Saturday, December 25, 2010

Boyfriends and Christmas...

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your day has been super happy and filled with love and peace and that warm-fuzzy feeling that comes with being super contented. :-)

This Christmas has been really one of the best, I think. I feel like I might say that every year, but I really mean it this year... Everything that has happened has just been really wonderful and meaningful. Very happy and significant.

I really feel so blessed this Christmas by knowing Dan. We've been dating for almost 5 months and the time has flown by. This relationship has far surpassed any of my past experiences. It just blows my mind--it really feels like I've known Dan for a really long time, and yet I was only introduced to him this past July. Even just the topics we've talked about have surpassed any previous conversations either of us have covered before. We definitely agree that we both fit into each other's short, medium and long-term/lifetime plans. Now that I've met him, I can't imagine my life without Dan in it.

Having met and fallen in love with Dan I feel like I have used up all the luck that I was ever to acquire for the rest of my life. Any "luck" that was going to cause me to win door prizes, raffles, BINGO games and the lottery have all been dumped into one "pot" and cashed in to bring Dan into my life. Absolutely no complaints here. :-)

Did I ever post what Dan got me for my birthday? *looks through archives* No? Oh, my gosh!


So, at the beginning of September I went up to Minneapolis to visit Rachel V. and we went to the Renaissance Festival. While there Rachel and I found this awesome costume/haberdashery shop. Rachel found this awesome green tricorn hat and I found this brilliant top hat with a teal hatband and peacock feathers. We both looked AMAZING in those hats and on a whim I sent a picture to Dan, who agreed that it looked really good on me. Rachel was able to get her hat, but since I had just needed to purchase 2 new tires for my car, I knew it wouldn't be a smart buy.

Almost 4 weeks later, I am at Dan's parents house and he has my birthday gift and can hardly sit still in anticipation of me opening it. It was this beautiful round box and I jokingly commented that it was a hat box! I opened it and stared in disbelief.... There was The Hat. The hat that I tried on at the Fair and could not afford. This hat! I asked Dan how in the WOLRD he found this hat and he said he Facebook-messaged Rachel V. who in turn put him in contact with the owner of the shop.

But it gets better. (I think so, at least.) Dan said when he called the owner of the shop, and described the hat he wanted to purchase, the owner knew exactly which one he was talking about. Unfortunately, they has already SOLD the one I had tried on. BUT they offered to MAKE ANOTHER ONE just for him! So, not only did I get this AWESOME, AWESOME "Mad Hatter" top hat, that somehow looks FABULOUS on me, but Dan had it CUSTOM MADE.

Needless to say, I wore that hat the rest of the night, and still wear it as often as possible. I love it! (I wore it to school on Halloween and one of my kindergarteners came up to me a said "Ms. S. come here and give me a hug! You look BEAUTIFUL in that hat!")

So, with Christmas coming about Dan and I were talking, and we both commented on how we were trying to "find something" to top The Hat. (No pun intended.) Even though we both understood that we didn't need to try and get something to surpass the awesomeness of The Hat, but we both felt that we had to... I don't know how to describe it. We both were like "this was such an awesome gift! How are we ever going to be able to top that?"

Well, Dan certainly did...

This year for Christmas, he bought me a piano. A 76 key, electric CASIO piano. It has 570 different sounds, it has MIDI recording capabilities, 180 rhythms, reverb and chorus digital effects. I can also plug in a microphone or my iPod and it has multiple recording capabilities.

I unwrapped half of the box and then swore -- saying something along the lines of "Are you kidding me?!" and Dan just smiled and said, "Merry Christmas, it's your's." I stood there in absolute shock for a couple more seconds as Dan proceeded to explain all the super-awesome-nifty things the keyboard did. And then I kissed him. A couple times in a row. To the point where I had to tell him to shut up and properly kiss me back because HE GOT ME A FREAKING-PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS!

Carol (Dan's mom.) told me that he was playing the keyboard at BestBuy while they were out shopping and commented on how it had a really good sound and excellent overall music capabilities. (He should know, he has perfect pitch and 2 different keyboards at home that he uses to compose music.) and said that "He just had to get it for me." Then Dan added that he "Just wanted to get me something that would help me with my music teaching and something that I could play and enjoy and make music as much as I wanted."

Then I just proceeded to stammer and flail around and kiss Dan as I tried to process the fact that my super-amazing boyfriend just gave me a piano!!!!!

But, really the awesomeness doesn't end there. Prior to the piano, I also opened a very touching, meaningful gift... Dan drew me a super awesome picture of a cartoon representations of us. A giant lion next to a red-headed pirate on a white background, with the promise to draw and add to the picture as the years went on and we continued to pass significant milestones. Dan is a great artist and I have never experienced such a personal and meaningful gift. It's matted and framed and everything. I love it and can't wait to hang it up in my house.

For Christmas I got Dan a picture frame that I covered in quotes about being in love and being with people who are important and being happy and fulfilling life-dreams. I also got him a Redwall Cookbook by Brian Jacques (Redwall is Dan's favorite book series.) and a coffee mug of Henry the VIII and his Wives---who disappear when you pour in hot water. I got the mug as a joke, because I know Dan would enjoy it and he was asking for the TV series The Tudors for Christmas and that is all about Henry the VIIIth.

