Thursday, February 09, 2006

Fun Things!

Okay, so I definately should hang out in Julia's dorm more often... Fun things happen!!! :-D

First of all I ate dinner with Julia and Jill. Julia has this dot on her hand that is supposed to be like a mood ring. It changes colors. It's for her PE class. This led to a lot of discussion about WHY it wouldn't change from black. (Black = stress). Then, after dinner, I ate some of Julia's chocolate mint cookies, which were deeelicious, and we looked at her confetti cake. After that I got on her roommate's computer and spammed Julia's Wartburg e-mail account, by sending her an e-mail that only said "spam" over and over again. I am so clever! :-D After thaaaaat we discovered that Jill had sat on the confetti cake. Yes. SAT on the confetti cake. Luckily, it was covered with plastic wrap. However, one side is definately flatter then the other. Wow, it was pretty much hilarious! :-D

Oooooooooh my goodness, we laughed really loud, and really hard. It was great!


And then Julia's dot turned green. (Green = happy)

And then Jill left and I watched Julia clean her YAHOO! e-mail account of REAL spam. Yeah, she hadn't checked her mail for a week and she had 237 e-mails. *237* Wow, THAT was a good time!! She won a lot of X-boxes and stuff... And a bunch of e-mails want her to be a cop... That was amusing. We discovered that she had gotten so many spam e-mails because her spam filter was turned OFF! Stupid yahoo.... :-P

And then Julia made puppy chow with her friend Ellie... And they said some Facebook worthy quotes, so, since I was on Julia's compy, she told me her password to add the quotes to her account... >:-) Those of you who have Facebook... heehee... check it out...

Test results:

Music Theory II: B+ Yay!!!!
Psychology: C bleh... but I heard no one did very well... and she doesn't keep your lowest score, so I'll be okay.
Clarinet test: B Yeah... My chromatic scale was... not chromaticly correct.... :-P
Trumpet test: B- Trumpet scales are stupid because you only have 3 valves... How are you supposed to get 13 notes and their octaves with just 3 valves????? I am not meant to be a brass player.

However, I do like French horn... hmm... *shrugs*

We talked about hypnosis in Psychology today, it was pretty interesting... How some people are suspeptable to it, and some aren't. Then we watched this amazing movie made in like, 1999 or something, judging by the computer graphics. It was about the chemicals in the brain and how they can be changed, monitored and stuff. It made me laugh a lot... The music was this computer "techno" stuff and... It was like those educational PBS TV shows that you have to watch in middle school or something. :-P

I took a nap today, before band. When I went to sleep, it was brown and bare outside. When I woke up, an hour later, it was white and snowing. I must admit, my sleepy brain was out of its league for a whlie. It was kind of amusing.

And my comma key on my compy is sticking, or not allowing itsself to be easily pressed.... How annoying...

My feet hurt so I'm going to go to bed.

1 comment:

scott said...

I guess everbody at these community colleges are just sitting around and having fun, and none of the so called credits we are recieving count for anything at all do they? It's all fake. We're just putting you on. Ha ha ha ha ha...