the skull and crossbones on them today! Yay for birthday presents from Mary!

The Wartburg internet is really slow... How frustrating...

Tonight I'm gonna go to the candlelight dinner with Matt, and eat fast and then go to percussion class... hmmm... it should be interesting... I suck at rolls, and sticking still feels weird... so who knows how it's gonna go? :-P

Tonight is the $1 movie night at the Palace! YAY! I want to go see The Corpes Bride... I hope I can get someone to go with me... The movies start at 11:30, but I don't have class until 1pm on Thursday, so it's all good.

I was just thinking that I should go buy some milk sometime so I can start drinking the chi tea I got for my birthday, and eat some of the Kix I

You know, the candy Smarties are really good....

The papers are coming! The papers are coming! I have a mandatory re-write for the paper in english that I just turned in, due Tuesday, and a paper due in religion NEXT Friday... So I will be working on those this week... :-P

OH! Last night Matt, Rachel and I watched Boston Legal. It was cool! ANNNND, Rachel and I had a tickle fight again... lol... Matt joined in briefly, and got me when my back was turned.... Or at least when I didn't expect it... lol!

Well... That's about it... For now at least... I just felt like posting some random stuff that I was thinking... I'm off to practice for my flute lesson.