Thursday, November 17, 2005


Wow... It's really drafty at my desk beside the window.... And it's really hard to type with gloves on... LOL!

Random: The oboe part in the song "If I Can't Love Her" from the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast is absolutely beautiful! :-D

The snow is really pretty, but for some reason the shock of the cold feels out of place... Am I the only one who thinks that time is flying by? It really seems like it was just yesterday that they had the slip 'n' slide out in the complex. Wow.

Mmmm... You know what would be really good right now? Chocolate croissants... um... Pain au chocolate, I think they're called? With the French accent ticks.... um... yeah...

WOOHOO! Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens on Friday! I can't wait!

AND THEN YOU KNOW WHAT!? THE WEEK AFTER THIS IS JOHN WILLIAMS!!!!! What an experience that will be! :-D AND I get to go to Chicago... Hopefully I won't be sick this time... LOL!

Today, in drum class I learned how to play a swing beat and a rock beat on the drum set. It's was pretty cool! However, it takes a lot of coordination... A lot of which I don't have... Hahaha!

I am excited to go home briefly for Thanksgiving. I miss my family! Quizzing Stephen about Thomas the Tank Engine, (I swear that kid knows EVERYTHING about Sneaking up behind Matthew and giving him hugs... Singing Phantom of the Opera (very badly, I might add) with Mary while doing the dishes... Having tickle fights and wrestling with Daniel... And just the overall sweetness from my littlest sister Philomena. *warm fuzzies*

And of course I miss Mom and Dad too! I miss Mom's cooking (but not the meatloaf...) and her hugs... You don't get a lot of hugs at college I noticed... And I miss watching CSI with Dad and hearing him whistle and sing all over the house... lol! You can always tell where he is... :-)

Heck, I miss my dog too! Even though she smells and is in dire need of a

Even though I miss home, I absolutely love it here at Wartburg. I really think I made the right choice... :-) It feels like home here too... :-) I'll miss it a lot over Christmas break...

However, I will not miss the stupidly slow internet connection... :-P

I'm hungry... and sleepy... Maybe I should go to bed now...


Kay Richardson said...

Go to bed. Have something to eat. Really.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to correct you on this one Sarah...I do believe it is "pain" instead of "pan"...but definetely pronounced "pan"...or at least something like it! Happy Thanksgiving (soon!)