Thursday, June 23, 2005

Cattle Fences 101...

Yesterday, I went over to my friend Isaac's house to work on this summer movie that he and his friend John are making. I'm really excited to be a part of it. So far it has been really fun! It's a 'medieval war-type' movie, and Isaac and John play the two leads: Matt and Jack. John wrote the script, and it ROCKS! My character's name is Rebecca, she's a seamstress, and is Jack's love interest. Laura, who I met working on this movie, plays Athena, who is the daughter of the king, and is Matt's love interest.

So anyway, Isaac lives in the country and has a nice big backyard with lots of space to use for the movie. (Not to mention the coolest tire-swing EVER!!!!!) I went over around 1 pm and filmed some scenes with just John and I, which actually went pretty smooth... We got a scene done in one take! YAY! Isaac came home from work around 3 pm, and he and John worked on some props. I got to tag along with John to Ace Hardwear for some PVC pipe to make a new bowstaff, because Isaac had accidentially stepped on it and broke the first one, while filming on Tuesday. After they finished the props, Laura got there and we filmed a scene that included John Isaac, and I. Then they decided to go out to the woods behind Isaac's house to film the fight scene between John, Laura, and Isaac.

So.... Isaac, John, Laura, Drew, who is the cameraman, and I are all plowing through this field of tall grass, as we try and make our way to the woods... (I should also mention that I was wearing my cosume, which is a dress with an ample skirt...) And to get to the woods you have to cross over this fence... Which so happends to be an electric fence, for cows... And guess who tried to climb over while not paying attention to where she was placing her hands. Yep... Me... Oh, man... it hurt! *laughs* Laura told me to follow her as she jumped onto this cement block, and climbed over... So I made my way towards her... and as I lean over, to climb up, I fail to notice the little wire....


Yes, I got shocked by the cattle fence... So everyone hears this 'crack' noise, and I shriek, pull my hand back, and somehow accidentially touch it again, and kind of jolt backwards. Everyone was like: "Oh my gosh, Sarah! Are you okay?" and Drew says from behind me: "I got it!"

SO, not only do my friends get to see me get zinged by the fence, it is now on tape... And it's going on the blooper reel when we finish the movie, for everyone else to see! Oh... It hurt alot.... But the laughs we had afterwards were totally worth it! And at the end of the day, when we went over the footage, we were quite boistrous as we watched me get zapped... again... and again... :-D

And my right arm is a little tender today... Gee, I wonder why? :-)

Note to self: Next time, it might be a good idea to put shoes on before you go tramping about the woods... Sticks and stinging nettles can really mess up your feet.

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