Thursday, December 03, 2009

1st one done!

Tonight I had my first ever concert! And it went really really well! I directed about 200 or so K-5 students in a 40 minute concert and it went fantastic. Really smooth. All the music played, all the mics worked. YAY! :-D

It still amuses me though that the first concert I ever directed has also been the first elementary music concert that I ever have attended... :-)

The next concert is in the spring, and I have a nice little break before I need to start thinking about that. At least until January.

Whew! It's over and it went great!

Also, IT SNOWED TODAY! I really kind of excited about that, because it looks beautiful. Even though it made the roads bad.... I told mom she shouldn't come, so she turned around and went back home. (She was about to Mason City.) What was ESPECIALLY cool about the snow was that driving home, it started to snow again and I had my brights on and it looked like I was driving through hyperspace, like on STAR WARS.

Okay. I have more school tomorrow. And I was there almost 12 hours today. So I'm going to bed.

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