Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ah! Math!

All right all you math people out there... Explain what a "mod" is and what a "mod26" is and how do I use it????

Our closet thing is finally bent and off the tracks for good... We will have to call maintenence. :-P

Woohoo! I'm excited about coming home! :-D I should get back sometime Friday afternoon. I have a million things to do, and tell, and all that stuff.... But it will be nice to take a break from campus.

Bleh... The Mensa made me mad tonight.... Of COURSE they would have my favorite meal today, of all days.... >:-( Chicken Strips! I ate a crab salad sandwich instead.

I think I do have a sinus infection... I took some Claritin today to see if it was allergies or something, but it didn't make a difference.... Grrr... How annoying...

One week until I get my wisdom teeth out... They are starting to hurt regularly, so I want to get them out, but I don't want to put up with the pain afterwards... I know... You can't have one without the other... :-P And I'm a wimp... But still... lol!

Today in IS we learned about the "Caesar cypher" and how to encode and decode messages. I can encode pretty well, but it's the decoding that I find hard. Maybe I have a mental block against working backwards... lol

Random: Adam Pascal is waaaay good looking!!! :-D *squeals* I love listening to him sing!
...To bad he's like... 30. :-P

*siiiigh* ANYWAYS... I'm gonna go to bed... :-P 7:45 am classes kill.


Nic said...

wtf, why are they teaching mods?? they really have no purpose that ik of. but it's like clock math. a 12 hr clock is like mod12 so 1 oclock could be written at 1mod12 which means some number that is 1 more than 12, like 13, 25, etc. so, xmody, is x more than y, where x is less than y. make sense??? if not call or IM me.

Anonymous said...

LoL Sarah you're too funny. I'm so jealous you're going home, pshaw! My parents are going to yeah, going home isn't even an option. I can't really help you w/ mods sorry, but nic up there sounds like he's got you covered. I'm steaped in calc right now, oh boy! And amen to early classes kill, this is my "late" day and I have class @ 8:30am, bleh for chem labs! Anyway, I hope you have a fantabulous time! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Adam Pascal *is* way good looking. In the way I can say that without being homosexual. He is totally my role model.

scott said...

So Sarah, you went to the concert on Tuesday, but you didn't get to come to Subway to see me with the rest of the Wartburg students.

Broken hearted.

Sarah said...

How was I to know that you were working??? You never told me! :-(