Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!!!

Because I really don't have much to say at the moment I made of a list of random things about me...

I like long walks with no set destination.

I don’t like green beans.

Once I couldn’t remember how to spell the word “certain” for 6 months.

I love to write fantasy stories, and would like to get one published as soon as I work out a strong plot idea.

I love to draw, except that I’m not very good at drawing guys, or different facial perspectives.

I really don’t like it when people heckle me about studying, and how much or how little I do of it.

It makes me feel good when Julia refers to me as a toothpick, even though I’m really not.

It annoys me when people start talking to me on AOL and then don’t respond.

I am very very very scared of hypodermic needles. Sometimes even talking about them makes me feel ill.

I love the Harry Potter books, and I know lots of random information about the Harry Potter world. I also enjoy the movies. However, the books are so much better, and I do not believe that judgments should be made about the series based solely on the movies. Read the books and then tell me what you think.

I equally enjoy The Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings series. Again, read the books… Otherwise you don’t know what you’re missing.

I really like thunderstorms and watching lightning.

I enjoy sewing, and love to play dress up, which I justify by participating in theatre.

Even though I live in town, I really like horses and would love to someday learn how to ride and take care of them. When I was little I used to plot how I could keep a horse in our little garden shed.

No matter how others try to convince me otherwise, I hold firm to my belief that Girl Scout Camp Tanglefoot is the best camp in Iowa. I’ve been to the other scout camps, and it’s just not the same.

I think worms, centipedes, and spiders are really gross. I also don’t like bees.

As of late, I’ve been really fascinated with the ducks that have taken up residence on campus.

I really like homemade rootbeer.

I absolutely love the movie Pirates of the Caribbean and every time I watch it I revel in its amazingness to a ridiculous extent.

I really like playing the piano, even though I’m not very good.

I have an strong intolerance of what I perceive as stupidity.

At school I know a compulsive liar and I take great pleasure in topping her stories with ones that are actually true.

I like collecting silly quotes.

I enjoy stargazing..

I really like the color blue and sea foam green.

I like VeggieTales a lot, and I think Mike Nawroki (the voice of Larry) is absolutely hilarious!

No matter how much anyone complains about it, I love playing the piccolo. Yes it can be shrill and annoying. Deal with it.

Lilacs are my favorite type of flower.

Thin Mints are my favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie.

One of the quickest ways to made me very mad is to exclude me from an activity of which I am aware... Or to talk about something in front of me that does not involve/include me.

VW Bugs are my favorite type of car.

I haven’t thrown up since July 2004.

I like to catch Lightning Bugs.

I love to eat Key Lime Pie!

Often, I don’t like the fact that I have fair skin. Sunburns are never in style and I don’t like sunscreen.

It’s not a good idea to verbally agree with me when I state that I’m not very good at something.

I love the songs Build Me Up Buttercup, Just the Girl, and Almost.

Trombones and French horns are my favorite brass instruments.

Someday I would like to learn how to play the concertina.

I really like The Reduced Shakespeare Company. I think it is pure comedic genius. I am SO excited that they are coming to Wartburg next year! :-D

I’ve only been to one formal dance in my life—senior prom, and it wasn’t even at my school.

I’m going to see Wicked this summer in Minneapolis with some of my very best of friends and I can't wait!!!!

My eyes are green, and I have a genetic mutation that results in less pigment in my eyes.

I don’t show physical signs of nervousness, but sometimes it causes me to become sick to my stomach.

The monkey commercials from make me laugh until I cry no matter how many times I see them.

I’ve been up for 32 hours straight before.

I think tennis and golf are really boring to watch. Especially on TV.

I love to play card games.

I’ve never really traveled outside of the Midwest, aside from going to Europe for 2 weeks.

I think wiener schnitzel is delicious!

When I was little I was terrified of ET, those toy trolls with the jewel in place of a belly button and the Wicked Witch of the West.

I like to play croquet.

