Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Who would want a Dreamer?"

Long ago there was a girl,
Who imagined many things.
Not just ships and sealing wax,
But of jewels and diamond rings.

There were fancy balls and pretty gowns,
With a castle in the sky.
Scores of handsome princes,
And a dragon living nearby.

Some adventures were in a forest,
Where she'd rob to help the poor.
And she'd have a secret hiding place,
Over the hills and 'cross the moor.

Then she'd captain a giant ship,
And bring a friend or two.
Bellowing orders and swabbing the deck,
They made a motley crew.

These dreams were there to keep her company,
They were her closest friends.
Whenever lonely times set in,
Their fun knew no end.

Slowly this girl grew older,
Reality began to set in,
Her dream took a different focus
And she didn't know where to begin.

In her childhood games,
She knew when to stop and start.
But when "real life" begins to set in,
Can she always follow her heart?

The fairy stories come harder now,
But she fights to keep them close.
When the world feels big and frightening
They're what she knows the most.

In those dreams of long ago,
She finds a safe retreat.
Remembering battling a dragon,
Helps her cope with life's defeats.

Another factor has come to play,
She wants her gallant white knight.
The search has proved harder still,
As ideas of chivalry loose their light.

But who would want a girl who's visited Neverland,
Or been a fierce lady knight?
Someone who's fought wars and saved lives,
Discerning wrong from right?

Who would want a dreamer,
Or a damsel in a tower?
Someone who's pillaged the seven seas,
Or worn a crown of flowers?

Who would want a dreamer,
Someone who listens to the leaves?
Or makes a wish upon a star,
And wants desperately to believe?

Til now the search has been for naught,
It seems no match can be found.
For who would want a dreamer,
When her dreams can't leave the ground?

The Neverland star is harder to reach,
And the sky-castle is shrouded in smog.
The world seems overtaken with toads,
When all she needs is one frog.

She'd like to find another wood
Where magic is free to roam,
For surely that's what it must take,
To bring her true love home.

Forever living out a happy ending,
Her true love and their dreams.
Jousting throughout the countryside,
And sailing the seven seas.

(c) Sarah Schnoebelen 4/29/06

Friday, April 28, 2006

My meds make me vomit.... :-(

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Okay, so I'll be first to admit that the anticipation was the worst part... I told the nurse I was scared, they let my blast my brains out to Mary's Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack (mine is back at the dorm I guess...) and they gave me gas before the IV, which barely hurt at all. (And gas definately effects my hearing... I've listened to PotC so much that I can tell when it's different... )

The doctor finally came in and he told me that I'd have to take off my headphones so he could give me directions during the surgerys, and then he was fiddling with something and next thing I remember is them telling me I was done. How great is that?

Thanks God!!!! :-)

No halluncinations though... Which is good.... and healthy I suppose.

I blacked out a little in recovery and I felt nausous so I laid there forever and ever... lol... My brain was the epitome of the elipsis (...) lol. They wheeled me out to the car and we went and got my meds.

Waiting for my meds I threw up blood and that was gross... :-( And I watched that "Candleshoe" movie, figured out how to eat a fudgecicle and then watched Pride and Prejudice. As it got near the end I got really sleepy, which is a side effect of the medication. I woke up around 5 pm and ate a pudding cup.

I felt well enough that I went to Mary and Matthew's highschool band concert. Which was amazing!!!! I thought they did really well, and I enjoyed it very much! Later I plan on e-mailing Mr. Benzing and telling him so.

Mom drove me and the little sibs home and I watched American Inventor on TV, then CSI and NCIS, both which were taped. They were awesome! I love those shows!

I'm waiting to take my super pain killer before I go to bed, which is why I'm still up. It's kind of weird... I'm not "loopy".... My meds just inhibit deep thinking... lol...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Okay... about 10 hours before I get my wisdom teeth out... I am not looking forward to this... I just want it to be over and done with and it be Saturday and me be on pain meds....

I rented:

The new Pride and Prejudice
Ruggles of Red Gap
Bringing Up Baby
And Candle---something-or-other... I forgot the rest...

