Friday, March 17, 2006

A game... Updated

Step 1: Pick your favorite lines from 25 of your favorite songs.
Step 2: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 3: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly.

1. "Sir, I bid you welcome! Did you think that I would harm her? Why should I make her her pay for the sins which are yours!" Down Once More -Phantom of the Opera (Isaac)

2. "And take extra care with strangers, even flowers have their dangers, and though scary is exciting, nice is different then good." I Know Things Now -Into the Woods (Casey)

3. "One more day to revolution, we will nip it in the bud! I will join these little schoolboys, they will wet themselves with blood!" One Day More! -Les Miserables (Isaac, Brett)

4. "First you pound the fish flat with a mallet--then you slash through the skin, give the belly a slice, then you rub some salt in 'cause that makes it taste nice!" Les Poisson -Little Mermaid (Jessica, Isaac, and Brett)

5. "And since I am dead, I can take off my head, to recite Shakespearian quotations! No animal nor man can SCREAM like I can, in the fury of my recitations." Jack's Lament -Nightmare Before Christmas (Mary)

6. "'Twas Pirelli's Miracle Elixir, that's what did the trick, sir, true, sir, true! Was it quick sir? Did it in a tick, sir, just like an elixir ought to do!" Pirelli's Mircale Elixir -Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Mary)

7. "He must be so lonely, he must be so sad! He goes to extreme's to convince us he's bad. He's really a victom of fear and of pride... Look close and there must a sweet man inside..... Nahhh!" Scrooge -Muppet Christmas Carol (Mary)

8. "The only afirmative she will file, refers to marching down the aisle. No golden, glorious, gleaming, pristine goddess... No sir! For no Dianna do I play fawn, I can tell ya that right now..." The Sadder but Wiser Girl for Me -Music Man (Mom)

9. "Someone has to face the valley, rush in, we have to rally and win boys! When the world is saying not to, by God, you know you've got to march on, boys!"

10. "Let them bring on all their problems! I'll do better then my best! I have confidence they'll put me to the test, but I'll let them see, I have confidence in me!" I have confidence -Sound of Music (Isaac)

11. "So if you care to find me-- look to the Western sky! As someone told me lately - ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly... And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free! To those who'd ground me, take a message back from me!..." Defying Gravity -Wicked (Isaac, Brett, Mike)

12. "Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story! Needed a new leader to restore its former glory! Where, oh where was he? Where could that man be?" Springtime for Hitler and Germany -The Producers (Mike, Isaac, Brett, and Jessica)

13. "And then there suddenly appeared before me, the only one my arms will hold, I heard somebody whisper please adore me, and when I looked to the moon it turned to gold..." Blue Moon -Frank Sinatra (Jessica)

14. "Drop of a hat she's as willing, as playful as a pussy cat, then momentarily out of action, temporarily out of gas, to absolutely drive you wild!" Killer Queen -Queen (Mary)

15. "Call the principal and hand him the news! We've got a holiday, that he can't refuse! A day of harmony, a day of music: Beethoven's birthday!" Beethoven Day -You're a Good Man Charlie Brown (Isaac)

16. "I know the kings of England and I quote the fact historical, from marathon, to Waterloo, in order catagorical." Modern Major General -Pirates of Penzance (Casey, Brett)

17. "You leave your clothes out, you put your feet on my chair..."
"Oh yeah? You do such anal things, like ironing your underwear!"
"You make that very small apartment we share a HELL!"
" So do YOU, that's why I'm in hell TOO!" It Sucks to Be Me -Avenue Q (Jessica)

18. "Been down here long enough, it never felt that good, is this what I've become? My life has come unglued, and the ties that bind have left me, what am I to do?" Recognize -Flaw, used in The Swordsmen (Isaac)

19. "You’re a teaser, you turn ’em on, leave them burning and then you’re gone... Looking out for another, anyone will do, you’re in the mood for a dance..." Dancing Queen -ABBA (Jessica)

20. "No beauty could move me, no goodness improve me, no power on earth, if I can't love her! No passion could reach me, no lesson could teach me! How I could have love her and made her love me too..." If I Can't Love Her -Broadway Beauty and the Beast (Jessica)

21."What else do the simple folk do, to help them escape when they're blue?"
"They sit around and wonder what royal folk would do, and that's what simple folk do!" What do the Simple Folk Do? -Camelot (Mary)

22. "And when she sees it's me, on her caller ID, she won't pick up the phone, she'd rather be alone... But I can't give up just yet, cause every word she's ever said, is still ringin' in my head..." Just the Girl, by The Click Five (Jessica)

23. "So many years my heart has waited, who’d have thought that love could be so caffeinated?" Taylor the Latte Boy -Kristen Chenowith (Jessica)

24. "Sitting in the computer lab, 4 am before the final paper is due, cursing the world 'cuase you didn't start sooner, and seeing the rest of the class there too!"

25. "You can like the life you're living, you can live the life you like, you can even marry Harry, but mess around with Ike..."


Isaac Mahomie said...

Arg, I know some, but no time now. Fear not, I will return!

Isaac Mahomie said...

1. Down Once More -Phantom of the Opera

3. One Day More - Les Miserables

10. I have confidence? - Sound of Music

11. It's from Wicked. Defying Gravity.

15. Beethoven Day? From.. crap, which Charlie Brown?

18. How can I miss this one... Recognise, The SWORDSMEN!

hmm.. that's all that I'm sure about.

... said...

2- I Know Things Now from Into The Woods.

16- I Am the Very Model Of A Modern Major General from the Pirates of Penzance.

as for the rest....Curse you and your obscure taste in music!!! lol

Nic said...

i have no idea about any of them lol

Isaac Mahomie said...

Hey now, your supposed to start crossing off the ones we guessed correctly!

Anonymous said...

#8 is from the Music Man, I don't remember the title of the song though. I knew 4 off the bat, but those who read your blog first get to guess first! I could make educated guesses about a few of the others though...
(Don't delete the music quote when someone guesses correctly, just put the correct answer at the end of your blog post.
#1 Down Once More -Phantom of the Opera (issac mahomie)
#3 One Day More - Les Miserables (issac mahomie)
#4 is from the Little Mermaid, Les Poissons (jessica)

Anonymous said...

Here are the ones I got that are not already commented on

5-From Nightmare before Christmas
6-From Sweeney Todd!
7-From Muppet Christmas carol
14-Killer Queen - From Queen
21-From Camalot

Sarah said...

#24 Is Avenue Q, just not that song...

Anonymous said...

#25 is Nowadays from Chicago!!