Monday, March 20, 2006

Wow! A new post!

Okay, so I'm finally updating this. Everyone has done a great job guessing the songs! :-)

I'm actually posting because I had this amazing dream last night! I was very much impressed with the cinematic excellence of my imagination. I really wanted to post about it right when I woke up at a quarter to three, but I knew I needed to be able to get up for class. :-P So I just woke myself up enough to remember the dream.

In my dream I was home, and at my high school for a football game or something, because I was sitting in the in the Buick, which was parked on the front lawn of the school. (It's where you park when everything else is full.) It was dark and I had the inside lights on in the car. I think I was putting something away in my purse. The car was running and the radio was on, and this news flash comes on over the radio announcing that there have been sightings of a large puma in the immediate area, and everyone is advised to stay indoors until it is caught. So I'm like, ok, I'd better get home quick and I look up...


And it is staring intently at me...

Seeing this, I start freaking out... Like flailing about and yelling, as I try to get the car in gear. I definitely forgot it was already on as I thrash about trying to look for the car keys.

I finally get the car in reverse as the cat begins to stalk the car. I gun it JUST as the puma runs and LEAPS onto the hood of the car with a metallic thud. I scream, slam on the breaks, and jerk the steering wheel to the right. The cat slides off the side, snarling and yowling, and as I fumble about trying to put the car in drive. As I'm doing this, the puma jumps up and tries to break through the passenger side window. (Sort of along the lines of that horror movie about that dog... Kujo or something... I haven't seen all of the movie, only clips.) It's snapping and growling and scraping at the window with its claws. Barely able to hold the wheel because I'm shaking so hard, I stomp on the gas, and tires squealing, peel out of the parking lot,.

I turn onto the street and the puma is still chasing me. I don't know why, but I decided to try to loose it by zigzagging and looping through the street blocks. So I'm driving like a maniac jerking the wheel every-which-way as I try to escape the puma. (Oddly enough, I went from my high school parking lot to driving around the Wartburg campus... Around the suite buildings and stuff...) During one of the sharp turns I was making, the puma leaps for the car and I hit it. It flies off to the side, I race home barely able to control the car because I was so scared.

I told my parents what happened and we reported it, but on the news the next morning, they were still unable to locate the animal.

Because my high school is often dumb, they do not cancel classes and figure that they just won't have recess outside. They forbid any students to walk, so everyone either rides the bus or has their parents drop them off. It's also pouring rain outside, with some strong thunder and lightning.

I needed to go back to school for some reason, so I drive back... Still quite leery about what happened last night. (I'm driving our van now, since the Buick got beat up from the puma chase). I stop in the office to do something that I don't remember, and in the office, getting a visitor's badge was this tall, lean (handsome) rather young man, dressed in a very nice suit. Jan, the secretary, introduced me, but I don't remember his name, because in my dream I referred to him as "The Man in the Suit". (I expect it's something like "The Man in the Yellow Hat"...) Jan asked me if I would show him to the classroom on the second floor... The one on the left, next to the counselor's office. (Which, actually wasn't there in my dream. The hall just conveniently ended with a window.) So I take the Man in the Suit up to the second floor, and for some reason I just walk halfway down the hall point and out the classroom. He thanks me and heads for the classroom. I turn around and walk back, and right when I reach the stairs there is this almighty clap of thunder and the lights go out.

Kids jokingly shriek from the various classrooms and teachers shout to maintain order, and I turn to look behind me to see if the Man made it to the room, as the hall was almost pitch black.

When I turned, I could see the faint silhouette of the Man against the window, facing me.

Outside, there was a sudden flash of lightning, and in the strobing of the light, one second I saw the silhouette of the Man, and the next second I saw the PUMA and then the Man again!

In the time it had taken for me to do a double take of what I had thought I'd seen the Man walked into the classroom and was gone. Convincing myself that I was still in shock and was having hallucinations I leave.

The next part I remember is I'm back at the school, starting to walk to the football field for the 3rd quarter. I'm walking past the front of the school when I get this weird feeling and I turn around...

And (yep, I'm sure you guessed it) THERE, ABOUT 15 FEET AWAY, IS THE PUMA! It was crouched and slowly stalking me... Its tail twitching back and forth as it stared at me with unblinking eyes.

My first instinct is to run for shelter somewhere, but I was frozen in fear. I remember that I was shaking and felt very sick to my stomach. I was trying to scream but no sound would come out of my mouth.

I started to back away, still too scared to make a break for it. The cat, seeing that I had become aware of its presence began to advance quicker. As I stumble backwards the cat breaks into a jog and POUNCES for my throat!

I conveniently pass out.

When I come to (I'm still dreaming) I'm laying, curled up, on the couch in this RV which is traveling down the highway. I ache all over, and I notice that my right arm, from my wrist to my elbow is wrapped in a bandage. I slowly sit up and look around and sitting on the other end of the couch is the Man with in Suit! His right arm was resting on the top of the couch and his torso was facing me, as he was staring at me intently.

I try to back away but he tells me that would not be beneficial to my wounds and that he wasn't going to harm me. His manner wasn't warm and friendly, nor was it cruel. It was just cool and indifferent.

I managed to stammer out something along the lines of "where am I, who are you, and what am I doing here" and the Man partially answers my question by explaing (as if this dream isn't weird and crazy already) that he belongs to an obscure race of people who posses the ability to turn into cats, and that they've been feared and hated all throughout history. Like in medieval times when they burned cats because people during that period thought that cats were the devil incarnate... He stated that most of those people belonged to this "race" and now they were basically a bunch of nomadic tribes that travel from place to place. It evidentially was hard for the then to find work because they have to alter their appearance. Like wear special contact lenses to change the shape of their pupils and stuff.

Oh, and my arm was bandaged because they had used my blood to stage my death back home so they could kidnap me without worrying about people looking for me. I remember feeling like it wasn't a malicious kidnapping... It was one of those "for your own good"-type of things... Somehow I was involved in what was going to happen... lol...

The sad thing is that I woke up before I found out why I was kidnapped!!! How frustrating!

Oh, and I also remember that the RV was one of those older ones... you know, the beige exterior with the brown and orange stripes on the side. :-P And in addition to the Man in the Suit, there was a wife, a son and a daughter, and a random guy driving the RV. (Who was related to everyone else, but I don't know how....) And the guy driving the RV definitely had a mullet... Very much like David Bowie's in Labyrinth... And if you haven't seen that movie, think outrageous 80's rock star mullet. :-P

Yeah... that was totally random...

So, that's my crazy weird, amazing dream. I don't think I've ever had a dream filled with this much detail... And I can definitely pick out somethings from real life that made it into my dream... The Man in the Suit? DEFINITELY a close resemblance to Paul Bettany (Cox) in the movie Firewall. Both had very similar "cool" mannerisms. The car chases are pretty much standard Hollywood fare, so that could have come from any number of things. Why a puma? I have no idea... And it was definitely called "a puma" in my dream... not a mountain lion or cougar.... A puma... lol...

I also remember waking up and thinking "Wow Sarah... I think you've been watching too much anime..."

I hope you guys found this entirely amusing... lol :-P


Nic said...

wait, a warthog was chasing you?? that would be pretty scary, haha. good ol' red vs blue. that was a pretty vivid dream. i wish i could remember my dreams, that would be fun.

scott said...

most exciting dream/story line i've ever heard, bravo.

Sarah said...

This is me posting in my own blog from the library at school... I want to bookmark this book.

Anonymous said...


And I was like, "Wait, I've gotta lose this puma!"

Lova you disco duck!