Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Wow... I was just sitting here, listening to my iTunes on shuffle and I realized that I recall so many memories and feelings by association...

The song "You and Me" by Lifehouse came on my iTunes... This was one of the "songs of the summer." It makes me think of going for a walk with Jessica, her boyfriend Scott, and Kelvin one sticky August night, and getting a call from Jason on my cell phone. I answered and all I heard was this song... When it was over, Jason got on the phone and told me that the song had come on the radio and he wanted to share it with me, becuase it made him think of me...

The song "If You Wanna get to Heaven" from the musical Big River... This reminds me of long aol talks til 3 in the morning with Jason... Sitting on my bed, shivering from the air conditioning... Often hungry, and with some leg cramps.

Burt's Bees Willow Bark Blemish Remover... This makes me think of just starting school... New people, new interests... Humid sticky nights... Falling hard for a friend... Late nights having fun...

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl... First of all, I still get the taste of cherry frozen coke when I watch or listen to the soundtrack of this movie. Seeing it with Jessica for the first time back in 2003 was so fun. Finding all the camp references, and finding things to quote back and forth. Being piratical. Seeing it with Linda, who was from NZ... More reciently watching it with Casey, joking and enjoying the company and the film. It was a nice release to a rather embarrasing day.

The song "Just the Girl" by The Click Five... Another song of the summer! Jammin' in the car with Jessica, going to, or coming from Cabin Coffee, sharing Burt's Bees Chapstick, going shopping... Laughing and giggling about life...

There's a song that we're playing in band called "A Festival Prelude" by Alfred Reed. I played it for Iowa Ambassadors of Music. I had to prepare it for the audition for the IAM band. There's a certain part in the peice where the 1st and 2nd flutes play in harmony, a 3rd apart. This reminds me of practicing that piece with my flute teacher, she playing the bottom, and I playing the top. As we played, we were in tune enough that I could here the overtone of the 5th. It was pretty cool! :-)

The song "Holiday" by Green Day... Also a song of the summer... This reminds me of coming home late from Isaac's after working on The Swordsmen... Driving down the highway, through the humid night, with the windows rolled down and the air conditioning on full blast.

*sigh* Good times, good times...

Monday, January 30, 2006

Seriously folks, we need a 2nd Semester Outfly...

I think Conversation Hearts are my favorite candy. Ever. Aside from Toblerone Chocolate from Switzerland. I have already eaten an entire bag of the candy hearts... I need to get some more... :-P

Ug. Work entirely sucked last night. I swept and mopped the entire Den. This includes the eating area, the order area, behind the counter, and in the kitchen. Everone except the 2 managers, left at 11:20. I left at 11:45. I was supposed to get off of work at 11. Then I had trouble falling asleep because I was sore, and my foot was hurting. I kind of slept sporactically all night. :-(

My ear has been hurting off and on too... What's up with that?

Oh, and it snowed.

And I had a music theory test today. It went okay, I think. We'll see. Tomorrow I have a psychology test. And I've heard through the grapevine that it's gonna be harder then I initially thought. Tomorrow I also have a piano lesson and my playing exam for clarinet.

No w00ts for any of that. :-P

I replanted Charlie the II. He's still alive! Yay!

Bleh... I don't want to do anything but sleep... bleh-bleh-bleh...

I'm wearing stripey socks today. :-D

Sunday, January 29, 2006


"and why is it always the people who you know wouldn't feel burdened, the people you know would listen to you and ask to hold you... why is it that the people you most want a hug from you always can't reach?

really, i think more often than not, people would rather hear how sad we are and know that someone else is sad and we're not alone... "

This comment is amazing. It's so incredably true and profound I can't even put into words how much it means to me.

I feel so lucky to have such amazing friends. So lucky... What would I do without you guys? You both eternally rock my swashbuckling socks.

Thanl-you Casey. Thank-you Laura. And thank-you Emily, for the convo about this topic over AOL.

Thank-you my friend,
For sharing with me,
Your love and your warmth,
I'm grateful you see,
They bloom as they grow,
On someone in time,
And I've been made warm,
For friendship is mine...