4 movies that I can watch and not have to think too hard in my drugg-ed state. (I hyphenated it to accentuate how I want it articulated in your head...) :-P I should have brought Pirates of the Caribbean home... Maybe I'll watch some M*A*S*H...

I am going to take my headophones and blast the Chronicles of Narnia soundtrack through my head until it's over.... And then probably blast John Williams or Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks on the way home... needles, needles, needles, needles *AHHHHHH!!!!*

Mom needs to get:

Strawberry applesauce
Lots of Fudgecicles
Maybe some Bombpops
and make Jell-O

Ooooooooh man... This is going to suck a lot... and I'm not looking forward to it at all... And I feel like the biggest wimp of all time... I know other people who have gone through way more pain then this... Ahhhhhhhh! :-O

And if I'm freaking about about THIS, what's gonna happen when I get married???!!! I wanna have kids, but how am I going to survive labor????!!!!

(Which leads to the question: If I had a boyfriend right now, would I be as nervous about my wisdom teeth???)

*chants* Noooooooooo wisdom teeeeeeeth!!!!!!!!

I watched The Swordsmen today... You know... I never realized how well the soundtrack went with some of the action... I was re-impressed with some aspects of that movie... *reminicing* But I know Faron will be a whole different ballgame... I now know what the cattlefence can do...

...I want to gather all the feather dovets and sleeping bags and blankets and pillows and make a giant hamster nest in the middle of the living room and burrow in and never come out... Unless Sean Biggerstaff came and wisked me away...

...Maybe the drugs will make me hallucinate so that I'll see Sean Biggerstaff... I suppose that could be a... weird upside... Or Peter Pevensie... That wouldn't be so bad either...

Okay, I'm going to go shower... Because I don't suppose I'll want to after my surgery...


AHHH! :-(

This sucks... :-P

Hey God, it's me... I'm really scared about getting my wisdom teeth removed. I know in the long run it will be better for me, but it's hard to think about that right now... I know there are worse things to experience, but this is my struggle right now. What it's boiled down to is trusting in You, and letting You take the wheel in the squeaky Radio-flyer Wagon that is my life...

So here...... Here's the handle to the rickety wagon of my life... I know you won't let me crash and wipe out...

But is it okay if I close my eyes?

Love, Me


I feel kind of random tonight... I have been kind of bored and restless all day... I know why I'm like this, but it still is kind of annoying...

I took a break from the computer to draw a picture that I intended to use on Facebook, but it wasn't good enough... I haven't drawn for so long... I'm out of practice... It's kind of sad... :-( I also have watched almost all of the Strongbad e-mails on Which is really sad... I started at the bottom and got past the Trogdor cartoon.

I really like Flogging Molly... I don't know why... I guess I'm just in that kind of mood... I've been listening to them for almost the past hour.

Today I played through all of my sister's Phantom of the Opera piano book. I can finally play all the songs. Piano lessons HAVE done me good... lol... :-)

Ug... I get my wisdom teeth out on Thursday... I'm kind of stressing out about it... More about the IV and incoming pain then anything else... :-(

Yesterday I bought a half gallon tub of Edy's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream... I've been eating that... It's really good, but probably not helping the idea of the freshman 15... :-/

Terry Pratchett is an amazing author... :-D I highly recommend any of his works! I just finished his book "Mort." It's about this boy who joins Death, aka the Grim Reaper as his apprentice. It's soooo hilariuosly satirical, I love it! :-)

Wartburg Track and Field... It's 38 degrees outside! It's almost May for crying out loud!

Tonight I kind of helped Mom move Matthew's top bunk bed down to the basement. Now I have a bed and a space to myself... It's gonna take a while and some more stuff to get it a little more warm and friendly... Because there are spiders in the basement... :-P But it will do.

I don't know... I'm in a really weird mood right now and I don't know what I want... aside from food.... and a hug... lol...

Night all!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Finally! An update!

Hey! I'm finally updating!

Visiting Bre and Isaac at Bethel was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed visiting a different campus and the people I met were so nice! I really had a good time! The bus ride was certainly interesting... lol... Friday night I got to hang out with Isaac and some of the 2nd floor Nelson guys while Bre went to a concert for a class... The guys ate (and I think enjoyed) my sad crumbly cookies and we watched various flash animations. Then Bre came back and around 12 am we went to Perkins! :-D My first Perkins run of the whole entire school year! Bre and I split an ice cream Sunday. We went to bed around 2 am... lol...

