Monday, February 06, 2006


Ok, so it was just pointed out to me that the awesome new calendar that I bought at Kepharts Music Sale they had here on campus last Friday is LAST YEARS CALENDAR!!! And it totally says *2006* on the front cover. And it was shrink-wrapped too... That makes me mad.... grrrr.... I might write Kepharts or something... >:-(

Oh, and I did laundry, which is happy! I now have 3 weeks worth of clean socks! Yay! :-D I also washed my pillowcases and towels... Hooray clean!

But, I missed a Kleenex in some pocket, so there were bits of tissue all over my laundry...


And annotated bibliographies are NOT my friend! Henceforth, I have declared them my enemy, and they shall be met with much anger, hatred and aggression. Well... At least very loud protestations whenever they are assigned.

GAH! I do not like this cold at all... It kept me up almost all night, last night... I got about 3 hours of sleep. And I was already exhausted from the night before... I couldn't breathe, and a cough started and my throat itched, but I was too tired to get out of bed for a drink of water. My nose was clogged, but I had already taken the max dosage for pseudophedrine, and my nose was (and still is) sore from blowing it all day.... and, and, and... yeah. It was not fun. I thought about calling or texting some people who I thought might be up at quarter to two in the morning, but I was coughing and blowing my nose quite a bit, and I was so tired, all it would have been was whining and tears due to extreme exhaustion. So I toughed it out and finally slept for a bit.

In the past 2 days, I have gone through one box of psuedophedrine, half a box of psuedophedrine sinus, and a box and a half of tissues.

I hate this cold... >:-P

And now it's Monday and I haven't practiced piano or flute at all, due to this blasted cold. *siiiigh*

And, I have more, but I need to get to bed, so I'm gonna stop here. Night!


Anonymous said...

Being a nerdy English major...I love annotated bibliographies - so if you need help, I'm there!

And sorry about the cold...nasty little virus, huh? We made friends eventually, and plotted the sickness of many a person here on Wartburg campus...


I would offer you a kleenex, but alas! Mine are all gone!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. the above comment was from me...Emily DeLong...oops.

scott said...

I have a question. Are annotated bibliographies another word for siting your sources? If so, I posted this link on my site that might help, unless these assignments are in class.

Anonymous said...

Awww, I'm sorry. That calendar thing sucks. And I've done the whole kleenex through the laundry thing. Blaaah. Not fun. Sorry you're feeling way sick too. :( Hope you get to feeling better soon!

... said...

I am ALWAYS up at 2 in the morning. this you know.:)