Friday, January 27, 2006


Hey Jess, I miss you...

So Rachel went to the wonders of home, and I'm alone and lonely... and kind of feeling... "blah"... I went to the Vineyard with Julia, Jill, Emily and a bunch of other people tonight. It's a contemperary church, and there were some people from Wartburg singing, it was a mix of rock songs, and some Christian stuff. That was fun, but I don't know... I wasn't very social, and people weren't social to me. I had never been there before, so I really didn't know what was going on. And then walking back... Again I don't know... I just came to realize I don't have any deep friends here at school... Like, I saw how Jill and Julia act together, and I realized that they are far better friends then Julia and I... It's not a "left out" feeling, really... I don't know how to describe it. I miss having someone right here to do things with me.

I miss Jessica a lot.

I miss all my friends who aren't here... I miss Laura, Casey, Bre, Scott, Isaac, and Bethany S... Sometimes it's hard being on your own...

So yeah, that's kind of what I'm feeling right now...

*sigh* You don't get enough hugs at college.

...Who will be there for you,
comfort and care for you?
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion
Never dream out in the world
There are arms to hold you.
You've always known
Your heart was on its own...

But I lost my eyes in the river...

Oh my gosh... I about DIED laughing today! I got a package from home today, and it had some mail in it and stuff, and mom included 2 pictures: one from Stephen and one from Philomena. Philomena's is sooo sweet! :-) It's a picture of the two of us dancing. I'm pretty sure we're dancing because there is a disco ball in the picture and the background it entirely purple. I like purple, it's a nice color! :-) It's a very happy picture!

Stephen's picture is just so cute and random!!!! There is a tall pink swirly scribble with a happy face, a short green scribble, a tall blue scribble with a head and eyes, and a tall black skinny scribble with a head and eyes. They are on top of a green semicircle, which implies a hill, then there is a blue scribble at the bottom of the page which is a "river" and a black scribble at the top of the paper, which I think means it's night. And the caption mom wrote (dictated to her, by Stephen) reads: "The black one is Dad, the blue one is Mom, the pink one is Mena, and I am the green one, but I lost my eyes in the river." And if you look, sure enough, there are two little green eyes in the blue scribbly 'river'.

I showed it to Julia, and we both laughed until tears came out of our eyes. Yes, they are that great. I absolutely LOVE them!!!! Anyone who knows my lil' brother KNOWS what I'm talking about... Ohhh, that picture makes me smile a lot a lot a lot!!!!! I will have to scan both of them and post them here, because they are THAT amazing! :-D I taped them up on the inside of my loft, so I can look at them when I sit at my computer.

Well, it's time for bed... My cell phone still isn't working... Stupid service... I can't believe it's Friday already... AH! So much to do!!!!

It feels like I have a headache in my mouth... :-P

Monday, January 23, 2006

My day...

Well, March 9th is the fated day... Not only will Mary turn a year older, but I will get my wisdom teeth out that day... Not fun at all, but it has to be done. Until then, I will just have to survive on ibuprofen.

Oh, I forgot to tell mom about this, but today for IS (Inquiry Studies) we had to read this article called "What does a Woman Need to Know?" by Adrienne Rich. It was a commencement speech she wrote for Smith College in 1979. Wow. It's been a very long time since I've read something that physically made me angry. In fact, I can't even recall the last thing I read that upset me this much. Stupid radical feminists... What's the opposite of a feminist? Chivalrous??? I don't know exactly, but if someone has any ideas, let me know.

~First of all, before I go on this rant, I want to state that I believe that women, if they are qualified, deserve to be paid equally to men for the same jobs. I also want to state that I am not going to let myself be pushed around, or manipulated by men. I am independent to an extent.~


*deep breath*

I have never wanted to loudly proclaim something so full of crap using swear words before, as I have after reading this article. Reading it just want me to rip out my hair. The whole article is about the "liberation" of women. How ALL women need to work to break standards and stereotypes. They must strive to "surpass" the inadequacy of men to succeed in the workplace. Apparently it is only when all women are childless and rich CEO's that true liberty and equality can be achieved.