Saturday afternoon we went shopping and I bought a new halter top at Kohl's that I'm excited to wear as soon as it warms up! When we got back we didn't have much time to get ready for roommate roulette... I think I took the fastest shower on the face of the earth! Roommate roulette was sooooo fun!!! :-D All the couples, in separate rooms, got name tags with Disney couples on them, and to find your date, you had to find the name that matched yours. Bre's nametag was "Jane" and I had "Esmeralda." My date's name was Tyler and he was sooo nice! Bre did a good job of finding a nice guy! :-) I had such a good time!

We started off the date by going to this organization called "Feed My Starving Children" and they package dry food to help combat hunger in third world countries. That was an amazing group bonding activity! We all got into groups and put together these high protein meals of chicken powder, dried vegetables, soy and rice. Each bag was 6 meals, and everyone worked hard to reach the goal of 8,000 meals! In fact everyone worked so hard we SURPASSED the goal! I don't remember the exact number of meals, but it was around 21,000-something!!! We packaged enough food to feed about 750 children for a month, or 51 children for a year! It was really cool! :-D

When we stopped and finished up the cleaning, they told us that we had packed 99 boxes, (each holding 36 bags) and they stated that no one had ever gotten so close to the 3-digit figure. And then all everyone was like: 99?! Why did we stop there??? Let's finish it! So another box was filled to make it an even 100. :-)

Wow, that was so amazing! :-D

After that we went to this house that belonged to the Aunt and Uncle of Rachel, who is Bre's RA. (It took me a while to figure out how I should phrase that... lol...) I rode with Bre, Yelena and... Oh gosh... I forgot her name... but she was awesome! (I'm a dork...) Our dates rode in a separate car and Bre's date was driving... AND HE IS A CRAZY DRIVER! He pretended that he was going to ram us off the road while we were on the interstate and we screamed. A lot.

At the house, there was tons of food, a bonfire, a trampoline, badminton, a ping-pong table and various board/card games. Tyler and I got food and sat around the bonfire. It was really fun. He showed me Canis Major (Sirius) and we talked about life, marshmallow roasting, compared Bethel to Wartburg, talked a little about religion and the Bible, siblings, homeschooling, camping, band (he plays trombone), international tours... Stuff like that. Again he was soo nice, and I really enjoyed it! :-) After the bonfire died down, we went inside and he played ping-pong and I played with this weird expandable spikey-sphere thing. Then Bre kicked my butt at Fooseball because I was too busy singing Broadway songs. ;-) Actually I just stink at fooseball, but that's okay. :-P Then Tyler and Bre waltzed, then Tyler waltzed with me and we talked about homeschooling some more. Finally we left around 2 am.

Back at Bethel Tyler showed us this cool path he made through the timber on campus. I thanked him for the great night, and Bre and sweet-awesome chick, and I went back to the dorms.

Her suitemates were still up (they had left the house earlier then we had) and we all talked about the awesomeness of the night overall. :-) Bre and I figured out church plans, then we FINALLY got to bed around 3:30 am. :-P

On Sunday Bre and I went to church at the Cathedral of St. Paul which was really cool! Then we grabbed lunch from a sweet little sub-shop and she took me to the bus station and I came back home!

This morning I went to the doctor with my sister to make sure that I still don't have sinus infection... And I'm clear, so I'm still on for getting my wisdom teeth out on Thursday... :-(

After that I took a nap and then finally, after much badgering from my mother, went and applied at a couple temp services. :-P

Tonight I went to Daniel's 6th grade band concert and now I'm back home on the computer!

Before I go this is an absolutely hilarious, waaay-too cool LOTR flash cartoon that I discovered while friending Bethel people on Facebook... lol.... Watch it, jam along, and enjoy!!! :-D

They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

Is it wrong that I'm so easily amused??? lol...

Anyway, I'm free until Thursday if anyone wants to do something!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


The word of the day is: Lackadaisical

Meaning: Lacking spirit, liveliness, or interest; languid.

