Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Yay! As I type it is snowing like a really snowy place... um... yeah... YAY FOR SNOW! :-D It's also really windy... BOO TO WIND! I duct taped one of our windows in our dorm to help stop the draft.

And I broke a door in the FAC... Ooops... lol...

Play practice tonight was fun! Except that my scene has lots of heavy props... Thank-you wonderful narrators who set up the Cratchit house! :-D You rock!

So, Rachel and I haven't really talked to Matt since Saturday afternoon, and Matt really hasn't talked to us... I truely think this whole thing is just getting silly... I can't speak for Rachel, but I miss him! Walking to the FAC by myself to get Rachel for dinner is so not fun... I don't think I've been taking him for granted but holy smokes, I notice when he's gone! Boston Legal just isn't the same without his his wit and humor. Even the popcorn didn't taste as good because he wasn't here to share it.

I see all these funny things, and aquire all these silly stories... It sucks that he's not here to share them with Rachel and I... *is put out*

Why can't we three all just apologize in one big group and be a trio again?????

Humility... IT'S A VITURE! Let's be Christians and practice it... Please?


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