The article talks about how "seemingly natural states of being, like heterosexuality, like motherhood, have been enforced and institutionalized to deprive her of her power." (direct quote) I would like to stress the word "seemingly". (FYI the author is lesbian. I looked up her bio on the web) I don't know about you, but heterosexuality looks pretty natural to me! The paragraph goes on to say that without a "correct education" women will continue to be "plagued" by ignorance, and be vulnerable to the "projections of men's fantasies as they appear in art, literature" etc., and as long as these views continue, women will remain "powerless".

I strongly dislike how the article makes the brash assumption that all women should feel this way. That heterosexuality and motherhood are "burdens" and "impediments" that hinder women from achieving their "true worth".

Gag me with a spoon. Someone. Please!

Well, I don't feel that way!

I also do not like how it talks about the "oppression of mothers" relieved by the Women's Cooperative Guild in England. So now having children makes women oppressed? How does that work? Am I missing something?

And then there's this quote: "No woman is liberated until we all are liberated"

What are you trying to liberate me from? Motherhood???

What if I don't want to be liberated? I guess your "ideal" world of femininity couldn't be achieved then, huh?

HAH! So there! :-P

And then she talks about being worthy of our "foresisters" and the heritage of our "ancestresses".

THOSE AREN'T EVEN REAL WORDS! The English language, which is a Romantic language, (meaning it's based off of Latin) just doesn't work that way. You learn this in English. Some words are feminine, some are masculine and some just don't have a gender. No one really knows why. They just are. It's some rule long ago that the Romans made up, that no one knows anymore... In Spanish pen is feminine... Pencil is masculine... It's just the way it is. And substituting the opposite gender in words like "forefathers" and "ancestors" is not how it works. It's just silly!!!!! It really degrades my opinion of your intelligence.

On that note, I would like to state that it greatly amuses me when she uses a word that is masculine: narcissism. Narcissus was a Greek man who was so vain, he fell in love with his own reflection in a pond. He stood there and stood there admiring himself, until he finally fell into the pond and drowned. This is where we get the word "narcissism." *eye roll*

Okay, so having to discuss this article in class just really rubbed me the wrong way. And then we were discussing whether education is a "privilege" and why. Then Dr. Olson talked about how there is a law where you have to "go" to school until you are 16. And because I was feeling confrontational, I raised my hand and said that it would be more accurate to say that the law says you must be "educated" until you are 16, because I was homeschooled and I didn't "go" to school.


Yeah, so that was my long rant. And FYI, if a guy wants to hold a door for me, walk on the side of the pavemeant closest to the street, or pay for dinner I'm not going to complain. I may not expect it, but I'm not going to chew him out for "thinking I can't hold my own in the world".

Stupid feminists...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

And home before dark!

We watched "Into the Woods" tonight. It was fun. Seeing it with different people gave me a different perspective of the movie... lol... The first time it was fun... Now the second time... I can analyze it and think about what it means. So much has happened since I saw it last... It's deeper then just a story about a beanstalk and a baker and his wife who want to have a child. The play really addresses our fears and struggles, our uncertainty and our triumphs, which are embodied by the "Woods". It's pretty deep!

This was just a moment in the woods.
Our moment,
Shimmering and lovely and sad.
Leave the moment, just be glad
For the moment that we had.
Every moment is of moment
When you're in the woods...

I'm single, and it's okay. I still think about the was it was, or could have been, but I agree. It's better this way. I'm also completely over "other" things too. I'm single and not thinking or pining about anyone. New concept, I know! lol!

Unhappy news... My wisdom teeth are coming in... It really itches in the back of my mouth. Earlier I was hoping it would go away, but no. Now it looks like I might have to spend my winter break getting them taken out. :-( NOT how I wanted to spend it... It's bad enough having to get my 3rd hepatitis booster shot... :-( Also what is not fun is my break does not coincide with anyone else's... How depressing!

