Friday, March 03, 2006

Hey, I'm home!

Well, I made it home, finally... I got done with classes and all that jazz. Work too... Bleh. My sight singing test was far easier then I expected.... Just one melody out of the 100, 10 measures of the Modis Novis (an evil book that has no structured melody... it's all tritones and weird stuff like that...) :-P Unfortunately, just because it was easier then I thought, doesn't mean I did well... :-P I'm thinking this was the final nail in the coffin that is my ear training test... :-P Oh, and I got some homework back too... I need to crack down on some of that stuff... I make stupid mistakes in my work.

I did come out of music theory today with a humorous quote, however...

"Now rememeber folks--notes B and C do not make an effective triad..."- my prof. It's one of those "duh" comments that made me smile! lol!

Ok, I'm addicted to these... It's from this website. It takes music from your iTunes, and meshes them together in a "signature". I think it's way cool!


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I have some much to do this break, it's crazy! I need to review music theory, study for my psyc exam, do some ear training, practice flute, practice piano, interveiw for a summer job, hang out with cool people, and get my wisdom teeth out...

And maybe visit Cabin Coffee once or twice! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or...go to Cabin Coffee an infintely large amount of times! LoL, you gotta make up for the fact that I haven't been in FOREVER! LoL, I'm glad you're having a good time so far! Love ya!