Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Ok, I got really bored, so I decided to try the new orange nail polish I got for Christmas... haha... Wow... It is very orange... Think a shade of metallic pumpkin... It's very school spirit-y, though. However, wearing it at home, I feel like I'm stuck in the wrong holiday... It does go on very smooth and even... But I'm thinking it's more of a color fit for my toes... lol

So it's been above freezing since Christmas... What's up with that? And where's the sun? *sigh* LOL, I bet Matt is having fun on his ski trip...

I have been SO hungry today! I don't know why... Probably the fact that there is nothing that I feel like eating... :-P I had a turkey sandwich wrap for lunch... But that's about it... yeah.

And I've been cold. I'm sure that's correlated to the fact that I'm hungry.

I also learned that I have to get my final Hepatitis B shot on the 6th. Oh. What. Fun.


At least any chocolate candy bar I bring along for comfort won't melt in the car, like what happened after my 2nd booster in August. :-(

Stupid vaccinations... Stupid stupid stupid shots... AH! >:-(

(And why did I leave the candy bar in the car in the first place? How dumb was that?)

He called me sweetie.... :-) *warm fuzzies*

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