Ug... I'm ready for bed... I need to start dropping hints that people should leave....

Let the moment go...
Don't forget it for a moment, though.
Just remembering you've had and "and",
When you're back to "or",
Makes the "or" mean more
Than it did before.
Now I understand...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Today I...

Had KIX for breakfast.

Took out the garbage.

Discovered a interesting noise on my trumpet which I don't think I will be able to replicate ever again.

Practiced my flute in my stocking feet. ;-)

Went to an honor band concert at the high school. (The orchestra played Lord of the Rings! w00t!)

Made pagan sacrifices to Rachel's printer, so it would stop being evil and actually work.

Tripped and accidentially flung the apple I was holding across the room.

Invented a silly dance.

And finished a psyc worksheet about sleep deprivation.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Who ya gonna call??? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!

So today was another crazy day... But I'm alive. :-P Thanks for the text message Dad! It made me smile! :-)

I survived all my classes... Wachman called on me in Theory II and I was actually able to answer the question about dominant seventh chords! YAY!

Ok, my substitute professor in my IS class reminds me of Dan Ordell from PBS KIDS... Just not as annoying, and appearing much more intelligent...lol... It amuses me, kind of... a lot... :-)

OH! And in my brass class, I can play G, E and C on trumpet! YAY! (1, 1&3, and open) w00t!

Then Julia, Leah and I had a 2 oboe and flute jam session that just ended up with Leah playing Pirates of the Caribbean on the piano... :-) It was fun!

Then.... Julia and I went to dinner with Jill... And then we went to the FAC and watched...


Hahaha, oh, that movie makes me laugh a lot... I love it!

We just finished watching Muppet Treasure Island... I haven't seen the whole version (we have it taped off TV at home) for a very long time... I really like that movie too! And the amazing Hans Zimmer does the score!!!!!!!!!!!! He did Pirates of the Caribbean, and Spirit: Horse of the Cimeron, I *think* Gladiator and King Arthur. Ahh! He is amazing too!

You know. This is a very "duh" statement. But I have concluded that I must be meant to be single right now. Because nothing "interesting" is happening that would lead to me being "un-single." It's a bummer since I've been single practically 99.5% of my life and was hoping something would change once I got to college.

Oh well.

I'll live.

Dad assures me that there's someone out there, just for me.

I hope he's not lost....

Annnnd now it's late and now there's still people in the room... I'm starting to feel... well the word I want to use isn't polite, so I'm starting to feel.... crabby. :-P It's time for bed. I have to work tomorrow and practice my backside off.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sarah's schedule

Okay, today was the craziest day ever... and it will be like this every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. This it not going to be fun...

9-10:05 am: Music Theory II

10:05-10:50 am: No class

11-1 pm: Work in the Den

1:15-2:20 pm: IS 101, Code and Code Breaking

2:30-3 pm: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone methods

3:10-3:40 pm: Trumpet, French Horn methods

3:50-4:45 pm, Monday and Friday: Symphonic Band.

Oh. My. Gosh... This semester is going to be hard... :-( And I haven't even started my flute or piano lessons... and that doesn't include the practice time I have to put into everything... :-(

I'm tired... I think I'm going to shower and go to bed.

I'm okay...

Did the morning come too early?
Was the night not long enough?
Does a tear of hesitation
Fall on everything you touch?
Well, it might just be a lesson
For the hasty heart to know
Maybe leavin's not the only way to go....

I'm okay. Really. Don't worry. I'll just try and grab hugs whenever I can.

I think I'm going to stop playing cards for a while...

I know the conversation was hard. You're right. The timing was off. It was odd. We both had a need for someone and we somehow found eachother. We were so similar but we lacked a strong foundation of friendship. Something that was difficult to build on from this distance. Now, we can build on the friendship as friends. Thank-you for being gentle.

Please don't anyone worry. I'll be okay. Life goes on.

There's a knight on a white charger out there somewhere with my name on it.

It feels like I might need a dab of glue...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I know you
I have been changed for good...

There's no other way I can express that truth... I said always, and I still mean it.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ack! School!

