Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gotta vent...

I hate sitting around in rehearsal and doing nothing. I hate it. Especially when the delay is caused by things that SHOULD have been taken care of OUTSIDE of rehearsal.

Like putting gels in the lights.

Or building stage extensions...

... Then taking 20 minutes AFTER the stage extensions are "built" to go get some furniture for stage!

And THEN trying to figure out WHO is going to run "special effects" when over half the cast is backstage and doing NOTHING. It's not rocket science--and why wasn't this plotted out beforehand?

I can put up with missed cues. Missed cues happen. Missed cues are a part of REHEARSAL----which was SCHEDULED to start at 6:30. We did not start running the show until 8pm.

*bash head here*

I don't know the whole part of the story. I don't know why the the risers weren't ready before we got there. I don't know why we didn't have furniture there already. I do know that the set, lights and props DON'T just "magically appear" and the people running them have a lot that goes into their job..... But I ALSO know that there is a time and place for installing gels, getting props and building stage extensions.... And during time scheduled for REHEARSING is NOT ONE OF THEM.

We haven't even practiced curtain call. In the time we sat around at rehearsal tonight... We could have run the show twice. And I'm not joking.

I am so glad we didn't do make-up tonight. That would have been even worse.

I realize that the director is human... And that this person has lots to coordinate and work with and run... And plenty of other things to make sure run properly... But to have over half the cast sitting around.... Doing nothing for over an hour and a half... The least that could have been said would be to come back later.

I try very hard not to waste the time of other people, so it's very frustrating when my own time is wasted.

Bleh. I'm tired and I'm grumpy and I have to be at school early tomorrow for a make up lesson. We're taping the show tomorrow night. Hopefully, everything will be ironed out and the show will run smoothly. I have make-up call at 5:30pm.

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