Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas dear blog readers! Have you had a good day? Filled with family friends and, if you're in Iowa, SNOW.

Christmas has been going well here in the Clear Lake Schnoebelen household too. We got up at 7am (Which is the earliest we're allowed to wake up. Stephen initially had his alarm clock set for 3am but mom caught him.) We sorted and open presents this year. I got a lot of useful things and I wanted and lots of fun things... Like glass canisters for flour and sugar, salt and pepper shakers, a little light-up Christmas tree decoration, a miniature dulcimer pin, a garlic press, an 8" frying pan, the 5th season of the TV show House and those glow in the dark planets and stars, amid other things. :-) Thank-you one! Thank-you all!

Here are some pictures. Mostly of Watson enjoying the crinkly paper... Oh. Did I mention it? Dad said that I could bring Watson home to stay for the holiday so I wouldn't have to board him. Isn't that CRAZY? But I'm grateful, so thanks Dad!

Here you see Watson looking slightly confused at the surrounding gifts...

But he loves crinkly paper. Here you see Mary exploiting this love.

This Watson diving among the crinkly carnage.

After presents I made Christmas pancakes! And they weren't Christmassy just because I was wearing a Santa hat and had a pancake with a Christmas tree. I substituted eggnog for milk and added cinnamon and nutmeg. They were good!

Here is a close-up of the tree-pancake. :-)

And here is Stephen eating it. Mom and Dad were surprised that he ate it. Mom said Stephen refuses to eat pancakes unless they contain chocolate chips.

Mary says: Look! I am so awesome, I have gathered the sparkliness of Edward Cullen and trapped it in this ball! (Matthew got one of those rubber bouncy balls with glitter in it...)

I gave everyone homemade cranberry eggnog muffins and Mom accidentally left hers out... This picture was taken AFTER we pulled it from under the couch. Sneaky, sneaky Watson had been having a snack.

After Matthew and Daniel finished shoveling the heavy, very slushy snow, we built a Calvin and Hobbs-inspired snowman...

Matthew went in after we started on the middle section because he was cold. But Daniel and I carried on!

Here is the snow-cannon we built to go with the snowman.

Here's Daniel with our creation...

And here's me! :-D

Here's the view from the back.

All in all, we were pretty proud of ourselves. Unfortunately, these pictures don't show (other than on our coats, etc.) How HARD it was snowing! It was really coming down! From the windows it looked really Christmassy and pretty. But outside the snow was wet and not the best to work with.... It was 35 degrees out, after all.

Stephen got a bunch of Tom and Jerry cartoons, so we've been watching that all day, and they just finished. Now Philomena, Mom, Daniel, and Mary are watching VeggieTales: The Story of St. Nicholas.

Dinner was delicious! We had ham and mashed potatoes and snicker salad and sweet potatoes. Mmm-mmm! So good!

After dinner we played the game Snorta, which was fun. In the game everyone playing draws a little animal figurine, a small barn and gets a stack of cards. Each person chooses an appropriate noise for their animal which everyone must memorize. Once everyone chooses a sound the animals must be hidden in the barns. Then you go around the table, each person taking a turn flipping over a card. If your card matches someone else's, you must make the sound of that person's animal before they do. If you win, the looser takes the cards. The goal of the game is to get rid of your stack first. We only played one round, and Matthew won.

So yeah. :-) That has been our Christmas. :-) I hope everyone else has had a good day! Tomorrow I will probably go see the new Sherlock Holmes movie with some of my family. :-) I can't wait!

Now, I'm off to end my day by wrapping up in a blanket, turning off the lights, and watching the Doctor Who Christmas special. *siiiiiigh*

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Christmas Eve...

Most people at this time of the Christmas season are jittery with anticipation. Whether it be the coming of Jesus, for Santa to come, receiving or giving Christmas presents, spending time with family, cooking/eating etc.

While I *am* excited for Christmas to come, I am jittery for an entirely different reason.

This year's Doctor Who Christmas Special.

I knew it was coming.

But I didn't want it to arrive.

Do you remember this post?

David Tennant's last episode as the Doctor airs in the UK tomorrow and in the US on the 26th.



This is distressing. He's *my* Doctor. No one can be as good.

Matt Smith has some crazy-freaking-huge sneakers to fill.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Blizzard report...

This is the window in my kitchen. It overlooks the roof of my garage, which lies about 4-5 inches below the window ledge. As you can see, the roof of my garage has accumilated quite a lot of snow.... I can only imagine what the roof of my HOUSE looks like...

I hope my garage doesn't cave in...

...I hope my HOUSE doesn't cave in!

Snow day continued...

No school tomorrow either. YAY!

Snow day!

School let out at 12:45... YES!

Now I am going to:

Wash dishes
Keep Watson from destroying my house
Bake cranberry eggnog muffins
Write my Christmas list for Grandma and Grandpa
Watch (not in any particular order, and not all at once):
  • -Tinkerbell
  • -Atonement
  • -Doubt
Read (also in no order):
  • -Breaking Dawn
  • -A Christmas Carol
Make a delicious chicken salad for dinner
Shovel (again) -Gave up.

Today I bought my first snow shovel. I feel as if a milestone has been reached in my life.

ALSO, if you have not started following the Doctor Who ADVENT-ure calender, do so NOW!

And because of the wonderfulness that is the DW ADVENT-ure calender, I have the happiest desktop EVER!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

1st one done!

Tonight I had my first ever concert! And it went really really well! I directed about 200 or so K-5 students in a 40 minute concert and it went fantastic. Really smooth. All the music played, all the mics worked. YAY! :-D

It still amuses me though that the first concert I ever directed has also been the first elementary music concert that I ever have attended... :-)

The next concert is in the spring, and I have a nice little break before I need to start thinking about that. At least until January.

Whew! It's over and it went great!

Also, IT SNOWED TODAY! I really kind of excited about that, because it looks beautiful. Even though it made the roads bad.... I told mom she shouldn't come, so she turned around and went back home. (She was about to Mason City.) What was ESPECIALLY cool about the snow was that driving home, it started to snow again and I had my brights on and it looked like I was driving through hyperspace, like on STAR WARS.

Okay. I have more school tomorrow. And I was there almost 12 hours today. So I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

An imagined dialogue...

Me: *sees Watson eating my couch cover* Oi! Watson! Stop eating my couch!
Watson: *pauses and then stretches* Huh? Youz talkinz to me? I iz not noming... *catches sight of tail* AH! THERE IZ DAT THING ON MAH BUTT! I willz get it this time..... Nom-nom-nom... *proceeds to wrestle with tail*
Me: *goes back to what I was doing*
Watson: Ah-HA! Dat fold of fabric looked at me goofiez! I will show it!!!! RAWR! *begins to chew couch cover again*
Me: WATSON! NO! *graps "Kitty Corections Bottle"*