The quote of the day is:

"Propose to an Englishman any principle, or any instrument, however admirable, and you will observe that the whole effort of the English mind is directed to find a difficulty, a defect or an impossibilty in it. If you speak to him of a machine for peeling a potato, he will pronounce it impossible: if you peel a potato with it before his eyes, he will declare it useless, because it does not slice a pineapple." -Charles Babbage

I discovered these two delightful tidbits while taking my IS 101 final. I'M DONE WITH THAT CLASS FOREVERRRR!!!!

Now... To pack, and to home!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Almost there!

2 hours and 10 minutes... That was how long I was in the room doing my music theory final. It was sooooo hard! Like the dictation stuff was a piece of cake... no problem, but the analyzing! AHHH! Some of the analyzing.... OMG! I think it made my brain metephorically explode... I don't know... Maybe I just suck really really bad at theory... Which I didn't think until now... but... *deep breath* It's over... I don't have to take theory for another FOUR MONTHS!!!! YAY!!!!

My psyc test went really well, I thought. I'm really happy with it, and I passed the scales portion of my piano basic skills test. I just have repitroire, harmonization, and four-part score-reading left.... lol I think I passed my flute freshman barrier, so that's out of the way!

*whew* Almost break!!! :-D

Monday, April 17, 2006


I do not feel ready for finals!!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!!!

Because I really don't have much to say at the moment I made of a list of random things about me...

I like long walks with no set destination.

I don’t like green beans.

Once I couldn’t remember how to spell the word “certain” for 6 months.

I love to write fantasy stories, and would like to get one published as soon as I work out a strong plot idea.

I love to draw, except that I’m not very good at drawing guys, or different facial perspectives.

I really don’t like it when people heckle me about studying, and how much or how little I do of it.

It makes me feel good when Julia refers to me as a toothpick, even though I’m really not.

It annoys me when people start talking to me on AOL and then don’t respond.

I am very very very scared of hypodermic needles. Sometimes even talking about them makes me feel ill.

I love the Harry Potter books, and I know lots of random information about the Harry Potter world. I also enjoy the movies. However, the books are so much better, and I do not believe that judgments should be made about the series based solely on the movies. Read the books and then tell me what you think.

I equally enjoy The Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings series. Again, read the books… Otherwise you don’t know what you’re missing.

I really like thunderstorms and watching lightning.

I enjoy sewing, and love to play dress up, which I justify by participating in theatre.

Even though I live in town, I really like horses and would love to someday learn how to ride and take care of them. When I was little I used to plot how I could keep a horse in our little garden shed.

No matter how others try to convince me otherwise, I hold firm to my belief that Girl Scout Camp Tanglefoot is the best camp in Iowa. I’ve been to the other scout camps, and it’s just not the same.

I think worms, centipedes, and spiders are really gross. I also don’t like bees.

As of late, I’ve been really fascinated with the ducks that have taken up residence on campus.

I really like homemade rootbeer.

I absolutely love the movie Pirates of the Caribbean and every time I watch it I revel in its amazingness to a ridiculous extent.

I really like playing the piano, even though I’m not very good.

I have an strong intolerance of what I perceive as stupidity.

At school I know a compulsive liar and I take great pleasure in topping her stories with ones that are actually true.

I like collecting silly quotes.

I enjoy stargazing..

I really like the color blue and sea foam green.

I like VeggieTales a lot, and I think Mike Nawroki (the voice of Larry) is absolutely hilarious!

No matter how much anyone complains about it, I love playing the piccolo. Yes it can be shrill and annoying. Deal with it.

Lilacs are my favorite type of flower.

Thin Mints are my favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie.

One of the quickest ways to made me very mad is to exclude me from an activity of which I am aware... Or to talk about something in front of me that does not involve/include me.

VW Bugs are my favorite type of car.

I haven’t thrown up since July 2004.

I like to catch Lightning Bugs.

I love to eat Key Lime Pie!

Often, I don’t like the fact that I have fair skin. Sunburns are never in style and I don’t like sunscreen.

It’s not a good idea to verbally agree with me when I state that I’m not very good at something.

I love the songs Build Me Up Buttercup, Just the Girl, and Almost.

Trombones and French horns are my favorite brass instruments.