I feel so lucky and blessed to have Dan in my life. He spoils me. Spoils me. I know the gifts he gave to me were made and selected with great care and affection, as were mine. We also both knew that there was no need to buy each other gifts... But we still wanted to... I feel so spoiled. I am so in love!

I still feel like Dan is the best Christmas present I could have received this year.

Every night, I thank God for my wonderful Family, and my fantastic Boyfriend. I also pray for God's blessing and guidance in all of our lives.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Super cute...

Hello Everyone! Christmas is only a day away! I found this video, and it is quite possibly the cutest thing I have seen in a very long while... :-D Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November Vlogging Project!

Okay, so I'm kind of behind in updating this thing.... Mary and I are vlogging back and forth for the month of November. I am the Tuesday vlogger and she is on Thursday. Our channel is TwoDifferentFaces. You should follow us!

Here are our videos so far:

In other news, the Tripoli HS production of Grease was this past weekend and it went REALLY well! The show came such a long way! I'm so proud of all of my students! I was a lot of fun! I also got to spend a lot of time with Dan this weekend and Rachel D. was up visiting. It was AWESOME!

And Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out in 10-FREAKING-DAYS!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! :-D

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"... And anyone who stayed there long enough and inhaled the witching vapors was sure to become imaginative..."

Dan: I like Ichabod... He's such an interesting character. He's not the hero, but he's not the villain. He's just... Ichabod.
Me: It's true. He doesn't save anyone, he doesn't do anything evil. He's just.... There. But he's significant. A significant colonial American. Like if you saw him walking down the street you would take note of him.
Dan: Exactly. I love how open his character is to interpretation. He was really fun to play.
Me: Do you want to know what I think happened to Ichabod?
Dan: What?
Me: I think instead of being whisked away by the Headless Horseman at the end, I think Ichabod left and escaped Sleepy Hollow. And started chasing after a little red-headed German girl who makes better cherry pies than peach.
Dan: *laughing* You know.... I do think you're right...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Living on dreams and spaghettios...

"... But who would want a dreamer,
When her dreams can't leave the ground..."

I know that if I wasn't teaching at Tripoli again, I probably wouldn't have met Dan... And I am so incredibly grateful that I *DID* meet him and that we're dating. He makes me so happy and I can't believe my luck. Thinking about of all the things that could have happened this summer that would have changed this path... Frankly, scares me... And I can't describe how inexplicably happy I am that Dan is in my life.

But that doesn't mean I don't want to teach band.... I want to teach band so bad that sometimes it hurts. There have been several instances where I have avoided things that remind me of how much I want to teach band. Because it hurts.

Band on Fridays are my saving grace. If I didn't get to teach band at all, I just wouldn't be me.... I don't know how to explain it...

.... I just keep pluggin' away, because there's nothing else I can do right now... Teaching and working 2 other jobs. Trying to do my best as a fish-out-of-water in my general music classes.... Waiting for Fridays to come around when I can once again be in my element.

Someday, someday, someday...

I hate crying.

Well, I was having a perfectly fine night until I paid my bills and balanced my checkbook and since IBA and NEIBA do not accept credit cards, my next paycheck doesn't come in until next Friday... I guess I'm not going to be a member of

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Diary...

Today I took my boyfriend to the Iowa State Fair. He had never been before and we both had a really good time.

We went to see Mallory Lewis perform (daughter of the late, very great Sheri Lewis) with Lampchop and Hush-Puppy. The best part was went Mallory picked Dan to come up on stage and dance with her and Lampchop during a song.

Afterwords Dan bought me (and one for himself) a Lampchop doll and we had them autographed. <3 And then Mallory Lewis found out that Dan writes music and said for him to find her on Facebook to help her write some songs for her act. And she was serious.

We also saw the butter cow, the animals and ate lots of delicious fair food.

And then we didn't die on the drive home.

It was a good day. A very good day. A wonderful send-off to the summer in fact!


P.S. Dan beat me in the game of Cows and Dead People: 5 to 2. Next time I will win.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Tie your shoesies and chase your bluesies away..."

Who's gushing and giggly?

That would be me.

"Everything happens for a reason." And I see things now that I didn't see before... I like this new reason to be in the area.

State Fair this year is going to be awesome!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Blog Every Day in August... Wait, what?

Okay, so I totally failed at the initial blogging something each day during the month of August... In fact, I have not blogged for almost a month, which in itself is also pretty lame. I'm sorry. I did recently change the template for my blog, so if you read this on something like GoogleReader, be sure to check it out!

Joseph came and went... It was so much fun! I really believe that our cast made magic every night on stage... Everyone worked hard and the audience response was wonderful! Rachel V. I've been infected with the theatre bug! I am sad that the show is over, but I am really thankful that I got to be a part of it. I made a lot of new friends! I can't wait for next year!

I've seen Inception twice. Once with a bunch of people from Joseph, and the second time with my friend Dan. I caught a lot the second time. I don't want to post spoilers here... So I won't. But it's good. Really, good. So go and enjoy an intellectual movie!

I'm at Tripoli again this year. I applied for about 30 jobs and had 7 interviews, but no dice. I'm too young. At least I have a job, I'm not complaining right now. I wanted to earlier last month, but I refrained. I started putting my classroom back together today, and I have a better idea of how I want it set up and structured. We'll see where this year goes.

