Friday, April 25, 2008

Counting down the days...

If anyone who I know, who reads this, would like the possibility of getting a postcard from me while I'm in England (I can't promise anything) email your name and street address to me at

In other news... OMG! DOCTOR WHO WAS BRILLIANT!!! AHHH!!!! :-D

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Stupid Henry Ford...

I hate gas prices! How is the average middle-class American family supposed to function when gas prices are so high?! Are we just supposed to not eat or send kids to college? Like, ever? At all? And what about being able to actually afford gas so a person can get TO their job?

You can't walk or bike everywhere... You just can't. Not in Iowa at least. And bigger towns have public transportation which helps them a lot. So many people are saying "buy hybrids, buy hybrids" but THOSE are super expensive too!

And every time I see a Hummer I want to run them off the road and then ask the driver WHAT exactly they think they are doing... Driving a vehicle that gets about 7 miles a gallon! They're NOT HELPING.

Curse you Henry Ford for your decision to go with a gasoline powered engine! And curse who ever is responsible for not allowing oil drilling in Alaska. And curse who ever else is responsible for these ridiculously high gas prices!

I hope corn crops are good this year, so Ethanol can maybe help out a little...

Absolutely ridiculous.

Monday, April 21, 2008

"...And at the end of act 5 they both kick-the-bucket..."

I love The Reduced Shakespeare Company. Like... You have no idea...

Romeo and Juliet Part 1:

Romeo and Juliet Part 2

I have the entire DVD of their original Reduction of Shakespeare's Play if anyone wants to watch it with me sometime.... :-)

It pains me to no end that I will be leaving London on May 21st when the Reduced Shakespeare Company will be opening The Complete Works of Charles Dickens (Abridged) on May 23rd. Curses!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hello! I'm still here!

First of all....

I have blue hair! Sadly that is the best picture of my colored hair... And it's already started to really wash out. (Now my hair looks more teal than blue...) But it's super fun! Leah dyed the bottom half of her hair purple and Rachel D. did the tips blue and purple. I'll post the link to the photo album once I get that set up.

In other news:

1. Monteverdi the Goldfish was dead by the time I woke up at 9, on Wednesday... :-(

2. I am home for tour week and need to start preparations for my trip to England. No, I do not know what my grades are for the semester, so stop asking.

3. I never though I would make it until the end of finals/end of winter semester... Holy cow! I'm alive!

4. I have been selected to be a "Wartburg Blogger" and I now have a blog, linked on the Wartburg Study Abroad Website for people to read and follow my trip. I spent forever editing the stupid format... Here's a direct link to the blog, and I've put it in the sidebar on the right. ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

5. I am trying to figure out my options for going to see Romeo and Juliet up at Bethel... Because I really want to see it!

6. Girl Scout Thin Mints are love.

7. I'm really sleepy. So I'm going to go to bed.

PS. Doctor Who premieres in America tomorrow and I am super excited! :-D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The goldfish, Monteverdi, that Leah and I got last year, on March 15, 2007 is slowly dieing.... :-( It's really sad... He's still breathing, but he's floating at the top of the bowl all funny and weird... I don't want him to die! He's survived so much! (Even getting knocked over and spilled in a moving car!) I like coming to the dorm and watching him swim around asking for food!

Bleh...... What a way to end the semester...... Our bathroom is now like the terminal ward for fish... There's even flowers in there! (From a couple recitals.) Rachel V.'s Beta, Spartacus, is in there too. Spartacus is sick or something and is defenately being weird, and Monteverdi... well yeah.... :-( :-( :-(

I don't want Monteverdi to die!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Define: Play for Someone You Love

Sunday night at Band Banquet, the final get together for both bands, the director of the Wartburg College Concert Bands gave a lecture that changed the entire band program. This lecture occurred right after the slide show, as everyone was reminiscing about the silly times that had happened throughout this school year.

The lecture began in a manner that reminded the upperclassmen that there was yet an award to be given. The "Spirit of the WCCB" award for selfless dedication to the WCCB. It's awarded to a senior each year for exemplary service to the bands. It's a great honor in the band program here at Wartburg.

As the speech progressed, we began to pick up on some phrases and tones of voice that shouldn't have belonged in a speech that we thought was leading into the praise of the senior who was about to get an award. The director talked about the need for improvement. How times have changed since 1995 when he became the director of bands at Wartburg College. How people have changed.

Halfway through the speech, which ended up being about a half hour long, the director announced that he was not awarding the Spirit of the WCCB award. He stated his reason for this decision was that no one deserved it. He went on to say that HE failed the band because HE failed to set the example, and since HE failed to set the example the seniors had no role model and therefore did not deserve the award.