Sometimes I don't feel smart enough to deal with school.

I love eating avocado feta salsa!!!

Chai Tea with mint flavoring is my favorite coffee shop drink.

I love music by George Gershwin… Particularly An American in Paris, Rhapsody in Blue and Porgy and Bess.

I think John Williams is a composition genius. So is Stephen Sondheim.

I don’t like atonal 20th Century Music.

I’ve never been to Disney World or Disneyland.

I think clowns are creepy.

I would like to learn to play Irish Fiddle.

I like to practice my flute in my stocking feet.

I’m legally blind without corrective lenses.

Earlier in the school year I was seriously thinking about dying my hair blonde. (I’m glad I didn’t.)

Calvin and Hobbes and Foxtrot are my 2 favorite comics.

It makes me the happiest person in world when friends call me, e-mail me, text me, or comment, asking me when I’m free so I can hang out with them.

When I was 15, someone didn’t see me and pulled out in front of me while I was driving. I hit them head on at 45 miles an hour. My mom, 2 sisters, my little brother and my sister’s friend were in the car. No one had any major injuries, but it took me 6 months before I could drive again. Every-once-in-a-while, if something happens when I’m driving and an accident almost occurs I get very small flashbacks of the accident… Not panic attacks or anything… But it vividly reminds me of what my emotions felt like before and after the accident.

When I was in London, I saw Les Miserables and it was AMAZING! (Enjolras was soooooo good looking!)

The marimba part in The Cowboys Overture is my favorite part of the song.

I don’t particularly like it with when people touch my bare feet… I don’t know why they’d want too… My feet are dirty and gross. :-P

Sometimes I'm ticklish and sometimes I'm not.

I don't like swearing and I think it is an unnessicary part of the English language.

I don't support the ideas of extreme feminism.

In May 2007 I'm going to Japan, and I am really excited!

I love roasting marshmallows, and I like to eat mine burnt black on the outside and hot and gooey on the inside.

I am terrible at lighting those cheap cardboard matches that you get at hotels and stuff.

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney animated movie.

I don't like heights, and I've never been on a rollercoastser.

Well, that's all I have for now... Now you know some random and odd things about me!

...I'm going to go study for finals. :-P


Nic said...

wow, what a list. how long did it take you to come up w/ that?? it'd take me forever.

Anonymous said...

One time, I made a list like that. And then I found twenty dollars. But, I didn't really make a list. And I didn't actually find twenty dollars. So, umm, I guess none of that is true really.

Laura said...

i think you're awesome.

i once made a list of everything i wanted to learn to do and everything i wanted to know about myself before i die.

it was a long list. the length of the list was a little depressing. or inspiring. take your pick.

my favorite one that i've gotten to cross off is:

37. Walk barefoot through the halls of my high school, in front of an administrator, and smile because i know they are watching.

Nic said...

nice, that sounds fun. i have walked barefoot throught HS too.

scott said...

I walked through high school barefoot once too, it was fun. I also skipped my lunch which I am not supposed to do, and a study hall, which I am not supposed to do, just to go to Fazoli's (sp?), during wrestling season to eat some pizza, which I am not supposed to do, that was also fun.

scott said...

I have two questions, Does feminism mean for or against women? and since we know everything else about you Sarah, I thought we would only need to know at least one more thing- What is your favorite kind of gum? How is anybody supposed to know what kind of person you are if they don't know what kind of gum you like? lol

scott said...

I suppose that is three questions, but I that last one is sort of rhetorical. you don't have to answer that one.

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Feminism is supposedly for women, like the right to vote and equal pay in the workforce, but it's become misguided to the point where feminists are saying that women are superior and no longer need men. Some feminists won't even allow men to hold the door open for them out of curtesy.

As for my favorite gum, that would be the Original Bubbletape. :-D It's 6 ft of bubblegum goodness!

Sarah said...

Curtesy being the act of holding the door... Just to clarify....