It's kind of hot and humid here in Sumner. Watson is feelin' it. I'm feelin' it. I'm missing the A/C of home.

Yesterday I was a baking fiend and I made my very first fruit pie. Dan was coming over for dinner and a movie and I knew his favorite pie was cherry. So in the sweltering heat of my house I made a cherry pie. Using Bing Cherries, no less! It turned out really good, and it was suuuuuper tasty! Dan said it was the best cherry pie he had ever had, but I don't think he was being very objective.... :-)

Dan is coming over again on Wednesday. He has to go back to his apartment in Iowa City to work on some music he's composing for the production of Sleepy Hollow that is happening at the Oster Regent Theatre in Cedar Falls. Also, this coming Sunday we are going to the Iowa State Fair together! Dan has never been, so I'm excited to show him the fair. I really can't wait for the delicious fair food! Like a deep-fried Snickers bar! Plus, Mallory Lewis (Sherri Lewis's daughter) will be performing at the fair with Lambchop. Dan and I are totally going to that show and I can't wait! :-)

I have this last week of freedom before I have to be at in-service on August 16th. I am going to miss staying up late to watch Craig Ferguson every weeknight and sleeping in till 9am.

Oh! And today's date, when written in the American abbreviated way is in numerical order... 8-9-10. I only noticed that because I had to pay some bills this afternoon.

So there's a bit of an update... How was that? :-)

"I’m a find, I’m a catch And a very gifted bowler!"

...Now I know, he’ll appear,
Cause there are rules and there are strictures,
I believe the storybooks I read by candlelight,
My white knight, my knight and his steed,
Will look just like these pictures!
It won’t be long now, I guarantee!...

I haven't been happy and giggly like this for long time. :-)

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Downtime leads to thinking...

When an attractive man can sing, his attractiveness increases 1000%


I have finally gotten back to the point where I'm tired of being single and I miss having a boy in my life. Joseph rehearsals are winding down, shows are starting and my downtime is increasing. Which provides for lots of thinking and sitting by myself with my cat.

...And while I can name dozens of people who I know are single just like me, the people who stand out in my brain are the people who are/going to be married...

Watson doesn't like to cuddle. Plus my house has no a/c. Who would want to cuddle when it's so humid outside?

Kaylee: Everyone's got somebody. Wash, tell me I'm pretty.
Wash: Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.

Kaylee: Cause I'm pretty?
Wash: Cause you're pretty.

Sunday, July 04, 2010






The best time to see me is at 0:18 during the Rock and Roll number. I'm on the left, top inside. :-)


Btw, you can get tickets and info here.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I will clean ALL THE THINGS!

Yes, exactly.

CLICK HERE (rated PG-13 for language)

This is what I feel like. Especially now as I procrastinate mowing my lawn. :-P

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

A post in 4 parts....

1. I looked AWESOME on the last day of school!

Tripoli has no air conditioning, and it was HOT... So I went for a dress instead of slacks and a blouse. Many thanks to Amanda M. for giving this dress to me! I love it!

2. I got a haircut! It's smashing and wonderful! I love it! It's pretty short and perfect for summer!

3. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is coming along nicely! I'm having so much fun! I get to do a little dancing and grooving during the 50s rock Pharoah's Song and everyone gets to dance during Go, Go, Go Joseph and the Mega Mix part at the end.

Rachel V. you're right! There's TOTALLY a section at the end from Jesus Christ, Superstar. Awesome. :-D

Here are the SCHEDULED shows:

-Fri, Jul 9 at 7:00 PM
-Sat, Jul 10 at 7:00 PM
-Sun, Jul 11 at 2:00 PM
-Thu, Jul 15 at 7:00 PM
-Fri, Jul 16 at 7:00 PM
-Sun, Jul 18 at 2:00 PM
-Tue, Jul 20 at 7:00 PM
-Wed, Jul 21 at 7:00 PM
-Thu, Jul 22 at 7:00 PM
-Sun, Jul 25 at 2:00 PM
-Wed, Jul 28 at 7:00 PM
-Sat, Jul 31 at 7:00 PM

We already have on show sold out, so I didn't include it on this list. You can buy tickets here.

Here's a list of POSSIBLE shows. Meaning, they will add more shows if ticket sales are favorable:

-Wed, Jul 14 at 7:00 PM
-Sat, Jul 17 at 7:00 PM
-Sun, Jul 18 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM
-Fri, Jul 23 at 7:00 PM
-Sat, Jul 24 at 7:00 PM
-Sun, Jul 25 at 6:00 PM
-Tues, Jul 25 at 7:00 PM
-Thurs, Jul 29 at 7:00 PM
-Fri, Jul 30 at 7:00 PM
-Sat, Jul 31 at 3:00 PM

These dates are obviously not listed yet... I copied them from my schedule.

4. Instead of Blog Every Day in April there's going to be a Blog Every Day in August... I'm toying with the idea of doing an "every-other-day-video-blog" ala Brotherhood 2.0. But I don't want to do it all by myself. Anyone out in cyberspace that reads this blog willing to coordinate something? Let me know...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Social Networking told me I didn't get the job...

