Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Hello. My name is Sarah. I am a survivor.

I survived 6 tests in three days...

Midterms hit me hard this semester... I had two written finals (one each. 1 + 1 = 2) for my flute, clarinet saxophone class and my trumpet, French horn class on Monday. On Tuesday I had a psychology test, a French horn proficiency test, and a French horn teaching evaluation. Today I had a "surprise" music theory ear training test. It's 3:11 pm and I am done with classes for the day.

I wish the rest of this cold would go away... It's kind of annoying.

I wonder... If I started watering Charlie the II with orange colored water, would he start to turn orange? Like those carnations you get on St. Patrick's day, that are green....?

I need a haircut....

No contacts yet. I think not having them is giving me OCD. I seriously have checked my mailbox 6 times today. :-P I hope they come soon.

Note to self: Do not drink pepsi at 11 pm, and then eat Laffy Taffy as a bedtime snack. The two kinds of sugar, plus caffiene makes you feel weird when you try to go to sleep.

Well, I told Julia I was gonna meet her at 3:30 pm in the FAC. She has some old John Denver records that we're gonna rock out too. :-) Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a nut! And as for the orange thing...hmm...when you stick flowers in colored water you get a tint (but I bet it shows up on white the best ya know?) And since you're pouring it would definetely take it up by osmosis partially...whatever, it's late. *hugs* You survived, I'm just "upping my miles" for my "marathon training" as my calc teacher puts it! Oh boy! I'm heading to the front lines Sarah; just like the ones you came out of!
Love you!