Someday I would like to learn how to play the concertina.

I really like The Reduced Shakespeare Company. I think it is pure comedic genius. I am SO excited that they are coming to Wartburg next year! :-D

I’ve only been to one formal dance in my life—senior prom, and it wasn’t even at my school.

I’m going to see Wicked this summer in Minneapolis with some of my very best of friends and I can't wait!!!!

My eyes are green, and I have a genetic mutation that results in less pigment in my eyes.

I don’t show physical signs of nervousness, but sometimes it causes me to become sick to my stomach.

The monkey commercials from make me laugh until I cry no matter how many times I see them.

I’ve been up for 32 hours straight before.

I think tennis and golf are really boring to watch. Especially on TV.

I love to play card games.

I’ve never really traveled outside of the Midwest, aside from going to Europe for 2 weeks.

I think wiener schnitzel is delicious!

When I was little I was terrified of ET, those toy trolls with the jewel in place of a belly button and the Wicked Witch of the West.

I like to play croquet.

Sometimes I don't feel smart enough to deal with school.

I love eating avocado feta salsa!!!

Chai Tea with mint flavoring is my favorite coffee shop drink.

I love music by George Gershwin… Particularly An American in Paris, Rhapsody in Blue and Porgy and Bess.

I think John Williams is a composition genius. So is Stephen Sondheim.

I don’t like atonal 20th Century Music.

I’ve never been to Disney World or Disneyland.

I think clowns are creepy.

I would like to learn to play Irish Fiddle.

I like to practice my flute in my stocking feet.

I’m legally blind without corrective lenses.

Earlier in the school year I was seriously thinking about dying my hair blonde. (I’m glad I didn’t.)

Calvin and Hobbes and Foxtrot are my 2 favorite comics.

It makes me the happiest person in world when friends call me, e-mail me, text me, or comment, asking me when I’m free so I can hang out with them.

When I was 15, someone didn’t see me and pulled out in front of me while I was driving. I hit them head on at 45 miles an hour. My mom, 2 sisters, my little brother and my sister’s friend were in the car. No one had any major injuries, but it took me 6 months before I could drive again. Every-once-in-a-while, if something happens when I’m driving and an accident almost occurs I get very small flashbacks of the accident… Not panic attacks or anything… But it vividly reminds me of what my emotions felt like before and after the accident.

When I was in London, I saw Les Miserables and it was AMAZING! (Enjolras was soooooo good looking!)

The marimba part in The Cowboys Overture is my favorite part of the song.

I don’t particularly like it with when people touch my bare feet… I don’t know why they’d want too… My feet are dirty and gross. :-P

Sometimes I'm ticklish and sometimes I'm not.

I don't like swearing and I think it is an unnessicary part of the English language.

I don't support the ideas of extreme feminism.

In May 2007 I'm going to Japan, and I am really excited!

I love roasting marshmallows, and I like to eat mine burnt black on the outside and hot and gooey on the inside.

I am terrible at lighting those cheap cardboard matches that you get at hotels and stuff.

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney animated movie.

I don't like heights, and I've never been on a rollercoastser.

Well, that's all I have for now... Now you know some random and odd things about me!

...I'm going to go study for finals. :-P

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Good times... :-)

Me:"It's supposed to thunderstorm tonight."
Mike: "Nah, that was south."
"Oh yeah... My desktop weather alert is set for Waverly. I saw there was a thunderstorm watch there."
"It did storm there!"
"No! It did not!"
"No it didn't... You're lying!"
"Why would I lie??? I'm not lying!"
"Yes you are!"
"How am I lying???"
"Your mouth was kind of smiling in a funny way. You're teasing me! You're lying!"
"I'm chewwing on a TOOTHPICK! Of COURSE my mouth would be smiling in a funny way!"
"No! You were smiling!"
"Look! Look at this toothpick!!!"
"LOOK at this toothpick!!! It has chew marks all over it! It's not straight!"
"Look at this toothpick!!! I'm not lying!!!"
"Mike! A toothpick is not an indicator of whether something is true or not!!!"
"Look at this toothpick!!!"
"Fine! Look it up when you get home!"
"I will!"