Facebook is continuing to increase its level of things that are annoying.... It has definitely lost its luster and excitement compared to when I joined in 2005. I'm not sure I'm going to delete my account, but is there a way to turn off the newsfeed?

I don't want to know who is also interviewing for the same job. I don't want to read that someone accepted a job where I also interviewed... With the date of their announcement posted a day before I received the rejection email. I can't fault that person for being excited and happy that they have a job. I'm just frustrated with how the school in question handled the situation.

Social networking is a blessing and a curse. (And this isn't just about Facebook's stupid changing privacy policy. Read this and this to see my point.) It's nice to catch up and connect with people who you haven't heard from in a while... But...

I've decided that Facebook is not how I want to find out about things. If it's important or significant, you should contact me outside of Facebook. Mary, you have a new boyfriend? Freaking-HELLOOOO??? WHY did I JUST find that out on Facebook????? Leah, back in March of 2007 you became engaged and you didn't CALL ME??? You let me find out on FACEBOOK??? I was your roommate! (Yes, that still irks me.)

Past actions aside, (because I'm guilty of some of this too) that will no longer be the case. My important announcements will not be made on Facebook. I'm not going to announce if I have an interview, I'm not going to say if I have a new job. If it's important for you to know, I will call, text or write it here. This is my little space on the interwebs. Don't expect it on Facebook anymore. I'm frustrated with the apathetic connections Facebook is creating, as well as the gossip, drama-filled "look at me" environment of the newsfeed. Not to mention the "interest specific" advertisements that DRIVE ME CRAZY!!!

*siiiiiiigh* Facebook is dumb. I'm going to go pack up my classroom.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's not even June yet...

First of all, I am reliving my freshmen dorm experience. It is very hot inside my house. I went and bought another fan today... It helps a little. ALL the windows are open and the blinds over the big picture window are drawn. Tonight there is no breeze. Watson is panting. You know it's hot when a cat pants. I've been leaving the fan on for him, to help move air as well as leaving out extra water and giving him access to the bathroom, since the bathtub stays pretty cool.

This weather also reminds me of when I worked at camp, and how humid, hot, sticky and uncomfortable that all is...

Also, the microwave my landlord had with the house died. It shot blue sparks and then set a bowl of chocolate chips on fire. All in 45 seconds. So in addition to my new fan, I have purchased a new 900 watt microwave. I hope it makes popcorn better than the old one. There's an ulterior motive to purchasing a new microwave so soon... (Because I really don't have the funds to spare) my only other method of cooking/warming up food is my stove and/or oven... Uhhhhhhh..... No.

Something else is I have landed a small roll in Waterloo Community Theatre's Production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I have a small, small chorus part... But my rehearsal schedule... Is insane... I literally have rehearsal scheduled from Tuesday, May 25th to the last show on July 31st. AND practices are scheduled on average from 7pm to 10:30pm. Now, that is the BLOCK of time that is set aside... Each week we get a specific schedule that tells us WHAT is being rehearsed and WHAT specific time each cast member/group needs to be there. But still... I have something every night... And I miss every Friday and Saturday night rehearsal because I waitress... Which is of COURSE the night they schedule a dance scene that I get to.... Um, stand in.

.... I'm not complaining..... It's just different. And I'm new, and in theatre you have work your way up and show what you can do.... So by-golly! I will do my best and work hard! Rawr!

... And probably get a lot of summer reading done....

It looks like I won't get to visit home for a long time until August... :-( Unless rehearsal gets canceled.

I'm sorry Jessica! I'm not purposely ditching you!!!! Now I feel I can legitimately join the Facebook group "I can't, I have rehearsal."

Tomorrow is my last day teaching for the year. Wednesday we have in-service and then I am done... Done with my first year of teaching... How weird is THAT to think about???

Rachel D. comes back from England on Wednesday! It looks like she's been having a lot of fun! She graduates on Sunday! YAY!!!!

Jessica and I just want and saw Alice in Wonderland! IT WAS SO COOL! I really, really, really liked it! I really enjoyed all the references between real life and Wonderland. :-) Johnny Depp is brilliant and I looooooved the Cheshire Cat's luminescent stripes. I do find it amusing that comes on DVD next Tuesday and I just saw it in the theatre.

Oh! And next week I am the music director for Immaculate Conception's week-long VBS program. I need to also finish up stuff for that...

Busy, busy, busy...

Well, I'm going to go to sleep... Or just lay there in bed and melt away...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A coversation over Thin Mints

Me: Do you want some cookies?
Jessica: No! I'm trying to loose the weight I gained over finals week!
Me: But we went running today! That means we can have cookies!
Jessica: No, I need to go running and NOT eat cookies.
Me: But these are Girl Scout Cookies. They don't count.
Jessica: Okay, pass them over. *eats cookies and smiles* I hate you.

Jessica is staying with me for 5 weeks while she does her first round of pharmacy rotations. I think we're off to a good start! :-D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's coming... You can't stop it... Water waits...

So it has rained in Sumner pretty much since Sunday night... Last night we had a fantastic thunderstorm! And it rained some MORE! This morning it was foggy. Bremer, Black Hawk and the surrounding counties are under a flood warning. Below is a picture of behind my house...

