Thursday, February 02, 2006


Okay, so I took a short nap this morning and had this weird creepy dream... It had the feeling like it could become a nightmare but I woke up before it got really bad...

Rachel, someother people and I were watching a video of some stage production of something along the lines of Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas... Which is creepy already... :-P And for those of you, who have seen the actual movie, do you remember the mayor? How his head can turn around and switch faces? Well there was this character like that, except that it had like, 6 different faces... And do you know the name of this character?? "Crazy Bus". I dunno why it was call "Crazy Bus" but it was... and yes, it was shaped like a bus, and the different head were all different little kids that would ride a bus to school.

That's all I really remember, except that "Crazy Bus" was creepy, so in my dream I decided to go to bed, but they were still watching the movie, and I was trying to sleep, and Crazy Bus was talking.

Ah! Sooooo creepy!

-I have really weird dreams....


Nic said...

are you sure that you're not on something sarah?? that's pretty messed up.

Sarah said...

No! I promise I'm not on anything! I had hashbrowns and a blueberry waffle for breakfast and that was it! :-P

Anonymous said...

LoL, sounds like my kind of dream! At least I'm comforted that I'm not the only one with really weird dreams! Mwhahahaha! *starts singing* "Oh Mr. Sandman..."