Wow.... Definately some good times with Mike... :-D

Soooo I'm home for Easter break and I have to study like mad for finals... Wanna see my schedule??? :-P

10:22 -10:30 am: Piano Jury
11:30 am-1:30 pm: Psychology 101 final
2:44-2:50 pm: Freshman barrier aka flute jury
3:00-5:00pm: Music Theory final
6:15-7:00: MU 175 final (Voice Class for People Who Can't Sing)

8:00-10:00 am: IS 101 final
11:30-1:30 pm: Acting in scenes for Matt and Joslyn for THEIR final in Directing Class.


Wow... Wednesday is gonna be crazy.... :-(

I'm gonna head off to sleep... I'm kinda tired.... *yawn*

Sometimes it's good to be home... :-)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yay music!

I want to be in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Pep Band... You know... That band that plays in the 4th Harry Potter movie... before the maze...

I love that music... It's awesome!!! :-D

WOOO! Harry Potter Pep Band!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I took a page of notes about what was wrong with the church service at St. Mary's today. Bleh, I don't like that church.

A week until finals... Ooooh man... With all the studying I have to do, and SHOULD be doing this picture exemplifies what I feel like towards school:

Then sometimes I feel like this:

Sometimes I think studying fries my brain.

I have my final IS presentation tomorrow. I'M ALMOST DONE WITH THIS STUPID CLASS!!! Except that Emily and I are the first to present tomorrow and that means I can't go salsa dancing with Dr. Earl's IS class. :-(

I'm not sarcastic then I feel like loudly proclaiming that life sucks sometimes. >:-P

I'm coming home on Thursday! Probably sometimes around noon! :-) YAY! Then evidentially my family and I are going to Iowa City for Easter to visit family there. Okay.. It's gonna be hard to study for finals... :-P

Ok, I'm gonna go eat, then study for IS... And music theory.... and go to the band cocnert...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Bit by bit...


I actually talked to Hans tonight... My character is really a medic, and is one of the more "stable" personalities...


Friday, April 07, 2006


I'm slowly gleaning information about this play...

What do I know so far?

This is not a happy play. The play is a bunch of vignettes about the Vietnam War, baised on the experiences of people who lived in the midwest. Matt L.'s charater kills himself, the red and green movers move the "chess pieces" which are the named characters. The "Caller" is like the puppetmaster-- moving the pieces, and my character's husband goes crazy and she either divorces him or not... (Whichever it is, there's another character who does the opposite.)

Also, the director, Hans, knows the playwrite, so whoever THAT is might come to a performance.


*siiiigh* I really wanted to do a funny, lighthearted play... Like Arsenic and Old Lace...

May Term Play

Sooo we just found out the name of the May Term play and the cast list... The play is called "Vietnamese Chess" and NO ONE has heard of this show!!! GOOGLE doesn't even know this show!!! Go ahead. Google it! IT'S NOT THERE! :-P

Anyway, here's the cast list:

Caller- Rachel (my roommate)
Red Movers- Joslyn/Allison
Green Movers- Courtney/Katie
Sheila- Becca
Darrin- Matt L.
David- Andrew
Megan- ME!
Suzanne- Amy
Todd- Josh
Matt- Dave
POW/MIA- Stephanie

And since no one has any clue what this play is about I don't know whether to be like "Yay! I got a big part!":-D or "Awww! I got a smaller part!" :-P

First rehersal is Monday at 7 pm, soooo I guess I'll find out then what the heck is going on with this show... lol...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sarah = sleepy

Wow... My flute lesson today went amazing... Like, I wish I had realized that I needed to practice this much at the BEGINNING of the semester instead of at the end. I just need to work on keeping up the hour a day routine over May Term and the summer.

I am getting a cold... I can feel it... My throat is just scratchy enough that I want to drink lots of fluids.... I don't want a cold... Not before the band concert... Not before finals... Ahhhh! :-P

:-D It was so nice today! 66 degrees Fahrenheit!!! I loved it! :-) I sat out and read Half Blood Prince for a while... lol... I made it through the 1st chapter, because I was also semi-involved in conversations.

Ug. I feel so exhausted... It's only 8 pm, and I am so ready for bed...