That's my garage there on the right. The water is about knee-high at the deepest. I know this not because I measured it, but behind my garage is a little skate part-thing and I just watched a bunch of stupid kids try to ride their bikes through the water. The water came up to the center of the bike wheel, and when they FAILED at trying to ride down the skate ramps on the bike they lost momentum and had to get off their bikes. THAT'S how I know it's about knee-high. The stupid kids stayed out there for about 5 minutes and then left.

And no, Dad. I have not checked my basement. Maybe I'll check it tonight. Or maybe I'll make Jessica do it when she comes on Sunday.

And I just saw more stupid kids ride by my window on their bikes. The looks of excitement on their faces tell me they are going to play in the water. And these kids are wearing shorts. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PARENTING THESE DAYS????!!!!

Also, no phone calls about jobs yet. It's been two weeks. :-P

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A short little day maker...

So today in fourth grade we were learning some basic rounds---One Bottle o' Pop, Down by the Station etc... And I was having the students sing along with me plunking out the melody on the piano. We got done and I finished playing and one my students puts down is lyric sheet and looks at me and says, "Wow Ms. S--! You're like.... I dunno... the QUEEN of playing the piano!"

And he wasn't patronizing me... I don't know what it was about me playing one handed... But if that's what it takes to impress a student I'll take it. The genuine comment definitely made me smile though... Because I very frequently wish my piano skills were better. I feel like I'm limiting myself as a music educator--at least right now when I'm teaching elementary music. That and guitar. Guitar would be helpful too.

Tomorrow we are learning THIS song:

Next week we are studying THIS:

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Soooo it's that time again... I should blog and update everyone else on my life. My crazy, crazy busy life. Not that it's any busier than anyone else, but sometimes all I want to do is bum around and not blog.


Today I mowed the lawn, planted flowers (forget-me-nots, poppies, daisies, inpatients, and four o'clocks) I also planted two tomato plants and then promptly covered them with ice cream buckets so they won't be hurt by the frost.

I finished about 6 and ate some buffalo wing pizza that I got from work. Did dishes. Boring. THEN I moved all my computer stuff (printer, external hard-drive etc) to the desk in my living room... And set up my WIRELESS ROUTER! *cue epic music* It took a couple minutes, but I got everything working myself... Until I tried to change the name of my network... Then I messed it up and had to brave tech support... I called and only had t wait about 5 minutes. They were playing Mozart on the waiting music, so it wasn't so bad. 15 minutes later, my network has a new name, a different password and is working just fine!!! YAY!

What else... Oh, I had a performance with the Sumner Community Theatre! The play was called The Visitors and I played Mary, a twin. (My twin sister was also called Mary. We were labeled as Mary 1 and Mary 2 in the script.) It was sooo much fun!!! My character kept spiders for pets and believed in ghosts. We had three performances and I got to wear some awesome glasses:

Here's a picture of the Cast:

Um... What else... Oh, there are 12 days of school left!

Rachel D. is gallivanting off around England... You can follow her escapades and that of her class here on their YouTube channel.

I am going to audition for the Waterloo Community Theatre's production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! I'm excited! I just want a part in the chorus--nothing big or crazy... I'm going to audition next Sunday. Wish me luck!

Currently, I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls. It's not *as* good at the first one... But it is a prequel, and I am entertained, so it's okay. Next I want to read Mr. Darcy, Vampire.

Speaking of vampires, CBS (is it CBS? Or ABC? I don't remember...) Is starting a new TV series called The Gates, which is about vampires... and the guy from The Prince and Me is one of them. Yeah... I'll watch...

OH! OH! OH! OH! That reminds me!!!! I can watch TV shows now!!!! Julie from the restaurant where I waitress had an extra digital converter box, so she gave it to me! Now I can watch Castle, NCIS, The Mentalist, Big Bang Theory, Craig Ferguson, and Doctor Who (on PBS). I missed TV a lot........ :-)

Watson is growing and getting into something everyday. He's discovered the joys of looking out the window and when he's not sleeping, he thinks he is entitled to looking outside as much as he wants, whenever he wants. Which poses a problem when I'm trying to sleep.... Because sometimes he chirps and whips his tail back and forth.

I have more stories, but I need to get to bed... I'm sleepy. Good night all!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gotta vent...

I hate sitting around in rehearsal and doing nothing. I hate it. Especially when the delay is caused by things that SHOULD have been taken care of OUTSIDE of rehearsal.

Like putting gels in the lights.

Or building stage extensions...

... Then taking 20 minutes AFTER the stage extensions are "built" to go get some furniture for stage!

And THEN trying to figure out WHO is going to run "special effects" when over half the cast is backstage and doing NOTHING. It's not rocket science--and why wasn't this plotted out beforehand?

I can put up with missed cues. Missed cues happen. Missed cues are a part of REHEARSAL----which was SCHEDULED to start at 6:30. We did not start running the show until 8pm.

*bash head here*

I don't know the whole part of the story. I don't know why the the risers weren't ready before we got there. I don't know why we didn't have furniture there already. I do know that the set, lights and props DON'T just "magically appear" and the people running them have a lot that goes into their job..... But I ALSO know that there is a time and place for installing gels, getting props and building stage extensions.... And during time scheduled for REHEARSING is NOT ONE OF THEM.