Okay, so I'm already feeling stressed out about the workload that will fill this semester... :-( I don't know why... I just am. I called Casey and talked about it, however my problems aren't original, and I was kind of inarticulate. (Yes. Fear my mad phone conversation skills... :-P) The conversation randomly progressed from there, but I still don't like the idea of all my course work. I don't know if I'm just lazy or what. I feel like my brain can't hold any more information... And I still have 3.5 years of college left! Ahh!!!!

Interesting news: there is a flute opening in the Wind Ensamble... I think I shall audition for it. I don't know if I'll get it, but I'm going to try! I've already had 2 upperclassmen tell me I should audtion. :-)

I hope you know I'm still praying... I haven't reached anything profound... I guess the ball is more in your court. I'm sorry you're just "okay" and not "good" or "wonderful"... :-( I'm sorry life is hard, and I'm sorry we're so far away... I wish I was there with you to help elicit a smile... I know you worry. I know you get very self-critical. It's okay. You had discussd this with me before...

Don't worry about what I think.

I've already accepted you.

I don't mind the ghosts and the closeted skeletons... If you need help, please know that I'm here.

We should go sledding.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Back at college!

It's nice to be back... It's still a little quiet, and I must admit it's nice to have the dorm to myself for a night... I'm gotten all unpacked and straightened my things up. I'm watching the BBC version of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, made in 1988. A Christmas present from Matt! It's terribly corny, but I love it. :-)

Note to self: Dinty Moore beef stew is gross. Don't eat it again. Ever.

Mom and my grandparents brought me back to college today. I gave them a tour, and everything. It was fun! I think they were pretty impressed. Grandma however, is convinced that I'll get cancer or something from drinking the water... I'll admit, ground floor water is not the best, but I don't think it's that bad.

Oh, and Matt thinks the 2 bow ties I was able to finish are pretty sweet. :-)

In case anyone was wondering, my new vacuum is very very cool! Yay for cleaner dorms! However sources tell me that the dust bunnies in Hebron Ground (the boy's dorm) are multiplying, and gathering an army. I also heard that if you are careful, and listen closely, you can hear them converse in tiny voices, speaking a thick Scottish brogue. Some of them are wearing little kilts. One even has a sharpened popsicle stick... I think it's a dust bunny version of a broadsword...

Heehee... elaboration is fun!

Ahem... :-P

There is no snow here. How depressing is that? It's bad enough that it was melting back home... I hope it snows again. I brought my boots this time. That would make me mad if it didn't snow anymore, after I brought my boots... But what am I saying? The weather is ALWAYS crazy here.... It might not be until May, but more snow will definitely come... :-P

Aside from suddenly being prone to getting stuck on the side of driveways, I wish I had a car. Then maybe Casey wouldn't seem so far away. :-( I pester him on AOL, and I called him yesterday, but it's obviously not them same. It's not... fair, I guess is the word for it. Unfortunately, it can't be helped. I miss Casey, and I'm sad that I can't physically be there for him. It's different and difficult to begin this relationship in this situation, going to different schools. I'm not going to bother with "what ifs" because we're both happy at the school's we've chosen. It's just the fact that he's there... And I'm... Here. I am determined to find a way to see him, though... *looks conniving* I got to Grinnell didn't I? >:-} (And don't worry I quickly nixed the idea of hitch-hiking... I'll stick to the book, thank-you.) Hmmm... I'll be working on this idea... :-)

If I hold on to you too tight, you understand
You hold me too
You are the one who reaches through the dark
When I'm afraid, you warm the air
And, when I close my eyes to sleep
You are my peace, you are my prayer
You are my home
You make me strong
And in this world of strangers
I belong to someone
You are all I know
You're all I have

I won't let go

~You are My Home from the Broadway show "The Scarlet Pimpernel"

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Getting ready for school

At last it was sunny today! Finally a weather that reflects my current mood! :-)

I went shopping today for a few things that I needed for the dorm:

A set of plastic drawers to stick in my closet
Bottled water
A new ivy plant, dubbed "Charlie the II" since the first Charlie died

I forgot:

A reem of paper
A mousepad
Liquid soap

I probably should get:

Nail polish remover

Friday, January 06, 2006

A brief post...

