Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Stupid Henry Ford...

I hate gas prices! How is the average middle-class American family supposed to function when gas prices are so high?! Are we just supposed to not eat or send kids to college? Like, ever? At all? And what about being able to actually afford gas so a person can get TO their job?

You can't walk or bike everywhere... You just can't. Not in Iowa at least. And bigger towns have public transportation which helps them a lot. So many people are saying "buy hybrids, buy hybrids" but THOSE are super expensive too!

And every time I see a Hummer I want to run them off the road and then ask the driver WHAT exactly they think they are doing... Driving a vehicle that gets about 7 miles a gallon! They're NOT HELPING.

Curse you Henry Ford for your decision to go with a gasoline powered engine! And curse who ever is responsible for not allowing oil drilling in Alaska. And curse who ever else is responsible for these ridiculously high gas prices!

I hope corn crops are good this year, so Ethanol can maybe help out a little...

Absolutely ridiculous.

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