Thursday, November 24, 2005

Harry Potter number 3!

Hey!!! I went and saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire again! For the THIRD time! :-D WOOHOO!

I went with my sis: Mary, and my friends Jessica, and Kristen, and Kristen's boyfriend came too. It was absolutely lots of fun seeing it again, but for some reason the surround sound wasn't working at the Lake Theatre, so it was only coming from the front... I went back and told them... but I guess they couldn't fix it... so that kind of stunk...

Then Jess came back here and we chilled on the compy for a while... Watching silly flash cartoons... (BANANA PHONE!) Talking with some friends on AOL, and eating popcorn.

Geez, it's still windy... brrrrr....

It's late, so I'm gonna toddle off to bed.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

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