Monday, June 27, 2005

Busy Day Part 2

Okay, so to finish my previous post...

So after I punched John, it took awhile to get the scene done, becuase the 'mood' was gone. And completing the scene constisted mostly of me running from several directions, acting like I'd been shot, and John catching me... Poor John... I'm not very good at falling either....

After my stuff had been shot, they had to re-do some of the stuff from Wednesday because some of the dialogue had gotten cut off. So by the time we were done, it was around 8 pm, and we had to trudge back, through the Dead Marshes, to Isaac's house... My costume was a complete mess by this time... It was wet, covered in mud, grass stains, and cow crap. Somehow, I had even scraped up my knee, so there was blood on it too.

Back at Isaac's, we all rinsed off our feet with the hose, and changed. Isaac and John discussed how Isaac was going to kill the villain, while I played on the tire-swing, and Laura chilled out in the tree house. We eventually made it inside, where we sat in the dark of Isaac's basement, and just hung out, and talked about random things. Then Isaac's brother got off the gamecube, and we watched the footage from the day... Which was okay... I guess... Considering that I suck at dieing...

When we finished watching the dailies, it was around 10:15 pm, and I had told my mom that I would be home around 10. Ooops. So I called, because I also wanted to stay and watch the movie Isaac was starting, but mom said that I had to come home... Which ticked me off... She is no fun.... So I had to leave. :-( I gave Drew a ride home, then made my own way back home.

Halfway home, I noticed this nasty smell in the car, and I couldn't figure out what it was... It smelled really bad... Then about 5 minutes later, I realized that it was my dress that was stinky... Yuck. So when I got home I put it to soak in the bathtub, and I scrubbed out all the stains with a bar of hand soap. It worked very well, I was impressed. I knew that if I had just thrown it in the washer, I would have had to wash it several times to get all that gunk out, so I took the time to scrub it, and wash it once. Yay me!!!

I also disreguarded my "note to self" from Wednesday's post and went barefoot through the tall grass again... This time, I noticed, as I cleaned up, I wasn't so lucky. I have a nasty cut on my... ring toe???? It's the one next to my pinky toe, on my left foot. It was not fun trying to clean it... Yeah, so that wasn't so smart.

So it looks like my scenes as Rebecca are all done... I don't know if I should be sad or happyy... I've have alot of fun hanging out with Isaac, John and Drew.... I think I'm going back to Isaac's today though... To be an 'extra'.

But first, I have to get my chores done... Fun stuff.... Not!

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