Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wow and update... lol

First off, Rachel said if I turn up the heat again she'll smother me in my sleep with my Hedwig pillow... lol... (And I'm currently wrapped it a quilted blanket as I'm typing this...) Once it gets dark and gets cold, I get cold... lol :-P

Wow... The week so far has been crazy with studying and stuff, but I've been in a pretty good mood... I don't know why because I have a lot of stuff going on... I have a flute lesson tomorrow, which I hope goes a lot better then last week. I've practiced a lot. *crosses fingers*

We had fajita's in the mensa today which were really good, and extremely filling... Except that now all I've been tasting are onions... lol

Yesterday I discovered two things...

One: All three floors of the library have bathrooms. I honestly did not know this until now... Probably because I don't spend time there... I know this is kind of a silly realization, but oh well. :-P

Two: I am incapable of eating Ritz cracters in an acceptable manner. If I take a bite out of it I get the most amazing array of crumbs down the front of my shirt... And putting the whole cracker in my mouth doesn't work either... It doesn't politely fit. lol...

And we just finished watching the blooper reel on the special edition Chronicles of Narnia DVD! It is FREAKIN'-HIL-ARIOUS!!!! :-D

I am addicted to Thin Mints... :-)


Today I did something that was not very college student-esque and a corresponding something that was kind of college student-esque...

1. I washed the shirt I wear for work by hand, in the giant sink in the laundry room.

2. I used dishwasher soap instead of laundry detergent.

I didn't want to use laundry detergent because then it would be all grainy. So I washed it, and dried it for free. Heehee... lol!

Okay, my contacts are all dried out so I'm going to bed.

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