We haven't even practiced curtain call. In the time we sat around at rehearsal tonight... We could have run the show twice. And I'm not joking.

I am so glad we didn't do make-up tonight. That would have been even worse.

I realize that the director is human... And that this person has lots to coordinate and work with and run... And plenty of other things to make sure run properly... But to have over half the cast sitting around.... Doing nothing for over an hour and a half... The least that could have been said would be to come back later.

I try very hard not to waste the time of other people, so it's very frustrating when my own time is wasted.

Bleh. I'm tired and I'm grumpy and I have to be at school early tomorrow for a make up lesson. We're taping the show tomorrow night. Hopefully, everything will be ironed out and the show will run smoothly. I have make-up call at 5:30pm.

1 in 5 chance...

Back to the proverbial job application drawing board.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

*sings* A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do.....

Back when Windows 95 was the latest software.... My family had an Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade computer game. It was pixelated and awesome. You made Indy go around, collect things, explore, rescue his dad and defeat the bad guys.

This morning Amanda M. posted this AWESOME link on my Facebook wall....

8-bit Doctor Horrible (Act 1)

Doctor Horrible written as if it was an old-school NES game!!!!

And while it is super-crazy-spectacular-nostalgically-awesome by itself......... It does make me miss the old Windows 95 Indiana Jones game...

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Whoa... It's March? Really?

Jessica was complaining the other day how I never update my blog, which gives her nothing to procrastinate with, forcing her to call me several times a week... So, here I am. Posting something for Jessica to read.

Ironically enough, Jessica called as I was typing this note.

I dunno how much you'll be seeing of me around here this March. I am working two jobs, directing the senior play at Tripoli (Get Smart, March 26th!) and acting in the Sumner Community Theatre production of The Visitors (April 23-25!) I have a elementary music concert coming up (April 15th) and an honor band to attend. (April 17th.) I also help out with the bell choir at St. Paul's Lutheran in Sumner.

I'm probably going to go crazy, but you know. It keeps me out of trouble.

So that's the long and short of it... I have found some good YouTube videos that are worth sharing...

Dispite the awkward screen capture, this brings out the true hilarity of the formula most Hollywood trailers follow...

March is Music in Our Schools Month. Support the Arts!

I haven't seen this movie since it was in theatres, but this shot-by-shot live remake of the original animation is really super super super AWESOME!

This is mostly for Mom... I don't remember if I ever posted it on her Facebook wall or not... But it's pretty cool. I like Thomas Jefferson! He is ROCKIN'!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pass the medicine...

Coughing so hard you throw up sucks.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Relaxing at home...


*bang head here*


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

And steampunk makes an appearance at last...

This morning I had an awesomely fantastic dream... That for once (in the history of my awesomely fantastic dreams) was not about Doctor Who.

There wasn't much *to* my dream... I mean, it had no plot... And it was actually borderline a really terrifying nightmare... But it was COOL!

So in my dream, it was around the turn of the century... Very Victorian-esque. And I was living in London... Which was suffering from an invasion of...

Wait for it...


Not the sparkling, 21st century revised vampires... Or the futuristic "turn into creepy bat-things if they don't have human blood to drink" -kind.

No. I'm talking about an army of Bram Stoker, Gothic romance type vampires... Invading the city of London. Ready to consume ALL. No one is safe.

Not even me.

Oh, sorry... I suppose I should mention my profession...

In my dream I'm a vampire hunter. I guess a pretty good one, even though in my dream I am wearing the epitome of Victorian-era ladies fashion. (Bustle, corset, petticoats, the lot.) I have crossbow and a little suitcase of wooden stakes.

And I live in a posh apartment and also have a highly successful, vampire hunting boyfriend.

Who happens to be Hugh Freaking-Jackman.

I am not kidding folks. I had a dream that I was a vampire hunter in Victorian England, and Hugh Jackman was my boyfriend.

Rest assured that the almost-nightmare part was in no way a result of my relationship status. It was due to the impending DOOM of the invading vampires. It was one of those "wait for it to jump around the corner and SCARE you" -type dreams. I just never got to that part. Because the theme from Lord of the Rings started playing on my phone and I woke up.

Also, I feel you should know:

-I have only seen League of Extraordinary Gentlemen once, 4.5 years ago.
-I have never seen the movie Van Helsing. What put Van Helsing into my brain was THIS post on "Not Always Right" and I thought: "Wait. Hugh Jackman is in Van Helsing??? Since WHEN?! How did I miss this???"
-I also have never read Dracula. Or really seen any of the Dracula-related movies.

Subconscious brains do weeeeeeiiiird, but sometime awwwwwwwwesome things!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Feeling nostalgic...

It's snowy nights like these that fondly remind me of freshman year.... Opening the window in the bathroom (the one with the broken lock and no screen) and leaning out over the heater with Rachel V. while we brushed our teeth together... There was something kind of novel about hanging out a window at 12am, watching the snowfall... The cold made the toothpaste extra minty. :-)

And who else brushes their teeth while hanging out a window? :-)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A clever response and a broken appliance...