Haha! My iTunes shuffle just started playing the movie Elf version of "Sleigh Ride." Yep... gonna change that... Ok, it's RENT now.... lol...

Today I also discovered something... TicTacs sting... Here's how...

I was sucking on a wintergreen TicTac today and I noticed that I had unintentionally cut my self while shaving earlier, and there was a small streak of dried blood on my leg. And not having water nearby, I like my finger and start to wipe the blood off and go over the cut. Only to realize that it hadn't scabbed over yet... And my spit was full of TicTac sugar/flavoring/minty stuff... Yeah, it definitely stung... I was like... "Whoa... Whoa! Ow!!!"

Yeah, so that's my funny story about how TicTacs sting. :-P Pretty impressive, huh? LOL!

Um... That's about all my tired brain can scrounge up at the moment. Night!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wow and update... lol

First off, Rachel said if I turn up the heat again she'll smother me in my sleep with my Hedwig pillow... lol... (And I'm currently wrapped it a quilted blanket as I'm typing this...) Once it gets dark and gets cold, I get cold... lol :-P

Wow... The week so far has been crazy with studying and stuff, but I've been in a pretty good mood... I don't know why because I have a lot of stuff going on... I have a flute lesson tomorrow, which I hope goes a lot better then last week. I've practiced a lot. *crosses fingers*

We had fajita's in the mensa today which were really good, and extremely filling... Except that now all I've been tasting are onions... lol

Yesterday I discovered two things...

One: All three floors of the library have bathrooms. I honestly did not know this until now... Probably because I don't spend time there... I know this is kind of a silly realization, but oh well. :-P

Two: I am incapable of eating Ritz cracters in an acceptable manner. If I take a bite out of it I get the most amazing array of crumbs down the front of my shirt... And putting the whole cracker in my mouth doesn't work either... It doesn't politely fit. lol...

And we just finished watching the blooper reel on the special edition Chronicles of Narnia DVD! It is FREAKIN'-HIL-ARIOUS!!!! :-D

I am addicted to Thin Mints... :-)


Today I did something that was not very college student-esque and a corresponding something that was kind of college student-esque...

1. I washed the shirt I wear for work by hand, in the giant sink in the laundry room.

2. I used dishwasher soap instead of laundry detergent.

I didn't want to use laundry detergent because then it would be all grainy. So I washed it, and dried it for free. Heehee... lol!

Okay, my contacts are all dried out so I'm going to bed.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Wow... I have so much to do today... Finish my music theory worksheet, study for my psychology test, do some ear training, finish the bow ties for Matt, practice both flute and piano.... :-P Bleh... None of which I WANT to do... except maybe the bow ties, but oh well.

Friday night Jill and I stayed up till 2 am watching the new Peter Pan. I love that movie! :-D It rocks my swashbuckling socks!

Watching Full Metal Alchemist on Cartoon Network last night was SOOOO annoying! Because it was April 1st they put extreme flatulent noises in every section of the TV show when there was no one talking. It was gross. The only reason I didn't change the channel was because it was a show I hadn't seen before.

I thought about doing some April Fool's Day post about how I was going to change my major or something, but I doubt it would fool the people who know me really well... lol... And the whole: "Mom, I'm pregnant... NOT! April Fool!" is just dumb.

It's past 12 pm and my roommate is still asleep... *eyeroll* I've been up since 9 am, and I've already been to church and eaten lunch.

For some reason last night my oscillating clock would not move forward an hour. I'd change it, then when it started up again, it reverted back and hour. It was really annoying but I finally got it to work. :-P

I've recently discovered the group Flogging Molly. They play Irish/rock music. It's kinda cool! :-)

...Tim Currey and Jason Isaacs.... Mmmmm... :-)

It's raining today, (again) and it's rather cold... Slightly depressing... And according to the weather thing on my desktop, we're under a flood watch. Oh, and there are worms all over the sidewalk... ick... :-P

Well, I guess I'm going to start tackling the things I need to do...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Post before bed...

You know.... I really, really, really like Tim Currey and Jason Isaacs. I think they are pretty much amazing. :-)

I am also fascinated with Cillian Murphy. I don't know why... But I am... :-)

*siiigh* Ooooh Jason Isaacs and Tim Currey....