Frustrations and triumphs:

10. I have started making bow ties several times, only to no avail... The first pattern didn't work, and I learned this after modifing it twice. Now I am trying to create my own pattern, figuring out measurments and various things. *growl*

9. "The Producers" is not playing anywhere in the area. Therefore, I cannot go out with Mike and Laura... Phooey... and I was looking foward to that too. :-P

8. I'm going back to Wartburg on Sunday. I might have to work, I'm not sure.

7. I need to get my hair cut and my highlights touched up, but alas, I have no money.

6. I'm cold. Even with a sweatshirt on.

4. I'm not very good at playing cribbage, but (with mom and dad's help) I was able to beat Jessica for one game.

3. I didn't have to get my final Hepatitis B shot today! But I *will* have to get it in March, over winter break... :-(

2. I had lefsa for dinner... :-D YUM!

1. I miss Casey...

Soooo, I guess this post is kind of whiney... Sorry :-( And in case you're wondering, it goes 10 down to 1, with 1 being the most significant. The theory behind this being: since it is "higher to lower" instead of the "number one" at the top, the last, most important thing stays in your mind. :-)

I think I'm getting restless again... Gosh.. I wish I had practiced my flute more... :-P (Yeah, mom... don't say :"I told you so" I know, okay?)

However, with things the way they are, (I'm slightly reverting back to an earlier line of thought) there are elements that help me through the day... It's a warm and toasty feeling. The distance is daunting, but it is nice to know that there is someone else out there who might be thinking of me. :-) Whether it's as much as I think about him, I don't know, but that's alright. I'm claimed... :-)

I would like to watch "The Notebook" now. I've been waiting...

I close my eyes and I am where you are...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Ok, I got really bored, so I decided to try the new orange nail polish I got for Christmas... haha... Wow... It is very orange... Think a shade of metallic pumpkin... It's very school spirit-y, though. However, wearing it at home, I feel like I'm stuck in the wrong holiday... It does go on very smooth and even... But I'm thinking it's more of a color fit for my toes... lol

So it's been above freezing since Christmas... What's up with that? And where's the sun? *sigh* LOL, I bet Matt is having fun on his ski trip...

I have been SO hungry today! I don't know why... Probably the fact that there is nothing that I feel like eating... :-P I had a turkey sandwich wrap for lunch... But that's about it... yeah.

And I've been cold. I'm sure that's correlated to the fact that I'm hungry.

I also learned that I have to get my final Hepatitis B shot on the 6th. Oh. What. Fun.


At least any chocolate candy bar I bring along for comfort won't melt in the car, like what happened after my 2nd booster in August. :-(

Stupid vaccinations... Stupid stupid stupid shots... AH! >:-(

(And why did I leave the candy bar in the car in the first place? How dumb was that?)

He called me sweetie.... :-) *warm fuzzies*

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

You and me...

It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day - it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you ...
Here I am

It's nice to have this new adventure to live for... Thank-you for catching me. :-) And I'm glad you like to watch glue set... ;-)

*steals metaphorical hat and wears it coquettishly around the room*


Maybe I haven't said anything because I'm scared... Scared that something will happen and I'll get hurt, or somehow I'll hurt you...

Would you be gentle with my heart? There are times it feels like it is made of spun glass and tarnished silver. I'm not perfect and my heart is fragile. You could crush it with a simple squeeze of your fist.

2 people have held my heart before... I pined away but nothing became of it...

-I know the first would have been gentle, although it wouldn't have worked. He would have handed my heart back to me slowly and carefully, gently closing my fingers around it, with the reassurance that we would still be friends.

-I took my heart back from the second before it was ground into dust. His preferences were blatantly shown long after I had fallen hard. Had I voiced anything I would have been met with ridicule and sarcasm. My heart would have been roughly shoved back towards me, and I would be left alone to put it back together, trying not to cut my fingers on the glass.