Don't you love those moments where you somehow manage to have a brilliant comeback? I do... :-)

Last night, when I was working at the restaurant, I was walking back from carrying an order out to the bar section and there was a customer who was asking his buddies if he could tell a joke, and they all were not letting him tell it. I don't know if the joke was dirty or in ill humor or what, but they weren't gonna listen to it. As I passed by this person, he asked me if he could tell me a joke. And I looked at him and said no thank-you, and kept walking, but he continued and asked me if I had a sense of humor...

At this, I stopped and looked at him, raised my eyebrows and replied:

"Not yours," and I went back to the kitchen.

As I walked away, the guy's buddies hailed my answer as "awesome" and one they've never heard before and heckled the guy for getting shot down so well. As I reached the kitchen I could hear him yelling for me to get back there, so he could tell me the joke.

Not a chance. :-)

Not bad for someone who can barely talk over a whisper, no? :-)

THEN. When I got home at 10:15pm I noticed that my house was exceptionally cold... Colder than it usually is when I turn the heat down to 60 when I leave.... And I discover: My furnace is not working. In fact, it's blowing COLD AIR throughout my house! (The temp read 48 degrees INSIDE. Brrrrr!!!!)

So I checked and made sure I had hot water, I checked my gas stove and made sure I had gas-- they were all working, so I figured it had something to do with the mechanics of my furnace. I called my dad like 3 times, and mom 3 times and the house once. Mom was at work and Dad was AWOL. (Although, later it was discovered that he was at the gym.) I can't get a hold of ANYONE. So at 10:40 I finally get the courage to call my landlord, who (thankfully) was still up and able to come over...

AND FIX MY FURNACE! *whew* It took like, 10 minutes tops. The heating plug---or something like that---had gone out... Which he said is typical of Amana Furnaces, so he keeps a couple extra just in case... So he replaced it, and I have heat again!!!

Which, I feel I cannot stress enough, is very much appreciated.

Now the next thing I would like would be to have my voice back and get over this blasted cold.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Preconceived notions....

Person: So Sarah, you teach elementary music? That's wonderful!
Me: Thank-you, I enjoy it!
Person: So do you play piano?
Me: No, not very well.
Person: Well, do you sing?
Me: No, not really. *laughs* Not if I can help it.
Person: Well then, what DO you do?
Me: ........

This is an actual conversation I had with someone. They were not trying to be mean or rude, they were just trying to figure out my job and my talents. But they err by making the generalization that all people who teach music can sing and/or play piano. And I was polite and friendly and explained that my main instrument is flute, and someday I want to direct a band, but I'm certified to teach K-8 general music as well as 5-12 band, choir and orchestra. My current job was my only offer, and I'm working hard to do my best with what I have. I'm always learning something new, and I'm always working to improve. Whether it's playing the piano, matching pitch with my voice or even classroom management. And my students always find ways to make me smile and keep me on my toes. :-)

And to talk a bit about this sort of music major generalization: those of you who know me, and those of you who are ALSO music majors, know that not everyone who studies music can sing (and I mean, to sing in a manner that is pleasing to the ear. Everyone is physically CAPABLE of singing.) Music majors who CAN sing or play piano.... Or even BOTH are all amazing, and their skills help them! But just because someone can't sing, or play the piano doesn't mean they lack the ability to teach. Or lack the ability to perform fantastic music by some other venue.

:::::bang head here:::::::

This post stems from a circular conversation I had this evening trying to explain that even though I teach elementary music, I do not play piano. Specifically, I do not play piano well enough to accompany soloists, choirs or church cantors. I guess this is a difficult concept for people to understand. I can play the right hand well enough to assist my students in learning the music. But I am NOT going to play the piano at the concert. Nor will I play the piano in church. Yes, to study music in college, I had to pass a piano proficiency test, but that is really nothing like trying to play the accompaniment for concerts and church services. And that test was almost THREE years ago!

Would my job be easier if I COULD play the piano? Yes, definitely YES. But just because I am lacking in this particular skill does not make me any less qualified to teach music.

What do I do?

I teach students how to listen and find the similarities between Holst's Planets Suite and John Williams' score for STAR WARS. I teach students why flutes and saxophones belong to the woodwind family even though they're made of metal. I teach students to know what I mean when I listen to music write AABBCCABCD and I teach them how to find the pattern without my help. I teach students Italian. I teach students the difference between singing, singing loud, talking and shouting. I teach math. I teach spelling. I teach history. I teach current events. I teach responsibility. I teach problem solving. I teach etiquette. I teach coordination. I teach students how to read a new language. I teach students how to recognize high and low pitches. I teach students how to MATCH high and low pitches. I teach students to sing in unison AND in parts. I teach students how to listen and identify individual instruments. I teach students how to describe what they hear and how that makes them feel and why music is important. I teach students to listen to music and try to figure out the story. I teach students how to work together.

I teach in a classroom where I often equip every child with their own individual noisemaker... And with the cooperation of my students, I take chaos and show them how to turn it into music.

So I just try and pray for patience and understanding when I struggle with people who appear to judge my ability to teach music simply because I can neither sing nor play piano well enough to volunteer and help in the community. I wish these people could see that even though I lack these two gifts does not mean that I am any less qualified to teach music.

I didn't become a music teacher for the money. I became a music teacher because I love music and I can't keep that love to myself. I want to show others just how fantastic it can be.

