Monday, June 27, 2005

Busy Day!

Lot's of stuff happened today! I accidentially slept through my alarm today, so I had to go to the 10 am church, which sorta upset my brother, because he wanted to go to the pancake breakfast that was after the 8 am service. Then I worked on my Girl Scout service project a little bit. After that I went to my municiple band concert, stopped in at the party that the movie rental place, where I also work, was holding at 'The Other Place', then I went to Isaac's to work on the movie.

Ah, the movie.... After everyone got to Isaac's, there was mass confusion about how we were going to do my death scene, in terms of costume, seeing that I have to have an arrow 'through' my chest. After many bouts of mass miscommunication, we got it figured out. We covered it by me wearing a nifty sash.

We had to go out to the field behind Isaac's house again... Past the cattle fence. And no, I did not get zapped, but since it rained yesterday.... Oh, my gosh, it was a soggy mess... Trying to get there was a new challenge altogether.... And once we got to where we were filming, we had to watch out for the cow pies... There were a lot of cow pies.

Sooo, the scene we were filming just so happens to be my character's death scene. It's supposed to be the 'tear-jerker' in the movie. My character takes an arrow in the place of Jack, and dies in his arms. Romantic? It was supposed to be... Now add in the fact that we just spent close to 20 minutes getting to our location, across what has now become something akin to the Dead Marshes from The Two Towers. Mud, water, cow pies and mosquitoes, you name it, minus Gollum. Oh, and did I mention that it was also around 90 degrees, and about 80% humidity? Yes, we were sweating... (I think it was far more hot today then Wednesday...) Yes, it sucked. And yes, my hair was frizzing out like none other.

And so, we filmed a shot of the villian who kills me, and a shot of me looking this way and that... Then a shot of Laura and I, then the both of us running... etc. FYI, running through a soggy, marsh-like field, littered with cow pies is not fun. Especially in a long dress, and in bare feet. So we finally, FINALLY get to the part when I actually 'die'. And you know what? I suck at dieing... LOL... It is hard... Especially when you have lines... So I am trying to get this scene figured out with John... Basically it's: I get shot, John catches me, I land in his lap, speak lines, die. So we were trying to block the shot, and I'm in John's lap, (amid the cow pies) with this arrow on a wire under my arm... And I'll admit, it's an awkward situation to be in... Plus, with the tempurature and humidity the way is was, behing in an 'intimate situation' was the last thing either of us wanted to do... In addition to that, we were having some problems getting the arrow to lay correctly... And John, being John... I don't know... Made a comment about my chest, which I didn't appreciate. I mean, I've heard far worse then what he said, but that still doesn't mean that I liked it. He basically said "I just don't want to mess with the 'merchandice'." *shakes head* So I punched him in the jaw... It wasn't terribly hard, but it let him know that I didn't like what he said... And Isaac and Laura totally agreed with me that John deserved it, for what he said.

AND it is quite late, so I will finish what I want to say in this post after I wake up.

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