Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The goldfish, Monteverdi, that Leah and I got last year, on March 15, 2007 is slowly dieing.... :-( It's really sad... He's still breathing, but he's floating at the top of the bowl all funny and weird... I don't want him to die! He's survived so much! (Even getting knocked over and spilled in a moving car!) I like coming to the dorm and watching him swim around asking for food!

Bleh...... What a way to end the semester...... Our bathroom is now like the terminal ward for fish... There's even flowers in there! (From a couple recitals.) Rachel V.'s Beta, Spartacus, is in there too. Spartacus is sick or something and is defenately being weird, and Monteverdi... well yeah.... :-( :-( :-(

I don't want Monteverdi to die!

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