You'd be surprised at what I can do... And all without any great piano playing ability.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mac & Cheese deliciousness...

Okay, so once again a decent blog post is high overdue. I have things to say, it's just that when I come home from work, it's more tempting to play some School of Wizardry on Facebook (curse you Mary for getting me hooked!) and then watch a movie. Or try and catch up on TV via the interwebz.

So I'm back at school now. Unfortunately we have yet to have a full "normal" week of school. Due to weather and MLK day Tripoli, like many schools in Iowa have yet to complete a full week of school. We got out at noon today and I fulfilled my customary "rest of the day off" routine -- check out movies from the library and stop at the grocery story for things I'm need, like milk and hamburger. (I'll get back to that in a minute.) This afternoon I wrote a lesson plan and watched How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days. Tomorrow school is already delayed 2 hours. Which doesn't affect the time I go in to school... NORMALLY. Unfortunately tomorrow happens to be the day I re-rescheduled for the morning meeting for the senior play. Yes. It was the third time I've rescheduled, due to weather! How crazy is that???? :-P

Last week we had a half day on Monday because of MLK day, Tuesday was a delay, Wednesday an early out, Thursday a delay and Friday was the first full day of the week. Oh, and in case you didn't notice, or you read this and you're not from Iowa, it was FOGGY all last week! I saw the teeeeensiest bit of the sun this afternoon, through the clouds, but that doesn't count. Tomorrow is SUPPOSEDLY going to be mostly sunny. But we'll see.

Okay, so last Wednesday, in a fit of nostalgia I decided to try and make some homemade macaroni and cheese. I had some bow-tie noodles and a bunch of American cheese to use up... I *thought* I could make some like mom used to make. Well. I was wrong. In a very disgusting and bland way. I managed to eat ONE bowl and that was it. Which posed a problem. What do I do with the giant bowl of the REST of it??? I have no money, I shouldn't throw it away... So I stashed it... And thought of how to put it INTO something to make it at least palatable.

And I succeeded. In fact, the concoction I have made turned out to be incredibly delicious! (And I am feeling very smug about this...) I did a layer of tostitos chips, then the failed macaroni, covered with salsa, then hamburger then shredded cheese.... And my friends... It is sooooo gooooooood! I'm glad that I didn't throw it away!

I've started my 5th bag of Brach's Conversation Hearts, just in case anyone was wondering... :-)

Watson is doing just fine. He's still a turd, but he keeps life interesting. Especially when he does things like talk to the toilet (it wasn't even running) or staring at the wall while touching it intermittantly with his paw. (Both true.) I took some really good pictures of him last night, but for some reason my camera is refusing to upload them. :-P Rachel V. stopped by two weeks ago, on her way back to Minneapolis and she had her cat Pippin with her, so it was a fun/interesting time watching Watson and Pip interact. Pippin is 4 months older than Watson and you can tell he's going to be a big cat. But Watson is definately louder than Pippin, so in the end they were pretty evenly matched. By the end of the night they were getting along fairly well and we didn't have to keep an eye on them 110% of the time. That weekend Emily came up and stayed too and after we picked up Rachel D. we all went and saw The Princess and the Frog, which was SO FUN! I really enjoyed that movie! The villain, Dr. Facillier was so delightfully creepy and entertaining. I love 2D hand-drawn animation!

Movies I am excited for:
Toy Story 3
Alice in Wonderland
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Robin Hood
Iron Man 2
How to Train Your Dragon
Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief
Disney's Rapunzel

Stuff I'm interested in seeing, but leery:
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
X-MEN Origins: Magnito
Shrek goes Fourth
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Hobbit
Spiderman 4

The next full day we have off from school I am going to try and marathon Lord of the Rings again. :-)

Well, there ya go, folks! Consider yourself updated!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You know it's time for bed when...

You think:

Hey, someone should start a Netflix-type-thing, but instead of renting videos to watch, you could get books to read!

... And then you reminded yourself that it's called Interlibrary Loan, and is available at every public library in the history of ever.

Good-night all.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Reason I love my Mom #98836221

Because of:

Of course she is referring to this post. It kind of describes the event lightly---but at the time I was really annoyed. You would be too if you were in a cow field on a humid 95 degree evening, with mud, swamp water, blood and cow poo on your clothes... And then had to die and fall into the arms of someone who was also dirty... And being a jerk.

Wow... That seems like such a long time ago...

And as my Aunt Melissa says: The S------------- side of the family doesn't get mad. They get even.

That makes me laugh. Because sometimes it's true.

Beware! I am a demonic wing'd squirrel of fury! GRARRRR!


I love you Rachel V.


Edit: Evidently it was someone else.... I'm now trying to remember the incident.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Responsibilty kills... Or at least stinks.

Maybe I should rename Watson "Tylenol PM." Tylenol for the pain and annoyance that he causes and PM for POOPING MACHINE...

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Hello 2010...

Good-bye David Tennant.


Wow. Just wow.

No spoilers here.

But I feel so emotionally drained... I must have been bawling for the last half hour of the episode.

Now my eyes are all red and my nose is even more stuffy.

It was hard watching it alone. But it would have been harder to try and avoid spoilers.

... He was *my* Doctor...