I think I need to stop expecting to see a knight on a white charger ride over the hill to sweep me away. Maybe I've been looking in the wrong places... How do I know my knight isn't in disguise?

I want someone who will share my joys and help me through my sorrows and frustrations. When I'm with them, I don't want to have to hide my emotions. I'm really not easy going all the time. I want a person who would perceive when I'm not feeling happy, and show concern and appropriate affection. Someone who could put up with me and my quirks and silliness, and also my stubbornness and sarcasm. A person who wouldn't be afraid to stand up for me, to tell others to back off. Someone who would encourage me... Seek out my company... Love me...

I'm falling again... But I'm scared...

Monday, January 02, 2006

Some people should get off the road...

To the jerkface on Highway 18 who ran the red light in front of me at the Fareway stoplight:







And I'm sorry, but don't you DARE give me that junk about "I didn't have time to stop... it just turned yellow!"



Do you know what I would like to do with you?

I would like to purchase the shoes with the metal stiletto heels that I saw at Target...


No feet = No lead foot

And note this you imbecilic, color-blind, speedster with a deathwish: I seriously followed you home... I know where you live!


I sincerely hope you encounter something that teaches you the errors of your ways, before you really kill someone!

Personality Test

Recap of 2005

Here's a short recap of 2005, in the activites that I can remember:

-Went to Nebraska for an honor band/scholarship audition
-Watched all 3 extended edition Lord of the Rings DVDs with Jessica and Julia
-Finished application to Wartburg, and called about attending a scholarship day
-Asked a friend to prom

-Interviewed and recieved a position at Kohl's
-Applied for a job at Movie Gallery

-Wartburg music scholarship audition
-UNI honor band concert, saw a friend from IAM
-Wartburg academic scholarship day
-Solo and Ensemble contest, got a standing ovation for my piccolo solo, and Best of Center for my flute solo
-Went with Jess to try on prom dresses just "for fun"

-Started working at Kohl's
-Jessica went to Europe
-Found a prom date, bought a dress, and went to prom with Jessica and co. at Newman
-Got a job at Movie Gallery
-School play performance

-Several open houses :-D
-Met with John and Isaac about summer movie

-SOAR summer orientation at Wartburg
-Quit working at Kohl's
-Got laptop
-Began working on the summer movie
-Started playing in municiple band

-Forced to quit Municiple Band
-Worked more on summer movie/finished dress for movie
-Met Jason and started hanging out

-Started dating Jason
-Finished movie filming
-World premiere of The Swordsmen
-Said a tearful goodbye to Jessica as she would be leaving for Drake while I was gone on summer vacation
-Went on summer vacation
-Recieved my 1st e-mail from my roommate
-Went to Isaac's "Going off to college LAN party"
-Acted like I was packing up my room

-Jason and I decided that it was best to be "just friends"
-Forced to finish packing my room
-Jess came home for Labor Day and helped me move my stuff
-Moved into Wartburg, met Rachel, met Matt, and started classes
-Auditioned for A Christmas Carol and landed the part of Mrs. Cratchit
-Started plans to go see John Williams in Concert over Thanksgiving
-Celebrated my 19th birthday

-Went home to celebrate 19th birthday
-Filled Matt's room with 208 ballons with the help of Bryan, Rachel and Margie, for Matt's birthday
-Carved Pumpkins with Matt
-Tripped and kicked pumpkin, thus loosing the nail on my big toe
-Went to Sam's house for fall break
-Survived mid-terms

-First Band concert
-First Snowfall
-Saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire three times
-Went to Chicago and saw John Williams conduct the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

-Christmas with Wartburg
-3 Christmas Carol Performances
-Survived FINALS!!!!
- Saw Chronicles of Narnia three times
-Made gingerbread :-D
-Started hanging out with Casey *warm fuzzies*

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A Toast!

Here's to the health of your blood,
And here's to the blood of your health.
If your blood isn't healthy,
Your health isn't bloody,
So here's to your bloody good health!

Happy New Year Everyone!