He then went on to say that everyone in band failed in their participation of the WCCB family. No one was dedicated enough. No one gave enough of their time. No one worked hard enough. He talked about how the Bands were now less of a family than they had ever been and that he is disappointed in us all. He went on to say that basically, HE gave everything, but we, as a band and as individuals, gave nothing at all. He also made it clear that we were ungrateful and undeserving of such a wonderful program as the WCCB.

He not only gave this speech in front of both the Wind Ensemble and the Symphonic band, but in front of Dr. R. Lee, who directed the band for 50+ years before our current director came. Dr. Upham, another director associated with the WCCB program and a band alumni who graduated in 2000 were at the dinner as well.

Throughout this lecture no one was making eye contact-- everyone was staring at the floor. The room was deathly silent, and no one was moving. No one could believe this was happening.

After he finished everyone just sat there, not quite sure what to think. The silence was one of the most disparaging things I've ever experienced. Finally the director looked around like nothing had happened and suggested we sing the loyalty song and start cleaning up.

Sunday night, every band member had a Facebook status that had something to do with Band Banquet.

I can only speak for myself, but I know that everyone I have talked to is extremely displeased with how the director handled the end of band banquet... At the very least.

This is a man who some of the members of band looked up to as a father figure. Others at least respected him. There have been countless times when this director has told both ensembles, (both when we are together as one band, and when we are separated into two bands) that who we are matters in THIS band. We are missed when we are not in rehearsal. That our hard work matters. We, as individuals, affect the group, and the group affects us as individuals. The WCCB is "different" because of the close-knit family atmosphere that is maintained by both bands as one. There is no "lower" or "higher" band. Constantly reminded us that the music we make is a gift to the audience. That he loves each and every one of us, and that he is so blessed to be able to come and make music with us everyday.

And then, he does a 180 and tells the ENTIRE band program, AT Band Banquet, that none of us have lived up to the ideals of the WCCB program. That we are not the "same people who made up the WCCB 13 years ago." How we are not dedicated enough to the band program. "We don't care as much as bands of the past." That all the blood, sweat and tears that we have put into learning to play this music, learning to meet HIS demands of our musical talent, have all been for naught.

What the heck? What the freaking heck?????

NO ONE understands WHAT possessed him to address this at Band Banquet. It would have been better to not have mentioned the award at all, if he had no intention of giving it to anyone. I can think of 3 seniors who deserved the award, but it's really no longer about the award, it's about what was said. It was completely unprofessional. Unprofessional to the nth degree. What the heck was he thinking????!!

I know *I* left Band Banquet feeling lost and disparaging. Very much in shock... A "What just happened???" kind of feeling. Two days later, I'm finally beginning to digest what happened and process the situation.

The speech given at Band Banquet was definitely a shot in the foot to the WCCB program. I don't know WHAT sort of effect he wanted it to have, but it couldn't have possibly been the one that is occurring now. I can't imagine ANY of the music education seniors bringing their students to Wartburg Honor bands... To band camp... Or just recommending Wartburg in any way, shape or form. *I'm* only a junior and I'm now thinking twice about it... I wouldn't be surprised if band numbers dropped significantly next year. What do those first years think of the band program now? The upperclassmen at least have some reference about how it's SUPPOSED to go.

What the HECK was he thinking.... I just DON'T understand!!!!

I feel lost and angry and betrayed. I feel that everything he has ever told us... Told ME, as a prospective student, and all throughout my three years as a music ed student, is a lie. Complete and utter lie. Everything. And now what am I supposed to do?

I worked hard this year in band, and I know others who have worked 10 times harder than me... And then for him to tell everyone how we all basically fail at living is unbelievable. There are no words.

I wish I had the courage to stand up and leave as he was talking Sunday night. No one in that room deserved to be talked to in that manner. No one. I don't care whether I like them or get along with them... No one deserved that. No student should ever be spoken to, or reprimanded in the manner that the WCCB was Sunday night.

Tonight while I was practicing I started to cry. I couldn't help it. It got to the point where I could no longer read the music. What's the point? What's the point in giving your best? Why should I work hard if my efforts will never be good enough? What's the point of making music? If my best efforts are going to be ground into dust why should I continue to make music?

.... I have so much homework... How am I going to get it all done......... Why does this all have to happen the week before finals?

Sunday, April 06, 2008


"So let it be written. So let it be done."

Charlton Heston, October 4, 1924-April 5, 2008.

"With my last breath I'll break my own law and speak the name of Moses... Moses. " -Sethi, The 10 Commandments

Thursday, April 03, 2008

PDQ Bach!!!


Anyone in the Minneapolis area willing to let Leah and I spend the night after the concert?

I really really want to go... Like, you have no idea....